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humanoids come out of a cube shaped ufo rosedale,alberta,canada 1971

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posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 01:53 PM
as far as humanoid reports go,this one is pretty boring,for a lack of a better word but it is still interesting


William K. Allan, an APRO member ufologist in Canada, investigated a close encounter of the thrd kind case that took place in the suburbs of Rosedale, in the province of Alberta, on June 7, 1971. Miss Esther Clappison, a woman of average age, who had a house there with her brother Bill, was attracted during on this moonlit night by a light which penetrated through a window of her house from a field. She went outside and moved towards the road accompanied by her dog "George", and there, she saw a luminous object of a rectangular form posed on the ground. A part of the apparatus seemed to have been open, revealing an interior illuminated by an opaque light of diffuse white color. Miss Clappison recovered from her initial fear when she observed two forms of human appearance which moved inside the object. When her eyes were accustomed to the darkness, she noticed a third being out of the UFO, being in the field. The beings seemed to carry very tight-fitting uniforms, made of a material of green color similar to the divers' suits. She could not distinguish the facial characteristics of these characters because their heads were covered by the same material as that their bodies. She said that the side of the apparatus was occupied over all its width by something resembling a control panel, but one of the "men" - if they really were men - seemed to have realized that somebody observed them and hid this panel as much as he could with his back and his stretched arm. He made a gesture at the second who was inside, slightly leaning in the outside on the right of the entry, as if it wanted to draw the attention of the third, who was on the way, 6 meters from there approximately, obviously collecting samples of rock. The occupants of the apparatus wore a greenish grey tight-fitting uniform with a broad hood of the same matter. Their face was also covered by a type of fabric through which they apparently could see. Their eyes were in the shape of "keyholes." They carried kinds of "pointed mittens," with a long and thin thumb and a very narrow wrist. No curve of the elbow or the knee was visible and nothing was specified concerning their feet. She wanted to get closer to see better, but her old dog, in a state of panic, drew her back. She went inside the house a short while to draw the attention of her brother, but when she went outside again, there was nothing any more, not even a light. The next day morning, they inspected the places and found a rectangular mark, slightly burned, exactly at the place where the UFO had been the previous night. The mark was six meters long by two meters wide, dimensions that matched with the estimates of the size of the UFO made by the witness. A more detailed inspection of the trace showed that the vegetation was like exposed to a forest fire or exposed to an enormous heat radiation. Four months later, when the Canadian investigator William K. Allan visited the site, the mark of darkened grass was still very visible.

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 01:59 PM
once again this case is pretty boring in contrasct to the more weird humanoid encounters,i usually dont post textbook examples of ce3s cause they are usually the same thing: a vague report of humanoid shaped creatures picking up samples of stuff from your planet, what made this one interesting to me is that it is a very detailed report
the most interesting thing about this report, is that the behaviour of the humanoids is very evident: one samples the ground, another function has a sentinel of the "door" of the ufo and a third does something in the control panels

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
once again this case is pretty boring in contrasct to the more weird humanoid encounters,i usually dont post textbook examples of ce3s cause they are usually the same thing: a vague report of humanoid shaped creatures picking up samples of stuff from your planet, what made this one interesting to me is that it is a very detailed report
the most interesting thing about this report, is that the behaviour of the humanoids is very evident: one samples the ground, another function has a sentinel of the "door" of the ufo and a third does something in the control panels

That would be similar to the standard crew of a rescue helicopter; pilot, winchman, diver.

The burnt ground thing alway fascinates me. Other reports had people saying they saw a patch of ground give off steam. But this patch moved in a circular/spiral pattern. Could the burnt grass be caused by a radar system. Though that wouldn't explain radiation levels. Interesting that radiation is high enough to be detected, but not high enough to be visible.

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: stormcell

interesting analogy!
the burnt ground is probally caused either by the power source of the craft or by its heat exausth, assuming the ufo and the humanoids arent just an hologram created by an misterious entity

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
once again this case is pretty boring in contrasct to the more weird humanoid encounters,i usually dont post textbook examples of ce3s cause they are usually the same thing: a vague report of humanoid shaped creatures picking up samples of stuff from your planet, what made this one interesting to me is that it is a very detailed report
the most interesting thing about this report, is that the behaviour of the humanoids is very evident: one samples the ground, another function has a sentinel of the "door" of the ufo and a third does something in the control panels

Not likely it was one of our own exotic machines when one being comes out of this seemingly cramped space-elevator thingy to collect samples. Maybe she was misinterpreting what she witnessed and it was a potty stop?

posted on Jul, 9 2017 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

i dont believe in a secret space program (heck i actually believe that the military is years behind what they claim to be!)
now on the potty stop,well a misinterpretation isnt out of question
also its the first time i see you using common sense! congrulations!

posted on Jul, 9 2017 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: Aliensun
Let's be reasonable here. If it was an alien "visit" who's saying their "ship might be very, very large and if they wanted to collect samples they wouldn't land the whole ship on planet. They would send a pod down. Probably a small pod that held maybe 3 people. Who knows?

posted on Jul, 9 2017 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

makes sense


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