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One of my UFO experiences

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posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 02:01 AM
Yes, as the title of the thread insinuates I have had more than one UFO experience. I may share the other one at a later point. Tonight, however, I want to share this one. The UFO itself was actually not that spectacular. That may come as a disappointment to some of you but I promise the lead up to the UFO sighting is where the mystery truly lies.

This occurred approximately 8 months ago on an island in the British West Indies. A sparsely populated island. No major industry, no major cities, not a major port for anything special. A very quiet and typical "island life" type of island.

It was around 10 p.m. and it was a new Moon so the sky was lit with millions of starts. This part of the hemisphere has a fair amount of humidity so I was pleasantly surprised at how many starts I could actually see. Crystal clear night. I was standing on the balcony of the home we were staying staring up into the sky and feeling the strong gusty Trade Winds.

If I looked to my left I was looking East and to my right was West. The home sat approximately 200 feet off of the beach so I could easily hear the sound of the 2-3 foot surf rumbling onto the beach. It really was postcard perfect.

As I was staring up at the night sky counting shooting stars I saw a faint (but very visible) beam shoot from the open ocean to the east across the horizon to the west. It was approximately 1 KM offshore and approximately 100 feet off the surface of the water. Just to give you a better visual of what my field of view was here is some detail. I could look east and see the end of the island because it had rocky cliffs. Even though it was a new Moon the multitude of the stars allowed me to see the silhouettes of the rising cliffs. To my west was the other end of the island and that also terminated in rocky cliffs. Between my location and to the east was exactly 2.5 miles of beach. From my location to the west was exactly 6.2 miles of shoreline. The side of the island I was on had almost no population. Very, very sparse. There are no lighthouses on this island and as I mentioned earlier there are zero industries on this island. It is literally an island you travel to in order to disconnect from society.

So I had a completely unobstructed view the entire length of the island in both directions. Directly in front of me was open ocean and the next nearest land was over 200 miles away. It is not a major shipping lane nor is it a heavily traveled part of the ocean in general.

The first beam caught me by surprise because I immediately thought that was a very, very weak beam for a lighthouse. Then it dawned on me that there were no light houses on or near the island and there certainly weren't any sitting in the middle of the ocean. Suddenly, another very faint beam initiated from the exact same spot in the east as before, however, this time it was angled up at 45 degrees. At this point I thought perhaps it was a container ship but then I realized the location of where the beam was originating was in an area where the water depth is 2 feet. This particular location has a massive flats area that is about 6 square miles and is notoriously shallow. Once I realized it couldn't be a container ship I started to get very perplexed. Then the light show began. First a faint beam would originate from the east. Pause a few seconds. Then a faint beam answered from the west. Pause a few seconds. Then a faint beam came from directly in front of my location and directly over the house we were in and over the island. Pause a few seconds. Then another faint beam from the east again. And on and on and on for about 45 minutes.

These beams of light were VERY faint. Almost ghost-like. Had it not been a new Moon and as dark as it were I would say these faint beams would have not been noticeable. And the width of these faint beams were about the width of a 737 fuselage from about 50-75 feet away. About how far away we are sitting at a gate in an airport while you are waiting to board your plane. So fairly wide. It was amazing. Then the light show stopped completely.

I looked around to all points of the compass to see if I were missing anything but no more faint beams. Then...and I have no idea why I chose to look at the spot I chose to look. Call it intuition, call it a summoning, or call it pure luck...but for some reason I decided to turn from looking across the island and back out towards the open sea about 100 feet off the ocean surface and at that very moment the UFO appeared. It would be the exact size of a dime if you held it at arm's length from your body. It was a very, very, faintly glowing orange. It appeared in front of me as if someone were turning on a light that used a dimming switch and they slowly turned it up in intensity. The UFO was completely stationary and completely silent. It slowly dimmed out...pause a few seconds....then slowly lit back up to a faintly glowing orange. It's shape was a perfect sphere. Neither the top nor the bottom was brighter. It was a uniform faintly glowing orange. It dimmed once more...pause a few seconds...then lit back up one last time before it abruptly went out as if someone flipped a light switch. I did not see it "move" or "take off" just simple was no longer there.

The light show was amazing and very perplexing. The fact that I happened to look directly into a part of the night sky and I mean EXACTLY where the UFO appeared was very amazing. It was like I was drawn by some unexplainable force to look at a specific part of the night sky at that very moment. Witnessing the UFO appear softly and dim out with perfectly timed pauses and then abruptly "turning off" was amazing.

The next day I spoke with the owner of the property. He had a house about 200 feet to our west where he and his wife lived. I asked him if he had ever seen any lights out on the ocean and he was very surprised to hear this question. He and his wife have lived there for 30 years and have never seen anything like what I explained. The following day I became a subject case matter expert on the island, its origins, its proximity to shipping lanes, etc. All in an effort to find an explanation for what I witnessed for 45 minutes. I have no idea of the faint beams of light are connected to the UFO or not. I know both were anomalies and somehow feel they are connected but I can't say how.

Anyway...this was one of my most interesting UFO experiences. I have one other that was very brief I may share at a later point.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: Outlier13

Yeah it often happens like that or you will be daydreaming staring at a spot in the sky and something will appear, its a bit of a mind bender huh.

Have you ever seen a craft and actually felt them or had weird telepathic connections with them?

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 03:03 AM
What you see is not always there. People see all sort of stuff. Its a condition.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: Pandaram
What you see is not always there. People see all sort of stuff. Its a condition.

The real condition is what people like you have who desperately try to convince themselves that nothing outside their fragile reality could possibly exist.
Strange lights? Oh, no, of course not... Lights don't exist. Strange aircraft? Gosh no, aircraft certainly don't exist.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: trollz Why to pollute the topic with your presumptions? The criticism of Pandaram might have been to much one sided, but he is not out of context. Yes there are a lot of situations where he is going to be absurdly wrong, but there is still few cases where he will be undoubtedly right. This said it will be a way better if we don't bite on people who are just extreme in their opinion. There is a justification for their existence - and in no way they MUST be by default unable to accept the other side of view. Maybe in the moment they detected to be totally negative, the other moment they are able to accept your views. You have no logical reason for the presumption that the person you quoted is drowning dead in his blind ignorance, as you are stating. A way better for responding him will be, to quote his words, point how extreme his opinion is and refer to the facts of the well written OP to raise a detailed discussion. Thus if the person was commenting on place or out of place would be revealed very soon. Do you want to help the thread or just derail it with personal poisons?

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: Argentbenign
This said it will be a way better if we don't bite on people who are just extreme in their opinion.

I will if I feel like it. You're not going to persuade me not to speak my mind.

originally posted by: Argentbenign
You have no logical reason for the presumption that the person you quoted is drowning dead in his blind ignorance

Actually, I do. Upon seeing Pandaram's post, I spent some time reading other posts of his/hers before deciding to reply. The reply wasn't based solely on that specific post.

originally posted by: Argentbenign
if the person was commenting on place or out of place would be revealed very soon

It already was revealed to be out of place. "I saw strange lights and an unidentified craft." "Nah, you probably didn't. You just have a condition that makes you think you see things that aren't there."

originally posted by: Argentbenign
Do you want to help the thread

I am helping it by calling out people for speaking nonsense. Someone claimed to see something, and Pandaram came along and accused them of seeing nothing and having a "condition".
edit on 3/15/2017 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: Argentbenign

Basically, Pandaram is saying that the OP was hallucinating...or just allowing his natural scepticism to be known? The OP states in his title that the subject is a "UFO experience" which makes it pretty obvious what the thread is about. To me, dropping in a one-liner, debunking and dismissing the OP's experience, is tantamount to trolling.

Personally, I find the strangeness factor of the OP's experience to be something I can relate to, in comparison to my own fleeting glimpses of the unexplained.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 05:37 AM
Thank you for sharing your experience. It was thoughtfully written and included a great amount of detail, which helped me picture the event in my minds eye. I always enjoy reading detailed eyewitness accounts such as yours. You also mentioned some feelings or reactions such as surprise, amazement and being perplexed. I'm just curious, did you at any time get a feeling of fear or danger? You used the word "summoning." Do you believe this sphere was interacting with or observing you?

Reason I'm asking is my best friend of 30+ years had an experience recently which sounds quite similar to yours. He saw an orange sphere appear within 200 ft of his home. He was terribly spooked by the thing. He also mentioned that he had the impression he "summoned" it, as it appeared from nowhere, right before his eyes. He described this feeling of being "scanned" by this object and ran into his home, feeling almost violated and quite terrified. He wouldn't lie to me and has zero interest in this stuff. I believe his story without no reservation and I believe yours as well, OP

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: trollz

originally posted by: Pandaram
What you see is not always there. People see all sort of stuff. Its a condition.

The real condition is what people like you have who desperately try to convince themselves that nothing outside their fragile reality could possibly exist.
Strange lights? Oh, no, of course not... Lights don't exist. Strange aircraft? Gosh no, aircraft certainly don't exist.

Here here....after seeing one myself in broad daylight and right above me i just laugh nowadays....the social engineering involved in stigmatizing the validity of a persons eye witness testimony mainly led by establishment media has had masses of sheep all baa baaaing in unison in derision for decades.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: trollz

originally posted by: Pandaram
What you see is not always there. People see all sort of stuff. Its a condition.

The real condition is what people like you have who desperately try to convince themselves that nothing outside their fragile reality could possibly exist.
Strange lights? Oh, no, of course not... Lights don't exist. Strange aircraft? Gosh no, aircraft certainly don't exist.

It's very sad that you really believe you have the absolute truth in your words.

We just got here, we don't know anything...

edit on 15/3/2017 by vinifalou because: meh

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: Pandaram
What you see is not always there. People see all sort of stuff. Its a condition.

So I intentionally left out a critical piece of information from my OP. My girl friend was with me the entire time witnessing the faint beams of light. And the moment I saw the UFO appear in the sky she, too, witnessed this. She saw it without me having to point it out. Actually, anyone standing there that night would have easily seen it.

But thanks for stopping by and contributing nothing.

posted on Mar, 15 2017 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Outlier13

Interesting story...Thanks for sharing...

And I get a kick out of the naysayers...Had I never seen UFOs I may have had their attitude, but probably not...

Like, I've never seen the planet Mercury so that proves it doesn't exist...

posted on Mar, 16 2017 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: trollz Sure, I can't change who your are and how you write, yet I can propose a solution for derailing threads.
---Do not point with finger other ATS users unless you find them paid shills, purposefully disinforming or confuse-posting---

It's easy and it works for better forum. However, do as you wish. I ain't your teacher or farther, you are grown up enough to make your choice.

edit on 16-3-2017 by Argentbenign because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2017 @ 06:23 AM
I too have had sightings of an orange ufo here in South Africa,we live out in the Bush on a small goldmine.Every member of my family saw it at least once,it would come by quite often over the span of a few months in 2012.

I actually had this game where i would use a torchlight and switch on and off and this orange ufo orb would play along,brighting and dimming.My oldest daughter was then still unmarried and living with us.It was one of her chores to feed the dogs in early evening,so one evening she came outside and asked what i was doing.I said:"Playing with a ufo"

Then she looked up,watched the interaction and was stunned,it actually it gave her the creeps

But i tell you,that ufo gave me such a good feeling,such a joyful feeling and of wellbeing and positivity.Eventually it became a bit frustrating because i wanted closer views and interaction.Eventually though it stopped coming by and i must say,i miss it severely.

Another time i was sitting in my garden in the dark,and i saw white beams coming down from the sky,next to our yard- like searchlights.But the sky was clear,it was winter,and there was Nothing in the sky to cause it.No sounds,no lights was highly weird.I was sitting near the fenceline and i thought if the beams comes into the yard i'm gonna scram and go inside,but they didn't.After a short while they disappeared.

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