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America the Beautiful; one team, one fight

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posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:55 PM
Petty politics surpasses drug abuse, porn addiction, and lifestyle

How fast can you make two people hate each other

Let's ask around; time for bill-shiz is over

This is America 2017

Are we seriously this jacked

to become this easily manipulated, brainwashed all for what?

Is this life? War overseas

Civil war over corporations we call news?

Who pays you?

Who pays you

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: iWontGiveUP
yes. this is all there is. we all enjoy the stability of the numb.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: iWontGiveUP

Here's a couple examples.

Your OP is pretty vague but what constitutes being brainwashed? Accepting that we are stuck with an endless amount of terrible leaders who fancy themselves above the law? Watching the country fall to pieces at the hands of a few while the many just want to live a peaceful life, work, and feed their families?

When are we allowed to stand up and say enough of the BS? How are we supposed to go about replacing all of these ass hats with people who genuinely have our best interests at heart?

The news corporations aren't the ones who need to die. Big pharma, defense contractors, Monsanto, corrupt bankers, wall street.... Those should be the top of the target list. Then we can kill the lawyers.

Kill all the leaders. Kill the shadowy elite. Return the country to it's true owners, the people. Let the Populist issues facing our country be worked out and corrected by them. Start over.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:17 PM
The problem is this following:

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Hating the players instead of hating the game?

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: AnonyMason

I happen to aagree with both of those quotes.

On the Bannon quote, I believe he is reffering to how intrusive and unaccountable the government has become. The current deep state war against Trump proves this.

This used to be a left wing argument. Take away the deep states power, stop the nation building war mongers, dismantle the corrupt system and have one that benefits the people.

Whats wrong with that.

As for Trump, we are over extended financially. Over 20 trillion dollars in debt. I hate that is true, but just as Ron Paul has said, we have to come back to reality. We haev spent decades spending above our means, so now we need time spending below our limit.

Now compare this to many on the lefts world view, that says America is evil, that capitislm is evil and must be dismantled, that all of our systems are a patriarchy and must be dismantled. Many on the left support this idea, yet I see you do not criticize them. I wonder why?

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: AnonyMason
a reply to: iWontGiveUP

Here's a couple examples.

Your OP is pretty vague but what constitutes being brainwashed? Accepting that we are stuck with an endless amount of terrible leaders who fancy themselves above the law? Watching the country fall to pieces at the hands of a few while the many just want to live a peaceful life, work, and feed their families?

When are we allowed to stand up and say enough of the BS? How are we supposed to go about replacing all of these ass hats with people who genuinely have our best interests at heart?

The news corporations aren't the ones who need to die. Big pharma, defense contractors, Monsanto, corrupt bankers, Wall Street.... Those should be the top of the target list. Then we can kill the lawyers.

Kill all the leaders. Kill the shadowy elite. Return the country to it's true owners, the people. Let the Populist issues facing our country be worked out and corrected by them. Start over.

Perhaps the contrary; look around

Are we all getting along by design👍✌️👌

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: iWontGiveUP


My American roots go back to before the Revolution and my blood was part of that fight. My relations were also part of some of the best and worst history we have seen.

Some of my family probably owned slaves, which makes me feel horrible - unclean in a way that makes me angry. How could anyone think they could own another person??? Abuse them??? It makes me
Sick. Those folks - their blood is in me and their history - but I refuse to carry forward the racism and cultural pogrom of making black people somehow lesser. Heck, I have some 7x grandparent that was black African! 2% of their blood is in me too.

I am. Patriot. I am a Daughter of the Revolution whose Grandfather was killed in action in WWII. He was a hero cut down in his prime. He lives in my veins too. All those past heroes beat in my heart.

I became disillusioned with government as a very young child, barely old enough to understand the images of horror from Vietnam and the tension over some mysterious thing called Watergate. This shaped my whole life. I am never surprised by

I grew up taking family vacations to National Parks and Monuments, soaking in the depth of wild beauty that is America. My Dad took us on a trip to all the Revolutionary war memorials, then to D.C. and all the way up to NY City to see the Statue of Liberty. I want to protect that heritage for generations to come.

I am an American.

I am also left of center. That does not make me less of an American and I'm sick of people on the right thinking they have the corner on Patriotism, that they are the only ones who have jobs and sacrifice for their families, that my disagreement over how government can and should function somehow makes me less American.

I know folks on the left can be downright prickish about some things, and arrogant to a fault. We are not the only educated ones, or the only ones who care what happens to our fellow man, nor do we have a corner on righteousness.

Truth is, we all need to step off our high horses and channel our better selves. We need to listen just as much as we need to be heard. We need to let go of our judgements and the need to be right. We need to allow for a measure of compromise or we will get nothing at all.

We've already built a wall in America but it's an invisible one made up of code-words like right and left and what religion we are. We suss each other out, see if the other knows our secret handshakes and passwords so they can be on our side of
The wall.

We cannot tolerate intolerance nor be complicit in the demise of democracy yet we cannot be so self righteous that we become the same as
That we wish to purge.

Winning isn't winning if we are rigging the game and disenfranchising voices and cutting off our noses to spite our own face.

There are problems in our country that need fixing and we need to take them on while we can still do something about them. There is work to be done.

This really isn't a game. It is our very lives at stake.

/rant over

(Sorry to get all preachy in your thread...)

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Never has truth come before "numb"

That's a great adverb these days

Just numb for whatever;

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
a reply to: iWontGiveUP


My American roots go back to before the Revolution and my blood was part of that fight. My relations were also part of some of the best and worst history we have seen.

Some of my family probably owned slaves, which makes me feel horrible - unclean in a way that makes me angry. How could anyone think they could own another person??? Abuse them??? It makes me
Sick. Those folks - their blood is in me and their history - but I refuse to carry forward the racism and cultural pogrom of making black people somehow lesser. Heck, I have some 7x grandparent that was black African! 2% of their blood is in me too.

I am. Patriot. I am a Daughter of the Revolution whose Grandfather was killed in action in WWII. He was a hero cut down in his prime. He lives in my veins too. All those past heroes beat in my heart.

I became disillusioned with government as a very young child, barely old enough to understand the images of horror from Vietnam and the tension over some mysterious thing called Watergate. This shaped my whole life. I am never surprised by

I grew up taking family vacations to National Parks and Monuments, soaking in the depth of wild beauty that is America. My Dad took us on a trip to all the Revolutionary war memorials, then to D.C. and all the way up to NY City to see the Statue of Liberty. I want to protect that heritage for generations to come.

I am an American.

I am also left of center. That does not make me less of an American and I'm sick of people on the right thinking they have the corner on Patriotism, that they are the only ones who have jobs and sacrifice for their families, that my disagreement over how government can and should function somehow makes me less American.

I know folks on the left can be downright prickish about some things, and arrogant to a fault. We are not the only educated ones, or the only ones who care what happens to our fellow man, nor do we have a corner on righteousness.

Truth is, we all need to step off our high horses and channel our better selves. We need to listen just as much as we need to be heard. We need to let go of our judgements and the need to be right. We need to allow for a measure of compromise or we will get nothing at all.

We've already built a wall in America but it's an invisible one made up of code-words like right and left and what religion we are. We suss each other out, see if the other knows our secret handshakes and passwords so they can be on our side of
The wall.

We cannot tolerate intolerance nor be complicit in the demise of democracy yet we cannot be so self righteous that we become the same as
That we wish to purge.

Winning isn't winning if we are rigging the game and disenfranchising voices and cutting off our noses to spite our own face.

There are problems in our country that need fixing and we need to take them on while we can still do something about them. There is work to be done.

This really isn't a game. It is our very lives at stake.

/rant over

(Sorry to get all preachy in your thread...)

I am just a student of history

Hi-jack away;

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:45 PM
We cannot tolerate intolerance nor be complicit in the demise of democracy yet we cannot be so self righteous that we become the same as
That we wish to purge.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: iWontGiveUP
We cannot tolerate intolerance nor be complicit in the demise of democracy yet we cannot be so self righteous that we become the same as
That we wish to purge.

Thank you for quoting me

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard

I am an American.

I am also left of center. That does not make me less of an American and I'm sick of people on the right thinking they have the corner on Patriotism, that they are the only ones who have jobs and sacrifice for their families, that my disagreement over how government can and should function somehow makes me less American.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Why do you insist on feeling dirty because you had an ancestor who did something you don't like?

You bear no collective guilt for your genealogy. Go back far enough, and you might discover you African ancestor has skeletons in their closet too ... maybe someone in their family tree sold other Africans into slavery or kept slaves back on the continent ... and so it goes.

Do you know why I suspect you mentioned that part of your heritage at all? Likely because of the dirtiness and shame you feel that you had to mention the slave owning ancestor so you virtue-signaled to cover up that shame.

And that's part of the problem.

None of it is stuff *you* did or had any control over, but *you* carry the shame as if you did. So know you wail and gnash and wear your moral sackcloth and take it all out on everyone around you.

Collective salvation. You can't be saved unless all are saved, and then again, you can't be saved because of your dirty little secret.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Truth is, we all need to step off our high horses and channel our better selves. We need to listen just as much as we need to be heard. We need to let go of our judgements and the need to be right. We need to allow for a measure of compromise or we will get nothing at all.

Well posted.
You are spot on.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

You're reading too much into it.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 02:58 PM
You didn't see anywhere close to this amount of hate when Obama was elected.

Apparently it's the new norm for Liberals.


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