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End the Income Tax

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posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:19 AM
End the Income Tax

This weekend, President Trump tweeted that a: “Big TAX REFORM AND TAX REDUCTION will be announced [on] Wednesday.” This is great news. However, as we go through the process of improving the tax code, we must encourage our politicians to do two things:
1.) Eliminate the unconstitutional federal income tax.
2.) Reduce hidden taxes that politicians eternally use to offset tax “cuts”—namely increases in federal spending.

If I had my druthers, I would change #1 to eliminate the personal income tax on earned income, but still tax unearned income. And I would add a #3 that would change our progressive tax code to a flat tax for corporations and unearned income income (such as interest and dividends.)

Why would I tax unearned income but not earned income? Because of Natural Law, the heart and soul of our nation, and the foundation of our Constitution. We all have an absolute inalienable right to make a living for ourselves and our families and we don't owe anyone -- especially government -- a damn thing for it. Though the author does not differentiate between earned and unearned income, she does understand the Natural Law foundation:

Our founders understood that your first piece of private property is your body and the fruits of any labor completed through the toil of your mind and/or body are exclusively yours. All just human law is rooted in natural law (reason) and there is no natural law indicating that the government has a right to the fruits of your labor. Taxing labor is a form of extortion.

I don't care if you're a parking lot attendant making minimum wage or the CEO of a multi-national multi-billion dollar corporation. If you earn that money -- no matter how much or how little -- those fruits of your labor are exclusively yours. The same is not true for fictional legal entities created out of whole cloth by bureaucrats -- aka corporations -- receiving special entitlements from government . The founding fathers didn't think much of corporations either. They fought against the unholy union of corporations and government as much as they fought against the crown/parliament -- and for good reason. The tea they threw into Boston Harbor represented their anger and disgust at the monopoly on tea granted to a corporation by government.

Our tax code -- our progressive tax code -- is now another tool in the divide-and-conquer campaign against the people, as we argue about who should be paying more and how much more... while those same bureaucrats and congress critters too often pay NOTHING... and those who "earn" money doing NOTHING pay a lower tax rate than Jane and Joe Doe pay on their blood, sweat and tears. The only right answer is that the people should not be extorted by government for the fruits of their labor.

Especially now that it has gotten to the point that those who pay more, want more from government -- and feel entitled to deny basic rights and privileges to those who pay less. Unless and until we eliminate the personal earned income tax and level the playing field, it will only get worse.

And lest anyone is worried about the critters not having enough money to spend:

One in two Americans believes that the federal government relies on personal income taxes to fund at least three quarters of its operating costs, according to a new survey by Ipsos. In reality, income taxes only fund about a third of total government spending.

All of which could easily be made up by eliminating corporate welfare, instituting a fair and reasonable tax on unearned income, and appropriate tariffs on imports/exports.

Of course, I don't expect Trump to do so... the IRS sure wasn't on his list of federal agencies to eliminate. So I am well aware that I'm whistling in the wind.... but I'm also well aware that doing so would solve a whole lot of problems.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:30 AM
The majority of people paying income tax don't remember the part where we aren't supposed to be paying it.

I can't remember when it started- was it the civil war, or when the bankers took over?

Didn't we toss government and start our own nation over this nonsense once before?

I tracked every dollar in and out of my pocket in 2015, and around 50% of every dollar earned went to tax. Now that Amazon collects sales tax, that number just went up.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

The article states that an income tax is unconstitutional.
The 16th amendment covers income tax does it not?

Or did I misunderstand the 16th?

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:36 AM
Eliminate the income tax all together.

Doesn't matter if it's earned or unearned.

And what the hell.

Unearned ?

Social programs is unearned income.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: neo96

Entitlements are unearned?!?!

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:40 AM
I completely oppose this.

We should have a 10%-15% flat tax on income. This shoulders the majority of taxes where it's supposed to be - on those with much higher income. You can't say it's not fair, because everyone pays an equal percentage. Do this and get rid of all the complicated BS with exceptions and brackets and close loopholes.

Trying to remove the income tax altogether goes hand in hand with a federal sales tax. This is another attempt to push the tax burden off on the middle class, who power the consumer market. The rich don't buy crap from Wal-Mart. They buy expensive champagne from France, they buy Italian leather, they buy Russian caviar. They are globalists and have access to global markets.

Even if Trump was to levy tariffs on all imported goods so the federal government gets it's fair share from the rich, it's still making life harder for the poor. The homeless guy who makes a living collecting nickels by recycling the plastic bottles he fishes out from your trash now has to pay 25%-50% sales tax for food and clothes instead of 10%. And no, the federal sales tax won't be equal or less than your State sales tax. Yes with a federal sales tax your tax burden will increase overall. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

The only fair way, completely transparent way, to reform the tax system is with a flat tax. There's no way to game the system or shift the tax burden with something so obviously simple.
edit on 4/25/17 by peskyhumans because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

1.) Eliminate the unconstitutional federal income tax.


The federal income tax was implemented via the 16th Amendment to the Constitution in 1913

The hell? That second sentence directly contradicts the first one. How can something literally written into the Constitution be unconstitutional? I don't think Katie Kieffer knows what an Amendment is.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

I can't remember when it started- was it the civil war, or when the bankers took over?

If I remember history correctly, a temporary income tax was implemented during/after the Civil War to pay off war debts; the permanent income tax was established when the banksters took over.

I tracked every dollar in and out of my pocket in 2015, and around 50% of every dollar earned went to tax. Now that Amazon collects sales tax, that number just went up.

Yup! That's what we figured out as well. How long until that number is MOST of our income??? I don't want to find out!

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:44 AM
"Roosevelt never got his 100% rate. However, the Revenue Act of 1942 raised top rates to 88% on incomes over $200,000. By 1944, the bottom rate had more than doubled to 23%, and the top rate reached an all-time high of 94%."

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:45 AM
Did I read here somewhere if stock sales were charged one penny per sale on Wall Street the national debt would vanish?

Thats how greedy them SOBs are up there, thats how little they care for your tax debt burden, not even one penny...

Anyway, the bloated bureaucracy in Washington is stealing every penny in sight now. They need it to blow up the world so they can get even richer.

There never was supposed to be a permanent, progressive income tax. But banks are in charge now , and they want to turn everything they touch to gold.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Help pay for the interest payments on the bank bailouts.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Boadicea

The article states that an income tax is unconstitutional.
The 16th amendment covers income tax does it not?

Or did I misunderstand the 16th?

Perhaps you misunderstand the difference between organic law (Natural Law) and color of law. Critters have passed lots of laws that didn't meet Natural Law standards.... and therefore do not meet Constitutional standards. You might also want to read up on the very questionable ways the 16th Amendment was passed. Just because something is passed, doesn't make it right.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: intrptr

Help pay for the interest payments on the bank bailouts.

The bank and corporate 'bailouts' were the biggest gubment welfare payout in history. Interest free cash grant from the taxpayers...

Hey future generations hows that indentured servitude working? Hows it feel to be forever in debt to the King? Whats the difference?

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:52 AM
I would rather end the sales tax and adopt state income tax.

It would make life easier for the poor and homeless.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:52 AM
The US is a financial basket case living off the rest of the world
Pay off your debt, sort your crap out

Stop Bitchin and do what has to be done, stop stealing, you will be beggars before you know it

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: lordcomac

I can't remember when it started- was it the civil war, or when the bankers took over?

If I remember history correctly, a temporary income tax was implemented during/after the Civil War to pay off war debts; the permanent income tax was established when the banksters took over.

I tracked every dollar in and out of my pocket in 2015, and around 50% of every dollar earned went to tax. Now that Amazon collects sales tax, that number just went up.

Yup! That's what we figured out as well. How long until that number is MOST of our income??? I don't want to find out!

Wouldn't "most" be definition be more than half?

I mean, right now I'm paying a mortgage *and* monthly rent (long story) and those two combined don't add up to what I pay in taxes... so I'd say taxes are indeed most of my income.

As for the 16th amendment, I'd say any true american would disregard every law implemented between 1912 and now- since they're all products of greedy bankers, who have subverted the government and overthrown the will of the people.

I want my freedom back- I suspect that starts with trashing this tainted currency.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: neo96

Social programs is unearned income.

Very good point. Of course, social programs are anything but "social"! Such programs seemed to be designed to create one more divide amongst the people, which is played to the hilt by the critters in DC.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: peskyhumans

We should have a 10%-15% flat tax on income. This shoulders the majority of taxes where it's supposed to be - on those with much higher income.

How so? I stated my case -- and the founding fathers' case -- on Natural Law, which is the foundation of the law of the land and our Constitution.

You can't say it's not fair, because everyone pays an equal percentage.

Yes, I can -- and I do! Passionately!!! It is not fair for the government to demand the involuntary servitude of the people... and to demand they get paid first. There is absolutely nothing fair about that, nor is it necessary.

Do this and get rid of all the complicated BS with exceptions and brackets and close loopholes.

I would definitely prefer a flat tax over the progressive tax... but we should have neither.

Trying to remove the income tax altogether goes hand in hand with a federal sales tax. This is another attempt to push the tax burden off on the middle class, who power the consumer market.

Yes, there are those who debate a flat tax vs the so-called "fair" tax. But I don't -- and didn't in the OP. As you said, that simply shifts the burden to the middle and lower class, especially families with children -- those with the least amount of disposable income. A national sales tax -- or VAT: "Value Added Tax" -- is not acceptable to me either.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Irrelevant. The 16th Amendment has been in effect for over 100 years. Saying it is unconstitutional is a silly argument. If you think the 16th needs to go, then we need to make another Amendment rescinding it. Just like with Prohibition. If you are banking on SCOTUS declaring that Amendment unconstitutional, fat chance. Never happening. It is a part of the Constitution now. That's what Amendments are.
edit on 25-4-2017 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Boadicea what an excellent OP! Much time and thought has been put into this. Thank you. I agree with everything you've said!

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