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TRUMP to reopen 9/11 investigation

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posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: infolurker

If he does ,he really finds all the info found here trustworthy enough to use for investigations.

And we can assume if he can't access top secret files there's one place where you can retrieve viable and no need to look further information and well documented, backed up from reliable sources and an occasional YouTube home video cometary. .

Oh and after if he has solved all the topics we've discussed about ,and he has reclaimed our moon back from those grey Bastards we can celebrate our independence day....
edit on 0b26America/ChicagoSun, 05 Mar 2017 20:45:26 -0600vAmerica/ChicagoSun, 05 Mar 2017 20:45:26 -06001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 11:55 PM
Saw a report on the MSM about the 28 pages.
Clincher is that the Saudi Royal families would "pull the rug out from the American economy" by selling something like 80 billion in US bond IF these papers were released.
Seems like a scripted follow-up.
a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Jul, 21 2017 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: ThickAsABrick
For those of us who have questioned the official story, this could be great. BUT, the possible consequences involved are rather grim. The general population finding out they have been played could turn really ugly, and trust in the establishment would pretty much evaporate. Mind you this would be a good thing in the long term, and something necessary in my view.

The population is comprised of chumps that consume water from the networks bought and paid for by blood money from 9/11.

No, now is not the time for Trump to face off against the real powers behind disinformation.

posted on Jul, 21 2017 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky

Someone might claim it is a waste of time and resources but IMO if the truth comes out either way it is worth it.

The truth will never come out.

At least, not from any "official source", that would be believed.

And Trump isn't high enough to do anything about it.

The Donald doesn't even have "Above Top Secret" clearance.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 10:23 PM
Trump just signed an arms deal with Saudi Arabia and is hostile to Iran. You never going to see Trump reopen anything.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: 727Sky

Someone might claim it is a waste of time and resources but IMO if the truth comes out either way it is worth it.

The truth will never come out.

At least, not from any "official source", that would be believed.

And Trump isn't high enough to do anything about it.

The Donald doesn't even have "Above Top Secret" clearance.

There's currently a backlog of "truths" to be released. Kennedy, Apollo, E.T.,etc..

posted on Sep, 25 2017 @ 07:00 PM
JFK was assaasinates in nov 1963. 54 YEARS ago. Today the truth has still yet to be disclosed even when presented with solid evidence pointing to the fact that no way this coyld have happened like they do they reply? No, you're wrong. If they can keep that a secret for 54 years why on earth would they suddenly allow the truth of 9/11 to be heard

You could literally walk into the states attorney office with a photo of people wiring up bombs to the towers, and have a recording og Bush talking anout it and they would say... are wrong. This is all fake
edit on 25-9-2017 by Ghostsinthefog because: Added

posted on Sep, 25 2017 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: 727Sky

Any 9/11 investigation will never be accepted by me until sound physics and logic dictate how building 7 fell - that's the almighty Achilles heel of those desperate to sell a particular narrative about what happened that day.

And they sure do come unglued when their lies are rejected. Media pundits supporting officialdom also resort to ridicule and scorn when the lies are not believed wholesale. That's just one way of seeing corruption in the official narrative, and knowing without any doubt that deceptions are being pushed hard.

posted on Sep, 25 2017 @ 07:28 PM
When your besties are Guilliani
and Silverstein there ain't no way it'll
go past the 28 pages blaming the useful idiots .

posted on Sep, 26 2017 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: AMPTAH

The truth is already out. The mainstream media and government do their very best to suppress the truth, but any curious and intellectually honest person already knows that the official story is complete nonsense.

The truth has been out for years, for the curious individual. Yes, the perps are as busy as a cat covering poop in their efforts to suppress the truth, but it's out.

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: AMPTAH

The truth is already out. The mainstream media and government do their very best to suppress the truth, but any curious and intellectually honest person already knows that the official story is complete nonsense.

The truth has been out for years, for the curious individual. Yes, the perps are as busy as a cat covering poop in their efforts to suppress the truth, but it's out.

And yet you STILL have absolutely no idea what happened. Just vague notions about believing something untoward happened that day because you don't trust the government

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: AMPTAH

The truth is already out. The mainstream media and government do their very best to suppress the truth, but any curious and intellectually honest person already knows that the official story is complete nonsense.

The truth has been out for years, for the curious individual. Yes, the perps are as busy as a cat covering poop in their efforts to suppress the truth, but it's out.

What are they doing to suppress the truth?

Are you talking about New York City cops, fire fighters, first responders, or coroner's office.

State troopers.

Civilian engineers.

Airports and air traffic controllers.

The scores of civilians that attest to a large commercial jet hitting the pentagon?

The pilot that radio in a real time account of a commercial jet crashing into the pentagon?

Shanksville local fist responders, and the 1400 individuals that attest to the crash of flight 93, recovery of wreckage and human remains.

What truth?

Pre-sliced columns
Rebar covered in C-4
Self destructing buildings
Thermite ceiling tiles
Thermite paint
Fizzle no flash bombs
Lasers and holograms
Missiles and Holograms
Fire extinguisher bombs
Energy weapons

What truth.....

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 03:50 PM
I really enjoy these post more then most the truth comes out every one revolts lol .
Implying there are people who trust the Government even funner .

People have never trusted the Government this is why there are thous who constantly question it .
People just want what they want they get that and iggy how they get it .
If Hillary and Trump proved nothing else they proved that .
Hillary side Trumps a loser- Trumps side Hillary is . Neither side bother to wate and see if ether is changing a thing .
They just want to make 1000 post about how bad the other is .

Government could come on TV show a alien ship say they have had it for 50 years and have tek that could change lifes .
And 300 million out of 330 million people would be at work a hour later at home 9 hours later the world would not stop turning .

Me well I am well aware that most of our wars are for profit our prisons as well .
Most people know this . Has not changed a thing .
So Trump comes on TV and says the Government made 9-11 happen people would barly blink let along revolt .
After all The NFL kneeling and what KIm had for Dinner is so much more entertaining .
Does any one really believe this bull you post ? I mean its fun to read and all but unlike a fairy tail you wake up with a hangover .

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 03:52 PM
Fiction: Trump is going to re-investigate 9/11.

Truth: Trump has veto on next month's final release of JFK files

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 11:23 AM
I like this. Trump has said himself that he is the first President the U.N. is unable to "forcibly retract" on every statement he makes.

And while his social politics aren't my cup of tea (or tall glass of beer, as it were), the man has balls, and my prediction is that if we can ride it out for 4 years, he is going to shoot our economy through the rooftops.

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