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Held Presidents hand last night in lucid dream, he is losing control.

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posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:47 PM
First, I take my outings into the lucid area's serieously. Second, I am non political so I am very surprised at this dream, yet am used to them happening even though they are few and far between. Recently I had a conversation with my grandson whom has these and needed to council him that seeing a future or a present from that vantage point is a gift. He sees events before they happen and I reminded him he is the third generation with a gift.

The place I found myself in was the gray violet area, an area not of this dimension, but one where we go when we dream or wander during sleep. It is murky with little light filtering in. As usual it was populated with others whom were just there, not seeing me nor willing to talk. Other times I have floated, or flown and tried get them to get to notice so I could share, but they are into their own dreams.

As usual, I was about to have a little fun when I noticed another person come towards me, his face sagging in sadness, his shoulders slumped, a sad person. He walked past me and I noticed it was TRUMP of all people. He was not into his own world as he took note of me standing there as he passed. Accompanied with his entrance a familiar voice to me announced quietly like a subdued whisper in my mind that he is losing control, he cannot control things any longer and is becoming very depressed and things will not improve is the impression I had.

Trump sat down near me, a sad thing to see as I walked over to him, nealing in front of him to grasp his hand. I felt his pain and anger, it filled this area of sadness. I looked into his eyes and he into mine, his head still sagging. I told him I could feel his pain but also told him I did not support him in the other world, yet I would be there for him if he needed me. In sadness he replied, I just want to be alone. I patted the back of his hand in love and kindness and retreated.

This was one of the strangest events I can remember others than the world ending, or a new world starting or going to Pluto or others. But to council the president on the other side is unreal. Yet folks, the next morning on my phone there he was, with this sad face and an article of how he is losing control and his frustration, it is going to get worse!

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: sailormon

What an interesting post, thank you for sharing. Of course our dreams can only really be interpreted by our own lights, but it's fascinating for me to hear about your experience - as a matter of personal 'synchronicity', in the days prior to British prime minister Theresa May going over as the first foreign premier to visit Trump after his installment as president, I saw their meeting in the oval office, with Theresa being very polite as they shook hands, with Donald actually being extremely humble/ self-deprecating & joking that he couldn't believe that he made it across the finish line, so to speak. I took a real sense of the potential for good relations between our nations at the 'highest' level, and it seemed a portent of good tidings overall, despite the ongoing media firestorm he's faced since becoming president.

Edit to add - when you say you found yourself in the 'gray/ violet zone', do you mean to say that there is a dimension which could be seen as a sort of 'blank canvas', within which materia prima we can manifest our dream experiences (in the sense that we are immersed in our own virtual reality 'dream', which is not necessarily gray or violet in hue), and would you say that we're all sort of bumping into each other a bit haphazardly there, leading to experiences of 'dreamwalking' into the VR experience of other dreamers as we cross paths? Also, when you yourself describe that you experience this 'zone' in the lucid state, does that mean you are in some way 'hacking the matrix', by not being immersed in a VR trip of your own, but rather having the ability to traverse that dimension & witness other souls who are engaging in that virtual experience? I have often wondered whether the 'sublunary plane' has such a structure, with an 'inbuilt' mechanism causing us all to sort of lose ourselves a bit, being immersed in the VR experiences as it is said, in the middle of some scenario, rather than at the outset? I have had a few lucid dreams, and in each case when I have triied to develop my autonomous exploration of the 'dreamscape', I have been actively prevented from leaving the area I became lucid in, by other 'characters' in the narrative of whatever dream I was experiencing prior to becoming lucid. I have read of scattered reports of other people who have similarly encountered resistance, or confusion & stupefaction on the part of dream characters, who seem to react either in a controlling, or confused manner, if the dreamer becomes aware that he/ she is dreaming, and that therefore the characters no longer have a role to play...

edit on MarchThursday1713CDT04America/Chicago-050006 by FlyInTheOintment because: per ETA

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: sailormon

This is interesting. What you speak about purple, you are correct. It's outside our realm, few people can access it. I have only once and it was powerful.

s/f great post!

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:59 PM
I want to add that, I believe frequencies have the capacity to become dimensions. You could have been imagining one of them, and not necessarily this one.

always take a grain of salt with everything you see hear or envision.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: sailormon

ooh someone has a crush on the president, ain't that... hilarious!
edit on 23-3-2017 by Peeple because: Spacebar

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Flynn. Overall, I would say when in this alternate state, it is more like an out of body experience. I won't try and be as good a writer as you, but yes, I seem to be more awake and aware than others there. In other outings, others are out just wandering, not to much as bumping into each other, but wandering at night and no, I don't feel they are manifestations of mine, but then when it is a construct of learning, yes I can manifest. Other times I am drawn out by others and fully aware of it, however infrequently and this is for a simple message, more than not of a spiritual nature like a hint, not a long dictation other than when a planet kicks hell out of this one.

You mentioned be constrained and i agree. I think I mentioned on here, I feel we are here for an experience and there are others whom are like playground supervisors. I once went out from a waking sense and attempted to leave earth but ran into a barrier somewhere off earth and told not to cross the barrier. Perhaps we each have a barrier as my grandson was allowed past the barrier sometime later.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Neith

Only once have i been in the purple area fully and that was when I came to task with a being that was in my dreams and life since a child. I took it there in the lucid state which was the inside out or back side of this dimension and manifested a hole to a lower vibrational level where I threw it. Prior to this, it tried to kill me at a soul level and could not nor could I kill it, it regrew each time I burnt it LOL. Yes it is a powerful area for us and I don't know why, but it is right there like the other side of a sheet of paper.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Neith

I agree whole heartedly, take all with a grain of salt. After a while however, with life experiences me being 78, things sort out and some things you know to take seriously and just enjoy the others.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Can't help to smile, but your reply seems to reflect someone young, got a lot of that humors over the years as an educator. One learns as life streams by, you can love all men even though they are a@@ holes. Our souls are ok, it is our lives here that gets screwed up.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: sailormon

Imbecile is ageless, you got it or you don't.
I don't know why you're barfing at me tough?

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Just having fun, the kid in me never rests, no offense intended.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:04 PM
My sister and I both had a similar dream about a week ago and on the same night. Which is very weird. In my dream The President was just very haggard, he was in the Oval office, and looked like he was just beat up by the war in politics. I felt that he didnt expect to be hated by 1/2 the nation. I also felt that he didnt realize the dirty political crap that he would have to wade through. I also felt that he really wanted to get down to business but there were so many distractions with the media and the leaks. He had a very heavy heart. He was in a suit but he had bath slippers on, which explains to me why he goes home to Mar-a logo so much. The energy in the Oval office was very heavy and not very welcoming. He invited me into his office to talk, and I said, it looks like you have a lot on your plate already, and I left the Whitehouse. Ive never dreamed about a President before.
I think we need to send prayer and positive energy to our President. Our nation doesnt need to be this divided.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: sailormon

I am no fan of Trump, but I have also had "lucid" dreams of him, both awake and asleep. Not too long ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and I swear, Donald Trump walked right through me, wandering aimlessly around the White House residence in his underwear, boxers not briefs. A few days later it was leaked that he wanders the White House in his robe. Sean Spicer quickly corrected reports, saying the President doesn't even own a robe. I can vouch for that! LOL

I've seen Ivanka's tantrums and Pence's disgust with her, during the transition. I've seen Trump melt into a puddle, curled up in the fetal position in a corner of his WH residence, with Steve Bannon yelling at him "This isn't a video game!" Then the news about Yemen came out. I knew Trump took that "failure" hard! He is human after all! Still not sure about Bannon though!

Trump is a psychic leaker. I'm just an accidental dreamer/empath. There are professional psychics and some them of are not just silent observers, but psychic bullies and manipulators. Remember all those Wiccans who called on all Wiccans to join them and put a spell on Trump?
edit on 23-3-2017 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: sailormon

That statement you wrote alone interests me. There is a definite signicance to that colour i've found. In my lucid state, like yours, Purple appeared whilst i was using my powers. Powers of the mind and of matter.
edit on 23-3-2017 by Neith because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:48 PM
For real? Come on... Why would trump, send you, or me, or somebody else here of all the people in the world this plea for help? I think it could have just been just a dream

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: hombero

Well i doubt he'd send Jesus ... christ

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: hombero

Think backwards.

Why wouldn't he?

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: windword

This is most interesting, a psychic leaker. I truly hate to put in writing what I feel on a deeper level about these things or I will be hammered. During this supposed dream, I was somewhere away from my normal outings. Perhaps there for a lesson to myself. There is a role I assume on the other level, one of perhaps more wisdom and tolerance there than I experience here and I was there for a purpose. He did in fact look like he was wandering in a lost way.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: hombero

You are right. But note I have put out no claims, only possibilities. Why would Trump send out a plea, you assume he is spiritual enough to control his wandering if they in fact occur? In fact, during this dream he rejected me and wanted no part of a healing, so thus he wanted no help. The message I got was one of the spirit, not of life, he is suffering and it will not get better. At times the successful and rich are the furthest from success on a higher vibrational level.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: sailormon
a reply to: hombero

You are right. But note I have put out no claims, only possibilities. Why would Trump send out a plea, you assume he is spiritual enough to control his wandering if they in fact occur?

He wouldn't. It's more like a scream.

In fact, during this dream he rejected me and wanted no part of a healing, so thus he wanted no help.

In my opinion, the psychic energy that he's receiving is new to him. I believe he thinks he's being haunted by White House ghosts, not being visited by living souls who are reacting to his unhinged presence in that realm.

The message I got was one of the spirit, not of life, he is suffering and it will not get better. At times the successful and rich are the furthest from success on a higher vibrational level.

I don't think Trump ever really believed in God, but now might be finding himself in need of such spiritual things.

edit on 23-3-2017 by windword because: (no reason given)

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