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Rate the Last 10 US presidents with summary

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posted on May, 25 2017 @ 03:41 PM
I just had to start this thread. I've been having the same argument for years. It usually goes like this.

Obama destroyed this country and was the worst president ever. I Usually reply. Not really, he's probably at least Average. So let's see.

Here are the last 10 Presidents. I'm not counting Trump in the mix cause he hasn't been in office long enough.

The last Ten Presidents of the United States in order from the most recent are Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard M. Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy.

Here's my ranking. It was Generally hard to do. 1 being best to 10 being the worst. Most of you will but Reagan or JFK near the top and Nixon and Johnson at the bottom. I put GW Bush in 8 due to the IRAQ war. That creation of the power Vacuum created ISIS and made IRAN a power player in the area. Bush Sr. Ford and Carter did some good things but were all largely ineffective leaders. That leaves Clinton and Obama. Clinton is only this high because of the Economy, but who do you trade him out with? Maybe you put Clinton next to Nixon for lying about Monica? You could. I just want your thoughts
I have Obama as 4 but He could have slipped to 5 or 6. You might even change my mind with a good discussion about it, but I stand by my original position, for now that he was an average or slightly above average president.

1. JFK
2. Reagan
4. Obama
5. Carter
6. Ford
7. Bush Sr.
8. GW Bush
9. Lyndon Johnson
10. Nixon
edit on 25-5-2017 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: amazing

I was born when Eisenhower was POTUS.
I remember when JFK was shot (I was watching cartoons when the program was interrupted) when I was a preschooler.
LBJ had a dog named LadyBird
I remember when Nixon ran because our class had to do a mock 'election' and 'choose' a candidate to promote and make posters (I was turning 9 years old right after voting day)
Parents took us to Eisenhower's funeral
Ford fell down a lot (Chevy Chase was great)
I know Carter was a peanut farmer. His brother Billy Carter had a weird beer brand and was a good ole' boy 'redneck' type.
Didn't pay much attention until I became a parent, and then I started caring.
Clinton impressed me with his health care overhaul.
Reagan - meh
GHW - meh
W - srsly?

Probably missed a couple, and that's because I didn't pay much heed.
Obama was my favorite, by far. Ever.

I wish I didn't care again.
edit on 2552017 by Catalina22 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: amazing

1. JFK
2. Reagan

Huge drop off...

3. Clinton
4. Bush Sr.
5. Nixon (not a crook by today's standards and actually not a bad President)
6. Ford
7. Bush Jr.

Huge Drop off...

8. Lyndon (an evil bastard and probably killed Kennedy or knew who did)
9. Carter
10 Obama

edit on 2017/5/25 by Metallicus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: amazing

1. Reagan (A)

2. GW Bush (C)
3. Ford (C)

4. Clinton (D)
5. JFK (D)
6. Nixon (D)
7. Lyndon Johnson (D)
8. Bush Sr. (D)

9. Carter (F)
10. Obama (F)

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: amazing

1. JFK
2. Reagan

Huge drop off...

3. Clinton
4. Bush Sr.
5. Nixon (not a crook by today's standards and actually not a bad President)
6. Ford
7. Bush Jr.

Huge Drop off...

8. Lyndon (an evil bastard and probably killed Kennedy or knew who did)
9. Carter
10 Obama

Good list. Would you consider putting Lyndon at 10 and Obama at 9. Why Obama at 10?

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 05:06 PM
1 - JFK - Stood up to the Central Reserve and paid the price.

2 - Carter - Good intentions but poorly carried out. His post-presidential diplomatic work has been quite commendable.

3 - Nixon - Detente, reducing tensions with the USSR and all that jazz. Bad for his indiscriminate bombing campaign of Cambodia that brought the Khmer Rouge to power, probably some other stuff. His wiretapping certainly wasn't bad by today's totalitarian standards but still pretty crappy

4 - Ford - I know absolutely nothing about him except he fell down stairs sometimes.

5 - Reagan - His policies lay the groundwork to the current globalisation regime that handed political sovereignty from nation states to corporations. Iran-Contra was pretty awful, but he gave good speeches I guess. Had a few funny jokes too.

6 - Johnson - Warmongering psychopath, though his social reforms and welfare programs were a good initiative

Massive drop off.

7 - Clinton - Warmongering psychopath, also laid the groundwork for the 2008 financial collapse. But at least his banker friends got rich, right, right?

8 - Bush Sr - Warmongering psychopath

9 - Obama - Warmongering psychopath and general totalitarian. Bonus points for at least trying to institute some changes in his first 2-3 months before caving totally to the establishment

10 - Bush Jr - Warmongering psychopath and general totalitarian. I literally cannot think of a single good thing he ever did than unite the whole world in hatred against him.
edit on -050005pm5kpm by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: amazing

1. Reagan
2. Obama
3. Everyone Else

In a few months we'll be able to add Trump to the list, if Democrats succeed in forcing him back to the horrible life of jet-setting billionaire.

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 06:08 PM
1. Clinton- Carried some of the highest approval ratings ever. Longest peace time president. Proliferated the economic boom of the 90's. Foreign relations mastermind who had almost every other country in love with us. Progressed the country socially, and reduced crime as well.

2. JFK- Cuban missile crisis. Stood up to the man, got taken out for it. A true American hero, a martyr. Socially progressive, focused on real issues people actually cared about.

3. Obama- Brought a healthcare solution to millions who never had access before. Furthered our countries social progress. Turned around the economic collapse caused by George Bush Jr. Reduced our military operations overseas from what they were under Bush. Took out Bin Laden.

4. Reagan- Properly prescribed the right medicine to our ailing economy at the time.

5. Ford- Was never elected, and wasnt in office to do anything terrible.

6. Johnson- Spearheaded modern American progressive social policy, and aggresively pushed bills through congress. Downside was his escalation in the war.

7. Bush Sr.- War Monger... old ideas.. behind his time.

8. Nixon- A crook

9. Carter- A president with great ideas who did alot of people centric positive things, but held office during energy crisis, economic downturn, and man-made disasters.

10.George Bush Jr.- War monger. Solely responsible for economic collapse in the late 2000's. Lacked intelligence and any capability at all to do the job.

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: amazing

1. JFK
2. Reagan

Huge drop off...

3. Clinton
4. Bush Sr.
5. Nixon (not a crook by today's standards and actually not a bad President)
6. Ford
7. Bush Jr.

Huge Drop off...

8. Lyndon (an evil bastard and probably killed Kennedy or knew who did)
9. Carter
10 Obama

Good list. Would you consider putting Lyndon at 10 and Obama at 9. Why Obama at 10?

Obama ended up leaving us more divided than any time in history. Even under bad Presidents we didn't have the enmity for each other we do now.

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 09:17 PM
1. Reagan
2. JFK
3. Ford
4. GW Bush
5. Bush Sr.
6. Lyndon Johnson
7. Clinton
8. Nixon
9. Carter
10. Obama

posted on May, 26 2017 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: amazing
Of the last 10, only JFK wasn't a complete turd.

Reagan was nothing more than a CIA asset, and he engaged in all manner of treasonous behavior while in office. It makes me cringe to see him so revered.

There are reasons to investigate and potentially prosecute Obama and Clinton. Johnson is the most crooked POTUS we've ever had. Nixon should have been in under doctors care instead of in the oval office. Carter...i used to think him a likable fool. Now i see him a just a fool. Bush Sr was the intelligence coup we have been fighting against, though....and represents the single biggest act of treason in my lifetime.

posted on May, 26 2017 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: amazing
9 worked for TPTB, 1 did not...

posted on May, 26 2017 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: amazing

1. JFK
2. Reagan

Huge drop off...

3. Clinton
4. Bush Sr.
5. Nixon (not a crook by today's standards and actually not a bad President)
6. Ford
7. Bush Jr.

Huge Drop off...

8. Lyndon (an evil bastard and probably killed Kennedy or knew who did)
9. Carter
10 Obama

Good list. Would you consider putting Lyndon at 10 and Obama at 9. Why Obama at 10?

Obama ended up leaving us more divided than any time in history. Even under bad Presidents we didn't have the enmity for each other we do now.

I hear what you're saying but I don't think it's his doing. But I respect your opinion on it.

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