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My Recent "UFO" Observation

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posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: CreationBro

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: Aliensun

But isn't all the black budget stuff on the tax payers dime and the lies we are told by the government, for our safety...isnt it?


Control and mitigation of technological advancement, in medical, in energy, transportation, etc.

Also, to prevent rapid potential economic upheavel, and social unrest, I presume. However i think both of these reasons are excuses.

So, no, not really for our safety, its more about control. My best advice is to be patient and proactive in the areas that matter, even if it means sharing a story like the OP.

To the OP: I have seen the same craft.
Where and when did you see it? Same colors as this one? Was it hauling butt too?

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
Amazing sighting Fizzixist!

MY brother and Dad saw something slightly similar as far as speed and odd non-aerodynamic shapes go... They were unloading a pickup truck at a local church and looked up and saw a huge sized multiple rectangular object with many rectangular box shaped longitudinal protrusions which were connected with narrower rectangular cross members, and it had hundreds of multi-colored lights that were stationary. When they told me about it later they had to really concentrate in order to be able to remember details of it, as if it had a way to dampen peoples memory. This sighting happened in 1995 and they told me it appeared to be pretty high up but very big, as big as 20 acres of land (my Dad's description) , and traveling at least 2,000 MPH.

During your sighting did you get any mental impressions or feel anything odd besides seeing an amazing craft that day?

The craft they saw gave off a bright amber colored glow as it traveled.

It took me 15 years of asking them for more details to get the ones mentioned, since they have some kind of trouble thinking about the craft and describing it with as many details as possible.

Something else odd about seeing exotic craft like theirs and yours flying over private property when their will be witnesses to something the Air force insists doesn't exist and with the military embargo on anything alien or UFO related, plus the highest classification on black budget projects/SAP programs, I just can't conclude that your sighting is "one of ours", but it certainly still could be. There isn't very many reasons I can think of for our military to brandish these kinds of toys in public places if they really are ours.

Another conjecture on my part would be to think these objects are using a mass cancelling propulsion system to fly around without wings, and creating a stronger magnetic or gravitational force than earth gravity to basically move around as if their isn't any gravity

Thanks for posting your sighting
It is hard for me to see it in my mind. Hard to remember the picture of a 10 second encounter. I wrote this down and did the sketch the same day that it happened. I went out later that day and checked a compass reading on my phone. It was traveling 1° off of exact north (negative to the west that is)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: UberL33t
This is the closest I could find relative to your description... Although you only saw one sphere...


What about a couple a hundred years ago? If you look at the right of the picture it like they come from them the way it drawn.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: UberL33t
This is the closest I could find relative to your description... Although you only saw one sphere...


Whoa, that's what I saw in the mid '90s in Maryland, broad daylight, dumbbell in the sky. This is the only other time I've heard of someone seeing the same thing I did back then, thanks!

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Specimen

originally posted by: UberL33t
This is the closest I could find relative to your description... Although you only saw one sphere...


What about a couple a hundred years ago? If you look at the right of the picture it like they come from them the way it drawn.

Literally I was going to post that too. It's the 'Battle of Nurnberg' and was the immediate first thing that cam to my mind too when I saw OPs picture of it. So I'm just gonna bump it a little.
Some people nowadays are trying to say that the image is of a sun dog. But not only has OP seen something similar now, I never quite believed that smple explanation anyway. There were hundreds of witnesses that day and not all of them were just idiots. They had eyes and ears and if they say that it was like a 'war', went on for quite a while and was even immortalised in a picture, then there was more to it than just a play of light.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:09 PM
This shape (of your UFO) or similar shape has appeared in some crop circles this year. From what I remember it's not a regular shape in crop circles. The phenomena does stuff like this..."co-incidences", subtle links and ties, so I'm inclined to believe you
Time and space connected, and probably other things we can't comprehend, haha.

Well, no-one can prove the artist of the crop circles and your UFO aren't one and the same
Also nice to see it "trigger" someone elses old sighting. The only time "triggering" is interesting nowadays
Not sure I've heard of this shape much myself before, but the "dumbell" description does. I'm personally only really interested in "live" links, rather than historical links. I don't think this stuff really works with the intention of historical links, rather, only what exists in the current time frame. But that's just me.

Thanks for sharing, I'll be interested to see if this shaped UFO crops up again (and especially this year!). Thanks for sharing your sighting and cool diagram!

Stay curious about it, you might have a double sighting. Maybe it depends what kind of connection you made or will make from your first encounter. I think re-affirming sightings are totally possible...cos that's part of what (or how) I've witnessed this stuff.


Note: This crop circle (above) also comes with the binary 1.0 (according to some).

And what was that compass orientation you mentioned...Spooky huh?

Extra note. Your decision to post this and this crop circle (above) happened at pretty much the same time. You give that whatever weight you feel is necessary!

Extra extra note. I went for a dawn drive around Avebury (which I haven't done since 2014) a few days before this crop circle appeared, damnit, I drove straight past that field! I was trying to either see a UFO, crop circle making UFO or catch people out
Everything, for me, is all very "strong" at the moment, your own account included. Thanks!


PS. Also your note about magnetic north. The "true-fo's" I've seen have travelled along raw compass points (don't know what the proper word is?) never a wavy direction, always directly N or E etc, to the letter (or degree!). So your comment on that (and the straight as a needle trajectory) to me is what I consider to describe it..."security lock" or such...basically an identifier of a genuine sighting. Kudos!
edit on 22-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: markymint
This shape (of your UFO) or similar shape has appeared in some crop circles this year. From what I remember it's not a regular shape in crop circles. The phenomena does stuff like this..."co-incidences", subtle links and ties, so I'm inclined to believe you
Time and space connected, and probably other things we can't comprehend, haha.

Well, no-one can prove the artist of the crop circles and your UFO aren't one and the same
Also nice to see it "trigger" someone elses old sighting. The only time "triggering" is interesting nowadays
Not sure I've heard of this shape much myself before, but the "dumbell" description does. I'm personally only really interested in "live" links, rather than historical links. I don't think this stuff really works with the intention of historical links, rather, only what exists in the current time frame. But that's just me.

Thanks for sharing, I'll be interested to see if this shaped UFO crops up again (and especially this year!). Thanks for sharing your sighting and cool diagram!

Stay curious about it, you might have a double sighting. Maybe it depends what kind of connection you made or will make from your first encounter. I think re-affirming sightings are totally possible...cos that's part of what (or how) I've witnessed this stuff.


Note: This crop circle (above) also comes with the binary 1.0 (according to some).

And what was that compass orientation you mentioned...Spooky huh?

Extra note. Your decision to post this and this crop circle (above) happened at pretty much the same time. You give that whatever weight you feel is necessary!

Extra extra note. I went for a dawn drive around Avebury (which I haven't done since 2014) a few days before this crop circle appeared, damnit, I drove straight past that field! I was trying to either see a UFO, crop circle making UFO or catch people out
Everything, for me, is all very "strong" at the moment, your own account included. Thanks!


PS. Also your note about magnetic north. The "true-fo's" I've seen have travelled along raw compass points (don't know what the proper word is?) never a wavy direction, always directly N or E etc, to the letter (or degree!). So your comment on that (and the straight as a needle trajectory) to me is what I consider to describe it..."security lock" or such...basically an identifier of a genuine sighting. Kudos!
Thanks for the info. I did not know about the crop circle. Way cool.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: markymint

What's the story behind that horse in the hill side?
Is it ancient?
Could be a reason why that crop circle popped up in such a close local to that huge horse.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 12:22 AM
Alien graffiti. ?
I've often thought sentient beings would have habits just as we do. Active minds need "pointless" activities to reset to a functional level.
Also, in my mind , a truly functional intelligence would have a sense of humor.
Crop circles and buzzing the yokels might be diversions after a long shift of galactic patrol.
(Would a few Air Force flyboys do things like that.? Sure they would. )
And no matter what organization, every piece of equipment isn't going to look the same. Form follows function.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

That what make it so interesting, since it well before the industrial ization era and is only statements from people. Would the witnesses go through such length to make something up even thought apparently there even weirder statements about humanoids.

It does leave an imposing what if the skirmish did happen in Germany, and in their view, a cosmic one.
edit on 24-6-2017 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: Fizzixist

That's great and everything, but it always helps to have backup. How many others saw this too?

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Yes indeed, we have a lot of ancient horses and sites and that is one of them. Especially along the Wiltshire/Oxfordshire border, where crop circles are most prevalent.

In fact, after I wrote that post, the BBC posted two relevant articles. One about all ancient sites across the UK:

Something a little odd, is that I used to keep calling "Silbury Hill" the wrong name "SilSbury Hill". I have no idea why. But once I took a look at those hill fort maps, it turns out there is a SilSbury Hill, next to where I live! It's not a name we know locally, no-one calls the particular mound SilSbury Hill, but that's it's official I got a little spooked out...

And the other article, about Hillside horses and things...

Lots of neolithic sites, that are still in good shape so to speak, in and around the crop circle county. There's a lot of history here in the UK but methinks some of the earliest preserved history lies in the hills of Wilts/Oxon/Berks (crop circle central). But this is somewhat off topic from the OP, so I'll leave it at that

That said, I don't think UFO's are like us humans, who effectively live and work around the same area for most of our lives. Considering the speed they can travel, they can be anywhere. Which is why I personally have no problem linking things like crop circle shapes in Wilts to UFO sightings in America, etc. These things can really move when they want to...
edit on 24-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 11:12 AM

Also, in my mind , a truly functional intelligence would have a sense of humor.

You're not does. Whether it's aliens (including the ufo phenomena) or the universe itself, one or the other, or both, definitely have a sense of humor. I'm not sure I always agree with it, I think in some instances it's quite sick humour, but I believe it exists. Can I ask why you feel it "should" as a part of intelligence? I'm just curious on your thoughts, cos for the 'why' I don't have many of my own

edit on 24-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-6-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: markymint

Also, in my mind , a truly functional intelligence would have a sense of humor.

You're not does. Whether it's aliens (including the ufo phenomena) or the universe itself, one or the other, or both, definitely have a sense of humor. I'm not sure I always agree with it, I think in some instances it's quite sick humour, but I believe it exists. Can I ask why you feel it "should" as a part of intelligence? I'm just curious on your thoughts, cos for the 'why' I don't have many of my own

Empathy is a sister to Curiosity, which in my view is a foundational "skill set" needed to develop even greater advantages on competitors.
No matter the body type, these traits seem to show up together. At least on earth.


posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: Fizzixist

originally posted by: CreationBro

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: Aliensun

But isn't all the black budget stuff on the tax payers dime and the lies we are told by the government, for our safety...isnt it?


Control and mitigation of technological advancement, in medical, in energy, transportation, etc.

Also, to prevent rapid potential economic upheavel, and social unrest, I presume. However i think both of these reasons are excuses.

So, no, not really for our safety, its more about control. My best advice is to be patient and proactive in the areas that matter, even if it means sharing a story like the OP.

To the OP: I have seen the same craft.
Where and when did you see it? Same colors as this one? Was it hauling butt too?

Several months ago.

The one i saw appeared to be dark grey with an orange glow around it. It was stationary with white orbs or craft flying near it. It disappeared when i lost sight of it behind a hill.

Here is my thread about it:

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