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Myles Standish high strangeness

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posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: anotheramethyst
So sorry to hear about ur mom. I'm glad to hear of the spirit-type phenomena you described, I hope it continues and it brings you comfort that your mom continues to exist in a new form.

As for your friend, there are a lot of possibilities. He may have drank much more than he's willing to admit because he feels so ashamed about the experience. He may have had some type of interaction with one drink and, for example, an antianxiety medication, or maybe a sleeping pill (ambient is known for this type of thing all by itself). He may have sleepwalked and drove there. He may have been drugged (ghb or some other date rape drug would do this). He might have had some sort of brain-related episode.

Nevertheless, the coincidence is strange.

I hope all goes well for you, your family, and your friend.

Thank you so much for the condolences and well wishes.

You make some good points, this guy is incapable of lying. He was truly in shock still and so confused as to how he would have driven almost 30 miles to the middle of nowhere. He just simply doesn't leave the house after work.
edit on 17-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: KTemplar

In regards to the wine. Was he given a breathalyzer after the accident? And if so was he found to be over the limit?

Yes, he was charged with oui I believe.

He is adamant however, that he only drank the one with dinner.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: jtma508
Lived in that area for a number of years. When I first moved there I was told some very strange stories by long-time residents. As you know, they built the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant out on Rocky Point, just the other side of Rte 3 near Myles Standish. While it was under construction there were several reports of people seeing odd lights in the woods in the Pine Hills through which Rte 3 passes and which abut Myles Standish. In addition to lights in the woods, there were also reports of people seeing pi-pedal creatures near the road in the Pine Hills. The people I've spoken with that reportedly saw the creatures swear they truly saw them. Everyone uses the term 'aliens' when talking about it.

I was not aware of this, but am not surprised at all. I had an unnerving experience last Summer while camping at Fearing pond in Myles Standish State Forest. My worst experience was at a place called Hartsuff Park in Rockland as a kid with a friend of mine; I blocked out most of it for a time, and can't remember the rest. I never would go there again!

I usually try to ignore these things, but seeing an increase in strangeness.

Thanks for the info, very interesting!
edit on 17-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: KTemplar

Please keep us informed. This is an interesting case and I hope it turns out to have a reasonable explanation.

Will do!

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

Forgot to mention, he had to have left the house before 9:15 to 9:30, as this is when his roommate got home; yet he was found almost 4 hours later, approx 28 miles away. Where the heck was he for 4 hours. Scary!

edit on 17-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

Well i doubt 1 small bottle of wine would have him black out drunk.
Unless he is on some sort of medication that has sever interactions with alcohol.

Odd mystery thats for sure.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

All indications would suggest in a bar somewhere? If he was over the limit he had to have gotten alcohol in his bloodstream somehow. Do the aliens serve drinks on their flights now?

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 08:58 AM
wow, high strangeness indeed! thanks for sharing, this is quite interesting, especially when you mentioned GHB.

I don't know if you're familiar with David Paulides or his Missing 411 book series, but in his most recent book Missing 411 - A Sobering Coincidence, it details a multitude of disappearances that all take place in urban settings.

Missing 411- A Sobering Coincidence is the fifth book in the acclaimed series about people who have mysteriously disappeared. The books have been vetted by some of the top journalists in the world with statements such as; “David Paulides has shined a light onto one of the greatest and most disturbing mysteries of our time.” ...

The author continues with his profile points involving the disappearances and applies them to a series of incidents involving young men and women, mostly college age. Many of the victims vanished within the confines of their college or university town. These individuals were brilliant scholars, athletes and stellar people in their community. They disappear under unusual circumstances and are often found in areas that were previously searched. Medical examiners in these cases often cannot determine the cause of death. Many times the victim was recovered in water, yet autopsies show the body was not in the water the entire time the victim was missing. The majority of the families in these cases believe their loved ones were abducted and held, then later dumped in the water. These allegations are generally ignored by authorities until pressured by facts presented through secondary autopsies that families requested and paid for. This is a chilling and shocking series of stories that will cause many parents and young people to rethink their nighttime activities

Now, I know your friend didn't go missing for a significant period of time or wasn't missing and then found dead. But, when you mentioned GHB a little bell went off. Because David describes a number of these missing persons who are later found dead, when there bodies are independently tested for toxicology, they find that GHB was in their system.

It seems like there's some sort of connection to be made here. I'm just not sure what it may be. I don't believe your friend got so drunk off a tiny bottle of wine that he left his house, door open, with pets, went driving and then got into that accident and had missing time.

I would be interested to see what this person might say under hypnotic regression. As I'm sure there are probably pieces in the puzzle that are significant that he can't remember. And that the loss of time and memories is purposeful. There seems to be some greater agency at work here and GHB is in their toolbox. Whether to discredit someone after the fact or to just incapacitate. There is something truly strange at work out there.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

I have all of the Missing 411 books, but sadly, haven't had the time to even get through the 1st edition. I will make it a priority now.

My friend and myself have both experienced Missing time before, but believe we were not together. My incident was with a friend of mine, we were 12 I think; she told me she saw a plane crash, we rode our bikes there; very isolated where we were, was in Fall. Saw something in woods, very big, another thing (mechanical) flew out of trees to right to distract us I believe, and there it was 2 inches from my face. I hate talking about it now.

I spent years combing thru alien/ET books trying to find an answer (mainly why me); the closest I ever came was the Missing 411 books because of the no shoes thing; which I was missing when I miraculously appeared back home. This was in the early 70's, bike pedals would have torn my feet, yet they were fine!

I would be interested myself to find out, I believe he would be willing. Don't know how good his insurance is, if it would cover the costs, but will mention it to him.

edit on 17-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

Did he take a sleeping pill, too?

I have heard of cases where people have actually driven to work in the wee hours of the morning dressed in their pajamas, and tried to get in the door of their office building totally unaware of how they got there. After the security personnel approached them and "woke" them up, the last thing they said they remembered was going to bed.

Alert!! Graphic content:

Sleep Driving and Sleep Killing

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

i've heard of incidents similar to yours before. people seeing/hearing something falling out of the sky, like a plane crash. they go to investigate and something paranormal ensues. i actually used to live in Boston for 7 years during my college days. I'm curious what part of Mass/Boston these experiences happened in? Where they rural settings? city? suburbs?

you seem to have had a textbook abduction scenario, with the missing shoes, i mean i can't even count the number of times i've heard that from people before and other such similar things like waking up to find pants undone, shoes/socks gone, underwear on the outside of pants and other strange things. kind of like whoever is doing this isn't 100% familiar with our order of dress or how everything clothing wise is layered. why be so careful to cover up everything else including getting rid of memories, but then do something so simple as to forget to put someones shoes back on. very strange indeed.

the 411 books are essentially all fact, so at times they can become a little tedious to read, like you're reading an encyclopedia. but in my opinion the books are really worth going through. after you've read just a few of them the pure immensity, size and scope of the phenomenon really starts to sink in. and you have to ask yourself who or what would have the means to accomplish such tasks? while remaining 100% effective in what they do. Never being caught and never being seen.

Is it extraterrestrial? is it clandestine? inter-dimensional? who can say. but, there are clusters all over where these things happen in greater frequency than in other places. and it's been happening for over 100 years. that's how far back some of these recorded bizarre disappearances have happened.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

My incident happened in a town called Rockland, the very place I was at was a swimming hole we all went to for years. Just prior to my incident I had a very strange feeling of being watched there and a darkness combined with a haziness that I felt was menacing. It's the best way I can describe it.

This is the first time I've ever heard about the things falling from the sky however. Thank you for that! Are there any books you can recommend on that specific topic?

Curious, whereabouts in Boston?

edit on 17-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: KTemplar

Did he take a sleeping pill, too?

I have heard of cases where people have actually driven to work in the wee hours of the morning dressed in their pajamas, and tried to get in the door of their office building totally unaware of how they got there. After the security personnel approached them and "woke" them up, the last thing they said they remembered was going to bed.

Alert!! Graphic content:

Sleep Driving and Sleep Killing

Very interesting and scary. He did not take anything else. He doesn't like pills of any kind really.

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

That's actually another thing people mention a lot...the feeling of being watched before a UFO event....

As for living around Boston. I moved around quite a bit. Lived in Revere, Allston, Brighton and Jamaica Plain.

I can't think of a specific book regarding things falling from the sky. but, you might want to check out

Phantoms & Monsters Blog: Pulse of the Paranormal

It's a huge resource of sightings and experiences of all kinds. And the search function actually works! So you could type in for example "UFO Crash" and get pages and pages of reports from all over submitted by people or found in historical records.

Plus there are a number of great youtube channel resources ranging from all sorts of user submitted experiences. You might always want to peruse(in no particular order) :

Dark Waters YouTube Channel
Brenton Sawin YouTube Channel
EffedupStories YouTube Channel
edit on 17-4-2017 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2017 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: CallmeRaskolnikov
a reply to: KTemplar

That's actually another thing people mention a lot...the feeling of being watched before a UFO event....

As for living around Boston. I moved around quite a bit. Lived in Revere, Allston, Brighton and Jamaica Plain.

I can't think of a specific book regarding things falling from the sky. but, you might want to check out

Phantoms & Monsters Blog: Pulse of the Paranormal

It's a huge resource of sightings and experiences of all kinds. And the search function actually works! So you could type in for example "UFO Crash" and get pages and pages of reports from all over submitted by people or found in historical records.

Plus there are a number of great youtube channel resources ranging from all sorts of user submitted experiences. You might always want to peruse(in no particular order) :

Dark Waters YouTube Channel
Brenton Sawin YouTube Channel
EffedupStories YouTube Channel

Thank you so much for that info!

Boston can be fun and dangerous I'm sure you know. I was born in Dorchester, later lived in Somerville for a short while, that was an experience I'd like to never repeat

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

My condolences about your mother, but it seems she was giving you signs to let you know she's still around, only in a different form. The soul/spirit is made of energy, and energy never dies, it just changes form.

As for your friend, it sounds like he was a part of some grand experiment the secret deep state government do on people. They could easily track the people who buy the wine they put their drugs (GHB) in through the bar code on the package. The technology they have goes way beyond what the low-level public knows they have. They also have tech that allows them to see through walls and watch people, so they just wait to see when the person drinks it, then the rest of the story begins.

I would have gone with him having a stroke until I read that part about the GHB being found in his system.

The "alien" theory seems "on spot" for his incident too. It is well known in the UFO field that the government and the ETs work together, so maybe they were in cahoots with this?

I don't know if you caught the thread that David Paulides did here, so in case you missed it...

David Paulides AMA on ATS

edit on 4/21/2017 by sled735 because: Correction on link

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: sled735

Thank you Sled for that info, and your condolences, I respect your opinion and was glad to hear from you!

I should clarify that my friend didn't have blood work done; so the ghb was just speculation on my part.

I didn't want to tell anyone this: but I'm just going to, screw it. The same thing happened to my underage son thus past January. He walked right by me, looked completely like he was in a trance, mumbled response as to where he was going, " be right back". I didn't even see him take the keys, and he was always hesitant about learning to drive. It was very strange, because an hour before that he said he was very tired and going to bed.

Apparently, an ex-friend of his gave his a bottle of cooking sherry earlier in the day and he drank it. He didn't smell like alcohol, or display any signs of drinking. He hit a pole, totaled my car, and then claims he thought he was fighting in a war, so he ran deep into the woods to hide. Luckily, the cops found him, he was miles away from where he hit.

Hence why he went to rehab!

So this scares the #%? out if me. Both people I love. Within a 3 month period almost dying in car wrecks, heading in directions they still don't know why?

I checked my sons cell, no texts to or from anybody.

Worse part is you can't rule out alcohol entirely, but the other circumstances are strange.

I feel now I shouldn't talk about my experiences!

edit on 21-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: KTemplar


With you stating you've experienced missing time, and then this happening to two people you care about...

Something is definitely going on. Whether it's the ETs, or the government is the question. Wonder what they could be doing to make people black out like that?
I know they have these beams that they can project on any individual they choose and control them. But why?

One thing popped into my mind, but I'm not going to share it here. Just keep an eye on your son and friend, and tell them to stay safe. Tell them to keep their mood happy, if possible. Raising one's vibration helps to make them invisible to the bad ETs.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: sled735

Sled I sent you a message - please let me know what you think!

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: KTemplar

Thank you Sled, I believe you are spot on! Xo

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