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Bill Nye and Liberalized Science

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posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 04:17 PM

I know this topic is a little old now, but I came across this video which I think does a brilliant job of illustrating how science can be derailed by liberal agendas and how the people we most look up to are even capable of being caught in this trap. This is very much related to my recent thread The Rise of Intellectual Insanity but I want to focus more on the academic aspect of the insanity in this thread. I think there's a general trend to associate liberals with intellectuals, forward thinking progressivism is very attractive to a person who wants to consider themselves an intellectual, so this breeds a culture in academia where a specific brand of politics is preferred. We can readily observe this to be true by looking at what happens on college and university campuses and the types of students they produce.

Probably the most important point I want to make in this thread is, even the most seemingly intelligent people are not immune to making themselves look like complete and utter fools in the name of "social justice". And I'm not talking about Bill here, what I found most distressing was when Derek Muller from Veritasium joined Bill in his foolishness. I've been a subscriber of Veritasium for many years, it was and still is one of my favorite science channels on YouTube, so I was quite saddened to see him endorse such politically motivated drivel. I cannot say I was really shocked though, because I've understood the way the academic world works for quite some time, its not like I'm writing this thread because I had a sudden revelation.

Also I think another very important thing to take from this is always question things regardless of who is telling you that thing, no one is infallible and we're all humans at the end of the day. Science should be purely about facts and evidence, not completely warping the facts to justify a political position. Before you know it a white person will simply be able to claim they identify as a black person so that really makes them a black person... oh wait that already happened and it's making SJW heads explode because if they attack her for culture appropriation they're saying her self appointed identity is invalid and it contradicts all their identity politics. Their logic is becoming so convoluted it's now working against them... and it's glorious.
edit on 2/7/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 04:42 PM
Never thought about this guy much but my first and lasting impression rated him right up there with Captain Kangaroo.

(post by JamesNewbrit removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Perhaps there needs to be a separation of science and state.
Freedom of religion is preserved because of the seperarion of church and state.

Science holds hands with government to get funding and government gets published what it needs to keep the people voting them back into office. Government can use science as it wishes to justify its corrupt policies. True Science gets replaced by propaganda science with the masses bowing to any "expert" in a lab coat who tells them what they want to hear.

Now you can tell that I don't believe the government (US), or the powers that be really have our best interests in mind. Perhapse they once did. Science is indeed a valuable necessity and the relationship between government and science was beneficial at one time but I believe that time has passed.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: JamesNewbrit

Lol honestly the guy does seem like a bit of a dick but in the best and most hilarious way possible, that video is gold.

Anyway I gotta go for a while but I'll leave you guys with another great Bill Nye roasting video. In this one we get to see a scene from an old episode of the Bill Nye science show where they demonstrate how gender is a 50/50 thing which relies on how the X and Y chromosomes are paired. Conveniently enough that segment was removed from the show when it was recently added to Netflix.

Also I should say, because I know someone will point this out, that in very rare cases it is possible for the chromosomes to mix in a way which wasn't intended by nature, producing a person who has both sex organs, so it's certainly not a binary thing, but nor is there any real spectrum.
edit on 2/7/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Very nicely written. Never thought of it that way.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

It is an excellent video, Naked Ape usually does solid work and his take on Bill Nye " The give out random hands job" Guy is absolutely hilarious.

Honestly the level of Scientism that is perpetuated throughout his entire series is deeply disturbing.

One would hope to see real scientists speaking out against such propaganda, but there is not much profit in doing so, the holy church of science will turn on you immediately and call you a heretic!
edit on America/ChicagoSundayAmerica/Chicago07America/Chicago731pmSunday6 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

If gonna read your post, but this is just my first impression of the video...

I thought it was ridiculous.. it barely even addressed a single point and did nothing to back up its many assertions.

He was over simplifying Nyes response and mixing in a lot of other Mumbo jumbo that wasn't even really relevant..

He took 14 min and really barely addressed his main point(!?)...

I'm not 100% because of the editing, but it seemed as if he were cutting differing arguments into 1..

For example...Like in clip A)Bill was talking about transpeople, in clip B) gays...

I'm not a bill bye super fan, but I'm assuming he is saying that no matter how your body forms your brain may have a disorder that causes it to fall on a spectrum of sexuality..

In a nut shell some people are wired to be boys and some girls.. some born wired to be straight and some born wired to be gay... and everything in between.

So you could have people born male, but with the mental wiring of a female.

Also there is the difference between things that are cultural and things that are biological..

Girls having their period is biological. No culture can evolve for men to have periods.

Girls wearing dresses is cultural. A culture could absolutely evolve where men wear dresses and women pants.

So in those clips is bill talking cultural differences or biological ones..

Is bill dumbing it down for the audience??? Espeacially when on a kids show??

I'm not at all against bill being wrong, or misinformed or to have said something poorly. I do not think the video did a good job telling that story though.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 06:32 PM
Bill Nye is just an actor. I take what he says as seriously as I do what Charlie Sheen says.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 06:36 PM
Bill nye is not allowed in my house or on the tv
edit on 2-7-2017 by MissCoyote because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

As to your point...

There is no real shortage of people pushing stupid ideas. The issues start when people begin assigning stupid ideas to large groups of people and/or large groups of people start pushing stupid ideas.

I think the "SJW" movement is largely fictionalized..

They take single idiots spouting nonesense and pretend it applies to a large group of people. When in reality no large group of people thinks that.

It's no different than assigning the beliefs of the westboro baptist church to all Christians..

Even when focusing on some idiot they are usually still required to use a slippery slope argument and claim some imaginary worst case scenerio is just about to happen.

Imho the reality is the left has super lazy messaging that the right warps into a fictional universe where:

"all the world is in a vast conspiracy to make republicans look bad and make everyone's kids gay FOR OBAMA!!"

For an example of lazy left messaging take black lives matter...

Well police shootings and a lack of accountability is not a black only issue..

That is an EVERYBODY issue.. you think some jumpy cop won't shoot your blonde headed blue eyed son if he gets nervous and reaches for his wallet to produce his ID, when the cop yells freeze. You are crazy..

And how does the left "market" the issue??

"No, 87% of the population this is not an issue that effects your children.. This only effects black children (13% of the pop.).. nothing to see here.."

And thus we have blue lives matter and black lives matter , both as far more of a push back to the "black " part rather than the police accountability part..

The left tends to take the easy way out and allows logical fallacies in to the argument rather than actually explaining the problem.

The right was always based on logical fallacies so they don't care if they are included in the first place..

Everything is :

" that's the way it needs to be because that's the way my daddy did it.."

A logical fallacy in itself.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 06:52 PM
Sorta on topic-
I noticed that they scrubbed the old reviews of his show and started over. He initially had a horrible rating, I mean, horrible.
Now, there's only like 8 rotten tomato reviews with a rating of 75%.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 08:16 PM
I hope this is not a thread that overestimates the value of Bull Nye from the point of view that to a segment of the/any population accept everything he might say?

My best guess about Bull is that he is always talking to children in a deceptive way, just like Donald. The pair of them should team up, I'm sure they could find common ground, or an ice floe or summit'

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 08:53 PM
The thing is, Bill Nye is not a science guy. He's a mechanical engineer who worked at Boeing. He quit there to start a career in comedy with "Almost Live," a Seattle spoof (and usually quite funny, locally) of Saturday Night. A friend of mine actually dated him, said he was "extremely weird." Of course, so was she.

(post by madmex removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 09:19 PM
"Science" in 2017. I don't think liberals can ever criticize religious nuts or flat earthers ever again.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: schuyler

In all fairness to Bill, when he was first working on his pitch for what eventually became "Bill Nye Science Guy", his original focus for the show was going to be based on engineering principles like how bridges are made, his families interest in sun dials (his dad was a Japanese POW who became obsessed with sun dials because of the lack of electricity in the camps) and some other random topics that were much closer related to his engineering background. It was Carl Sagan who convinced him to go in a more "pure science" direction to get kids more interested when they met at Bill's ten year reunion at Cornell in the late 80's. But yeah, even most of his enthusiasts don't realize he's only got a bachelors in mechanical engineering. He did develop a sundial for the Mars Rovers if Im remembering right too. Not sure if you would know or not, but did the monicker of "Bill Nye the Science Guy" come from Almost Live? Or is that an apocryphal story?

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
The thing is, Bill Nye is not a science guy. He's a mechanical engineer who worked at Boeing. He quit there to start a career in comedy with "Almost Live," a Seattle spoof (and usually quite funny, locally) of Saturday Night. A friend of mine actually dated him, said he was "extremely weird." Of course, so was she.

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: MissCoyote
Bill nye is not allowed in my house or on the tv

Is this you?

posted on Jul, 2 2017 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: peter vlar
a reply to: schuyler

In all fairness to Bill, when he was first working on his pitch for what eventually became "Bill Nye Science Guy", his original focus for the show was going to be based on engineering principles like how bridges are made, his families interest in sun dials (his dad was a Japanese POW who became obsessed with sun dials because of the lack of electricity in the camps) and some other random topics that were much closer related to his engineering background. It was Carl Sagan who convinced him to go in a more "pure science" direction to get kids more interested when they met at Bill's ten year reunion at Cornell in the late 80's. But yeah, even most of his enthusiasts don't realize he's only got a bachelors in mechanical engineering. He did develop a sundial for the Mars Rovers if Im remembering right too. Not sure if you would know or not, but did the monicker of "Bill Nye the Science Guy" come from Almost Live? Or is that an apocryphal story?

Interesting, nice post.

I bet Carl would be absolutely disgusted at bills current state of "educational material".

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