This is the question relentlessly pursued within South Park's latest season as the alter-ego of Trey Parker - speaking through the character of
Cartman - avers, and then sarcastically disavows, that "girls aren't funny".
If this is true - and it partly is - why does the feeling emerge in people?
The simple, scientific explanation for this phenomenon is simple: men and women experience different levels of social-confidence.
The above photo shows important mid-brain and forebrain sections (which are named) in addition to (unnamed) area beneath the red area which is called
the brainstem. Since the brain is a structure that has evolved by
adding structure and regulatory function upon lower structure/functions, we
need to see the brain as a hierarchy of regulatory systems, beginning at the most basic level - the metabolic regulation of bodily homeostasis - to
the social level and symbolic level.
This reality - which is not understood or recognized by the majority of living Humans today - means that any perturbation or disturbance in your
normal daily routines will be generate what will be felt as 'negative'. Thus, when I wake up, I register the desire to pee - my brain-mind and sense
of agency then becomes recruited in the process of caring out this management of metabolic processes.
I think go down - my body is animated by the feeling of hunger; another routine - another recurring metabolic activity. All of this is brainstem
controlled and brainstem compelled. In other words, all things being equal, the tendencies of the brainstem entirely contradict the tendencies of the
higher cortical areas evolved in Human beings.
Say you get insufficient sleep. What happens in your brain when this happens? Multiple brainstem areas like the reticular activating system and the
vagal complex will bias energy flow towards the body to
compensate for the dysregulation of the forebrain which occurs as a function of not getting
sufficient rest. Sleep has been associated with the cleaning of the synaptic space by astrocytes and microglia which helps reconfigure
brain-dynamics to operate at optimal levels. When we don't get enough sleep, what we experience, than, is a sub-optimal flow of energy through our
frontal cortex. Because of this, our frontal cortex
cannot carry out its usual unconscious regulation of affective states. Think about it. When
we don't get enough sleep, our threshold for irritation lowers. Were also less "connected" to the world around us - in a daze, body alive - giving
priority to keeping its many lower systems working as they need to to keep the organism alive - whereas the conscious self experiences its being
mostly as an "epiphenomenon" of it's brain activity. Agency - or the Self which acts - is not very present.
The "vagal complex" - a dorsal (outer) part of the brain which ennervates and controls the sinoatrial node of the heart (and so heart beat as well
as breath) is directly connected to areas like the 'bed nucleus of the stria terminalis', where bodily reactivity responses seem to originate from -
as well as the amygdala (which records threat) and the ventral and dorsal striatum, which initiates and automates our usual ways of doing things in
the world.
Why Girls are Thought to Be "Unfunny"
It really is not about girls being unfunny so much as guys being unreflective, aggressive, shaming and traumatizing presences for the mind-brain of
females. Again - our neural matter records the cues-signals that derive from certain bodies, and 'pressures us" into a particular way of
What does this look like? First, many females are funny (for me); people such as Amy Schumer, Melissa McCarthy, Kate Mckinnon and Kristen Wiig have
all made me laugh in the past. The issue isn't whether this is a non-occurring phenomenon, but what inspires the thought "girls aren't funny",
which is a pretty popular notion, and the relational processes Humans enact between one another.
The answer to this non-riddle is that females are more sensitive than males are to behavioral cues of others. Their brains are more interconnected -
which literally means they are more 'integrated' i.e. with the left brain, or linguistic self, having a sense, or name, or term, for what is felt in
the right hemisphere. Thus, the left hemisphere is like Russian doll, embedded in the dynamics of the right-hemisphere, which presents a feeling world
of body and environment to which the linear self will search for coherent cause-effect relations.
We must resist a "reified" ontology i.e. we must recognize that what were seeing today - with these new comediennes - is a
function of a more
tolerant, nurturing, and relaxed society. It must be known that in places of terror - and trauma - females are not 'funny' - their bodies make
them far too terrified for that - and for very good reason. All strength becomes lateralized to masculine traits (assertiveness, authoritarianism,
delusional stubborness) and all weakness moves to feminine traits.
Thus, to be 'short', is to be weak - because woman are weak as well as short(er) than men, shortness and femininity are 'aligned traits'.
Likewise, masculinity, strength, and height, are mutually implicated traits.
These metaphorical constructs are built into the nature of our experience - and it has absolutely everything to do with whether or not we ask
ourselves the question: "would I want someone doing that to me". Females are always forced to reflect by being structured by evolutionary dynamics
to nurture their young. Their affective openness entails a reflective reconstruction of the other parties point of view - and so providing them with a
deep phenomenological connection to the Other.
And yet look at the society we still live within: most women, even the few funny ones, are being dysmorphed to fit the image of the male. Lilith - an
appropriate symbol for this, is a symbol for lust - which undermines reason and, therefore, reflects
males objectification of the Female.
Few things sicken me more than naive feminists who wear this image of lilith as if were a true feminist construct i.e. actually emanated from the true
female valuations. These ideas emerge from
outside science, and so are arbitrary fantasies without a shred of reality to them: they've been
demented into servants of the dark side - the masculinistic and chauvinistic vanity of living a life without awareness of your ontological dependence
on the Other.
So, females are funny - but only if males calm-the-f-uck-down and let them experience the joy of being funny. For those of you who oppose this thesis
- I don't even think its opposable: it is a simple derivative of understanding neurological evolution, the discursive and material nature of Humn
evolution, and the way and manner authoritarianism i.e. a male trait, undermines the psychic development of Human beings.