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Stop with the fake news around the Comey memo

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posted on May, 18 2017 @ 10:56 AM
Let me throw in a few disclaimers. I voted for Trump, primarily to ensure Hillary never sniffed the presidency. I don't consider myself to be a republican or democrat. I feel like there is a decent possibility there could be inappropriate ties between Trump and Russia (I'm 50/50 at this point), but I also realize that we can only take things being thrown against the wall from the mainstream media with a grain of salt. IF Trump is guilty of anything impeachment worthy, I definitely want to see him impeached, just as I would any other democrat or republican. One other thing- The Comey memo may or may not be real. But let's assume it is real-the language that is in it certainly doesn't amount to obstruction of justice. It's laughable to make that tenuous argument based on the language in the memo.

This being said and all disclaimers aside, shame on you people who are spreading fake news around on this site, even after being called out by other members that what you are claiming is obviously not true based on the actual evidence. What I am specifically referring to is the May 3rd testimony under oath by Comey. I won't copy the whole text as you can easily find it in other posts. However, this part has been misconstrued into fake news:

“Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that – without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason. That would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.”

If you look at the entire testimony around this item, it is 1,000% clear that Comey is referring to the attorney general or senior officials at the DOJ and only the DOJ. This does not include Trump. To say that it does is an absolute fabrication of the truth. Yet the fake news is spinning and as of the time of this writing, a particular post pushing this has garnered many flags and groupthink spewing the same lie. I am thankful several members have called it out. Let's continue to be objective and not let our political leanings get in the way of facts and truth.

On a side note, let me throw in another mini-rant for no extra charge...The "us vs them" mentality of republicans and democrats on this site is killing me. What happened to looking at things from an objective perspective without all of the name calling and mud slinging? Part of me feels like this site is silently being taken over by a handful of members who have chosen to cash in their credibility and star power due to their hate of the opposite party.

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: jburg6

RE: "objective perspective"

Everything in politics is subjective. Everything is an opinion. What people call facts are often interpretations.

This whole situation is like NFL football game. There's always one or two plays during the game where the rule can be interpreted as a real foul or bad call. I think that is what is going on here. When the rule is not being interpreted in your favor you are whining like banshee. But when it was not in Obama's favor it was absolute fact and truth.

I think the spin the media puts on any story is to create the most controversy. Whether or not Trump obstructed justice still remains to be determined. But the media is out to get ratings. They did it to Obama and you loved it. They are doing it to Trump and you hate it.

edit on 18-5-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:19 AM
I have said on these boards before and will say it again.
People NEED something in their lives to conspire about.

If there was a picture of Trump getting ready to cut an apple,the conspiracy people LOOKING for things will try to make a spin and say...."OMG Trump is a Satanist!!" or "Trump has sex and murder on his mind...PHOTO PROOF"

Nobody will actually just say...."Trump likes apples" (why even report it) or "Trump has a snack"

People NEED things,sometimes,stars and flags and attention.

As for your mini rant.
When a post or a sentence starts out with "I'm a liberal" or "I'm a democrat" or "I am a republican" or "I am a etc etc"...I almost automatically ignore it and move on because these are the ones who aren't listening or paying much attention so why bother even talking to them.
If they actually had a clue,they wouldn't align themselves with stupidity.

Its the same people who get on board for a candidate and than a few years later saying..."OOPS...I was duped"
The same people jump on another bandwagon only to come back later going "OOPS...I thought I could trust this guy"

I just shake my head.

Its like the story of a woman bringing a snake back to health and the snake bites her...she asks "why did you bite me"
The snake says "I'm a snake you dummy"

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: jburg6

In the war of fake news, context is the first casualty.

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: jburg6

On a side note, let me throw in another mini-rant for no extra charge...The "us vs them" mentality of republicans and democrats on this site is killing me. What happened to looking at things from an objective perspective without all of the name calling and mud slinging? Part of me feels like this site is silently being taken over by a handful of members who have chosen to cash in their credibility and star power due to their hate of the opposite party.

The answer to that question has been given many times recently.

It goes like this right here:
"They started it when the right wing media outlets were picking on Obama". And it will be ping pong from that point forward.

Your serve.

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: jburg6

I just think news is news...fake or otherwise. You cant stop that flow of information.

Ripley had it right way back when: "Believe IT? or NOT!"

What one considers "news" is someone else's "trash". Its how you take it...or dont pay any attention to it.
Especially about and from those 2 clowns: TRUMP and HILLARY....

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

It's real if it makes Obama or Hillary look guilty. It's fake if it makes Trump look like a criminal. Get your "facts" straight!

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: jburg6

maybe you should have posted the context around that snipet you posted then? i haven't seen the whole thing and no where do i see where your posts points out attorney general or the doj. imo your post complaining about a previous post is just as lacking in its information.

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: jburg6

On a side note, let me throw in another mini-rant for no extra charge...The "us vs them" mentality of republicans and democrats on this site is killing me. What happened to looking at things from an objective perspective without all of the name calling and mud slinging? Part of me feels like this site is silently being taken over by a handful of members who have chosen to cash in their credibility and star power due to their hate of the opposite party.

Objectivity is being overshadowed by internet tribalism at this point. It's quite sad actually because the defense mechanism kicks in before logic does.

As far as the Trump issue, I want the facts. And when the facts are exposed I don't want to hear the "it's fake" cries from either side.

posted on May, 19 2017 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

See? If those two knuckleheads can't be taken seriously? Hey... Then neither can we. True, false, could be, probably is or isn't...this whole dog and pony show is getting pretty funny either way.

And with orange haired Donny the Clown as ringmaster...this circus-watching is worth an extra box of popcorn. No matter who falls off the highwire...we still cant stop watching.

Fake this, true that, Hillarys pointless and he's clueless. The truth will prevail in the end for both...stay tuned.

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