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What?! Nuclear Hoax

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posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:19 AM
Have you seen the Nagasaki and Hiroshima footage?

What does this footage have in common with those films?

Watch what happens at the moment of 'explosion', around 2:58...

There is a flash of 'light', which washes over a frame, and then, in the next frame, we see the ground again. Nothing is different, except there appears to be something in the background. A whitish strip of light, maybe...

Right away, the film cuts to soldiers in a trench, coming out.

Cutting back to the 'bomb', which has already formed into a 'mushroom cloud'. As all atomic bombs form into a 'mushroom cloud', and no other bomb, or explosives, will form into 'mushroom clouds'. The famous signature of atomic bombs, is the 'mushroom cloud' it forms afterward.

We don't see the whole event, of course. We don't need to see it, we know it's an atomic bomb, by the intensely bright 'flash of light', followed by a huge 'mushroom cloud' which soars upward, into the skies.

Now that's 'proof' of atomic bombs, once again. Just like the footage of the first two atomic bombs. And so on.

This is a mass deception, and if you are willing to study it, you'll realize it is nothing but a monstrous lie, from day one, to now.

All of the footage of atomic bombs, and any other nuclear detonations, are faked. They have only made better, more convincing fakes, since then.

Here is something you all need to know -

A 'mushroom cloud' has nothing to do with so-called 'atomic bombs'.

Before 1945, they had discovered something unique about TNT.

They found out that if you pile up tons of TNT in stacks, bound together, and you detonate all those stacks, at the same time.....

A mushroom cloud will form, and reach up to the skies!

Most people STILL believe the 'mushroom cloud' is the signature of nukes. I bet you do, too.

It is really created by tons of explosives set off, at the same time.

You can now look at footage of this, if you don't believe me.

Radiation is all around us, and is used to create an 'aftermath' effect. Radiation has NOTHING to do with atomic bombs, which don't even exist.

We always hear about how 'nuclear radiation' leaked everywhere, when a (FILL IN NAME OF NUCLEAR FACILITY) had an 'accident'. Or a defect in the machinery, or didn't replace a seal, which was a critical seal.

Like there was 'the wrong button' pushed on Hawaii, which is the 'We're about to be nuked by North Korea, so please hide your sorry ass somewhere, immediately' button.


Funny stuff.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 01:22 AM
Here is the problem what that pretext:

Hiroshima was bombed in 1945.

The CIA was created in 1947.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: turbonium1

if you really dont think nuclear weapons exist go camping in the Polygon in Russia.

it was/is one of the most contaminated nuclear test sites on earth. and it is all fall out and corresponding isotopes so you might come back from your camping trip a little more bald and sick.

the men dropping the atomic bomb on Japan just slatured 10'000's of people along with the fact they didn't know 100% that it would work so i can excuse their non studio grade filming, not to mention they might be worried about someone in zero's coming up to meet them.

there is no conspiracy here, nuclear weapons exist.

It is called 'nuclear radiation'. It is radiation from a 'nuclear' facility, 'nuclear' bomb, 'nuclear' test sites. Anyone who was near the radiation died, or got very sick. They got cancer, lost their hair, so on.

When will they ever be able to build 'nuclear' facilities which don't leak all the time?
It's funny that we've had atomic technology since 1945, made atomic bombs, countless other nukes, and have used nuclear energy for many decades.

Yet when it comes to nuclear radiation leaks, they still don't know how to prevent them!! Even worse, they have no clue on how to STOP OR CONTAIN those radiation leaks, after they occur.

So please just run and hide from 'nuclear' radiation, which always seems to leak out somewhere, okay?

Radioactive material is all around us, everywhere. Many non-'nuclear' weapons, bombs, etc. contain radiation. Mostly on purpose.

Any idea what 'depleted uranium' means? What it causes?

The point I'm making is that radiation is abundant, causes death, and disease, all the time.

Why would they have nuclear power plants everywhere, if they didn't actually work?

Same reason why they have built thousands of satellites, blasted them up, to appear as if they are going up into Earth orbit. None of them have flown into Earth orbit, but if we keep pretending they all do, it's all good!

Once the hoax is created, it must persist, forever, as a hoax.

My cousin told me satellites were all fakes, many years ago. He was a salesman for a satellite company, and later on, found out he was really selling 'snake-oil'.

Look at how many 'satellite TV' dishes are not even pointing upward anymore! I've seen them pointed at the ground, and they all work as before.

How come a satellite dish can be pointing to my front lawn, yet still work? There aren't any satellites in my front lawn.

If you can believe in all that crap, you'll believe in anything.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: sdcigarpig
Here is the problem what that pretext:

Hiroshima was bombed in 1945.

The CIA was created in 1947.

They had spies, and Hollywood, etc. to help out the world's greatest military power.....long before they created the CIA.

Another point - if you were creating an agency of spies, would you announce it around the world, as a spy agency called the CIA, and the address where the spies work, so they can't be spies anymore?

A front for a front, and so on. The CIA is (mainly) used as a front.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

*deep breath*....

true there are nuclear materials all over the earth. in the basement of your house there is probably radon, in the smoke detectors there is americium, in older alarm clocks gun sites watches the glowing elements have tritium im them. i could go on.

but the catch is that there are many different types of radiation. the whole EM spectrum from radio waves to gamma is radiation. ionizing radiation comes in the for of alpha,beta and gamma. alpha will be stopped by a piece of paper, beta wood will stop it and gamma is stopped by feet of lead.

so even if there are radio emitters all around us they dont give off dangerous emissions. most radioisotopes in nature of very very low level emitters.

you clearly have no working knowledge of nuclear systems or science. in 1945 they used building sized reactors at relatively low power levels to make uranium. now we have FAST reactors molten salt reactors and gen 5 reactors are on the way. its like comparing a 1945 computer to the super computers of today, they are both computers but not comparable in level of sophistication.

i have first hand experience with DU rounds.

Uranium is ALL over the place naturally in allot of areas.

DU is slightly radioactive, SLIGHTLY. the danger comes from when it is used against hardened targets and the uranium dust is atomized due to the pyrophoric properties of uranium. It is a heavy metal like mercury and can cause a lot of damage to a human body or undeveloped baby.

it use was meant for tanks and other armored 'stuff', in the battle field. should it be used in population centers...i think not.

nuclear power is a testable and proven science, any freshmen physics student could explain the very basic idea of nuclear fusion/fission.

My very own mother worked in the nuclear industry and has seen the reactors starting up and the spent fuel pools glowing blue with cherenkov radiation, caused by beta radiation from nuclear fission...what you say doesn't exist.

im not even going to get into satellites being fake, you can see them with your own eyes or a telescope. people track and film them.

are you trolling or for real?
edit on 25-3-2018 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: turbonium1

*deep breath*....

true there are nuclear materials all over the earth. in the basement of your house there is probably radon, in the smoke detectors there is americium, in older alarm clocks gun sites watches the glowing elements have tritium im them. i could go on.

but the catch is that there are many different types of radiation. the whole EM spectrum from radio waves to gamma is radiation. ionizing radiation comes in the for of alpha,beta and gamma. alpha will be stopped by a piece of paper, beta wood will stop it and gamma is stopped by feet of lead.

so even if there are radio emitters all around us they dont give off dangerous emissions. most radioisotopes in nature of very very low level emitters.

you clearly have no working knowledge of nuclear systems or science. in 1945 they used building sized reactors at relatively low power levels to make uranium. now we have FAST reactors molten salt reactors and gen 5 reactors are on the way. its like comparing a 1945 computer to the super computers of today, they are both computers but not comparable in level of sophistication.

i have first hand experience with DU rounds.

Uranium is ALL over the place naturally in allot of areas.

DU is slightly radioactive, SLIGHTLY. the danger comes from when it is used against hardened targets and the uranium dust is atomized due to the pyrophoric properties of uranium. It is a heavy metal like mercury and can cause a lot of damage to a human body or undeveloped baby.

it use was meant for tanks and other armored 'stuff', in the battle field. should it be used in population centers...i think not.

nuclear power is a testable and proven science, any freshmen physics student could explain the very basic idea of nuclear fusion/fission.

My very own mother worked in the nuclear industry and has seen the reactors starting up and the spent fuel pools glowing blue with cherenkov radiation, caused by beta radiation from nuclear fission...what you say doesn't exist.

im not even going to get into satellites being fake, you can see them with your own eyes or a telescope. people track and film them.

are you trolling or for real?

Satellite dishes can point to the ground, and satellite tv still works. This proves it is not using satellites at all. Why would they CLAIM it uses a satellite, when it obviously does NOT? Why would they make up all this crap about satellites?

Any reason?

This brings us to nuclear power plants. They claim to generate energy with nuclear reactors. But we can't see them in actual operation. That is not proof of anything, either. Why not SHOW everyone how they create nuclear power, if it is true?

People worked on fake moon landings, assuming they were real. Same as people at nuclear plants think it's all real, when it's not.
You just claim to see satellites through a telescope, which is a worthless claim. No proof at all.

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 04:17 AM
Oh look. *Waves at Turbonium1*
The Crazy is strong with this thread. Nuclear reactors don't exist then? So, what happened at Chernobyl then? Fukushima? Windscale?
And what then are satellites? You know, the things in the sky that I can see with my telescope?
*Rolls eyes* More trolling? Seriously?

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

start at 1:30

reactors create power by using the heat from the reactor to boil water to spin turbines that generate electricity.

satellite dishes can point almost at ground level to the horizon depending on what satellite feeds you are looking for

go look at the night sky with binoculars and if you wish use a satellite tracking app so you know when to look., you'll see them with your own eyes...

you ask for proof but wont even look at the sky? i think you need to stop listening to people who were at best low level tec's in a t.v company and do some of your own research and enrichment of your education
edit on 25-3-2018 by penroc3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2018 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

The point being is that the CIA was not around in 1945.

posted on Mar, 30 2018 @ 07:43 AM
We always think about the 'nuclear accidents', somehow!

Why do so many nuclear reactors seem to have such idiotic 'leaks' of radiation?

A bit like Homer Simpson, no?

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
We always think about the 'nuclear accidents', somehow!

Why do so many nuclear reactors seem to have such idiotic 'leaks' of radiation?

A bit like Homer Simpson, no?

Have you done any research whatsoever on why those disasters happened?

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Moon landings faked - check.

Flat Earth - check.

Nuclear faked - check.

Satellites are fake - check.

What are you going to troll about next?

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

and fakedirts rad burns are fake---check

posted on Apr, 6 2018 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: turbonium1

Moon landings faked - check.

Flat Earth - check.

Nuclear faked - check.

Satellites are fake - check.

What are you going to troll about next?

Nothing. It's all based on the evidence, not what they say.

You call it trolling, without any clue about the truth, or evidence.

What DON'T you believe from the 'honest' government?

posted on Apr, 8 2018 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: turbonium1

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: turbonium1

Moon landings faked - check.

Flat Earth - check.

Nuclear faked - check.

Satellites are fake - check.

What are you going to troll about next?

Nothing. It's all based on the evidence, not what they say.

You call it trolling, without any clue about the truth, or evidence.

What DON'T you believe from the 'honest' government?

I think that you have all of that backwards. What a surprise.

posted on Apr, 13 2018 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: turbonium1

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: turbonium1

Moon landings faked - check.

Flat Earth - check.

Nuclear faked - check.

Satellites are fake - check.

What are you going to troll about next?

Nothing. It's all based on the evidence, not what they say.

You call it trolling, without any clue about the truth, or evidence.

What DON'T you believe from the 'honest' government?

I think that you have all of that backwards. What a surprise.

You mean the government is always telling the truth, and everyone who doubts them have it 'backwards'?

That's hilarious.

posted on Apr, 15 2018 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: turbonium1

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: turbonium1

Moon landings faked - check.

Flat Earth - check.

Nuclear faked - check.

Satellites are fake - check.

What are you going to troll about next?

Nothing. It's all based on the evidence, not what they say.

You call it trolling, without any clue about the truth, or evidence.

What DON'T you believe from the 'honest' government?

I think that you have all of that backwards. What a surprise.

You mean the government is always telling the truth, and everyone who doubts them have it 'backwards'?

That's hilarious.

No, I'm saying that we can provide you with evidence that will convince a normal person, but that's not my point. You like spouting nonsense and trolling people, so anything we said will be ignored by you, or twisted into a pretzel.

posted on Apr, 15 2018 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: turbonium1

Moon landings faked - check.

Flat Earth - check.

Nuclear faked - check.

Satellites are fake - check.

What are you going to troll about next?

You missed where they started this epic session to collect as much food from any willing suspect that will hand over a snack.

the 9/11 forum is where I started suspecting these shenanigans because of the repeated nonsense just like in this and flat earth threads of recent.

With the other topics you mention that seem to have spiked an interest in our friend from under a bridge and the replies they post its a wonder why so many keep feeding them.

Who is more addicted to nonsense?

The trolls spouting it or posters that keep feeding.

It takes effort not to reply.

edit: its almost an art form, I guess one must keep replying to see what amazing things will be said next

edit on 15-4-2018 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2018 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

You call it trolling, without any clue about the truth, or evidence.

ATS holds all the evidence and ....

well its just about proof, I guess it depends on perspective but most that review posts by certain posters in the 9/11 forum and where all the rest of the topics mentioned above are posted one can easily gather who is and who isn't.

The truth

posted on Jul, 19 2019 @ 03:31 AM
How about this theory : The Poseidon Underwater drone, is actually a more efficient and cost-effective replacement for SSBN-type submarines, in terms of its ability to conduct deterrence patrols.

Each Poseidon drone is not a torpedo, like certain media report, but rather is a platform that deploys or launches a ballistic missile, which in turn can be equipped with the most modern types of warhead available, to strike its target.

In other words, the multi-function unmanned underwater Poseidon is remotely controlled during its patrol and can be ordered to launch its single SLBM against a surface target, in the same way that the Ohio class SSBN can launch a trident missile.

The difference is that the Ohio SSBN carries 20 trident missile in a single submarine, while the Poseidon carries only one. Clearly Poseidon is cheaper and more stealthy, additionally it can go deeper and faster than the Ohio class. MUCH deeper and FASTER. Most importantly: each single Poseidon requires one hunter-killer sub or a surface unit to track and destroy..... the same as an Ohio class submarine.
But, the loss of an Ohio class submarine to an enemy torpedo is way more significant than the loss of a Poseidon, causing the loss of a much larger deterrent potential 20:1 !

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