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Zazz's Free-for-All UFO symposium.

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posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

It's quite simply because, no matter what is the cause of the phenomenon, it is effective. In truth it doesn't even matter whether the cause is aliens, government experiment, psychological warfare, psychological projection, reality-psyche symbiosis, natural phenomena, plasma creatures, demons, time travelers, whatever... all that matters is that it has a profound effect on human society and is being manipulated to that end.

That was the whole point of Messengers of Deception, and it's lost on many people.

Whether you are a believer or a skeptic you're being manipulated by UFOs and the primary manipulation seems to be to make people believe in aliens at any cost, as they are next in line for the Religious Reformation. If you study history you see that it goes in cycles, and people believe in one thing (sun worship), then move on to personified elements, then move on to classic pagan pantheons, then move on to monotheism, and now we're onto the next step, the "space brothers". Psychologically speaking it makes sense, as we desire a more concrete form of belief (physical aliens) while still requiring the phony spiritual woo woo bullsh# that makes us feel all gooey inside.

So now we have the New Age movement taking over the mainstream, filling in the power vacuum left by the growing disillusionment with abrahamic religions combined with the growing anti-science movement. Look at how many people prefer emotional posts over logical/scientific reasoning.

The fact is when both science and religion fail to address the problems and questions of society, the next cult will move in to take its place, to make humanity comfortable - because we will take a comforting lie over an unpleasant truth any day.

People in power have always taken advantage of humanity's faith and reluctance to take responsibility to manipulate and enslave them. I see this modern movement as merely an extension of that. We're being geared up toward the next religion and the next common enemy, for the sole purpose of greater power grabs. One world government. It sounds so stupid, but it has been the aim of power-hungry leaders since ancient times, when Narmer united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Notice how Kenneth Arnold's "flying saucer" described the motion rather than the shape, and his drawing depicted a clear Horten 229 bomber. But at that time it was classified. Revealing it would have revealed to the public that not only were the Nazis more advanced than America, but that they hired them after the war. That was actually a secret until Christopher Simpson first fully revealed it in 1988, and some documents are STILL classified. And it is no coincidence that the New Age movement contains so many Nazi principles (like Superior Blonde Alien DNA, or totalitarian government) and is run by the CIA.

The Foo Fighters were only seen around a certain equipped aircraft and so I believe that holds the answer. Radar.

Then take a look at what you just mentioned. The Australians apparently saw Egg shaped craft. Just like the Cosmic Egg archetype. Victorian UFOs looked similar to Blimps. 40s and 50s UFOs looked like the Sack AS6 and other Nazi craft. It seems like every generations craft somehow mirrors their culture and their technology. Sometimes before it even reaches that level.

In my opinion reality - or the earth itself - has some sort of symbiotic relationship with the human psyche, and it is in our fragile minds' best interest that reality remains largely "stable"... despite the multitude of breaches.

How's that for classic ATS?

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

What is that saying from a German Nazi that "if you tell a lie enough times then people would start to believe it?"

An offshoot of that saying is if you are told a lie enough times when the truth is before your eyes then you start tuning out the lie and accepting what seems actual and factual. So it is with the UFO phenomena. Science and governments ignore the reality of UFOs while insisting that there is absolutely nothing of value to the whole situation.

What is really happening in that instance is a normal, educational process of social adaptability (passive social engineering) across the entire spectrum of thought about UFOs where everyone, pro, con and neutral, on the issue become acclimated to the entire concept of ETs far beyond the sightings of UFOs which are mostly blase today. In essence, the focus is not on UFOs, they are but a visual tool and teaching aid for the innocent.

The hidden goal is the acceptance of the concept that we are not alone. The momentum of that realization across the public mind has been slowly building for years now. It is as inevitable as is the dissolution of old gods .

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 08:55 AM
The most undeniable proof for me presented itself in October of 2010 in NYC. Many other NYers remember this well...

Yes, the link is from the daily mail but that doesn't matter bc many outlets reported it. The UFO's in question were clearly visible and it was enough to make traffic actually slow down more than usual in Chelsea and midtown.

MANY people were stopping at street corners and taking pics up at the sky, and many people saw what I saw. It was one of those events in which people were saying "wow, this is gonna make the news!" and that this was a big event.

Alas, it didn't garner much attention a few weeks after that day. But we know what we saw. And thousands saw it.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 08:55 AM

In my opinion reality - or the earth itself - has some sort of symbiotic relationship with the human psyche, and it is in our fragile minds' best interest that reality remains largely "stable"... despite the multitude of breaches.

That's what Jacques Vallée said. There is one thing i keep at the back of my mind and that's when A ATS regular dug into the vault and revealed that the NSA has intercepted communication signals that don't originate on earth.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed
The most undeniable proof for me presented itself in October of 2010 in NYC. Many other NYers remember this well...

Yes, the link is from the daily mail but that doesn't matter bc many outlets reported it. The UFO's in question were clearly visible and it was enough to make traffic actually slow down more than usual in Chelsea and midtown.

MANY people were stopping at street corners and taking pics up at the sky, and many people saw what I saw. It was one of those events in which people were saying "wow, this is gonna make the news!" and that this was a big event.

Alas, it didn't garner much attention a few weeks after that day. But we know what we saw. And thousands saw it.

The most undeniable proof of what exactly?

October 13, 2010 at 3:20 PM


posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Isn't it fantastic though that we have Tom DeLonge with his wonderful illuminating books and music to keep us on the right track toward the truth.
edit on 30-3-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: moebius

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed
The most undeniable proof for me presented itself in October of 2010 in NYC. Many other NYers remember this well...

Yes, the link is from the daily mail but that doesn't matter bc many outlets reported it. The UFO's in question were clearly visible and it was enough to make traffic actually slow down more than usual in Chelsea and midtown.

MANY people were stopping at street corners and taking pics up at the sky, and many people saw what I saw. It was one of those events in which people were saying "wow, this is gonna make the news!" and that this was a big event.

Alas, it didn't garner much attention a few weeks after that day. But we know what we saw. And thousands saw it.

The most undeniable proof of what exactly?

October 13, 2010 at 3:20 PM


Soooo, that comment is supposed to mean what I and thousands of others saw was just BS?

Sorry, those were not balloons. Nice try though.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 01:12 PM
I totally relate to the thread, this was exactly my thinking when I wrote this thread:

And still, there are no answers

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Were you a believer and now a debunker, or vice verser?

Neither. I saw something that nobody has been able to explain away

I almost wish they could

In the meantime - I'm bored too. Also saddened and depressed. There seems to be less speculating, wondering and dreaming lately

Love this thread - hope it goes long

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 02:06 PM
Hey, a symposium!

I certainly would like to think that 2017 would herald something new in this field, but I am increasingly of the opinion that it will not.

However, I find that there are certain signs that something might be changing in the way that mainstream science, at least, treats many of the subjects we commonly discuss here on ATS.

I can at least sense a slight fraying around the edges of the rampant materialistic world view in some corners of what might be called mainstream science. A mere smidgeon of a glimmer of hope.

There seems to be a lot of planets everywhere we look. And the private sector is starting to eye space in earnest.

Maybe, just maybe, we can start to talk about this like we should have done from the beginning. With seriousness.

Let me pompously quote one of my favourite figures ever to take an interest in this phenomenon:

This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.

Admiral Lord Hill-Norton

He said this, of course in an interview that dealt with Rendlesham (with which this forum is well aquainted). I find the interview very comforting when the whole topic gets to me. Strange but true. Maybe it's all that tweed, but mainly I think it is the lack of nonsense.

Here is a link to the video on youtube in case you might also take comfort in it :-D


edit on 30-3-2017 by beetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Having had my own sighting, which was very close and just outside where I live. (outside the building) I saw personally an orange orb, glowing, like phosphorus towards centre. Hanging motionless in the sky, not that high from my standing height. Which disappeared almost like it faded out, rather then moved away from me. Having seen this, makes me very knowing that not all is what it seems and having read further into my sighting and everything you can imagine that has ever been on this sight, things are wild out there.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Hi Zazz,

Glad to hear from you again as always. You've heard me say it many times now. The 'golden age' of UFOs is over. It started in 1947 with Roswell & the UFO wave over the USA and fades out in 1997 along with the Phoenix Lights (or maybe the Sheffield UFO incident over the UK's Peak District
for us Brits). They were the last mass witness sightings I can truly think of. After that we are scratching around for good cases. Chicago O'Hare is an interesting one in 2006 and Stephenville in 2008 is still unresolved. There are a number of others of course but they are rare. I think that's actually the reality of it.

If you want your UFOs to be alien spaceships (which is the 'popular' conception) then I don't think there are that many cases to look at which remain promising. I think most cases in the past were misperceptions, military experiments or hoaxes. I would say that the Norway Spiral in 2009, which we know to have been a missile launch that failed, would have been covered up by the Russians during the Cold War. There was no internet and this would have puzzled people for a long time and become a huge UFO case.

So probably would have the Chelyabinsk meteor over Russia in 2013 in an age before dash cams were available.

Better communication and technology allowed us to solve these cases rapidly.

So maybe we were only visited once or twice by an alien probe and that''s the real truth. Everything else is just decoration and mythology. Or maybe the aliens stopped visiting just like we stopped going to the moon in the 1970s? Perhaps they are still out there. In which case the phenomenon is all the other stuff - military craft, black ops programs, demons, or natural phenomenon. Much of which bores me to tears. But you have to learn about it all to remain objective.

Where are we in 2017?

Perhaps not much nearer than we were in 1947. Ufology's major successes seem to be things like the debunking of the Roswell slides in recent times. Negative advances if you like. But generally belief remains the major motivations for too many in the field with too many ufo-entertainers willing to exploit that belief for cash.

It looks like mainstream science will now provide the answers to whether the aliens are out there.

But we also have to consider that the history of ufology is not something you will probably ever learn in school. Is that because nothing happened at all? I don't think so.

edit on 30/3/17 by mirageman because: edit

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: BlackProject

It blew my mind the first time i saw the orange orb ufo
I was outside in the yard doing arts+crafts ,after dark,and as i was walking back inside to my right something caught my eye. This big orange light in the sky near my yard,aways up.I thought at first it was a flare,but it just stayed in position. I watched it a minute or 2/3,then i started walking closer over my lawn,i was curious as all hell.Then it swept away,in a sort of a backwards arc,into the backfield,you know? And gone. After that it came by,many times.Everyone in my family saw it at least once.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Raxoxane

Oooh good thread. Ill be joining it in a bit.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

i typed aliens into my search bar and these three articles popped up, latest news.
GLOBAL governments are preparing the world for an imminent announcement that intelligent aliens exist and are already here on Earth, it has astonishingly been alleged.
ALIEN conspiracy theorists claim this video shows an alien peering round a rock on Mars – and is conclusive proof there IS intelligent life on the Red Planet.
RELIGIONS on Earth were created by aliens who visited Earth thousands of years ago, it has shockingly been claimed.

express are sure cranking it up

edit on 30-3-2017 by Davg80 because: (no reason given)

oh and heres the wikipedia page of the express newspaper

edit on 30-3-2017 by Davg80 because: additions

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 05:00 PM
I am still a believer. My personal experiences with a UFO makes me certain - something beyond us humans is out there.

But over the years I've come to realize, they aren't making the answers known. The subject of UFO's is shrouded in as much mystery as ever.

We can't rely on the government to give us a straight answer, it's a taboo in the scientific community, and we have hoaxes to muddle through. The momentum that seemed to be pushing the topic along has stalled, and what we are left with is crumbs.

I don't know what the future is to hold, but I won't hold my breathe for disclosure.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

"I have also always believed that the US military has had the technology to simulate UFO close encounters with psychotronic devices and drone technology."

Since when? Considering its post WW2 complete and/or incomplete failures around the globe, you might be wrong.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

could you make this an alien and ufo symposium?

i just googled what symposium meant lol

and i dumped my alien links here

so heres the recent ufo from a live recording from the ISS, i haven't looked to much into it but it looks legit.
edit on 30-3-2017 by Davg80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: BlackProject

It blew my mind the first time i saw the orange orb ufo
I was outside in the yard doing arts+crafts ,after dark,and as i was walking back inside to my right something caught my eye. This big orange light in the sky near my yard,aways up.I thought at first it was a flare,but it just stayed in position. I watched it a minute or 2/3,then i started walking closer over my lawn,i was curious as all hell.Then it swept away,in a sort of a backwards arc,into the backfield,you know? And gone. After that it came by,many times.Everyone in my family saw it at least once.

Very cool to see your reply pal. Your explanation seems basically the same as to what I say, I find it hard to explain how it disappeared but yea it certainly just went, with no real course. Just one minute there in sight, next minute gone. Also yes I could have sworn a day or two later, I saw it again myself at a further distance. I got excited that I could see it again but then that just disappeared like the other but was so far away that time.

One thing I wanted to add was both me and my mum saw it, it was my mother that came to me to tell me something is in our yard or just near it. She said to me, is it the moon? ( my mum not being good at explaining things, obviously didnt know how to explain it) at that point I rushed knowing that how she said it, seemed important. Upon getting there, was like a good 30 seconds before it went, I tried to film it but on my old phone it was like a laser pen on a black background. Just a dot and to add to the weirdness. It felt ominous to be there, like IT made me feel like I should go inside.

Nice to see someone like yourself reply to me in regards to this. I think these orbs are very important, what they are I would love to know.
edit on 30-3-2017 by BlackProject because: (no reason given)

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