So, apparently I'm an alt-right neo-Nazi now. What the hell is an alt-right anyway? From what I understand, basically anyone that supports Trump is
alt-right, basically anyone that doesn't share the leftist ideology is alt-right, basically anyone that believes in freedoms for ALL is alt-right.
Apparently alt-right and neo-Nazi is now synonymous because an idiot wing-nut decided to be an idiot and ram his car into a crowd full of people, and
apparently since this idiot supported Trump, Trump now has blood on his hands and apparently so do I because I support him. And apparently all Nazi's
deserve to die. Or something like that..
Interesting.. so I guess I'm an alt-right neo-Nazi now, even though I'm not white, even though I'm of immigrant descent, even though I'm not a righty,
even though I'm not a republican or conservative.. but because I support Trump, because I support freedoms for everybody, and because I can tolerate
unpopular views that some people consider hateful. Or something like that..
Apparently this site has been taken over by the alt-right neo-Nazi cult of Trump, apparently we are only here to spread propaganda and hate,
apparently we are all racist bigots, and apparently we want to destroy your perfect pseutopian world.. Wow, must be depressing to have such a
simplistic and narrow view.
It's time to recognize that the extremes on both ends of the spectrum don't really represent any of us. The extreme's are a tiny minority on this
site, we are more alike than we are different, but I guess it's easier to just throw labels around without thinking because virtue signalling sure
feels good doesn't it?
Oh well, don't mind me though, just ranting a rant, because it has reached the point where it's much easier talking to myself than trying to deal with
all the ignorance. So continue being you! ..or something like that.
White pow..! Oh wait, that's not going to work..
blah blah blah blah blah...
edit on 14-8-2017 by knowledgehunter0986 because: