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I'm gonna rant about my own country: USA

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+7 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:14 PM
America. What the hell have we allowed this nation to become? Don't blame the banks. Don't blame the Illuminati, or NWO, or the military-industrial complex, or immigrants, or religion, or even the politician.

This nation was given a clean slate multiple times. First with the Mayflower Compact, then the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Bill of Rights. After WWII, we were blessed with extreme prosperity that has carried us this far. We still hold elections on a regular basis, yet we continue to deviate from the 10 basic laws known as the Bill of Rights, and we point the finger at everyone and anyone when our stupid anti-constitutional ideas come to fruition.

Its pathetic!

Immigration was never a problem until the people let the Federal Government start a War on Drugs. (Hell, the ban on marijuana was racially motivated.) There is no reason to build a wall. The only jobs that illegalized immigrants take away from Americans are the ones that we are too stuck up to work ourselves. And guess what? All those undocumented workers that some how manage (to get around the laws) to get real jobs are all paying payroll taxes. In fact, the people allowed the Federal Government to legalize payroll taxes specifically because the ban on illegal workers was unenforceable. Now look at us. Tax has become a burden, and the Federal Government keeps getting bigger.


There is no need to ban Muslims from entering this nation. Muslims are followers of Islam. Islam is a religion, therefore it is protected under Amendment I. Lets take a look.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Banning Muslims from legally entering this nation would result in a law that treats an established religion differently from others, and prohibits their practice of religion in the U.S., as they aren't even allowed in.

So why do Americans want to ban Muslims? Its because Americans have become cowards. We have forgotten that we have Amendment II, and we have again, allowed the Federal Government to slowly chip away at it. September 11th happened, and we cried like scared little girls. Mass shootings happen, and we start squawking caged like parrots; "TAKE THE GUNS! TAKE THE GUNS!".

An airplane gets hijacked by people with box cutters, because they know knives aren't allowed on planes. They know that we have become too domesticated to stand up and fight. An airport, a hospital, a night club, gets shot up, because they know those are gun free zones. We are the sheep, and they are the wolves. If/when we learn to arm and defend ourselves again, then terrorist events will cease to be national tragedies.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

I'll leave it there for now. There is much more to rant about, but its best to let that soak in a little at a time. Maybe one day, as a nation, we can stop being so damned ignorant and arrogant, and start voting for our rights again, rather than electing a bully who promises to take the rights away from the opposing side.

That's what Trump, Sessions, Bannon, Ryan are. They are bullies, elected by masses of weaker bullies. The same went for Obama, Emmanuel, Holder, and Clinton. Just bullies elected by bullies.....

We have a set of superior and immutable laws in this country, and its time we start recognizing it.

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:25 PM
nobody has banned muslims from coming to America, you need to stop watching fake news.

and those jobs that illegals do but real americans won`t do, that sounds kind of racist. what about the Mexicans and other Hispanics that are here legally why do you say that they won`t do those jobs?
not every legal Hispanic immigrant is a rocket scientist with a firm grasp of the English language,there`s no reason that they wouldn`t take some of those jobs.
nobody will hire them now because it`s cheaper to hire the illegals.
get rid of the illegals and those jobs will pay more, a farmer isn`t going to let a whole season of crops rot in the field just because he doesn`t want to pay a little more to have them picked.
letting them rot means he loses money, paying more to have them picked means he still makes money.
edit on 29-1-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Tardacus

No, they haven't been banned...yet.

How about we make it easier for them to become legal. Then they wouldn't be illegal. Then they wouldn't have to stay under the radar. Then those jobs wouldn't be so underpaid.

But no. Lets build a wall. That's probably better.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

that`s right they haven`t been banned your OP is dishonest, you based most of your rant on a lie.

no need to make the immigration system "easier" it has worked fine for millions of immigrants, for many many years.

edit on 29-1-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

There is a permanent ban in place for Radical Islamic Terrorists because Radical Islamic Terrorists have made their intentions clear to the west - a global caliphate and the submission of all humans to Islam, the destruction of the US and her allies.

This is the enemy, they come from the ideology of Islam whose followers are called Muslims however the Radical Islamic Terrorists have taken control and now dominate this ideology and have subsequently modified it to suit their aforementioned agenda, thanks in large part to YouTube, Google, the CIA, CNN and other infrastructure of the globalists.

Trump is focusing on countries who are Islamic and harbour / finance / support Radical Islamic Terrorists and since the global Islamic community is far too disjointed to unite to fight this vermin, Trump has implemented an ALARP plan - ARALP plans reduce risk to as low as reasonably possible.

The opinions of precious snowflakes who avoid acknowledging these facts make me laugh because they'll be the first blood taken if the Radical Islamic Terrorists ever get their way.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Tardacus

that`s right they haven`t been banned your OP is dishonest, you based half of your rant on a lie.

No. You're taking my words out of context. I said, "Banning Muslims WOULD BE", as in it has not happened yet.

no need to make the immigration system "easier" it has worked fine for millions of immigrants, for many many years.

Yeah, that's why people have had to jump the border for almost 40 years now. The legal residency process is unreasonably slow. My grandmother went through the process. It doesn't work well.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Well maybe Trump should be focusing on Saudi Arabia.

We don't need the Feds to deal with terrorists, 45's and 9mm's are sufficient.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:49 PM
Boy, you sure have been brainwashed OP. The US has done some bad things in the past but what you are complaining about is not correct. There needs to be more research on immigrants coming into this country from trouble areas where ISIS and radical groups are. That is needed for the safety of all citizens here, including Muslim Citizens. It is only temporary till they figure a way to lesson the risk of bad ones coming in.

What you are saying is we should ignore the safety of our citizens just so people who want to come here can come here. You seem to be supporting ISIS by your statements. We need to check out these people better.

As far as Mexicans coming here legally, we should streamline the immigration process for the good people and stop bad ones from coming across the boarder with the good ones. We cannot keep letting illegal immigrants come in.

The Majority of countries have laws restricting illegal immigration, including Mexico. If you are caught illegally in Mexico they do not fool around.

If we allowed Mexicans to freely come over the boarder, half of them would be in this country. We have to regulate how many come across too.

I think you should go talk to someone about your problem realizing that things have to be done properly. Our citizens in this country have a lot more rights than most countries in this world. It could be a lot worse.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

nobody has said that they want to ban all muslim, you might as well have made your rant about banning all Canadians, because nobody is talking about doing that either.

so you believe that if the U.S. doesn`t take in everyone that wants to come here than the system is broken or slow.

that`s just not going to happen ever.

edit on 29-1-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:52 PM
I will reiterate that there is no ban on Muslims coming to the US nor is anyone banned....simply a longer process so they can more fully investigate who they are. I welcome any and all and think if there is anyone that will stream line the process and make it better it is an outsider that does not believe in bureaucratic nonsense like Mr. Trump.

It will take some time to get it done but from what we have seen so far he does move rather fast so maybe if given the chance it will be a better and faster system than it is now or at least once a process is established the same time frame but hopefully faster.

As far as Mexicans coming to the US, again they are welcome but like everyone else they should go through the same process otherwise its patently unfair. How about making Mexico a better place so they would want to stay ? Can you imagine the power house North America would be if The US and Mexico and Canada all got on the same page and worked as one ?

As for the refugees coming from the middle east, again I welcome them but there must be a mechanism in place first. Perhaps if Congress and past administrations had actually addressed the issue instead of ignoring it it would not be the mess it is now.

Other middle eastern nations need to open their doors and allow those refugees to settle there. Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, are all examples of rich wealthy countries that could absorb the refugees with out blinking, the languages are close, the customs are close, there must be reasons they don't wish to allow this....I wonder what they are ?

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Why can't citizens just be responsible for defending themselves? I'll repeat it. We have Amendment II. We have the right to arm and form militias. Let them come in. We need to learn how to handle ourselves.

If we allowed Mexicans to freely come over the boarder, half of them would be in this country. We have to regulate how many come across too.

Imagine if we said that about the Irish, Polish, and German immigrants. Oh wait, they had a different skin color.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: rickymouse

Why can't citizens just be responsible for defending themselves? I'll repeat it. We have Amendment II. We have the right to arm and form militias. Let them come in. We need to learn how to handle ourselves.

If we allowed Mexicans to freely come over the boarder, half of them would be in this country. We have to regulate how many come across too.

Imagine if we said that about the Irish, Polish, and German immigrants. Oh wait, they had a different skin color.

My grandparents came into this country from Finland and they had to apply to come here and when they came here they had to file for residency right away. That was back in the late eighteen hundreds and those laws were in force way before they came. Your relatives probably also had to apply for residency and get prior approval to get in if they came in after a certain point. It is not a recent policy change, it is over a hundred fifty years old.

I don't want to be carrying my desert eagle pistol in public and having to worry about having to defend myself against terrorists. I am all for having a concealed weapon permit to carry a hand gun. You do not want to be making others scared banishing a gun, right now, if someone is carrying a gun in our town and scaring people, they will get arrested because of local ordinances in the towns. Citizens should not be scared to go out of their houses to go to a get together or to the restaurant. What would these protestors say if an ISIS terrorist mowed the protesters down during a protest. ISIS might have possibly done that in DC during the womans March if there was no police there.

I personally do not want to go back to living like they did in the wild west, people shooting others, criminals robbing people and killing them. These things go on in other countries and this is one of the things that terrorist groups do. ISIS kills a lot of Muslims.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 10:22 PM
Yes. People come into this country illegally. And according to some on this thread they get jobs, illegal jobs that pay less than legal jobs. The solution that is being offered is to build a wall to keep those illegal people from entering illegally and taking the jobs of people who are here legally. That is one solution.

Another possibility is to take the business owners who hire people who are here illegally because they can pay less wages then go to legal people and arrest them, toss them in the klink and take their businesses and sell them off at auction to people who will hire only legal people.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

Perhaps a little history lesson...Irish immigrates were not welcomed with open arms by most Americans during the great exodus in the 1900's. Many businesses had signs reading "Irish need not apply" in regards to employment. Newspapers had large editorials describing the immigrants as crooks and poor people who would be a burden on the country because they would not assimilate. Fortunately they were wrong as the Irish has like ALL other immigrant populations had a profound effect on America, Saint Patty's day is almost as much an American holiday (commercialized like everything else we do) as it is Irish.

Many Americans feared that the Chinese immigrants would never assimilate, or blend in, to American culture. There was also a fear, especially in California, that the Chinese immigrants were taking jobs from native-born Americans. Those fears led Congress to pass a law in 1882 that stopped immigration by unmarried Chinese workers. The law was called the Chinese Exclusion Act, and was in effect until 1943. That law is now considered by many people to be an embarrassment in America's history. Others, however, say the law was a reasonable response to very real concerns.

The same in regards to Chinese immigrants, they too came for jobs that "Americans" would not do mainly for building the railroads across America. Laws were made against them and were in place until 1943. Looks like history is repeating itself, at least we haven't established laws yet but only temporary EO's

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

All those undocumented workers that some how manage (to get around the laws) to get real jobs are all paying payroll taxes.

Not when they claim 10 dependants. Their employer still pays some taxes for them though.
edit on 29-1-2017 by Vector99 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
, rather than electing a bully who promises to take the rights away from the opposing side.

That's what Trump, Sessions, Bannon, Ryan are. They are bullies, elected by masses of weaker bullies. The same went for Obama, Emmanuel, Holder, and Clinton. Just bullies elected by bullies.....

Well said!

But don't let the calling of people 'bullies' draw you into the same cycle of name-calling/dehumanizing categorization/'cleansing'...!
Even bullies need/are worthy of Love! *__-

(But I can easily see your Perspective!)

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
, rather than electing a bully who promises to take the rights away from the opposing side.

That's what Trump, Sessions, Bannon, Ryan are. They are bullies, elected by masses of weaker bullies. The same went for Obama, Emmanuel, Holder, and Clinton. Just bullies elected by bullies.....

Well said!

But don't let the calling of people 'bullies' draw you into the same cycle of name-calling/dehumanizing categorization/'cleansing'...!
Even bullies need/are worthy of Love! *__-

(But I can easily see your Perspective!)

You're right. Its best not to fall into their game. I just want people to learn from our past mistakes.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Tardacus

No, they haven't been banned...yet.

How about we make it easier for them to become legal. Then they wouldn't be illegal. Then they wouldn't have to stay under the radar. Then those jobs wouldn't be so underpaid.

But no. Lets build a wall. That's probably better.

We have to make it easier to immigrate, while countries like Canada and Australia are allowed to be tougher on it than we are now?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 04:15 AM
If your home catches fire do you;

A) Throw gasoline on it to make it burn easier?

B) Run away crying because fire is scary?

C) Ignore the fire, because if you do it might go out by itself?

D) Call the fire dept, wait and hope they are not too busy to come around?

E) Call the fire dept and try to put the fire out if it is safe while you are waiting for them?

As you can see, there are many different options to approach a single problem. Here is what the answers to the above signify.

A)Some solutions make the problem much worse,

B)Some just avoid doing anything about it.

C) Some people prefer to pretend their problem does not exist in the hopes it will just go away.

D)This one relies on someone else to solve your problem,

E)While this last means taking action and rallying the help of others.

Islam is a problem. SOMEONE stirred up the hornets nest (I'm looking directly at you USA) and now we have them all determined to get revenge and convert the entire world to their faith and to kill everyone who will not.

Letting Muslims in from countries where known terror organisations flourish is akin to answer A. Banning them altogether is answer C.

E is the actual answer and the correct way forward - do something about keeping the problem people out until help arrives (in the form of revised and properly thought through vetting)

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Trump is focusing on countries who are Islamic and harbour / finance / support Radical Islamic Terrorists and since the global Islamic community is far too disjointed to unite to fight this vermin, Trump has implemented an ALARP plan - ARALP plans reduce risk to as low as reasonably possible.

If that were true why are Saudi Arabia and Pakistan on his list , they are two of the biggest state sponsors of Islamic Terrorism.
Seems to me his ban list is based on diplomatic sensitivity over actual State sponsors of Islamic Terrorism.

edit on 30-1-2017 by gortex because: (no reason given)

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