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Bhakti - Identifying God with Certainty - Activation of Vijanana Organ Part 2

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posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 07:47 PM
For part 1, see this thread: Activating your Vijanana - The Organ of Spiritual Awakening Part 1

Bhakti - Love of God

To end your confusion on the identification of God, it is necessary to take you on a small journey between the outer world of Mystery, through the inner gate of wonders. Please read the first part to this series of threads first.

Bhakti is a Sanskrit word meaning Love of God, surrender to the Guru and to the chosen deity (Ishta-Deva). As you read that statement, realize that the only difference between Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, Taoism and even Christianity will resolve to interpretation of terms in relation to actual Experience (Gnosis) and Faith (Pistis). While direct Spiritual experience is hard to define in words, the various realizations any of us experience are individual. We each interpret the images and reflections (Abhasa-Chaitanya ) differently. The only way to know for sure is to seek the truth (satya) out yourself. Truth is not something you describe or read, but a nature you gain by understanding and Spiritual awakening. Enlightenment is a state of being you know when you do. Once it is known, it cannot be unknown, nor can it be described in words. It can, however, be expressed in actions of compassion and Love. Truly, this is the only way realization can arrive.

It is on this note that I give you the simple truth from the Bible.

1 John 4

4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Note the last words used: for God is love.

So many people are lost on this entirely. They sit in endless meditation, hoping for the infamous Bodhi mind of enlightenment, expanding consciousness across the eternal infinity of "empty" existence. What I will do for you here is fill you in on the Absolute Potential that is our Buddha Nature. Each of us already have this latent Enlightenment. It is not something you can earn or take. It is a state of being when received, which is a transmission imparted when ready. Being ready is the point. Before I go on, I will define a few more terms. Reread the verses above. Make sure you break them down in your mind by relating them to the terms in the first part of this thread. Knowing the Lord (Ishvara) as the mirror of our own mind opposite God is a vital understanding. Judging the Lord is judging your self. Judging others is judging the Lord. In truth, we are all a collective Mind called Lord, self-reflecting like jewels (See this: Jewels of Indra's Net).


Sanskrit Ishta means 'beloved and desire', or the thing you are looking for in life. Most people seek this out in many places, finding a substitute for God in all the wrong outer extremities. Relate this to the 10 directions of Buddhism (found in the Diamond Sutra and other locations). North, South, East, West, Past, Present, Future, Above and Below. What is missing form the 9 you see outside yourself? Inside. Inside is the final dimension, or absolute. YOU are the absolute as a copy. Literally, we are all children (Sons) of God. What is the Body? A vehicle only for the Mind, sensing (Vijanana) the world by the organ of Consciousness. The essence of what is entangled to this body is your soul, or higher mind above this lower six dimension. See THIS! Mind, Time and Space - All One Thing - THIS!

Sanskrit Deva means "shining one," as in Christ as the Bright and Morning Star. While the fundamentalist judgmental mind might scream, "SATAN! LUCIFER!!!! AHHHH!," I will calmly remind you that Satan is the Accuser (conscience) of the collective mind. Where are all the Thrones, Rulers, Powers and Authorities located (including Satan)?

Colossians 1

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Calm yourself if you are a Christian on this topic of the Shining One. We all have a conscience to silence, even if you are Yahweh. If you fail to realize this, look at Zechariah 3. You will see the Ishvara Prime silencing his own by preparing the Temple (body) for the incarnation into an avatar (Buddha Body of the Bodhisattva) known as Yeshua / Joshua, the High Priest of Manu, or Manu himself! Manu is the First Born over all creation. See this thread. Manu and His Brother Yama - Twins of the Higher and Low Mind - Control of the Self

A Deva is Brahman in the form of a personal God according to my very old Eastern Encyclopedia. Deva is a name for those divinities who inhabit the realm of higher than that of human beings, but yet are mortal. They are you and me, or those who are enlightened to their higher nature (Deva), understanding why they are simultaneously an Asura (demon below). We are all both! Entangled.

Let me give you some Biblical proof for this. Also, refer to the thread I linked earlier on Mind, Time and Space being ONE! We are both above and below by dimension. We are everywhere at once!

Matthew 18

10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

CONTEXT is KING! What did the followers of the Bodhisattva Christ ask him at the head of the chapter? Who is the greatest of us in Heaven (Deva)? You see, they knew the essence of this teaching and the nature of the Human Manu below (Buddha Body). Who is the greatest? The Child (Asura) below, wandering in ignorance (Trimurti lower). Again, see the thread on dimensions and Mind, Space and Time. Time is passion between. Space is ignorance (form / Ego). Mind is Goodness (See THIS for More - Gunas of sattva, rajas and tamas. Just as Dumbledore is Harry as the older Sage, so to Valdamort was Harry's lower nature. I am telling you the same story here.

Look at Matthew 18 above. YOU are the Child wandering here. YOU are the Angel above facing God. BOTH!

edit on 15-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 07:48 PM
What is the essence of the teaching? Know that this is my interpretation, not necessarily yours. The verses in the OP regarding 1 John 1 identify agreement that the Prime (first) relative came into existence for the Love of humanity. Identification with the Prime relative also shows our relation to the God giving us all Life. Why is this important? LOVE!

Loving the First Son is realization of ALL humanity already in and through Him. See Colossians 1:15-17 again. There is much more to this story. I will only clarify this in a small part here. Suffice it to say this: how do we claim to be love apart from being Love? It starts with Love for the first relative sharing our sorrow and suffering. In truth, we are with this relative at all times. See the Bhagavad Gita for a description of the Chariot Driver in relation to the Jiva. Krishna is the Lord of Hinduism.

Very simply stated: God is Love. We are made as a copy of God. As a temporary Ego, we must overcome our lower nature here in the world as a copy of Buddha Mind. Bhakti is love of LOVE! It's the essence of our Brahman Mind. Bodhi Mind is the enlightened state of a person finding three lost aspects of the Original Face Before You Were Born. This is the true Dharma nature of every person. What are your lost attributes, still latent in the higher mind (Deva as YOU) above?

1) Compassion
2) Complete Knowledge of yourself (Angel)
3) and LOVE


Brahman is a Sanskrit abstract concept, meaning Absolute Consciousness, and is not accessible to the thinking mind. No attempt to transmit this mind orally is possible. Over time, the concept of Brahman has become a concrete idea known as Ishvara. Despite this, Brahman is a state of pure transcendence that cannot be grasped by thought alone. As Shrf Ramakrishna states, "No tongue has ever defiled Brahman." Seekers defining themselves as Brahmans employed linguistic approximations, refereed to as guardians of the spiritual treasure, and grew in stature over time as the highest of the four castes (Varna). This idea is seen in all religions as God's Spirit (mind), or "One without a second."

There will never be more than one of YOU. You are the greatest mystery you will ever solve.

Put this back into context to Matthew 18

10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

Matthew 30

29 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Eve was divided from Adam. Marriage is weaving the two soul mates back again. You below to YOU above. Wheat (mind) gleaned from the chaff (body). You are both above and below divided. In other words, the Child grows up! Love is our (collective relatives to God) welcome into a new Kingdom. We will know it when we have it. Yoga is Union.

LUXOR: "As to deserving, know that the gift of heaven is free; this gift of Knowledge is so great that no effort whatever could hope to 'deserve' it."

You now Know God. Being is the last step.

We are the LORD (Atman) of our own Journey. God makes children for a reason. He IS LOVE! Individuation requires the presence of breaking symmetry. The bread (body) is broken for all of us. Abraham did not sacrifice Issac for himself. Issac lives. So will we all. Time and Space is the suffering required to remove suffering.


V. All things are either good or bad by comparison. A sufficient analysis will show that pleasure, in all cases, is but the contrast of pain. Positive pleasure is a mere idea. To be happy at any one point we must have suffered at the same. Never to suffer would have been never to have been blessed. But it has been shown that, in the inorganic life, pain cannot be thus the necessity for the organic. The pain of the primitive life of Earth, is the sole basis of the bliss of the ultimate life in Heaven.

Within us are many things. There is mouse in
us, and there is bird. The bird carries the cage
upwards, while the mouse drags it down. A hundred
thousand different wild beasts are together
within us, but they are all converging on that
moment when the mouse will renounce its mousehood
and the bird its birdhood, and all become
one. For the goal is neither going up or down.
When the goal shows itself clearly, it will be neither
above nor below.

A woman lost something. She looks left and
right, in front and behind. Once she has found
that thing she no longer searches above and
below, left and right, in front or behind. All at
once she becomes calm and collected. Similarly,
on the resurrection day all people will be of one
eye, tongue, ear and understanding.

When ten friends share a garden or a shop in
common, they speak as one, they plan as one, and
their work is with one thing since their objective
is the same. So, on the resurrection day, since the
affair of all will be with God, they will all be one.

In this world everyone is preoccupied with a
separate affair. One is in love with women, one is
in love with wealth, another is engaged in acquiring
possessions, another in acquiring knowledge.

Everyone believes that their cure, their joy, their
pleasure and comfort can be found in that one
thing. And that is a Divine mercy, because when
they search they cannot find, and so they return.
After they have waited a while, they say again,
“That joy and pleasure must be looked for.
Perhaps I didn’t try hard enough. I will search
again.” Then they look again, but still they cannot
find their desire. So they continue, until that
time when Truth removes Its veil. Then they

But God has certain servants who know even
before the resurrection.

Know! Virtue is the path. Love is the identity unlocking the gate.

Keys to entering into the Kingdom.

Note-most of the wording in this thread is adaptation from the Encyclopedia of Eastern Psychology and Religion, published by Shambhala as my source. I would highly recommend this book to anyone willing to activate their Aijanana-

edit on 15-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: For reasons which will only be made clear in the world to come. For now, enjoy this day after yesterday. It's always the day after yesterday until it's the day after tomorrow!

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

I'm fairly certain you misspelled "Vijanana".

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I left a link in the other thread for the Wiki page. This is the original Sanskrit, just as it appears in my old encyclopedia. The extra a is in my Encyclopedia. Either way, the same word I suppose.


edit on 15-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

I'm fairly certain you misspelled "Vijanana".

Notice, not just the spelling in this Sanskrit dictionary, but the definition they give:


It makes you wonder if our English word for the Gate of Wonders (woman's gate) is the same word in English. Hummmm.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 09:51 PM
A video from iPerceptive in relation to this post.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

I have always taken this to mean that the First born/Holy Spirit is realized by those who have overcome the lower nature. Those who have found the Spirit of sonship and have been adopted as sons into the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who have been obedient to the Christ, who is described as the Lord of Love sent forth from Brahman in the Upanishads.

Those who are of the lower nature follow religion ritualistically, and believe that only their religion of rituals leads to the external heaven upon death. The worldly obey those who teach this out of fear and therefore never find the path of love and unity. Always allowing themselves to be separated from their brothers based on ritualistic beliefs. Never becoming one with the Holy Spirit and overcoming duality.

To become one with the Christ is also to see that we are truly all part of one loaf, and the many prophets all taught from that same Spirit.

posted on Mar, 16 2017 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

I have always taken this to mean that the First born/Holy Spirit is realized by those who have overcome the lower nature. Those who have found the Spirit of sonship and have been adopted as sons into the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who have been obedient to the Christ, who is described as the Lord of Love sent forth from Brahman in the Upanishads.

Those who are of the lower nature follow religion ritualistically, and believe that only their religion of rituals leads to the external heaven upon death. The worldly obey those who teach this out of fear and therefore never find the path of love and unity. Always allowing themselves to be separated from their brothers based on ritualistic beliefs. Never becoming one with the Holy Spirit and overcoming duality.

To become one with the Christ is also to see that we are truly all part of one loaf, and the many prophets all taught from that same Spirit.

You are 100% correct in this. Yama / Yahweh is the ruler of the underworld, or what is defined as Self-Control. What does a person set aside for salvation? The Law of Yama. The five requirements (Yamas) of Yoga (union) are as follows:

1) Ahimsa is the practice of non-violence, which includes physical, mental, and emotional violence towards others and the self.

2) Satya (truthfulness) urges us to live and speak our truth at all times. Walking the path of truth is a hard one, especially while respecting Patanjali’s first Yama, Ahimsa.

3) Asteya (non-stealing) is best defined as not taking what is not freely given. While this may on the surface seem easy to accomplish, when we look further this Yama can be quite challenging to practice.

4) Brahmacharya (continence) states that when we have control over our physical impulses of excess, we attain knowledge, vigor, and increased energy.

5) Aparigraha (non-coveting) urges us to let go of everything that we do not need, possessing only as much as necessary.

While it is impossible for any of us to fulfill these to the letter, the Lord Prime (Ishvara) did this for humanity. The firstborn over all creation is Manu, or the First Son of God. His job was that of the Bodhisattva, or an incarnation of Vishnu (Spirit of). Manu and Yama are brothers. Yahweh made Satan in Genesis 3:1. He made him Cunning (Arum), while Manu was formed naked (Arummim). This wordplay reveals the conscience of Manu (Adam). While our conscience (Accuser) is fully formed as the Deva (being of light), Manu was naked (no knowledge of good and evil). This was by necessity in order to teach a Son self-control (Yamas). Note that I made a slight error in the OP. I said Trimurti lower, when I meant Triloka lower. Yama is the ruler of our underworld (lower nature). This is Ignorance. He rules dimensions 1-4, which are time after choice has been made. The branching of time does not occur until indeterminate states are determined in the 5th dimension. Yama only has rule over the line of time once we have made a choice.

Your brilliant realization is to note that Yama sets aside the Holy Spirit of God while the guardian does its job. The Guardian is a trusted relative in Eastern culture, taking the Son of a landowner out into the field to learn the harvest. The Son is a slave until he learns the land. We are the Sons in this Vineyard.

Galatians 3

23 Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

In custody. Locked up. What do we do to gain the Holy Spirit? We set aside the law with faith, not works. Works are accomplished by the Prime Ishvara (Lord). Adam has been born again as the Son of Manu, which makes the work a collective effort in this vineyard. You MUST be born again. It's the process.

When the law is set aside, the Holy Spirit (previously set aside as fortune of the seeker) is the imparted to the seeker, displacing the need for the Guardian. Yama is overcome as the Devil to our sin. Wheat is now pure and a new Robe (body) and Crown (mind) is given. What are the jewels in this crown?

Galatians 5

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

See my thread on this topic: The Zen of Sickness and Medicine - Your Hand is the Hand

Against such, there is no Yama (Law). Love IS the Law.

edit on 16-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: For reasons which will only be made clear in the world to come. For now, enjoy this day after yesterday. It's always the day after yesterday until it's the day after tomorrow!

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 10:20 PM
P Lease post your thoughts in Part One


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