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Seriously Funny

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posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

originally posted by: Nothin
Are you saying it's possible to offend a chicken?
What is the requisite for offense to be taken? How can you be sure?
Can all living beings be offended?
What about inanimate objects?

Are you baiting me, or are you generally asking to discover my perspective? There is no point in us wasting ATS bandwidth unnecessarily if you are just doing it for giggles...

Look, I'm not blaming you exclusively but we are really deviating from the deeper issue behind the opening post. "That every joke is offensive in some way" is a small side argument that is not worthy of discussion to the extent we are heading.

Not baiting you, it's just a writing style. Prefer to comment in question form, because what we think we know, is minimal compared to what is unknown.
Basically: have not been convinced of that exact premise: "That every joke is offensive in some way".

Where is the offense in the chicken joke?

A joke from an ATS post a few days ago: A sandwich walks into a bar and asks for a beer. The bartender says: "We don't serve food in here".
Where is the offense? Who or what is offended?

Other than the Ego: what can be offended?

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: Nothin

Hmm art is never really completed it is an attempt at it's completion, even if a piece is called done... that's not the end. Of course I am one of those insufferible bastards that see all life animate and inanimate as art one large fuild homogenious mass.

Seeing how one's art of living is also critiqued and judged even in death? Keep chiseling away even from the belly of worms you may find yourself in as they are also in yours.

The ideas one is done? That there ever is some finality... only when one moment passes to the next does such occur. I honestly can't point to that for anyone except as an expression of art... that's my scent left behind like a dog cocking it's leg towards a tree. If I leave whitish walls lighter underneath where things used to hang? Then I have failed. If I leave a nice corpse with organs worth harvesting? I have failed. If my personality can be mimmicked by a single person in sameness in the face of all that is or ever will be? I have failed. Who would I have failed?

Only the I that has been successfully murdered to which all I do goes to a moratorium and tribute for having lain it throughly to rest.

Sometimes done is done. Like in the art of cooking.

Back to the OP: understand what you mean by attributing spirits to inanimate objects, but would these spirits have an ego, and take offense to something?

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Perhaps the dish but not the art itself... as long as the lover of culinary arts can they will cook; living it breathing it, sleeping it... in such a manner the art of it never really ends or is done. Perhaps you were joking; but there is always more than one facet to be seen... so seeing as many of them possible? A good thing... some inner dialoge running while someone else is showing you a facet? Nothing is shinning just a dull blade hacking against an old stump.

Well, in the belief that many of the ancients had... is that all of nature was connected and divine; and the energy or spirit of it was to be used or directed in a sort of harmonic symbiosis... channeling these spirits and energies through without any obstruction called an I or ego self; in tune, one, down to earth so when one was in the mind and care of such things then a great respect and love was held in the shaping and fashioning of such things with great care and respect and in such a manner soul and spirit was put into it... not just an exertion of energy or some way to make money or just simply pass the time.

As one worked or works in such a manner then there was or is no one working and no tool being used and no piece of the work that could be found or seen as separate. In such a manner all of the work one does is an act of care and creation like mopping and sweeping the floor is the same as bathing oneself or brushing ones own hair... there is not thought or differentiation in such a manner and life does become exactly that... art living in a state of grace.

Not separate from anything existant; exceot of course those under the illusion or delusion that a self an ego or an I exists outside of simple expression.

Subject and object comes from a 3rd person perspective of a 1st person point of view. Of course view as mentioned above in another post; will lead to a distortion of reality as it is occuring based on any attachment or held views, so holding views while experiencing view? Becomes like compound eyes reality is occuring in the absolute reality and yet making anything subject to that view on top of view... then the illusion or delusion takes place.

But my held opinion is important or more so than any other... not really it is just "seen" that way and falsely so. Of course no big deal; there are methods and practices if ardent and take great resolve to do so? Clear the illusion and delusion from the sense consciousnesses so the sixth consciousness dwells in absolute peace with illusion or delusion with extra eyes, ears, nose and tongue or touch occuring than exactly what it is as it is arising no previous preference of experience to make any arising in the moment unsatisfactory... in such a manner all past disappears and everything is unconditioned and open as it arises. That's how it is anyway and always has been different each and every single time... but attachment and belief and experience of some self or ego tries to demand otherwise.

Such a thing is not only very selfish, but hateful and greedy in the illusion or delusion that one thing is somehow better than another in their chosen biases. Of course such a manner of living causes so much to go un-noticed, un-appreciated, un-lived.

So ego only harms itself when direspecting all other; doing and living as such is exactly where suffering arises from. So there is no one else to ever blame for anything ever being unsatisfactory except oneself for holding such a thing as a self to begin with.

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Yes: those are different aspects of art: the ongoing creative spirit that the artist gives-in to, and the piece of art.
Am gathering through your explanations, that you see the piece of art, and the artist, as a whole.
Am able to see it both ways, and possibly a few other ways also, if we want to try.

Also greatly appreciate the views, that you describe so aptly, of many native aboriginals.

Are you saying that only ego is offensible, and that also: only ego can offend?

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Indeed; without ego a grasped self or an experiencer I; there is simply experience and all life and energy flows through everything throughout the entire uni/multiverse un-impeded and un-obstructed. Holding onto such a thing though? Life and it's energy is more like a pinball machine; it hits obstruction after obstruction... instead of free and unbound as it naturally is.

Sad way to live... but it is a choice; or simply a life of ignorance not knowing any other way.

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: Nothin

Indeed; without ego a grasped self or an experiencer I; there is simply experience and all life and energy flows through everything throughout the entire uni/multiverse un-impeded and un-obstructed. Holding onto such a thing though? Life and it's energy is more like a pinball machine; it hits obstruction after obstruction... instead of free and unbound as it naturally is.

Sad way to live... but it is a choice; or simply a life of ignorance not knowing any other way.

Yes: so let's bring this back to the OP: A joke, like a word, like any object, or any idea or concept, is not offensive, in and of itself. It is only in the interaction with an ego, that it could be used offensively, or taken offensively, no?

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Sure held views... the entire routine is going to be about views seen and views held; so offence is going to relative to the observer in what views they hold while hearing which ones the teller may hold... the teller may not even hold them personally; but just as a stage persona as a performer. In the same way a fiction writer typically does not believe the world they are creating exists outside of the writing as a reality... sure as a trope and frame work of behavior all of it will exist... the names, scenery etc. may change but wherever humanity is projected the same issues are going to arise even in imagined far off lands and species alien are typically given or weak to human drama... lol because a human is writing it.

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: Nothin

Sure held views... the entire routine is going to be about views seen and views held; so offence is going to relative to the observer in what views they hold while hearing which ones the teller may hold... the teller may not even hold them personally; but just as a stage persona as a performer. In the same way a fiction writer typically does not believe the world they are creating exists outside of the writing as a reality... sure as a trope and frame work of behavior all of it will exist... the names, scenery etc. may change but wherever humanity is projected the same issues are going to arise even in imagined far off lands and species alien are typically given or weak to human drama... lol because a human is writing it.

As genius-George describes it: It's not the words (the joke) themselves, but the context: the user, and the intended audience, wherein offense exists.

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Sure the intent on delivery; will make the word no matter what it is an insult or a flattery. Not just that ones body language can say a lot like crossing the street, unconsciously clutching one's valuables, not looking people in the eyes.

All of that is a sure sign of mistrust and well it's from a lack of exposure; there is a phenomena known as self segregation, where people not even knowing each other will separate themselves into stereotypical groups of not only race, sex, percieved social class, or ideas of status etc.

The reason that is said for such a thing? Comfort. Well, getting to know what one doesn't know brings some familiarity and with that understanding aka COMFORT otherwise ignorance is always going to rule and comfort of known over unknown is going to take place.

Of course as a comic? One would think well the audience is there to laugh and the audience is likely going to be a make up of all different people crammed together and not really that segregated depending on the venue... knowing which cities and demographics one may run into? It might just be a case of looking left and then looking right and then whispering a joke... as the joke. In that whole know your audience business of course in politics thats just called pandering.

edit on 21-3-2017 by BigBrotherDarkness because: sp.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

i don't find schumer or silverman that funny, i much prefer whitney cummings , her stand up was hilarious.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Nothin

carlin and bill hicks are on my top list for favorite political comics.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: interupt42

Louis Black is someone that's pretty good for the political; I have been lax on keeping up with him; but he seems to be absent in the face of oh so much that could be addressed... he carries such an emotive of; you can't really be serious that this sort of thing goes on in utter disbelief that it is an obsurdity and yet it does that it is completely vexxing... exasperated; I suppose is a better word, to the point where youd think he may have an aneurysm or stroke in the middle of his routine. Of course being so animate about it makes it even more hilarious and yet what he is speaking about is completely serious and nothing to laugh about; so his physical delivery is the real act of comedy going on.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness


posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Steve Hughes is pretty good

and Comedy God Stewart Lee

edit on 24-3-2017 by kibric because: boo

edit on 24-3-2017 by kibric because: boo

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

A lot of our UK political comedians have been quite dry and smile-raising instead of causing laughter. Ben Elton, Mark Thomas and Stewart Lee, to a degree, get praised for the intelligence and wit more than being funny. Others you'll never have heard of are boring. Frankie Boyle gets belly laughs into his political satire without dwelling on politics.

I think maybe the Americans do the political satire best. Stewart, Colbert and Oliver have made me laugh a lot. Probably script-written though.

a reply to: interupt42

There's a full set on YT. I'll give it a go later

I listened to one of Joan Rivers' later sets the other day. Man, I swear she sounded like Mr Trump.

@ Kibric - Yeah, I do like Steve Hughes. His bits about the 's*** sandwich' and his homophobic mate are great.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: Phage

Haven't seen his latest but the one before that he seemed like he had to explain why he bailed out on his show; being somewhat of a political nature like grasping how much influence was actually going on and that people were getting way to serious about what should be just jokes and having fun that he just had to bail out to try and wrap his head around it. Such a thing sort of takes having a conscience though; because a lot would be more from the money angle like feck it who cares... but if whatever it is; is your passion all the excess kinda just sucks all the life, soul and fun out of it, the money is just sort of like a secondary bonus just from doing what one loves to do.

So yeah the politics of all of that I am sure has led to a pretty good showing of some insight into it; and I'll definitely have to check it out to see it from his perspective and how it relaes to what has been going on since he bailed out and did that follow up then kinda disappeared again.

posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: kibric
a reply to: Kandinsky

Thanks for the suggestions; it's really easy to hit the cultural dead spot called Americanism unless one actively pursues things outside of American culture, I've been ass to armpits deep in projects and usually just browse about some music while working on something. Most standup sort of comedy can be listened to without having to watch it so I'll have to book mark them and check it out...

Scott Thompson did a tour stop through here last month; I planned to go check it out; but didn't get around to it... being the hiberanating sort when it's cold; I get sort of ground hog like whoa nope not going out in that... see ya in several months or weeks.

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