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American Airlines staff member seen challenging passenger to a fight

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posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:01 AM
Another airline public relations nightmare has happened, this time with American Airlines. It appears a male employee got a little rough and careless with a female passenger with babies, prompting another passenger to intervene.

American Airlines flight attendant 'whacks a mother with a stroller while she holds her twin babies and reduces her to tears' - then is filmed challenging a passenger to a FIGHT and yelling 'hit me!'

American Airlines staff member seen challenging passenger to a fight

Argument was precipitated by alleged assault of a woman by AA employee

Incident occurred on AA Flight 591 from San Francisco to Dallas-Fort Worth

AA released statement saying the incident 'does not reflect our values'

The flight attendant has been suspended by the airline pending an investigation

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:05 AM
We need to start bitch rolling people if only the entire plane whooped his ass. Perhaps it would leave a lasting impression.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:16 AM
Bastards.2nd line.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:18 AM
These airlines have been mistreating their customers for so long and we tolerated it. This is what happens.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I don't agree with either of the blokes and admit that we don't see what apparently happened before someone started filming (At least I didn't) but that woman is clearly fake crying. No one cries like that. It's more likely that she saw the news about the bloke being dragged out of a plane and heard the rumours that he could be paid off with anything from five to ten million dollars and saw her chance. I'm sorry but the crying is clearly fake, just watch and listen to how it is always the same five noises that last a couple seconds, no one cries like that.

Secondly, while I don't wanna defend the employee who should know how to handle something like this but the other guy started the whole thing, he said "If you did that to me I'd have knocked you out" he made the threat. I'll give that the employee should've ignored or walked away, I don't disagree that he handled it wrong but the customer was the one who made the threat so technically he started it first.

I just think that while she might have been hurt, she was shedding crocodile tears (Fake tears) and would've loved to have seen when she was first hit and seen how she reacted. Maybe I question things a little to much but her tears just seem a little forced for me.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:26 AM
it's great though his dough filled ass looked scared but he has to posture because of ego crumbling.

Soon he'll be plastered over the Internet.

guess he'll have to delete some acts lol.

wants to fight but jumps to hit me hit me

The words of passive aggressive twats world wide.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: MoreInterior

The sad fact is that while you're right, I recently found out that when you get on the plane you have no rights. From a few different people, places and news media when you get on the plane the rights you are used to are suspended so it's probably why the airlines think they can treat people like (brown stuff) and get away with it.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

maybe we as consumers are sick of sucking #.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:38 AM
Another claim is that he 'wrestled' the carriage away from her (what, it doesn't fit in carry on overhead storage?). Whatever he was a dick about it too when he argued with the passenger who was going to right there 'start a fight'.

What drama... OIA

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: MoreInterior
These airlines have been mistreating their customers for so long and we tolerated it. This is what happens.

My last experience flying was all the personnel acted like controlling Nazi's.

And believe me, I'm one who hates when people bring Nazi's into discussion.

It was that bad.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 09:48 AM
I may give up some rights when I enter a plane....but certainly not the right to NOT be assaulted.

While I agree that we do not know what transpired before this film started, I COMPLETELY disagree that the woman was "fake crying". "nobody cries like that".....really? I have seen a LOT of tears, (I work in medicine) and a LOT of different "crying styles" (I didn't know there was such a thing, I guess....)

The man who yelled at the attendant.....he WAS in the wrong, though I totally understand why he did it...some of these people who work for the airlines are SUCH JAG-OFFS!!!

I have told my story about being physically dragged off a flight when I had a seizure.....had I been taken off that flight as a VALUED CUSTOMER instead of like a dangerous criminal, I wouldn't have boycott UAL (I sent them such BAD VIBES AND EVIL THOUGHTS that I have been very happy indeed to see United in the news these days.)

I'm just curious what happened before the filming started. I had a pretty bad experience when I was flying home from Poland back in 1997 and was going through O'Hare, (this was before I moved to Chicago and was still living in Utah) and I was with my 5 year old daughter...alone...and with these HUGE bags, (I had spent the summer in Poland)....and the lack of empathy even in the 1990's......I cried all the way home from Chicago to SLC after that encounter....all over me asking someone who worked for the airport to help me lift my bag onto the conveyor belt to be scanned.....(My daughter was screaming her head off and I had two VERY LARGE bags and was holding up a fairly large line of angry Eastern Europeans....)
My point?
Flying with children, especially small ones like that....alone....with NO VERY difficult...and these "flight attendants" need to remember that they are in the PEOPLE business....CUSTOMER SERVICE.....and that they should treat their PAYING CUSTOMERS as valued, human beings !
reply to: Dwoodward85
edit on 4/22/2017 by Cornczech because: I'm retarded

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 10:00 AM
i say start a petition to demand the airline steward gets fired.

What a little pasty bastard.

Im glad that guy told him hed get wrecked if he tried that crap with him.

Airline douchebags need to be held accountable. Theres no underlining base of decorum these days in america and it leads to no underlining fabric of society. Thats why america is falling apart these days. And a good example of exactly whats making america fall apart these days IS this aweful shameful behaviour by this steward.

Back in the day a few men would take his ass out by the alley and straighten him out.

Now scum is favored and protected by the law while the good are told to take it up the ass. That needs to change and fast or all is lost in the usa.

Personally i dont want to live in the usa any more and am seeking to expatriate because the usa is such a crappy place to live. Started the process nearly a year ago.
edit on 22-4-2017 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Okay?? Not sure what that's supposed to mean. I'm not forgiving the treatment just sharing my opinion lol

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Cornczech

I too have worked with a lot of crying people, both young kids and even a couple dozen adults (I work in a secondary school and have to deal with all sorts) and have never ever seen someone cry like that, it's perfectly matched every time. I'm trying to think of how to explain why I don't believe it.......the way she cries is always the same the four or five noises that are always the same, the hand to her mouth, maybe I'm just a little to skeptical.

I will not defend the treatment of the woman, whether it was fake tears or not she was hit more than likely by accident and the flight attendant should've just apologised and tried to make to sort it out and maybe (depending on what happened before filming) it was just that, an accident but the bloke who stood up and started threatening is the issue and again I'm not saying the attendant was right in how he handled it and clearly should at the least be suspended and at worst sacked - but again I do think the escalation should be partly blamed on the other guy.

edit on 22-4-2017 by Dwoodward85 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

i was gonna say the same

this incident seems like it might not be what it is being made out to be

she does not look like she got smashed in the face and she does look like she is trying hard to push those tears out

all the airline dude does is say hit me hit me but after a guy said he would knock him out

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: infolurker

This morning, I had a realization which this story prompts. I'd been reading the news about how thousands of retail shops, stores and Malls are being closed around the country because the retailers can't compete with online retail. One reason being that the profit margin for online retail is only about 9%. Brick and Mortar retailers can't survive on that due to costs of operating physical store locations.

They also alluded to another reason brick n' mortar is losing out........they cited a quote from some woman with two kids in NYC who pointed out that shopping on line was a lot less stressful than lugging 2 screaming brats to a store.

I think the intersection of your story and the retail story is that every day, everywhere, fewer and fewer people are interacting with other people in public because its stressful and the American Airlines story points out that increasingly, "people" just don't really anymore know how to handle "other people" situations. As people isolate ever more.......this is only going to get a whole lot worse. My mom used to say, "Hell is other people"; that phrase is becoming ever more true with each passing day!

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

Nothin personal.

Just saying # em.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: Dwoodward85

i was gonna say the same

this incident seems like it might not be what it is being made out to be

she does not look like she got smashed in the face and she does look like she is trying hard to push those tears out

all the airline dude does is say hit me hit me but after a guy said he would knock him out

They guy was right to stand up for the woman, lord what does it take these days...just let it go?

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Having traveled with baby and stroller -- in the U.S., the stroller is supposed to be checked at the gate & airlines have it ready for you in the jet-way upon arrival. It's a safety issue. What did she want it on the plane for? From the audio, she has a European accent, perhaps she didn't understand this.

With that said, clearly the rough tough American Airlines dude has no people skills and should have calmly and politely explained this to the mom.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: smurfy

did i say that?
her face didnt look smashed and she looked like she was trying real hard to cry.

what was the guy supposed to let go? we didnt see what happened

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