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avoiding MSM

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posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 02:01 PM
If I see a story is from CNN, Wapo, etc. I simply don't click the link. Same with videos. I trust finding news I want more from sites like ATS than MSM news outlets. Aggregate the info, flush as much bias as possible out, digest what you are looking to learn about and move on. You don't even have this option in MSM. MSM is designed to make you receptive with attractive hosts who can modulate their voice well and stay on delivering a message over and over until you accept it as truth.

I was increasingly cautious before this election cycle due to things like Saudi Arabia paying MSM "news" sites for puff pieces and the like. After them being so transparent during the election cycle I will give them zero add revenue. Guess they'll have to stick to lobbyists and foreign governments funding them to stay afloat until said same realize the audience has shrunk substantially.

Anybody have a list of good alternative news sites? Or is that against the rules?

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: Apollumi
If I see a story is from CNN, Wapo, etc. I simply don't click the link. Same with videos. I trust finding news I want more from sites like ATS than MSM news outlets. Aggregate the info, flush as much bias as possible out, digest what you are looking to learn about and move on. You don't even have this option in MSM. MSM is designed to make you receptive with attractive hosts who can modulate their voice well and stay on delivering a message over and over until you accept it as truth.

I was increasingly cautious before this election cycle due to things like Saudi Arabia paying MSM "news" sites for puff pieces and the like. After them being so transparent during the election cycle I will give them zero add revenue. Guess they'll have to stick to lobbyists and foreign governments funding them to stay afloat until said same realize the audience has shrunk substantially.

Anybody have a list of good alternative news sites? Or is that against the rules?

CNN is owned by Time Warner, so you might want to just protest the parent company instead which means you should just cancel cable.

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 02:25 PM
Sometimes when i here members complain about the MSM I often wonder if its not so much that they dislike the MSM because they are corrupt (and in some cases this is definitely ture) or ifs its simply because they don't like what is being reported.

What you are looking for is not a alternative media news outlet rather you are looking for a news outlet that will put a different spin on things that is agreeable to your world view.

This breeds ignorance.

I take my news from several sources, I will have a look at just as often as CNN. Its about a balance i think and also not falling into the trap of ignoring a story because it challenges your world views and beliefs.

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Apollumi
Nevermind, you're just after stopping ad-revenue.

Look up news aggregators and other conspiracy theory sites. They're mostly all news regurgitators these days anyway.
edit on 8-2-2017 by Noncents because: Nevermind, I sort of needed to take my own advice there.

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Apollumi

The best advice I'd give is instead of looking for alternative news sites, try going to the source of a story to find out what really happened. If there's a new controversy about the FDA supposedly doing something, try checking the FDA's official website to see the document or info for yourself. If a foreign leader supposedly said something controversial, try to find the full speech and/or transcripts of the speech and see for yourself what was said.

Remember, we're in the Information Age now. Virtually every govt agency, civil rights group, rebel group, trade group, company, etc has official websites and videos now. If you really want to know what they stand for and what they're doing, what better place to start than from their own mouths? I'm not saying you have to believe them; just pay attention to what they actually say/release and then form your own conclusion.

Because that's exactly what reporters and journalists do, even on alternative news sites. They read a document, speech transcript, new bill, or press release, and then give their own opinions of what it means.

edit on 8-2-2017 by enlightenedservant because: meant to type "sites" not "sitea" -facepalm

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Can i have your thoughts on our VERY OWN BBC News?

Unbiased or not?
Full Facts or not?
Agenda driven or not?
Truthful or not?

I have my opinion, would like to know what yours is

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Apollumi

What's your definition of alternative? Different from your normal diet or different than normally accepted writing standards?

I prefer:

the LA Times over NY Times
to steer clear of any publication in which Bezos has holdings (WaPo, Business Insider)
Wired for long-form journalism
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) for global-news pieces
Popular Science/Mechanics because even a novice like me understands
WSJ to get the most news in the shortest amount of time
papers published from policy centers and think tanks whether liberal, moderate, or conservative--less timely but the citations are useful
regional network news (short crime pieces)
I like to jump the boarder and surf for hockey updates and a different take on weird world news.

I deliberately do my very best to never click a link for a site tied to a cable news site such as MSNBC, CNN, FOX. Vox, Slate, Briebart, Washington Examiner, and infowars don't interest me.


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