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They're not trying to teach Trump anything..... they are teaching us

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+13 more 
posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 05:23 AM
If there was ever a time for a million person march on Washington, the time draws near. The people voted and the vote is being trivialized, marginalized..... ignored.
The going on's since Mr.Trump won the election are approaching insanity..... it must be stopped. The lines are being drawn. Either the voters are the rulers or they are the subjects.
If the democrats are allowed to continue this and they are allowed to succeed......we all lose. No Gary Johnson or Bernie Sanders will ever have a chance at a fair election.
These people are not trying to teach Donald Trump a lesson, they are trying to teach US a lesson. A lesson about what happens if we do not elect who they tell us too.....I get this feeling our country is getting the "Fine!! We'll do this the hard way then" treatment.

Personally I would have liked to see Gary Johnson get elected but that didn't happen. My countryman elected Donald Trump and I do know had Johnson won...... we would still be having this same nonsense, except both parties would be attacking him.

Only we can stop this...if we allow this to continue this will be what happens whenever we elect someone the powers that be do not approve of.....and they will do everything they can do to make sure it doesnt happen again

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Zimnydran

It is still early yet. Wait until all the news stories are proved false or true.. It takes a while for those in the new cabinet to get a handle on how to identify and delete problems in a PC manner. Have faith that things are not as bad as some would have you believe.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Zimnydran

I find sympathy with your sentiments.

Since Trump’s inauguration, women in the US and around the world have been organising, protesting and preparing to run for office – and the wave is growing every day

This is the reason I am no longer supporting left leaning and liberal social and political initiatives. There is something very sinister about this contrived and deliberate SOCIAL ENGINEERING (psychological and behavioral mass manipulation).

I already know women are my equal. I already know. I have known it and conducted myself accordingly for many years. These pink beret geezers are EXTREMISTS and do not respect democracy as sacred. They are a pink army of extremism that will only bring more confusion, mental ill health, gender imbalance, and a feminine kind of mysoginism.

I want to see the extinction of the current liberal mindset (that the world has been rejecting politically en masse). They are control freaks and extremists that will only damage our societies further. They do not have grounding. They play with ideologies and try to force them on the majority with media bullying, character assassination, trendy "no go" areas of public comment on social networking, controlling language to suit their political outlook, on and on it goes.

I hope the world rejects this middle class "rainbows and dungarees" mafia military sterile Orwellian monstrosity. I did...a long time ago.

edit on 6-3-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

I can see that you understand my user name perfectly. Thank you for expressing the term "control freaks" so beautifully~

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: TiredofControlFreaks
a reply to: Revolution9

I can see that you understand my user name perfectly. Thank you for expressing the term "control freaks" so beautifully~

Hah! We know don't we! You are welcome.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 06:20 AM
You know why a million person or even 100,000+ person march will never happen for Trump?

2 reasons

1) Trumps support comes from genuine people, there is no apparatus in place or huge financial backer like Soros to organise and fund the logistical nightmare that something of that size takes to organise.
The womens march wasnt women coming together, it was a conglomerate of different activist/lobby groups who all have the same paymaster coming together.
2) People who support Trump and his message have lives, they have jobs, families and mortgages to pay so the luxury of a few or even 1 day off to travel to a distant city to walk through the streets ranting and raving is just not a possibility for them

All you need to do is look at Trumps rallies while he was campaigning, his grassroots support is through the roof and since he has been true to his election promises I cant see any of those who attended those rallies turning against him, in fact if anything he would have added some haters to the list of those who approve of him.

The people dont hate Trump, its just made to seem like that as those that do have the systems in place (Namely the MSM) and already have the subvervise activist groups set up to scream loudly about every imagined injustice.
If they couldnt turn people against Trump before the election they wont succeed now
edit on 6/3/2017 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 06:26 AM
i posted on my FB a bit ago about how the Deep State action against Trump is actually a coup against Democracy itself.

Whether or not Trump is a puppet is almost beside the point. He was duly elected by the PEOPLE and is still in the public eye and subject to the checks and balances built into our government. He cannot act unilaterally on anything of real importance without being challenged.

The Deep State on the other hand is totally anonymous, unelected and completely unaccountable. How ANYONE can be cheering them on in their coup against Trump simply out of dislike for the man either doesnt care, or doesnt realize they are committing intellectual suicide, as well as supporting an assault on the democratic process AND the people that elected Trump.

This is profoundly and distinctly UN american, even more un american than having a puppet president who can be ousted under any number of circumstances. The Deep State however, is firmly imbedded in the infrastructure of the government, is not elected, and may by all accounts remain there INDEFINITELY. This is fundamentally counter to the principles upon which our country was founded.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: Zimnydran

Darn it, in plainer words there has been an attempted HIJACK of our freedom by these lot. It is the dark side of liberalism - the nanny state, ideologies.

We should be thankful. Trump has saved us from something very sinister indeed. Yes, he is the lesser of two evils. I am even "on the turn" about corporate capitalism. I was so critical of it always. However, I no longer think like that.

I have worked it out thus far that it is conduct that makes and breaks us. These people are lost in isms and scisms that will never deliver. Every "ISM" I know creates an imbalance and is a kind of extremism. In psychology all the models used to boast of their omnipotence as theories, but in hindsight we know that the holistic approach is the only way of appreciating and making use of these models as reference points and potential tools (when used by skilled hands). Our brains are not just psychoanalytical or transactional. Our minds and life are a diamond of as many gleaming sides as imagination and infinity permit. We put up these ISM bars.

Just to qualify I am not some right wing nut job or racist. Women, black people and everyone else are my mate if they want to be and I will treat them as I wish to be treated. I don't need no preacher or pink beret to tell me how and in what manner I should relate to other human beings, ESPECIALLY political as in "POLITICAL correctness"(do you see this wolf at our door?). The LAW is enough of a guideline for my behavior and my chosen personal Guru (who happens to be Jesus Christ).

I will always distrust ideologies and extremism because that is where the enemy lives who would sacrifice collective freedom for their own narrow, dangerous, subjective delusional and yes FASCIST view.

Fascism is a beast who wears many disguises. You will always knows its face when another starts trying to actually CONTROL your behavior according to THEIR agenda. Individually this happens in all our lives and we deal with it accordingly. Collectively these little armies of single vision will make us sterile and fascist and severely damage our hard worn FREEDOM.

Revolving door 9 over and out Dear Lovely ATS People!

edit on 6-3-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 06:51 AM
Well done on continuing the tradition of "Divide and Conquer".

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 06:52 AM
What is the problem?

Really, what is the problem with some demonstrations? Oh, they are HUGE, and VIOLENT?

They are not.
They are small and quite peaceful.
I remember demonstrations in the 80s in Germany - cops using water cannons MASSIVELY! Tear gas everywhere! Tens of thousands in the streets, really a lot of them leaving work for this. Some people shoving other people, some people getting kicked in the ribs by an a**hat, that wer trivial accessory parts those times!

Wait until the cops are using their equipment for crowd-control! Then, there are some riots in the streets!

Okay, no-one then had to ignite shops, all that was burning were cars and rubbish bins and so on, to have barriers against the police forces.

Did it work? Well, it was against NATO Double-Track Decision, and Pershing-rockets in Germany and so on, so they worked quite well. Source (wikipedia in German, sorry)
edit on 6 3 2017 by ManFromEurope because: Grammar, my old fiend. I see we meet again!

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
What is the problem?

Really, what is the problem with some demonstrations? Oh, they are HUGE, and VIOLENT?

They are not.
They are small and quite peaceful.
I remember demonstrations in the 80s in Germany - cops using water cannons MASSIVELY! Tear gas everywhere! Tens of thousands in the streets, really a lot of them leaving work for this. Some people showing other people, some people getting kicked in the ribs by an a**hat, that was trivial accessory parts those times!

Wait until the cops are using their equipment for crowd-control! Then, there are some riots in the streets!

Okay, no-one then had to ignite shops, all that was burning were cars and rubbish bins and so on, to have barriers against the police forces.

Did it work? Well, it was against NATO Double-Track Decision, and Pershing-rockets in Germany and so on, so they worked quite well. Source (wikipedia in German, sorry)

Do you think the demonstrators don't know this? They have a much more powerful weapon and that is their GENDER. They know the authorities will not dare to be violent to them as there would be total uproar.

These people are very clever. These women are professional, from all walks of life, even movie stars. I am cool totally with these demonstrators. It is all part of the panorama. God forbid, I would not want to shut anyone else's mouth as I don't want mine to be shut.

The problem is THEY WANT TO SHUT MY MOUTH and control me in ways I don't wish to be controlled. It is dark and fascist. It is the ideology. It is out of order and dangerous because it is FORCING a minority extremism.

Most of these protestors don't even know who is controlling them and to what ends. It is NOT a free movement. It is being dictated to. We only have to acknowledge what happened to Emma Watson, just for her lovely pictures. They are CONTROLLING their fellow women far much more than men were controlling them. It is a snake eating its own tale. Don't expect women to do it the same way. They have a very bright and shiny arsenal of weaponry, far more subtle than anything men have used to date.

“It just always reveals to me how many misconceptions and what a misunderstanding there is about what feminism is,” Watson said in an interview with Reuters. “Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality. I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it. It’s very confusing.”

I'm all for Emma's kind of feminism, but not that lot. They are the IS of feminism, the wolf at the door, a worthy foe I do not under estimate on account of their gender. They will be treated like enemy combatants and insurgents.

See, they demonstrate with an upside down cross. They would have me silenced publically so I would not be able to say I AM A CHRISTIAN on a forum even. They will say that I am trying to force my views and therefore inciting religious hatred, betraying freedom, on and on, but if I dare say anything negative about a woman I must be crucified for breaching the Holy Scripture of Political Correctness because there is a taboo about speaking negatively as a male about the female gender (like some dark sci fi novel). See what I mean about SOCIAL ENGINEERING.

Political Correctness is a DEMON. It needs to be exorcised. I am up to the job of that because I will not have my freedom played with. They can do what they want until the cows come home and SO WILL I. We both have the right to operate.

I am deeply offended by the upside down cross. My instincts were right all along about these thugs. Yes, women can be thugs, too. They are psychological thugs. I deplore their fascism of purpose. What better evidence of inciting religious hatred than demonstrating with an upside down cross mean while making a celebrity of a Muslim woman for no other reason than her being Muslim. They are stating their agenda with that and I am stating mine. If they got to war with me then I am forced to fight a war for my own freedom and survival. Get that into your head whoever you are.

Watch out, Regan, you are messing with a very powerful Exorcist (don't get in a twist, just humour

Next, they'll be tearing their hair out in droves for Dionysis. Perhaps they already did (hint hint).

edit on 6-3-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

You don't like the ideas those demonstrators are protesting for?

Leave your couch and show up in the streets!

They want to shut even me up so I would not be able to say I AM A CHRISTIAN on a forum even.

So what? Freedom of speech and so on, there is nothing they can do about it!

Don't panic, they are upping their stakes to have more medial impact. If you react to it, they have won. Keep them out of sight and they will lose interest pretty quickly. But if you enter the game by giving the protesters media space, they have nearly reached their goal!

Go out on your own protest or shut up about them, that is really the best strategy. I don't want to force you, really I don't, but to give you the idea of how to win by not-playing.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 08:08 AM

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Zimnydran
If there was ever a time for a million person march on Washington, the time draws near. The people voted and the vote is being trivialized, marginalized..... ignored.

This is true. The majority of the people who voted, voted for Clinton.

[quote These people are not trying to teach Donald Trump a lesson, they are trying to teach US a lesson. A lesson about what happens if we do not elect who they tell us too.

Let's do a reality check: You feel as if your views and your position is marginalized, right?

It's true. Your views are a minority. I've seen this on ATS over the years -- ATS loved Ron Paul, but America isn't ATS and ATS doesn't really have the same kind of voting pattern as America does. So ATS folks felt like America was ignoring them.

America WAS ignoring Ron Paul, because while people liked some of his message and policies they didn't like it as well as what other politicians had to offer.

Only we can stop this...if we allow this to continue this will be what happens whenever we elect someone the powers that be do not approve of.....and they will do everything they can do to make sure it doesnt happen again

We are a "Majority rules" country. The country has done majority rules that I just hated (the Bush years are an excellent example.) If you look at the polls and so fort, you find that most of the country does NOT approve of Trump and his ratings (stable last week) will probably sink again this week. That's why we're getting protests.

We have had unpopular leaders before (not THIS unpopular this early in their term) and we did see demonstrations (the Tea Party demonstrations come to mind) - but this is what our government is all about. Demonstrations can highlight what a large number of people find objectionable and move us to act.

And you and your colleagues are free to hold rallies and demonstrations to support whatever you like. But at the same time realize that the size of the anti-Trump demonstrations nowadays highlight that Trump did NOT win the popular vote and that his approval rating is pretty darn low.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: Zimnydran
I already know women are my equal. I already know. I have known it and conducted myself accordingly for many years. These pink beret geezers are EXTREMISTS and do not respect democracy as sacred. They are a pink army of extremism that will only bring more confusion, mental ill health, gender imbalance, and a feminine kind of mysoginism.

I don't think I'm charmed by your calling me a 'geezer' though I technically fit the description. And I should also point out that men are also out here with us.

It sounds as if you think the only thing feminism is about is "women are equal to men."

As a pink-hatted geezer who got into feminism in the 1960's, I believe you have a very narrow definition here and are missing a lot of the bigger points that we're concerned about including the treatment of women once they get presumed "equal" status. If you're not aware of that, look at the most recent "marine corps nude photo" scandal.

Yes, we extremists want these men brought to trial and punished... and if they'd done it to men (or children), we extremists would have wanted that, too.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Zimnydran

This is true. The majority of the people who voted, voted for Clinton.

Incorrect. You may like to reflect on the fact you are so easily brainwashed into believing a falsehood to the extent you would repeat it so confidently.
edit on 6/3/2017 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Zimnydran

These Leftist thugs would prefer an Obama dictatorship to a free and open election. They are the antithesis of all I believe in and support. Fascists all of them.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Byrd

you have made a most grievous error~

America and Canada are NOT "majority rules" countries. Majority Rules can be defined as two wolves and 1 sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

America is a replublic with laws and guarantees which protect the rights of minorities in the face of the majority. Canada is ruled by parlimentary system of rules which do the same thing.

As you pointed out, Clinton won the majority of the votes but in a minority of locations, mostly urban areas. IF, America was a democracy, that would have been sufficient for the majority urban areas to force their desires onto the mostly rural areas. Guess what, America has a system where this may not happen. That is why Trump is president today.

posted on Mar, 6 2017 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
The majority of the people who voted, voted for Clinton.

That sir, is one hell of a bold faced lie. After the election I was reading about the biggest of the sanctuary cities, the huge ones, and what I saw looked like the map of states that voted Hillary during the election. It matched up really well when I compared the two.

It's a MSM weapon designed for people who would cower in their houses feeling isolated, to make them believe the nation is not with them and on their side. The truth is just the opposite and the people should know it. Enough of this crap. Enough of a manipulative media. Enough of the deep state.

Enough of us wandering what kind of insanity has us by the throat with every new bizarre circumstance forced upon us. It's time to be done with them.

posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Zimnydran

This is true. The majority of the people who voted, voted for Clinton.

Incorrect. You may like to reflect on the fact you are so easily brainwashed into believing a falsehood to the extent you would repeat it so confidently.

I'm using the official vote count. What metric are you using?

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