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What would be the ultimate way to prove paranormal?

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posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:57 AM
Well if anyone wanted to convince me of the paranormal.

We exist, so it's almost a fact on other planets life exists as well.
We are going out into space, it's plausible there is other life out there that has already made it into space.
We are several 100.000's years old, like 500.000-200.000 depending on the scholar, life on our planet has been evolving for millions of years.
If there is an afterlife where people go to and become ghosts, there might be people from other planets there as well who have existed for trillions of years and have vast quantities of knowledge, information and wisdom.

Thus, it should be possible for any psychic to contact one of those spirits and receive information and training, like being educated by beings from a civilization from trillions of years old and that would give all kinds of new information. Basically a channeler could get the blueprints for engines and off we can go into space. Or like new methods of communication so we could build a radio and tune into wherever the descendents live of the contacted ghosts.

Otherwise I'll accept personal information disclosed by spirits which could be verified by relatives. Also I would find it credible if someone would dig up treasures claiming he's been talking to spirits who hid stuff in the past and they guide the medium to those places. There are lots of ways I can think of, but no one has ever proven anything really.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 09:48 AM
You can't prove everything to everyone. The Truth reveals it's self to those willing to listen

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:30 PM
I think people need to just prove the existence of paranormal activity for themselves. The paranormal works on a quasi quantum level and primitive human physics just doesn't work.

Take a little trip to the San Luis Valley in Southern Colorado if you need convincing.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
Ouija boards do a pretty good job, I've tried one out with friends and we had a long conversation. You could set up an experiment where you ask the board questions no one in the room knows the answers to. Or just do a bunch of Ouija Board case studies.

Another feasible way to get proof of the paranormal is by trying out your own remote viewing experiments at home, being sure to follow as many protocols as you can. You could basically train and test remote viewing in your own backyard.

One more feasible way to prove the paranormal is to isolate the noise used when Black Eyed Kids show up to houses and then set up a speaker system broadcasting that noise along with a camera. One guy did this on YouTube and he caught a BEK showing up on his front porch in the middle of the night, just staring at the noise.

Out of curiosity I looked for and found the video you are talking about, and many more by the same guy.

Waste of my time, it's clear he is making this stuff up, his other videos are even more far-fetched.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
Ouija boards do a pretty good job, I've tried one out with friends and we had a long conversation. You could set up an experiment where you ask the board questions no one in the room knows the answers to. Or just do a bunch of Ouija Board case studies.

Another feasible way to get proof of the paranormal is by trying out your own remote viewing experiments at home, being sure to follow as many protocols as you can. You could basically train and test remote viewing in your own backyard.

One more feasible way to prove the paranormal is to isolate the noise used when Black Eyed Kids show up to houses and then set up a speaker system broadcasting that noise along with a camera. One guy did this on YouTube and he caught a BEK showing up on his front porch in the middle of the night, just staring at the noise.

But are you just tapping into your subconscious? The human motor-control system is a feedback system in which the conscious brain sends "move" commands to the relevant limb via the motor cortex (ECG recordings prove these are XYZ vectors). The motor cortex then activates the most useful muscles, then performs the necessary error correction.

This entry refers to synergies where separate muscle groups can be involved in a particular activity even if there is no direct physical connection eg. driving a car. This would extend to several people putting their fingers on an upturned drinking. If there were a real entity driving the glass, then having three or more robot arms along with a human asking the questions. My theory is that the random noise in the feedback system gets amplified when two or people are interacting.

To prove that the paranormal really exists, we need to be able to have a mathematical model and experiments that can be reproduced in the various fields: teleportation, levitation, remote viewing, future prediction, ghosts/spirits/poltergeists

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 07:25 PM
You know it is kind of funny to have this topic pop up. I have been listening to old Art Bell shows on a podcast lately.

A couple of the shows they have saved are his old Ghost to Ghost shows he used to do for Halloween. He didn't have a guest for these shows, just let the callers call in and tell their stories.

Now granted some may be a bit off the wall and unbelievable, but just the shear amount of people calling in is hard to just shrug off as them all being whackadoodles.

When I used to drive a cab and had a long distance rider, I'd ask them if they have ever seen a ghost or UFO just to make some conversation. It was kind of amazing how animated some people got when telling their stories, or you had the reluctant ones, but they still told it.

I think the paranormal sort of falls under the same category as UFO's. Once you've seen a ghost, no one will ever tell you different.

I myself think the proof is in the numbers and there are a Lot of stories out there....I even have my own.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Just the other night I had a dream that i needed to work on my car stereo. The very next day, my rear speaker was not working properly..

I have had hundreds of these types of dreams and waking visions/auditorialzations.

Hearing what people say before they say it. Seeing the color of a car before it passes by an intersection...add in synethsesia too.

Yup, many people are fogged over and batting their lips, all the while gloating about how "rich" "powerful" and or "cool" they are.

In fact, ive noticed many people go as far as to outcast people like me, a walking dead man.

Your answer is that they actively block those things with observational affect (collapsing wave form) due to self defense, negligence, and or cowardice.

And theyd be right to be afraid, but at what point does one realize ignorance is actually hurting more than awareness?
edit on 12-6-2017 by CreationBro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 12:38 AM
I like the way Arthur C. Clark viewed it.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

So, if anything, it is proof that there are so many things that we, including our science, have absolutely no clue about.. yet.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: CreationBro

Sometimes experiences can be unnerving. Yes, I've known people who report similarly and had a few myself

I'm not sure we should place much stock in them when there are nearly always alternative explanations. Such things as confirmation bias, wishful thinking and then a saver's menu of psychological issues and, potentially, brain damage. This isn't so much a cop out rather than a way of staying anchored to the safety of reality even when we go paddling in the unknown.

When people aren't grounded, they come unstuck. In some cases it's a fatal mistake; usually, it's a misstep or a whimsy.

I'm still in favour of those who design and run the experiments.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 07:18 AM
The I live in called Tynemouth has had many strange things happening especially some different experiences including myself and my neighbours from Ghostly Mists, a brief time slip and ghostly apparition and thats just the tip of the iceberg but yet we have a castle that was built in the 7th century and was attacked through the years yet not one ghost or thing has been seen there about from a old myth/legend ? but somebody mentioned about my area being on top of Ley Lines.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: sarra1833
Figuring now a days any time any picture, vid, etc is shown, people tend to cry fake on it. Is there any way possible aside from something that the entire world sees at once to prove any format of the paranormal? Sadly even when tons of people witness events, many claim this or that reason for it to be fake.

So what proof would be needed to ultimately put 'it is true with no doubt' to any and all things paranormal?

This is the proof you seek:
1. How about alleged remote-viewing descriptions of subatomic particles in 1895 that exactly matched facts of nuclear physics and experimentally confirmed quark theory that were established only at least 60 years AFTER the paranormal observations were published?
2. How about statistical tests of the correlation between this data and scientific facts about atomic nuclei that show a fit so good that there is less than one chance in 5000 that it was the result of chance?
3. How about paranormal observations revealing the existence of isotopes that were published in 1908 - 4-5 years before the chemist Soddy hypothesized their existence?
4. How about predictions in 1908 of the existence of an isotope of neon with the correct mass number of 22 years before the British physicist Francis Aston discovered this isotope in 1912? Aston plagiarised the name for this isotope from the two clairvoyants who had first published their discovery of it. This was proven a few years ago by Dr Jeff Hughes, a historian of science at Manchester University (see here).
5. How about the basic constituent of matter being remote-viewed in 1908 and shown to match the superstring model of subatomic particles and its prediction of 6 compactified dimensions?

All this was proved in 1980 in the book Extrasensory Perception of Quarks by the physicist Dr Stephen Phillips and additional evidence provided in 1999 in his book ESP of Quarks and Superstrings. This research was reported in several peer-reviewed journals and shared at several international conferences on parapsychology. It was also well-received in 1985 at a private seminar held in the world-famous Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge. The ground-breaking work has been endorsed by a Nobel Prize winner in physics, by several Fellows of the Royal Society (e.g., the co-discoverer of vitamin B12), by past presidents of the London Society for Psychical Research and by past directors of nuclear research institutes in India, including an Indian Minister of Science.

So why have you never heard of this pioneering research that provided the best evidence of ESP that has ever been assembled? ("Best" because all this evidence cannot be explained away in terms of cheating/hoaxing or coincidence). You don't know about it because the only way well-known scientists with a reputation to ruin can deal with research proving the existence of ESP that they cannot refute is to ignore it. Yes, really. By pretending that it does not exist, so that they don't have to risk damaging their reputations by recognising and endorsing it. With a few exceptions, the lack of endorsement by well-known scientists resulted in few people ever getting to know about the work. It was NOT because it was ever debunked - the evidence was too good for that to be possible. No. It was because - with a few exceptions - no scientist had the courage to talk about it PUBLICLY. It was the usual conspiracy of silence that meets any research that disproves the contemporary received wisdom but cannot be debunked.

Here is an introduction to this work:
Both books can be downloaded for free using the links on the right-hand margin of the home page at:

edit on 12-6-2017 by micpsi because: Typo corrected.

edit on 12-6-2017 by micpsi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 04:21 PM
Tynemouth! Yes, as a child my sister and I would go to the car boot sale and then the boating lake and there would be such a weird eerie vibe about the place. My Grandad had a house on Beach Road which was haunted by a monk. Nobody told us kids but we were scared to go upstairs alone. Back to topic I don't think you can ever prove the paranormal as the sceptics have an answer for everything. If a ghost walked into a crowded place seen by many it would be put down to mass hysteria/hoax etc. With todays technology fakery is easy so impossible to tell a hoax from the real thing.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 04:27 PM
try getting cem trailers to believe its not real . try getting flat earths to believe the world is round .
Try getting the moon landing disbelievers to believe .
heck try getting the NASA disbelievers to believe we even have satlights .
succed in that then maybe you can get people to believe in ghost .
Ps ironing is ( irony ) lol the Same people who believe in Gods and angels disbelieve in ghost which are spirits lol .

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: sarra1833

even the most valid proof...for example naming a grandfather no one knows, etc will never be valid enough for skeptics.

There is no way to prove this...and actually, i like the skeptics staying out of it really. I dont want everyone to believe in the supernatural...that is when psychics will be help prisoners.

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: 808Funk

Your castle was the renovation of a Roman altar during the Byzantine era.
They hadn't decided yet what to do with the body of Christ?

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