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Did the bible change for you?

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posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 01:55 PM
So for me the bible has changed. No longer does it say the lion and the lamb, but wolf.
bible changes list

What I remember is ” The lion and the lamb shall dwell together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock (or ox) and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord.”

Matthew 7:1 “Judge not lest ye be judged”

Now, “Judge not that ye be not judged”

Matthew 6 9-13 “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy Name. They kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever.”

“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy Name. They kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not unto temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever.”

Matthew 9:17 bottles instead of wineskins

Mark 2:22 bottles instead of wineskins.

Also bottles used instead of jars in the OT.

Luke 19:23 “bank” used to be to the exchangers, or those who lend.

Luke !9:27 “…and SLAY them before me“. Never, ever, said that. Some are saying “shew” some think mirror of Matthew and “bind them and cast them into the outer darkness.” Some think it was “remove them from my presence.” Initially, it seemed to me that it was a mirror of the parable in Matthew, and I thought “bind”, but I am now convinced that it actually was “remove them from my presence”. I studied Matthew more than Luke, but I knew it was effectively the same thing….and NOT “slay”, “kill” or “slaughter”.  ALL

Luke 6:49, a man that built his house upon the sand became “earth” in KJV and ground in NIV   ALL

John 8:32…..”and the truth shall set you free.” became “MAKE you free.

And the biggest real world change is the statue of liberties location. When i was growing up, it was on ellis island. Which i think residue may be found on "the day after tommorrow" movie covers.

I personally believe our conciousness can shift realities and that is what i think happened to us who see these changes.

Big things have been happening since 9-11. And CERNs activities are suspect in this.

cern whistleblower
The video discusses animal changes, human body changes and "the collective" of scienstists using quantum computering created this reality change after a worldwide destruction occured in 2012.

Mandela effects are blowing up the net. Have you any of your own experiences?

edit on 11-8-2017 by anotherside because: Was

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 01:56 PM
The bible has changed many times.

Many editors over the centuries.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 01:58 PM
No, the Bible has not changed for me - but I've changed for the Bible...

Though I should add many things are being revealed which we just didn't 'see' before.

As for the Mandela effect? I have no idea what you're talking about.

I would point out now the 'changes' you see might be in the translations? Yes?


posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:01 PM
The second version of the Lord's prayer is the version that I was taught in a Scottish school.
The reverend who took religious assembly's was Church Of Scotland.
My mother was schooled mostly in England and she learnt the first version.
She always has said the version I learned is the Scottish version.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: silo13
No, the Bible has not changed for me - but I've changed for the Bible...

Though I should add many things are being revealed which we just didn't 'see' before.

As for the Mandela effect? I have no idea what you're talking about.

I would point out now the 'changes' you see might be in the translations? Yes?

the mandela effect is there is residue found that mandela died twice according to history.
Mandela effects are changes in reality. For example the vw (volkswagon) logo.

Go look at this image vw original reality

Do you remember it being like that? I do. Now if you ask the company, its never been like that!

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: anotherside

Wait... it always used to be Volts Wagon! The Mandela effect strikes again.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: anotherside

Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.

In the mean time I'm looking for the 'revelations' were finding now (especially in Revelation) - the truths we're only seeing now - so I can share them.


posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:28 PM
Spirits in human meat suits are jumping alternate realities every second of every day.

Some realities have Lion and others have Wolf. Some realities have product names spelled one way whilst the other realities the same product is spelled differently.

It all depends upon what sort of reality a spirit wants to head towards.

Its called Law of Attraction. If the desire is spiritual (love/hate) then your spirit will swap with an alternate reality that is closer to that spirits desire.

Desiring money just gets worse as the high frequency better worlds do not need money. The low vibration dead-beat worlds love money.

The ones who wanted Hillary have got the world where she became President. Then Russia probably nuked USA.
edit on 11-8-2017 by Rapha because: spelling

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: anotherside

The lion and the lamb controversy is inexplicable IMO. It can't be chalked up to "poor memory" or "different translations of The Bible" simply because of all the past artwork that displays it.

Try it. Google image search. What gives?

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: anotherside

Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.

In the mean time I'm looking for the 'revelations' were finding now (especially in Revelation) - the truths we're only seeing now - so I can share them.

the bible code shows mandela effect, with strong delusion and two demons.

bible code mandela effect
Watch around 5 minutes in he shows the words they find.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Reality is being changed bit by bit by some external intelligence.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: anotherside

I remember it that way, as well but maybe we mixed it all up because of the lion/lamb references in Revelation. There's a lot of symbolism with Jesus being a lamb and then a lion. Perhaps that is what spawned all the songs and phrases and eventually it just got convoluted?

Kind of like how "cleanliness is next to godliness", "god helps those who help themselves", the existence of an apple in the garden, or even a fiery hell is all mistakenly thought to be in the bible.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 03:23 PM
"In the beginning was Adamu and Lilith created from the same dirt...." (read: EQUAL)

The Quorum (a bunch of males/Yang) enters the picture and removes the Feminine.

"In the beginning was Adam and Eve; Eve NEEDING A bit of Adam's rib to get going...(read: SUBSERVIENT)

Actually I'm surprised that TheGideons™ haven't switched out more of 'theirs' for the 'real one' but imagine how many motel/hotel rooms they have to go to..

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: anotherside

It said and the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb, it may be a new version that has done this but if you have an old version of the bible and it still say's this then you are watching reality morph, it does this and many people are aware of a massive change in which they remember Mandela died in prison, I am actually one of those but that was not even something that concerned me, it was other changes such as for me the changes to the book of revelation, other part's of the new testament and indeed the old testament.
I still remember what I read and stick to the God I knew then and still believe in.
From a spiritual perspective it may be a war in that realm.
From a physics perspective it may be the merging of reality's as a counter balance to the theory of parallel reality's, in this concept those reality's actually re-merge and some of us remember the other reality while one we find alien has become the dominant reality.

Though I do tend to suspect very strongly malign spiritual activity, a second war in heaven (spiritual) perhaps and shifting power base's with reality shift's accompanying them.

We remember which make's us soldiers of the God of the reality we knew and we are still fighting because we still remember and so that truth is alive within us and will never die, this reality itself however will.

I will tell you I had an experience and was told to WRITE THESE WORDS UPON THE PILLAR OF YOUR HEART BECAUSE THEY ARE LIFE, so I tried to memorize as many as I could, I do not have a conscious idetic memory so repetition is the only way I can do this and so when I noticed that the passage about Seven Threescore and Seven man (A being opposed to the Beast not the beast Six Threescore and Six has not changed) had vanished I was shocked, I re-read the bible about 1993 and found that so much of it had changed I was in literal shock (this was a time I was also encountering a lot of adverse paranormal activity, demonic in nature so you can regard me as off my head if you like but for me it was real and I do not do drug's and never have), My bible had gone from portraying a loving, stern and sometime's wrathful God and father to portraying a being that was cold, distant and cruel compared to the God I grew up loving and I know of only one being that would want that to happen so maybe we are in the world were the devil has been release for a time and therefore the final day's before he is cast into the lake of fire.

edit on 11-8-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: anotherside

It said and the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb, it may be a new version that has done this but if you have an old version of the bible and it still say's this then you are watching reality morph, it does this and many people are aware of a massive change in which they remember Mandela died in prison, I am actually one of those but that was not even something that concerned me, it was other changes such as for me the changes to the book of revelation, other part's of the new testament and indeed the old testament.
I still remember what I read and stick to the God I knew then and still believe in.
From a spiritual perspective it may be a war in that realm.
From a physics perspective it may be the merging of reality's as a counter balance to the theory of parallel reality's, in this concept those reality's actually re-merge and some of us remember the other reality while one we find alien has become the dominant reality.

Though I do tend to suspect very strongly malign spiritual activity, a second war in heaven (spiritual) perhaps and shifting power base's with reality shift's accompanying them.

We remember which make's us soldiers of the God of the reality we knew and we are still fighting because we still remember and so that truth is alive within us and will never die, this reality itself however will.

I will tell you I had an experience and was told to WRITE THESE WORDS UPON THE PILLAR OF YOUR HEART BECAUSE THEY ARE LIFE, so I tried to memorize as many as I could, I do not have a conscious idetic memory so repetition is the only way I can do this and so when I noticed that the passage about Seven Threescore and Seven man (A being opposed to the Beast not the beast Six Threescore and Six has not changed) had vanished I was shocked, I re-read the bible about 1993 and found that so much of it had changed I was in literal shock (this was a time I was also encountering a lot of adverse paranormal activity, demonic in nature so you can regard me as off my head if you like but for me it was real and I do not do drug's and never have), My bible had gone from portraying a loving, stern and sometime's wrathful God and father to portraying a being that was cold, distant and cruel compared to the God I grew up loving and I know of only one being that would want that to happen so maybe we are in the world were the devil has been release for a time and therefore the final day's before he is cast into the lake of fire.

If you're into parallels and Game of Thrones, what you wrote is kinda interesting.

House Stokeworth is represented by the lamb. House Stark, the wolf. And Lannister, the lion. Bron married into House Stokeworth and was hired by the Lannisters as a mercenary. In recent episodes, the Lamb (Bron) is increasingly disgusted with the Lion (Lannisters) and confronts the Dragon (Targaryens). If he survives, he'll likely join the Dragon who is aligned with the Wolf (Stark).

So you have the lamb laying with the lion. The lamb sees the wolf as more virtuous but does nothing until confronted by the dragon.

I'm a big believer of life imitating art and vice versa. As well as "as above, so below". I have my own beliefs that don't include your Abrahamic gods but I believe all the gods are part of the same epic divine quilt, unfolding to reveal repeated patterns in unnerving symmetry.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

"In the beginning was Adam and Eve; Eve NEEDING A bit of Adam's rib to get going...(read: SUBSERVIENT)

Sharing DNA so the two can become one.
Mark 10.8
and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Abysha

My take on it is this, the changes in reality are temporary (on a cosmic sense) and will reverse once the instigator of these changes is dealt with, I remember a story about a guy whom was hypnotized and underwent extreme regression, his was a story right out of fantasy but strange enough to be applicable, in his regression he remembered being a member of a race of ancient man - not us - whom had the ability to mind program and how they perceived reality caused reality to change to that perception (have faith, faith can move mountain's - walking on water by faith etc), but the universe, reality itself has an elastic nature and so they pushed there reality TOO FAR and it sprang back suddenly like a reality explosion, they were destroyed and those that survived this total and catastrophic change in there reality were reduced to the level of animal's living in cave's not even able to talk any longer.

edit on 11-8-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: anotherside

Question: "How should we understand the Lion and the Lamb passage?"

Answer: Typically, when someone is thinking of the “lion and the lamb,” Isaiah 11:6 is in mind due to it often being misquoted, “And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.” The true “Lion and the Lamb” passage is Revelation 5:5–6. The Lion and the Lamb both refer to Jesus Christ. He is both the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb who was slain. The Lion and the Lamb are descriptions of two aspects of the nature of Christ. As the Lion of Judah, He fulfills the prophecy of Genesis 49:9 and is the Messiah who would come from the tribe of Judah. As the Lamb of God, He is the perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin.

Dang that is very interesting! And I have been a Fundie for 30+ years! Man Mandela effect got me again!

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: icanteven

Volts Wagon!

Liar - it was always Fulks Vagner

posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: silo13

Stopped reading it about 35 years ago. I've still seen "miracles" however; I guess I was always tending towards spiritual matters even before Christianity came in my life. The internet kind of killed it for me. Too much real knowledge at my fingertips to ever place much "faith" into a book "authorized" by the Old Roman EMpire that calls itself the Catholic CHurch.

I'm glad I did read it back to front 5 times however...that plus a bit of astrology, divination and other fun things proscribed against by the CHurches that I have studied and practised have been of much benefit.

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