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The Universe is not a computer simulation

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posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 07:45 AM
Be it computers, clocks, quantum physics or simulated reality, I think it would be extremely arrogant for humans to think we can categorically state anything about the nature of the universe based on a comparison to our existing computer tech.

Only 2000 years ago, cave-dwellers walking a desert would have assumed a light travelling across the Sky was a sign from God. We now know it to be a shooting star, or perhaps a satellite, thanks to science.

Only 1000 years ago, an intelligent human exposed to our modern day tech - such as Television, Facetime, holographs, and so on - would have deemed it sorcery or magic.

Only 500 years ago, the notion of a spaceship would have seemed impossible to even an intelligent human.

How can we even try and wrap our heads around the technology of beings who are likely much more advanced than us - not by 500 years, or 1000 years, or 2000 years ................ but possibly 10,000,000 years or more?

If there is technology behind the workings of this universe, you can bet your ass it's not 1s and 0s, and it's probably even way beyond Quantum physics.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: elgaz
Be it computers, clocks, quantum physics or simulated reality, I think it would be extremely arrogant for humans to think we can categorically state anything about the nature of the universe based on a comparison to our existing computer tech.

Most people don't make categorical statements abut the universe; most of us know it beyond our comprehension - at this stage at least.

Only 2000 years ago, cave-dwellers walking a desert would have assumed a light travelling across the Sky was a sign from God. We now know it to be a shooting star, or perhaps a satellite, thanks to science.

The shooting star could be a sign from God to this day. Not even science knows the true nature of a shooting star...

Only 1000 years ago, an intelligent human exposed to our modern day tech - such as Television, Facetime, holographs, and so on - would have deemed it sorcery or magic.

If somebody saw/heard something today that betrayed their eyes/ears, they would still put it down to something supernatural or at least question their mental functioning.

Only 500 years ago, the notion of a spaceship would have seemed impossible to even an intelligent human.

Spaceship...where? Did you mean rocket?

How can we even try and wrap our heads around the technology of beings who are likely much more advanced than us - not by 500 years, or 1000 years, or 2000 years ................ but possibly 10,000,000 years or more?

There is as much evidence confirming the existence of aliens as there is for God. Your assumption that alien life exists is a belief. It might be a rational belief, but it still doesn't constitute empirical evidence. What is key to science again? Empirical evidence.

If there is technology behind the workings of this universe, you can bet your ass it's not 1s and 0s, and it's probably even way beyond Quantum physics.

However, are we plugged in to the real universe? That is the question...

edit on 14-9-2017 by Incandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel
OS/360 or VM/370 - There was computing before PCs.

The first computer that I ever worked on, was a PDP 11/35. I still have an 8K core memory module from one of them. I bootstrapped it using a 60 foot long paper tape. After the bootstrap, you could then load the OS from a Cypher tape drive.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: fredrodgers1960

originally posted by: roadgravel
OS/360 or VM/370 - There was computing before PCs.

The first computer that I ever worked on, was a PDP 11/35. I still have an 8K core memory module from one of them. I bootstrapped it using a 60 foot long paper tape. After the bootstrap, you could then load the OS from a Cypher tape drive.

Nice :

Well here is a Concept of what looks like a Modern Tower and Keyboard Hooked Up on a Hologram Device?
way back in 1954 in a Galaxy Digest a Programer/USER overlooking its Freewill Programs .. LOL

or a concept of a PC Tablet aka NewsPAD 1969

THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR explores the ominous possibility of computer simulated universes, where people only believe they are real. Douglas Hall (Craig Bierko) and his boss, Hannon Fuller (Armin Mueller-Stahl), have re-created 1937 Los Angeles

The 13th Floor trailer

The Thirteenth Floor (1999) - transcending into another reality

The Thirteenth Floor - The Truth Scene
Alternate Ending: "The 13th Floor" too Death to after life Heaven in the Real World

too Death to after life Heaven in the Real World

Nice Concept ...

edit on 42017ThursdayfAmerica/Chicago9256 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

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edit on 42017ThursdayfAmerica/Chicago9256 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: fredrodgers1960

originally posted by: roadgravel
OS/360 or VM/370 - There was computing before PCs.

The first computer that I ever worked on, was a PDP 11/35. I still have an 8K core memory module from one of them. I bootstrapped it using a 60 foot long paper tape. After the bootstrap, you could then load the OS from a Cypher tape drive.

I can relate. One PDP I used was booted with a punch tape on an ASR-33 teletype which then started a read from a 9 track tape to finish loading.

I still remember the address to load for IPL on some of the PDPs.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 03:25 PM
This is a question we cannot answer with current experiments. Who's to say there is or isn't a simulation? What about all these interesting facts in maths? Where do they come from?

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 03:29 PM
Anyone that deals with fractals often can see the distinct relationship in them to our Universe.

If it's not a simulation, it's still absolutely a repeating pattern.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: DisinfoEqualsTerrorism
Anyone that deals with fractals often can see the distinct relationship in them to our Universe.

If it's not a simulation, it's still absolutely a repeating pattern.

Right a Copy within a copy within a Copy to Infinity
with the one Original Main Source that Started it all
Neil D. Tyson Had Explained this

as Konrad Zuze had mentioned the Universe is a Cellular Automation, a Possible Digital Physics Construct ..
Digital physics

In physics and cosmology, digital physics (also referred to as digital ontology or digital philosophy) is a collection of theoretical perspectives based on the premise that the universe is describable by information. According to this theory, the universe can be conceived of as either the output of a deterministic or probabilistic computer program, a vast, digital computation device, or mathematically isomorphic to such a dev

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 09:57 PM
A brain doesn't work exactly like a Von Neumann machine but it still calculates...

It's what's in the computer memory you should compare with the fabric of reality - information, not the memory itself.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: Wolfenz

Lacking the ability to speak in complete sentences is not adding to your arguments. If you think the Universe is a computer simulation what is your evidence?

I have stated the evidence present by the study of quantum mechanics and the wave nature of the fabric of reality is proof the Universe is not a computer simulation. A computer simulation has certain properties. The Universe does not have those properties.

But go ahead and prove the Universe is a computer simulation. What is your evidence? Or is everything you say just imaginary BS? I think you are a low quality thinker. You are not giving your posts anywhere near the amount of time I spend on the OP. Maybe you could spend some time learning about the limitations of physical measurements before you start mouthing off your opinions as facts.

When the debate turns to insults: the argument is lost.

Rational discussion has left the building.

Simulation or not?
Nobody knows, either way.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 03:56 AM
check this out..!

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

This short video touches on some rather interesting questions pertaining to the reality we think we experience.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

because we as humans are unable to determine how a computer would account for rogue waves in a "simulated universe" does not mean that it is not possible. If rogue waves seems far to complex for our computer models , it maybe on a scale of complexity far beyond anything our level of consciousness can understand and express.

Humans are effectively really complex biological computers , what if the computer that simulates the universe for us the " brains in a jar" might be a different computer that humans haven't considered possible what if its biological in nature rather than machine based.

Anyways just a thought , I always thought that id Humans can create intelligent AI , then that is more evidence to support the idea that we too have a creator , our first iteration of AI will be great but may not be complete. Proceeding versions will probably get better and better as we improve our understanding , or the AI we first created helps us to create an even better AI. Until we get to the point we can create AI equal to or better than us then its evidence , strong evidence that we have been created ourselves.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 07:55 PM
I think the trick and secret of God the designer and creator is that the entire universe could be a manifestation of one very tricky photon of light because to a single photon, there's no time, no space and everything is touching.

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
check this out..!

I'm Astounded!

from what everything I have pretty Much had Said and had shown

on this Thread , is all in this Video ..

This is the First Time ive Seen this


Apparently Someone is thinking ..

Lets see if the OP Calls this Maker of this Video a Low Quality thinker ( insult )
as he a done too me.

I Like .. seeing these in the video

Konrad Zuze , Quantum Entanglement , Double Slit Experiment ,
and at the End showing The 13th Floor Movie !

edit on 52017FridayfAmerica/Chicago9257 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: Wolfenz

originally posted by: AnkhMorpork
check this out..!

I'm Astounded!

from what everything I have pretty Much had Said and had shown

on this Thread , is all in this Video ..

This is the First Time ive Seen this


Apparently Someone is thinking ..

Lets see if the OP Calls this Maker of this Video a Low Quality thinker ( insult )
as he a done too me.

I Like .. seeing these in the video

Konrad Zuze , Quantum Entanglement , Double Slit Experiment ,
and at the End showing The 13th Floor Movie !

Heh heh! Interesting eh?

A definite synchronicity, but what's interesting is when they happen not unlike the Wheeler delayed choice experiment, where the past appears to have anticipated the future plan and observation, and then shows up as if from both the future and past intersecting.

It's an acausal connecting principal, in action.

I had a major one happen to me this morning when I got to work, waiting for me on my chair. It was down right eerie and astounding.

In this case, the evidence appeared afterwards. However, when was this movie made and by whom and might it be possible that they read things you've said on the Internet?

In my case, the synchronicity appears to have been imbedded straight into the reality matrix.

I'll explain what happened a little later.

Something also took place another day regarding the very same idea and project, with back action as if the world had already anticipated my ideas in one form and then expressed them allegorically in other ways, and the timing it of it - oh my.

How did it know?!!!

That's my question when it happens, or how did God know, for those who will.

There's definitely a "glitch" in the matrix that's for certain, and an a-causal connecting principal which explains otherwise unexplainable synchronicity, but I fail to see how or why this proves that we live in the illusion of a simulated reality, but only that the whole wave and weave of it is more flexible than we might have previously considered or realized.

I think provided our intentions are in alignment with the higher will and desire, that the universe itself is prepared to build a bridge to our greatest hopes and dreams.

You're definitely a part of it, in your level of awareness and comprehension and so am I.

It's very powerful, but I'm not sure that it can be harnessed by the self-serving will or simply put a purely selfish desire.

But if we really want what's best for ourselves and others - bingo! All the resources rush to our aid, even many which were already on their way even before the thought itself was even a twinkling in our eye!

edit on 15-9-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 10:36 PM
This all suggests that there are game hacks possible, if God and/or the universal matrix approve i.e.: signs and wonders are not impossible.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

You can see the print in a book through or on a screen, read it, touch it, taste it for that matter if you are so inclined. But you cannot change the body of text without a tool or editor.

The ability to observe reality is one thing but to edit the very fabric of the universe would require technologies we have yet to even imagine. Seems to me that type of technological prowess would be the domain of a stage 4 or 5 civilization on the Kardashev scale, we are not even at stage 1 as of yet.

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

"We might also discover the old Testament God is actually real."

The entity depicted in said book is not exactly synonymous with love and peace, more in line with mass genocide, filicide, that harbors a massive inferiority complex towards he/she/its creations really.

If that dudes real then Humanity better hurry up and build a better God.

edit on 16-9-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2017 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

That's a thoroughly amazing video. Do you know who produced it? It's really well written and produced.

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