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Striking While The Iron's Cold

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posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Don't agree with this guy ?

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

What does this have to do with the Trump investigations?

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: DJW001

originally posted by: theultimatebelgianjoke
a reply to: DJW001

It's not my fault if you are too lazy to read the article I linked.

Which underscores my concern about the hysteria raging across Official Washington about “Russian meddling” in the 2016 presidential campaign: There is no proportionality applied to the question of foreign interference in U.S. politics. If there were, we would have a far more substantive investigation of Israel-gate.

The problem is that if anyone mentions the truth about Israel’s clout, the person is immediately smeared as “anti-Semitic” and targeted by Israel’s extraordinarily sophisticated lobby and its many media/political allies for vilification and marginalization.

So, the open secret of Israeli influence is studiously ignored, even as presidential candidates prostrate themselves before the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both appeared before AIPAC in 2016, with Clinton promising to take the U.S.-Israeli relationship “to the next level” – whatever that meant – and Trump vowing not to “pander” and then pandering like crazy.

Congress is no different. It has given Israel’s controversial Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a record-tying three invitations to address joint sessions of Congress (matching the number of times British Prime Minister Winston Churchill appeared). We then witnessed the Republicans and Democrats competing to see how often their members could bounce up and down and who could cheer Netanyahu the loudest, even when the Israeli prime minister was instructing the Congress to follow his position on Iran rather than President Obama’s.

edit on 22-6-2017 by theultimatebelgianjoke because: -

(post by The GUT removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: DJW001


1. russia isn't in the business of toppling foreign regimes. russia isn't in the business of imperial conquest. i can't say the same for the country that we live in. they are not committing the same crimes.

2. the "gerasimov doctrine" does not introduce nor present anything that any nation doesn't already do. military expansion, political mindgames of influence... literally everyone does this. it's not "Russophobia," and nobody here readily believes russia isn't capable of psychological warfare. it's just that they're not directing it to the united states in any way that anyone can prove. you can't even prove it, and yet you still throw it at the wall to hope it sticks. it doesn't. it won't.

3. you didn't know he had an annual Q&A with his citizens, but you expect us to believe you "know all too well" as to how russia works? you do understand the difference between knowing and assuming, right?

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: The GUT

Does the Deep State condemn the United State's interference in West Asia and the Levant the way I do? Does the Deep State condemn the use of "drone warfare" and trials in absentia the way I do? And why are the Mods permitting these personal attacks? This is not the Mud Pit, and your personal aggression is a sure sign that you have been triggered and have no facts in hand.
edit on Thu Jun 22 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Up to them, but they'd have to start with you even before you accused another member of being a neo-nazi.

One thing Russia knows about their propaganda efforts: Telling the truth about our sold-out politicians and screwed-up foreign policy is much more effective than fake news.
edit on 22-6-2017 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: DJW001

If only you didn't name people antisemites and neo-nazis for saying something perfectly relevant against Israel ...

When did you condemned American imperialism ? Every time someone does, you pull out your best 'Russian_troll_trying_to_undermine_confidence_of_US_citizens_into_politics' insinuations.

You made mention of 'Russian friends', did you forgot about the 'Russians thugs' sending death threats you like to whine about ?

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: facedye

1. russia isn't in the business of toppling foreign regimes. russia isn't in the business of imperial conquest. i can't say the same for the country that we live in. they are not committing the same crimes.

What country do you live in that you don't know that Russia has been an imperial power for over a millennium? As for toppling foreign regimes, what do you think is going on in Ukraine?

2. the "gerasimov doctrine" does not introduce nor present anything that any nation doesn't already do. military expansion, political mindgames of influence... literally everyone does this.

If literally everyone does this it means Russia does this... so why deny it?

it's not "Russophobia," and nobody here readily believes russia isn't capable of psychological warfare. it's just that they're not directing it to the united states in any way that anyone can prove. you can't even prove it, and yet you still throw it at the wall to hope it sticks. it doesn't. it won't.

It just means that they are particularly good at it. Why do you think they are incompetent?

3. you didn't know he had an annual Q&A with his citizens, but you expect us to believe you "know all too well" as to how russia works? you do understand the difference between knowing and assuming, right?

Yes, you are the one assuming I have not watched those tedious propaganda shows. I can only put up with about three minutes of highlights before I want to throw my laptop across the room. Anyway, who do you think gets to choose which calls go through? You didn't answer that one.

Too bad you do not seem to be able to discuss Ozero. That is how Russia is really run. And I suspect you know that.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: DJW001

I'm 100% confident that Russians know Russia better than you.
And they don't come to the same conclusions as you do.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

When did you condemned American imperialism ?

Look up. I am very specific about what I approve of and what I disapprove of. The same goes for Israel. (The settlements have to go, for example.) What I object to is the reflexive condemnation of everything the United States, NATO, and its allies worldwide. Go ahead and hate, but don't expect anyone to be swayed.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

I'm 100% confident that Russians know Russia better than you.

I certainly know Russia better than you. If you knew Russia like Russians know Russia, the answer to the question: "Do you love the government?" is always da da da!

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: DJW001

What country do you live in that you don't know that Russia has been an imperial power for over a millennium? As for toppling foreign regimes, what do you think is going on in Ukraine?

my goodness, you're quite literally debating like a fish caught out of water. is ukraine a "foreign regime"??

are neighboring countries "foreign regimes" to one another? get real.

If literally everyone does this it means Russia does this... so why deny it?

deny what? that russia is expanding militarily, while its political influence continues to grow? how am i denying it if i'm affirming that point to you? are you a bit winded because of all the common sense responses by our other knowledgeable members to you here? because it definitely seems like it.

It just means that they are particularly good at it. Why do you think they are incompetent?

please quote me *directly* on that question above. when did i say russia is incompetent?

my point to you here is that russia did not influence any part of our 2016 elections, and there is not one solid shred of substantiation to contradict this view. you've had a lot of tries here to do that yourself, and have failed colossally (just like the media sources you seem to support).

Yes, you are the one assuming I have not watched those tedious propaganda shows. I can only put up with about three minutes of highlights before I want to throw my laptop across the room. Anyway, who do you think gets to choose which calls go through? You didn't answer that one.

i'm ASSUMING you haven't watched the Q&A's when you yourself said you only watch 3 minutes out of a 4 and a half hour session? what kind of trolling is this? it's legendary, imo.

Too bad you do not seem to be able to discuss Ozero. That is how Russia is really run. And I suspect you know that.

what would you like to discuss about Ozero? you seem really hung up and salty over the fact that russia continues to succeed militarily, economically and politically without being a democratic republic. you mention organizations like Ozero in a willfully naive manner - are you really going to sit there and posit that our american government and its allies have never set up private financial institutions to benefit themselves? must i remind you what the trilateral commission, the current federal reserve, the clinton foundation, the bilderberg group, the DNC and organizations like it are all about? are you really that dense?

something about stones and glass houses comes to mind... hmm.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: facedye

are neighboring countries "foreign regimes" to one another? get real.

Wow. Just... wow. Why are you even pretending to be an American? Only people who have exclusively consumed Russian propaganda do not realize that Ukraine is a separate, sovereign state. Goodbye, troll. Everyone can see that your usefulness is at an end.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: DJW001

ukraine is a "separate, sovereign state"?

so why does everyone in ukraine speak russian?

i'm from ukraine - my parents speak russian, and that's the main language they taught me growing up. i can quite confidently tell you that your view on that part of the world is highly politicized, westernized, and woefully inaccurate.

we came to the united states because ukraine at that point was quite literally falling apart in every way you could possibly imagine (it would also tickle you to know that the only reason we were allowed into the US is because my mother is jewish. during the mid 90's, the US was not letting any russians into the country who weren't jewish). the political structure of ukraine since the USSR is highly susceptible to infiltration and subversion by damn near any other super power on this planet. that's not as easy to do if it's under Putin's umbrella.

the fact of the matter is that ukraine is essentially one big, largely lawless forest. ukraine needs russia and its resources for a multitude of geopolitical, economical and social means.

it's like denzel washington said - "this s#!t is chess, it ain't checkers."
edit on 22-6-2017 by facedye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: DJW001

One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow To Kiev

In June 2014, a Gallup poll with the Broadcasting Board of Governors asked Crimeans if the results in the March 16, 2014 referendum to secede reflected the views of the people. A total of 82.8% of Crimeans said yes. When broken down by ethnicity, 93.6% of ethnic Russians said they believed the vote to secede was legitimate, while 68.4% of Ukrainians felt so. Moreover, when asked if joining Russia will ultimately make life better for them and their family, 73.9% said yes while 5.5% said no.


In February 2015, a poll by German polling firm GfK revealed that attitudes have not changed. When asked “Do you endorse Russia’s annexation of Crimea?”, a total of 82% of the respondents answered “yes, definitely,” and another 11% answered “yes, for the most part.” Only 2% said they didn't know, and another 2% said no. Three percent did not specify their position.

With two studies out of the way, both Western-based, it seems without question that the vast majority of Crimeans do not feel they were duped into voting for annexation, and that life with Russia will be better for them and their families than life with Ukraine. A year ago this week, 83% of Crimeans went to the polling stations and almost 97% expressed support for reunification with their former Soviet parent. The majority of people living on the peninsula are ethnic Russians.

boy is your response looking ridiculously silly and emotional given the above. lolol
edit on 22-6-2017 by facedye because: added emphasis

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: facedye

boy is your response looking ridiculously silly and emotional given the above. lolol

So you are a Russian born in Ukraine living in America and relying on Russian propaganda for your news. You have my sympathies.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: DJW001

is Forbes russian propaganda?


posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: facedye

is Forbes russian propaganda?

No, but as I'm sure you know, it is unwise to complain to strangers in Russia.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: DJW001

you literally couldn't be more wrong about all of the assertions you made here, even if you tried.

here you will find russians, complaining to strangers:

what else you got?

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