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Manafort's Daughter's Hacked Texts: "You know he has killed people in Ukraine? Knowingly?"

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posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:40 PM
Cool conspiracy but the whole thing is fabricated.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Kali74

Well, I'm not really going to argue that topic in this thread, but your response shows your bias.

I do however find that the majority of folks that aren't extreme left or extreme right, are getting sick of hearing about the Russian connection when it's all framed by opinion and hyperbole.

Like Spiram said, do it by the book, present some real evidence and quit spouting nonsense all day over the air waves and people might actually start taking the idea seriously.

At this point it sounds and feels like a political witch hunt because the wrong person won.
edit on 24-3-2017 by Chickensalad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Cool conspiracy but the whole thing is fabricated.

I don't often agree with, let alone respond to you, but there is something off about this.

I think essentialtremors brought up a valid and logical point, yet nobody is even touching it.
edit on 24-3-2017 by Chickensalad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:45 PM
I looked into Manafort way back during the campaign and holy cow, what i saw scared me enough to not write about it here. I know that sounds silly, but it was like being alone in the ocean and seeing a shark fin. I got bad bad juju about it.

I'm glad you are writing about him now (and that I'm not...).

The texts are chilling.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:51 PM
Welcome to ATS Fiction Theatre....
Tonight we have a double feature with 2 spine tingling tales that are sure to set the Leftist's hearts all a thumping with the non-existent prospect of a Trump impeachment.

First up we have - Manafort's Daughter's Hacked Texts....A far out fairy tale of foreign intrigue.
And for the night cap, we have - Manafort Worked to Advance Putin Agenda....An even farther out fairy tale of foreign intrigue.

Here is your host for tonight's fantastical journey.....theantediluvian!!!!

*cue the sparse and sporadic applause here*
edit on 24-3-2017 by RazorV66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

I like the notion that this is ATS and we run with it. We bring out the "woo", and government conspiracy is THE conspiracy that started it all off (RA was probably right to focus on Kennedy, honestly....we are just now seeing the "why").

That said....we can't forget THE conspiracy: the CIA wants to subvert our liberty. While I don't personally like Trump....i can't forget that his accusers are the worst of the worst. The ones who trade in people, drugs, and guns...the ones who make the world what it is while they try to create whatever the hell it is they are trying to create.

I love seeing Trump taken to task....but i don't want folks to lose sight of who the enemy was to begin with.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Aint that the truth!

We've been making movies and TV shows about the collusion between the media and politicians and the ICs subversion of The People since at least the 60s, yet people are acting like thats not a possibility in 2017?!?!

I don't care for Trump either, but the enemy of mine enemies is my friend in this situation.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Manafort has volunteered to testify in front of the Congressional Committee about the "surveillance"

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I like the notion that this is ATS and we run with it. We bring out the "woo", and government conspiracy is THE conspiracy that started it all off (RA was probably right to focus on Kennedy, honestly....we are just now seeing the "why").

Like a lot of people lately - I read too much. Way too much. This place is like a clearing house and a place to get stuff out of my head :-)

About the CIA - living with the CIA is a lot like living with a nuclear reactor. Is it good - or is it bad? Trying to be rational (because I have my own issues with the CIA) I think it's made up of good and bad - people with ideologies and without - people who are political and who aren't. I'm sure there are some real heroes that we'll never know about - and a lot of crime we'll never know about too

So, if it turns out that there's actual treason here - and our agencies ferret it all out - are they heroes? Or - are they overthrowing their own government? Like the Civil War - this is going to split us up big time

Part of me thinks we should just live with Trump, take our lumps and look to 2020. I honestly think the situation is that bad

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: RazorV66

Manafort has volunteered to testify in front of the Congressional Committee about the "surveillance"

Yeah Comey can't even volunteer....he has to be subpoenaed.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: RazorV66

Manafort has volunteered to testify in front of the Congressional Committee about the "surveillance"

Yeah Comey can't even volunteer....he has to be subpoenaed.

Comey was seen visiting the white house today.

No one seems to know why....

Curiouser and curiouser...

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Manafort has volunteered to testify in front of the Congressional Committee about the "surveillance"

Nowhere to run - no place to hide? But, good for him. If he's innocent of any wrong doing? Good to know - right?

He also just hired a PR firm - something Assad did a few years back too:

Manafort Hires Crisis Communications Firm

Here's some interesting reading for you xuenchen :-)

What Exactly Did Paul Manafort Do Wrong?

All of this is to say that if Manafort’s contract did indeed “greatly benefit the Putin Government,” it was nothing out of the ordinary. The problem isn’t that he might have done the work for Putin. The problem is that the ordinary when it comes to Westerners doing business with the Russians—as well as other non-democratic governments—is a murky universe, where American actors are not always on the right side of the law and Western ideas of morality. The problem is that Manafort was running a campaign that hammered Clinton and her family foundation for doing much of what Manafort himself had done for decades, and that he was arguably as corrupt as his candidate said Clinton was. The problem is that the government in question had, according to 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, been actively hacking the Clinton campaign and aiding the Trump one. The problem is that Manafort and the Trump administration have repeatedly lied about Manafort’s work. There would’ve been a problem had they come clean early on—it’s not a good look for a populist, drain-the-swamp, America First candidate—but the problem is so much bigger now that the lies are now compounded, magnified by the truth. And this is classic Trump: dissemble and deny as long as you can, and even after you can. And it’s classic Manafort: It’s not clear how much he did to “greatly benefit the Putin Government,” but he certainly did no favors for the Trump Government.

edit on 3/24/2017 by Spiramirabilis because: fix link

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis

Part of me thinks we should just live with Trump, take our lumps and look to 2020. I honestly think the situation is that bad

Because the person installed after his impeachment won't be so good either, I don't think.

Smedley Butler was once asked if he would lead the government if it was replaced. He said no, and it went to Congress where it was hushed down quick. It feels like something like that is or has happened.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Because the person installed after his impeachment won't be so good either, I don't think.

Yes... :-)

Nothing is going to fix this - and if it turns out there was treason? Then impeachment isn't the problem - that makes Pence just as illegitimate as Trump. We have never been faced with a situation like this

Who is going to believe the evidence? Who would accept what would be right? Information being what it is now, trust nonexistent, people split and hating each other the way they do. We're screwed Tex - pretty much. Unless Congress and the Senate - and Pence himself all agree - there's nothing that can be done about any of it. I don't see anyone giving up that kind of power no matter what

We still have to follow the facts, and if it comes down to it - there will be legal proceedings. But it's going to go down about as well as the Reconstruction. I don't see this country accepting any of this the way they accepted Watergate

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 03:48 PM
Oh thats bad they are tainted as hearsay now and were gotten without a warrant.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Actually they're not "tainted as hearsay," they'd actually be considered fruit of the poisonous tree because they were obtained by hacking.

The result is the same though, they would not be admissable in court. I don't know that anything she said would be enough to sway anyone anyway and I doubt that investigators would have ever been able to get a warrant to search her phone in the first place.

However, it is interesting to know that she believes that her father's money is "blood money" (and I wholly agree) and it's also quite interesting to hear that Manafort is apparently conducting communication via the drafts folder of an email account. That's a method I've imployed myself in the past. It's not exactly damning but it is highly suggestive of the sort of communication that was taking place.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Because the person installed after his impeachment won't be so good either, I don't think.

I'm not crazy about Pence being President either. I'm not even sure that anything that is going on would lead to a Trump impeachment let alone removal.

It's quite possible that there was no direct coordination or that none will ever be proved and I'd say — in my opinion — it's even more likely that somebody like a Manafort pulled in favors with Kremlin contacts and didn't necessarily clue Trump into what was going on.

I would say that he has more to lose in the long run if he chooses to quash the investigation, doesn't cooperate, continues to let folks like Nunes coordinate with him, etc. His best bet is to get behind the investigation himself.

To people who are paying attention, I don't believe that the President waiting until Flynn was exposed as a liar publically (though he claims to have known weeks in advance that he was) does much to bolster our confidence.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: yuppa

Actually they're not "tainted as hearsay," they'd actually be considered fruit of the poisonous tree because they were obtained by hacking.

The result is the same though, they would not be admissable in court. I don't know that anything she said would be enough to sway anyone anyway and I doubt that investigators would have ever been able to get a warrant to search her phone in the first place.

However, it is interesting to know that she believes that her father's money is "blood money" (and I wholly agree) and it's also quite interesting to hear that Manafort is apparently conducting communication via the drafts folder of an email account. That's a method I've imployed myself in the past. It's not exactly damning but it is highly suggestive of the sort of communication that was taking place.

Umm In effect its the same thing isnt it? Ok poison tree. SInce its not able to be used then anything stemming from it would also be bad. So thanks hackers. ya just made sure he would not be charged and tried with that"evidence"

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Leon Ponetta and Hilary met with Victor as well and I believe received funding as well. He is a known billionaire and was working to with Leon to bring the Ukraine into the EU for the big bankers. Not a big deal if he talked to him. I'm sure a lot of US politicians have.
edit on 24-3-2017 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 04:26 PM
Wow, this is one reason not to get involved with shady characters... Good job digging this up, O.P. it sure hasn't been mainstream as far as I can tell.

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