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Where was i before i was conceived

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posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
Your dads nut sack

So far the most logical statement on this thread....

I do have a question....If a evacuation happens and no one was around to see it(conceived) did it really happen at all? Kind of like the falling tree in the forest question. lol

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: nickovthenorth
My view as it stands...i believe that before conception we are the same as after death we are nowhere and we are nothing which when you try can be difficult to process, i think certainly my mind anyway struggles to fully comprehend the idea of what nothingness truly is and that is why so many go with life after death theories because in my opinion the brain struggles with the thought of true nothingness.

Countless mystics claim nothingness and everything are the same. To the mystic zero = infinity.

Not only that, but the idea of "self" is delusion. We all think we have a "self". But what it is that gives us the delusion of "self" is exactly the same for everyone. Much in the same way every generation thinks they invented sex, each of us thinks we are unique. We are all exactly the same otherwise we would not be able to procreate. We just imagine ourselves as something more than what we actually are.

If you think about it, however, it is kind of astonishing to think we actually made of the very stuff we are experiencing in the Universe. We are the Universe's way of experiencing itself.

In terms of sperm and preexistence existence, I was at a party once at Rutgers University. The party was at a local house. The lights were off and there were about 20 people dancing like crazy in the living room. At the time I was thinking all the people were channeling their inner sperm with all the writhing and bouncing going on. The dark room looked like woohoo.

edit on 2-5-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:56 PM
Here is my take on it. I'm not insisting on this as "Truth," just a possibility.....The person you think of as yourself did not exist prior to your conception. An essence or spirit did exist and decided for whatever reason to take bodily form. This was either to learn something, experience something, or to make a redress of grievances incurred in a prior life. In your current form you have been made to forget all your history to make this life "pure," i.e.: Not influenced unduly by prior lives. Today you think of yourself as "Michael" or "Julie" or whomever, but this is a bit of an illusion. When you return to where you started those other lives you have lived will be returned to "you" as you gradually take on more the role of your essence and less as the ego you are right now. In fact, eventually you will begin to forget the details of your life here just as you don;t remember what you had for dinner three years ago. As you take on even newer experiences, or even lives, THIS life will be less important to you. You will have internalized whatever it was that brought you here this time, so no effort is lost, but this life won't be as "in your face" as it is now. That's why your beliefs, including your religion and political leanings, don't really matter. They simply provide context in which to live your current life. They don't have an objective reality.

I hope this is helpful to some. It doesn't really matter whether you like the idea or hate it. This is not a debate. It's just one way of looking at the issue.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:00 PM
Egg and sperm, which one carries the soul,
Maybe it is the spark of life at conception when a spirit possesses the host

Like Jesus was known and his spirit implanted in Mary, but that was immaculate, hmmmmm.

So God said before you were in your mothers womb I knew you.

So maybe he creates the soul and waits.

Or maybe we come from twin spirits, one male, one female, and inhabit the host simultaneously,

Though when we come to earth we forget,then we are born into the light, the passage way, the womb is the passage way.

Birth and death are the same thing.

Yes, that's it.

Great question

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth
Maybe it truly is an "ignition" process, and that 'spark of life' that physically happens when a sperm penetrates the egg is what creates consciousness/awareness in the combined DNA--or, the completed DNA, I guess.

It's possible that our consciousness did not exist in a structured form prior to fertilization, but more like in pieces waiting to be combined and switched on.

I guess, in theory (and this is just me thinking outloud), that the "pieces" could be parts of the whole of previous consciousnesses that existed in people who died, and that each of us carries some of this within us at all times, just waiting to be combined to create a new human consciousness. This could help explain why some people have memories of past lives, or take on traits that mimic traits in other dead people, or have seemingly exact skills that dead people had.

Maybe what we see as consciousness/awareness/a soul is just a conglomerate of other pieces of other souls that reconfigure itself in usually unique ways when that spark of life happens at conception--maybe it sort of welds together those pieces.

But, of course, who knows at this point...

ETA: It's sort of pertinent to note that I am not a spiritual or religious person, but I do recognize the reality that consciousness is not something that we fully understand. Maybe it passes from dimension to dimension upon death, and upon entering the new dimension, it is attracted to and inhabits the nearest 'spark of life' at conception--maybe not. Who knows, but I don't think that there is some "soul factory" out there churning out new souls ready for insertion into every new conceived human being (i.e.: A creator god).

Hell, maybe consciousness rides on the backs of neutrinos as the pass through all matter, and eventually latch onto a conceived child as its passing through an expectant mother. Quite honestly, the theoretical options are unlimited.
edit on 2-5-2017 by SlapMonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: amazing
I believe more in the line of reincarnation or that we return to the spiritual realm/God after we die and then we come back again over and over. I don't know the mechanics or the why and why not of it all or where we were before the Universe began etc, but who does.

My life experiences have led me to believe that there is a creator and that we don't just cease to exist after we die. Research has led me to believe that we can come down to earth multiple times or not. Of course I could be wrong and "Bam!" nothingness ever again after I die, but to me that leads to a boring purposeless life view. That's just me though.

led me to believe that we can come down to earth multiple times or not.

That is what some believe and we chose our path before we come back

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth
Since it is currently impossible to answer this question with absolute proof from any angle, consider this.

There is no before.
There is no after.
There is only now.
Time is an illusion.

Everything is one.

So that concept of you just didn't exist yet. You were busy being something / everything else.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: amazing
I believe more in the line of reincarnation or that we return to the spiritual realm/God after we die and then we come back again over and over. I don't know the mechanics or the why and why not of it all or where we were before the Universe began etc, but who does.

My life experiences have led me to believe that there is a creator and that we don't just cease to exist after we die. Research has led me to believe that we can come down to earth multiple times or not. Of course I could be wrong and "Bam!" nothingness ever again after I die, but to me that leads to a boring purposeless life view. That's just me though.

led me to believe that we can come down to earth multiple times or not.

That is what some believe and we chose our path before we come back

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: GuidedKill

originally posted by: crazyewok
Your dads nut sack

So far the most logical statement on this thread....

Not really. Even within the context of a Rationalist point of view, however crudely expressed, it's only half right. And it fails to engage the question at hand. It dismisses it.
edit on 5/2/2017 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

Thanks for the views...i don't think I've ever heard it put this way before...sort of like soul puzzle pieces but the pieces change and fit in a different place each time they are put back together making a completely new puzzle...i dig it

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth
Yeah...I was just spouting off an idea that came to me.

I kind of dig the idea, too, but I'm pretty certain that consciousness takes a path between conception and death more like is described in reincarnation than the Christian idea that the soul goes to live in heaven or hell for eternity, necessitating a new consciousness/soul be created each time that there is a new human life.

But then again, I'm a big proponent of recycling and repurposing, soooo...

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: nickovthenorth
We have no doubt all been asked what we think happens after we die but my question is this...before we are conceived where are we?...what are we? we even exist before sperm meets egg.

I am not a religious person myself and by that i mean i don't follow any established religion this does not mean that I'm dead set against some form of creator etc...however to me its just as likely we are in a simulation/game type scenario where most of us are the NPC's just trudging along through everyday life..and the elites are the players/gamer's that interact with us...for their quests if you like or that aliens did it...than i am to believe in the established magic bearded sky man or (insert your deity of choice here).

So with that said...this is not a thread to bash peoples ideas and beliefs but neither is it a place for pushy religious types...i respect your right to believe what ever you like just please do me the decency of returning the favor i am always open to new ideas and i really do want to know what you believe but i am not here to be converted to any religion thanks.

My view as it stands...i believe that before conception we are the same as after death we are nowhere and we are nothing which when you try can be difficult to process, i think certainly my mind anyway struggles to fully comprehend the idea of what nothingness truly is and that is why so many go with life after death theories because in my opinion the brain struggles with the thought of true nothingness.

The thought of this may anger some it may also scare some but to them i say if my view is correct you will never know it just like you don't know of yourself before conception you will have no knowledge of yourself after death...and to be honest i can live with that...and if I'm wrong i guess I'll have a deity i need to suck up to

Well half of you existed in an egg in your mother's ovaries until it was that eggs turn to be fertilized. The rest of you was created in your father's testicles where you sat for a day or so until, during intercourse, you travelled from your father's testes, down the vas deferens, through the urethra and were ejaculated into your mothers vagina. From there the half of you that came from your father travelled into the uterus and joined with the genetic material stored in the egg.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth

I've got the memory of a nightmare I had when I was a very young kid. It was all sensory and I *think* it could have been a memory of being born. The birth wasn't a good one (late with forceps) and the pain and sounds of the nightmare seem to tie in with what the experience could be like to a conscious being with no words and only awareness of the senses.

If there's any factual truth to it, I'd say we're nothing at all until our parts become distinct in the womb from our mothers and 'awareness' begins. In that sense, it chimes with what you think about 'we are nowhere and we are nothing.'

Death could be the subsequent loss of the awareness. For me, it suggests a finite existence rather than something grander.

It's a credit to everyone in this thread that all the posts are taking your OP seriously.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:26 PM
We are fallen angel that didn't obey and were curious , wanted to try out earth, That's how God can say before you were in you mothers womb I knew you.

We were perfectly and wonderfully made until iniquity was found in us.

This is a fine mess nickovthenorth has gotten us into, lol

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Peeple

No sarcasm, just beautiful, it reminded me of something important.

Mi Go are doing fine, getting ready for my brain to be extracted soon!

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: dug88

Thanks for the biology lesson however you are quite a few years to late

I can't fault your answer is a known fact that this is how i got to be me as i know myself in this form if any other forms exists at all that is.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: nickovthenorth

I've got the memory of a nightmare I had when I was a very young kid. It was all sensory and I *think* it could have been a memory of being born. The birth wasn't a good one (late with forceps) and the pain and sounds of the nightmare seem to tie in with what the experience could be like to a conscious being with no words and only awareness of the senses.

If there's any factual truth to it, I'd say we're nothing at all until our parts become distinct in the womb from our mothers and 'awareness' begins. In that sense, it chimes with what you think about 'we are nowhere and we are nothing.'

Death could be the subsequent loss of the awareness. For me, it suggests a finite existence rather than something grander.

It's a credit to everyone in this thread that all the posts are taking your OP seriously.

That sounds pretty scary and not something i would like to be able to remember thanks for the input...and yeah agreed had some good thought provoking answers so far

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 03:08 PM
I have it on good authority that spare souls are kept in a box on the moon.


posted on May, 2 2017 @ 05:57 PM
Before you were born you dwelt in the world of spirits. This was not an unusual place for you because you had lived there in nonlinear time, and what we would now perceive as eternity. You were not alone all intelligence dwelt there as well, until someone greater then ourselves provided a way for us to advance. He was already advanced and he dwelt beyond and above us in a greater part of the universe. Thus he invited all of the intelligence which lived in this world with us, to join him in the greater existence. However, he was particular about who might live in his kingdom, because it was a pure kingdom. Anyone who would not embrace His ways would not be allowed to enter . He built this earth, he is whom we call God and his son is whom we call Jesus. In order to to help those on the world (which he built to balance out their ways to be in harmony with His kingdom. He provided a way for everyone who has and does and will dwell upon this earth a way to shed their nature. The nature brought with them from the previous world and that nature developed in the mortal sphere, through genetics of birth or poor life experiences, and other influences. As a man is greater then an ant, God is much more greater then us. But He has a great capacity, the capacity of love and so great is His love that the elements of the universe obey Him. The very fabric of all things obey Him. The earth and all creatures on it, play their part to honor us who this great God choose to create us in his image. Thus he has provided a way for all creatures to advance, but for us he made a way that we may join with him in His kingdom and call Him Father. The world he built was placed in a fallen place in the universe. The aliens around us are natives to this fallen space, but when the earth experience is finished the earth will be drawn back to His presence and away from those who dwell here. However some who light up the night skies are of the city of Enoch and that of others who were led away. They will join us on this earth before the earth is drawn back to a higher place in eternity. . . reply to: nickovthenorth

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 06:03 PM
I have a pre-birth memory and once had an out of body experience. I don't tell many people about these things because it sounds so out there. In the pre-birth memory the only way I can describe it is as being in spirit form. I do remember others around me as intelligent beings with personalities, though I don't remember physical bodies.

I do remember having a choice to come here. To this day I ask myself what the hell was I thinking???? Between this memory and the brief out of body experience, I know that we are far more than a physical body and believe that when our physical bodies expire, we go on to something else. Back where we came from? On to a new life? I don't know.

There are far too many compelling stories of reincarnation to doubt its existence. I hope I am more intelligent and next time I don't choose to come back here though.

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