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Car Plow into Crowd at Va White Protest

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posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: PheonixReborn

originally posted by: SprocketUK

originally posted by: PheonixReborn

It seems to have totally been ignored that they turned up wearing helmets, carrying shields and wielding baseball bats.

Frankly ,if you are going anywhere that antifa are likely to be, you'd have to be a fool not to be tooled up. They do have a history of violence against those they don't like, after all.

So anyone who turns up to oppose a group wanting to keep a statue of the leader of an army who's main aim was to continue to enslave other human beings is automatically a member of Antifa now?

Here in England the local EDL (English Nationalist Party) organised a march against Muslims in my home town. Quite a few of us turned up to laugh and jeer at them. Does that make me Antifa?

You're making a huge leap in assuming the anti-protest protest was organised by Antifa. It may have been but you cannot condone turning up wearing home-made riot gear is an acceptable way to organise a march just in case there's a bit of bother.

I see your point and respect your opinions but if you read any history on Robert E. Lee you'd know he was not a bad man. Slavery or States' rights arguement needn't be discussed in this topic. Removing historical markers is a liberal agenda to rewrite the past and crrate modern day divides over things that cannot be changed. There is no reason to remove statues, change school names, or school mascots other than to appease people feigning anger over their feelings.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: PheonixReborn

originally posted by: SprocketUK

originally posted by: PheonixReborn

It seems to have totally been ignored that they turned up wearing helmets, carrying shields and wielding baseball bats.

Frankly ,if you are going anywhere that antifa are likely to be, you'd have to be a fool not to be tooled up. They do have a history of violence against those they don't like, after all.

So anyone who turns up to oppose a group wanting to keep a statue of the leader of an army who's main aim was to continue to enslave other human beings is automatically a member of Antifa now?

Here in England the local EDL (English Nationalist Party) organised a march against Muslims in my home town. Quite a few of us turned up to laugh and jeer at them. Does that make me Antifa?

You're making a huge leap in assuming the anti-protest protest was organised by Antifa. It may have been but you cannot condone turning up wearing home-made riot gear is an acceptable way to organise a march just in case there's a bit of bother.

I didn't say that everyone protesting against the KKK people and their ilk are antifa, just the same as everyone who marched against the EDL weren't antifa, but antifa are always there, with their weapons, so if you are planning on marching with the right wingers and you have a brain, you would have to expect them to kick off at some point. Twitter is littered with videos of antifa types throwing bottles and rocks and attacking people with sticks and things. Can't really blame someone for wanting a shield and helmet or a club to hit back with.

As for General Lee, hell, I think you are bigging up the rhetoric there. There were huge numbers of slaves still in the North after the civil war. Secession was just about self determination, rather like the war of independence, only the rebels lost so they became the bad guys, much the same as Washington and co would have if they had lost.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: Moresby

originally posted by: Anathros

originally posted by: Moresby

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: smurfy
Trump should have called it out properly in his last statement, and sent a direct message to the 'Alt right.
That's a big problem, he has no bother calling out this staffer that staffer, yet he can't spit out Putin bad boy, KKK anti-ethnics, WS for what they are...he should even for his own interests in the long run, be distancing himself from people like that, but no he doesn't.

So anytime someone does something you feel the president should have to cmention on it. Seriously????? Wow the american public has gothen stupid. The president should not have to disavow every nut case just because you think he should.

He has no problem attacking people. He'll attack people in his own party. Even his own administration.

But when it comes to racists, Nazis and Putin ... he just cannot do it.

That clearly tells you where his allegiances lie.

Wow, this post literally made me cringe. You're truly lost in the world where our President wears a hood and burns crosses. Trouble is, that world is make believe and you lose all credibility with this post.


I guess you've missed the White Nationalist (i.e. Nazis) that he continually fails to condemn. Or the number he's hired. Bannon, Gorka, etc.

I'll happily stand against those who fail to condemn Nazis. I'll happily stand against those who chose Nazis to serve in political positions in the White House.

You may cringe. But I shake my head about your failure to condemn those who support and appease White Nationalists and Nazis.

You've either been brainwashed by Trump and his Orange Petunias. Or you simply stand with Nazis.

I know this site has become a haven for such opinions. But history has already judged those who choose to side with Nazis.

Exactly, well said.

When is he(Trump) going to denounce them, oh right there's a section that is his supporting and voter base. Too many are falling for siding with this. Now one has killed, but it's okay right? After all they support one's own convictions.

It's okay to run over(legalized in some places) protestors now, very sad to see some agreeing with that.
edit on 12-8-2017 by dreamingawake because: removed one over

edit on 12-8-2017 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Anathros

Quite right. Everyone is allowed an opinion and I'll quite happily debate it with you anytime.

As long as you don't turn up armed and dressed like an urban riot policeman.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: Moresby

originally posted by: Anathros

originally posted by: Moresby

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: smurfy
Trump should have called it out properly in his last statement, and sent a direct message to the 'Alt right.
That's a big problem, he has no bother calling out this staffer that staffer, yet he can't spit out Putin bad boy, KKK anti-ethnics, WS for what they are...he should even for his own interests in the long run, be distancing himself from people like that, but no he doesn't.

So anytime someone does something you feel the president should have to cmention on it. Seriously????? Wow the american public has gothen stupid. The president should not have to disavow every nut case just because you think he should.

He has no problem attacking people. He'll attack people in his own party. Even his own administration.

But when it comes to racists, Nazis and Putin ... he just cannot do it.

That clearly tells you where his allegiances lie.

Wow, this post literally made me cringe. You're truly lost in the world where our President wears a hood and burns crosses. Trouble is, that world is make believe and you lose all credibility with this post.


I guess you've missed the White Nationalist (i.e. Nazis) that he continually fails to condemn. Or the number he's hired. Bannon, Gorka, etc.

I'll happily stand against those who fail to condemn Nazis. I'll happily stand against those who chose Nazis to serve in political positions in the White House.

You may cringe. But I shake my head about your failure to condemn those who support and appease White Nationalists and Nazis.

You've either been brainwashed by Trump and his Orange Petunias. Or you simply stand with Nazis.

I know this site has become a haven for such opinions. But history has already judged those who choose to side with Nazis.

I spent 12 years in the 82nd Airborne and you think I'm brainwashed or side with Nazis? You're gravely mistaken. I stand for my fellow Americans and the constitution.

You'll get your stars from certain members for calling me names (nazi, fascist, bigot, racist) but I'm simply a man with my own ideas, good and bad and you haven't earned the right to make silly assumptions or judge me. On page 1, I called for serious sentences for those involved in this whole debacle. I want those people punished.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Anathros

Relax it's an old ploy to discount your aponents statements. He calls you a Nazi and you go in to defense mode instead of telling him to shove it and again posting your opinion. There is no organized Nazi party in the US. Many Europeans believe their is because they do exist in Europe. The KKK is done have maybe 2000 members in the entire country. But people want to make it out like that exist everywhere. They don't and wouldn't find enough in the country to fill a football stadium.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Moresby

originally posted by: Anathros

originally posted by: Moresby

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: smurfy
Trump should have called it out properly in his last statement, and sent a direct message to the 'Alt right.
That's a big problem, he has no bother calling out this staffer that staffer, yet he can't spit out Putin bad boy, KKK anti-ethnics, WS for what they are...he should even for his own interests in the long run, be distancing himself from people like that, but no he doesn't.

So anytime someone does something you feel the president should have to cmention on it. Seriously????? Wow the american public has gothen stupid. The president should not have to disavow every nut case just because you think he should.

He has no problem attacking people. He'll attack people in his own party. Even his own administration.

But when it comes to racists, Nazis and Putin ... he just cannot do it.

That clearly tells you where his allegiances lie.

Wow, this post literally made me cringe. You're truly lost in the world where our President wears a hood and burns crosses. Trouble is, that world is make believe and you lose all credibility with this post.


I guess you've missed the White Nationalist (i.e. Nazis) that he continually fails to condemn. Or the number he's hired. Bannon, Gorka, etc.

I'll happily stand against those who fail to condemn Nazis. I'll happily stand against those who chose Nazis to serve in political positions in the White House.

You may cringe. But I shake my head about your failure to condemn those who support and appease White Nationalists and Nazis.

You've either been brainwashed by Trump and his Orange Petunias. Or you simply stand with Nazis.

I know this site has become a haven for such opinions. But history has already judged those who choose to side with Nazis.

If Trump condemns white supremacists, I'm not entirely sure most of you would be happy. I never saw the left's outrage when Obama would attack the 2nd amendment when there was mass shooting involving terrorists.

Maybe Trump doesn't want to acknowledge the supremacists because it gives them national and global attention..I don't know. BLM and Antifa is no different than these other groups. I don't have all the answers but the president isn't supposed to speak out on every issue that's something Obama started.
edit on 12-8-2017 by Anathros because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: Willtell

I'm not even going to bite for a post comparing Lee to Hitler.
There was no treason- nobody was tried for treason for fighting for the Confederacy.

You could bite on anything you like...
Bite on this: I think if you were a black slave in 1865 you'd feel different
edit on 12-8-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: Willtell

I'm not even going to bite for a post comparing Lee to Hitler.
There was no treason- nobody was tried for treason for fighting for the Confederacy.

I think if you were a black slave in 1865 you'd feel different

Find me one...just ONE black slave and then we can discuss this further. Until then, the point is moot. No white men I know in my family or others have owned a slaved in their lifetimes.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

This is one thing that bugs me, the media and leftists act as if these white supremacists are a massive organization with untold millions of members. They just had the biggest white supremacy rally in decades, and it was a few hundred people. This is a tiny, insignificant fringe, that gets blown up for leftist political purposes to smear conservatives. Of course they should be condemned, but they really aren't much of a threat to our democracy, and they certainly don't represent republicans or conservatives.
edit on 12-8-2017 by TruMcCarthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
a reply to: dragonridr
Of course they should be condemned, but they really aren't much of a threat to our democracy.

I can agree. Though, the same could be said about BLM and Antifa.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
a reply to: dragonridr
Of course they should be condemned, but they really aren't much of a threat to our democracy.

I can agree. Though, the same could be said about BLM and Antifa.

Star for you sir and we rarely agree. Glad to see eyes are being opened to how these parties are not the norm, they're fringe groups that the media follows for ratings. They represent maybe 1% of us and I'm being generous.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: introvert
maybe not a threat to American democracy in general but certainly a threat to the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for many Americans who don't conform to BLM and Antiwa's world view.

on topic: So this guy driving the car just panicked and hit the gas when a BLM/Antifa protester smashed the back of his car with a sign ?

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: Anathros

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: Willtell

I'm not even going to bite for a post comparing Lee to Hitler.
There was no treason- nobody was tried for treason for fighting for the Confederacy.

I think if you were a black slave in 1865 you'd feel different

Find me one...just ONE black slave and then we can discuss this further. Until then, the point is moot. No white men I know in my family or others have owned a slaved in their lifetimes.

Were talking about the history of the fight for freedom and morality that transcends time and place.

Just go to Israel and try to put up a poster of Nazi regalia.

A black person in 2017 shouldn’t have to see statues of racists who enslaved their ancestors just as Jews shouldn’t have to see pictures of Nazi regalia.

Would you like statues of British generals who fought against the American patriots in the war of independence?

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:17 PM
People in the south can have statues to jack the ripper and any other heroes they like including and all the racists bigots they want on their own property just not on the governments dime.

That's what this is about

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
a reply to: dragonridr

This is one thing that bugs me, the media and leftists act as if these white supremacists are a massive organization with untold millions of members. They just had the biggest white supremacy rally in decades, and it was a few hundred people. This is a tiny, insignificant fringe, that gets blown up for leftist political purposes to smear conservatives. Of course they should be condemned, but they really aren't much of a threat to our democracy, and they certainly don't represent republicans or conservatives.

What do you mean they have the president as one of their own. You don't think that's a big thing. They do.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Yes, they should. Just because you are offended by something, doesn't mean you should be allowed to destroy other's history, or the history of the nation. Islamists are offended by many temples and monuments in the ME, I guess you have no problem with those being destroyed either? I think human history is important, and even offensive structures can be great teachers and reminders of our history. Do you believe in burning books that offend people too?

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
a reply to: dragonridr

This is one thing that bugs me, the media and leftists act as if these white supremacists are a massive organization with untold millions of members. They just had the biggest white supremacy rally in decades, and it was a few hundred people. This is a tiny, insignificant fringe, that gets blown up for leftist political purposes to smear conservatives. Of course they should be condemned, but they really aren't much of a threat to our democracy, and they certainly don't represent republicans or conservatives.

What do you mean they have the president as one of their own. You don't think that's a big thing. They do.

Yeah, a massive supporter of Israel is a Nazi. Damn some of you are dumb.

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: Anathros

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: Willtell

I'm not even going to bite for a post comparing Lee to Hitler.
There was no treason- nobody was tried for treason for fighting for the Confederacy.

I think if you were a black slave in 1865 you'd feel different

Find me one...just ONE black slave and then we can discuss this further. Until then, the point is moot. No white men I know in my family or others have owned a slaved in their lifetimes.

Were talking about the history of the fight for freedom and morality that transcends time and place.

Just go to Israel and try to put up a poster of Nazi regalia.

A black person in 2017 shouldn’t have to see statues of racists who enslaved their ancestors just as Jews shouldn’t have to see pictures of Nazi regalia.

Would you like statues of British generals who fought against the American patriots in the war of independence?

So they were removing a nazi statue? All of that Nazi talk when the discussion is about violence at a rally that was started because of the removal of a statue of General Lee who YOU consider a racist. You talked all around the topic but made no attempt to stay on it.
edit on 12-8-2017 by Anathros because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
a reply to: dragonridr

This is one thing that bugs me, the media and leftists act as if these white supremacists are a massive organization with untold millions of members. They just had the biggest white supremacy rally in decades, and it was a few hundred people. This is a tiny, insignificant fringe, that gets blown up for leftist political purposes to smear conservatives. Of course they should be condemned, but they really aren't much of a threat to our democracy, and they certainly don't represent republicans or conservatives.

They had one in polaski supposedly where they started and a couple if dozen showed up. The residence actually ended up driving them off and chased them back on to their bus. When you hold a rally and you can't get more than 50 people to show up your cause is dead.I can get 50 people to show up at a Starbucks with tweets.

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