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This Flu Going Around this Season

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posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:19 PM
At least I am told I have the flu.

On Thursday at work I was clearing my throat a lot and had some sniffles. I think on Wednesday I would blow my nose and blood would come out, not a lot, and I blamed it on dry air.

On that same Thursday I was sitting with a trainer who had almost completely lost her voice and was lamenting she would miss a party somewhere in farther upstate NY than I am. Another employee was coughing and was throwing up in the bathroom at some point.

Stupid business. They install motion detection purell machines everywhere and motion detection antibacterial soap machines at every sink. Yet, they allow employees to put out left over body and hand lotions and body mists in every bathrooms for all to use. Yep. Wash your hands, then touch things probably 20 people touched without washing their hands, they may have stepped into the bathroom to fix their hair or followed someone in to chat.

I awoke at about 4am Friday morning in a cold sweat, freezing to death. I knew a fever had broken. I went to an immediate care 2 blocks from my house on Friday afternoon. My fever was 103. I was given antibiotics, ibuprofin and they took a throat swab. My fever went up and down over the days following.

The moment I thought I was getting better, my temp would go up again and the malady would move from my chest to my head and back again.
That is odd in and of itself. Usually a sickness will start in one of those places and end in the other and then it is done. Usually starting as a sinus problem and ending as a chest problem. Not this one.

2 nights ago I awoke at 4am with teeth chattering, shivering, cold sweat with a warm head. I was not quite right. I opened my bedroom door and turned the bathroom light on. I wanted a 'nite light'. I never need a light on. I rarely leave my door open even a crack as I have a male housemate. Only the occasions the cats are obnoxious and batting at the door to be let in and out, which is more infrequent as they age.

Well, at least what felt like daggers in my throat are gone and the headache is gone. My last fever broke at 1pm today. As far as I know. I haven't taken my temp again. I do still feel 'funny'. If I am not right tomorrow I will go back to Immediate Care.

I have had bad flu in prior years, I was once in the hospital overnight with strep. I have never gone through anything like this, though.

I am in the NE and now see from friends on FB that others are having what they also call a 'severe' flu. Something they don't recall as ever having so bad.

I might think a flu virus mutated. There is zero information on flu tracking sites, though I see many complaining of the 'worst flu they ever had'. Odd.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:30 PM

It works.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:38 PM
Homemade chicken soup works great. It usually takes three meals to get rid of a virus.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:38 PM
I hope you feel better soon Reldra.

I have something, It's only day 2. It didnt follow my normal progression of a cold(sore throat->stuffy nose->runny nose->cough

This one was Some visual disturbance->Headache->stuffed/runny w/some blood->wisdom teeth pain->sore throat-> light cough

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: reldra
At least I am told I have the flu.

On Thursday at work I was clearing my throat a lot and had some sniffles. I think on Wednesday I would blow my nose and blood would come out, not a lot, and I blamed it on dry air.

On that same Thursday I was sitting with a trainer who had almost completely lost her voice and was lamenting she would miss a party somewhere in farther upstate NY than I am. Another employee was coughing and was throwing up in the bathroom at some point.

Nextdoor neighbor here in Atlanta has it. Had to cancel a trip to Kenya to help children yesterday because of it. She is miserable and hoarse and had a fever of 103 the day before. She said it's the worst she has ever felt, but the odd thing is, nobody else around has it. Another oddity is that she just came back from I'm am wondering if it may be Zika in her case since it seems to be spreading there rather than decreasing.

Anywho...hope you feel better soon! I've only had the flu twice in my life, knock on wood, and hope I never get that or giardia again.
edit on Thu Jan 26 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: Quote Crash Course

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Homemade chicken soup works great. It usually takes three meals to get rid of a virus.

Especially when you cook down some carcass....bone stock is the best for it. Throw in some ginger, garlic and turmeric, thicken the broth a bit, fill a couple large Mason jars and heat up and sip on it every few hours for a couple days....good stuff!

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: rickymouse
Homemade chicken soup works great. It usually takes three meals to get rid of a virus.

Especially when you cook down some carcass....bone stock is the best for it. Throw in some ginger, garlic and turmeric, thicken the broth a bit, fill a couple large Mason jars and heat up and sip on it every few hours for a couple days....good stuff!

Sounds yummy. I have plenty of garlic, tumeric and ginger because of past threads.

TY all

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: reldra

I am right next to Canada but on the US side, and have multiple friends with the Flu currently. Also a handful of other friends have some nasty stomach bug - I think being inside so much more because of winter weather has a lot to do with it.

I hope you can fight it off quickly, best of luck Reldra

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Homemade chicken soup works great. It usually takes three meals to get rid of a virus.

I don't think I've really have a rough rumble with the flu yet in my life. And in recent years, my household seems to be the consistent holdout in a sea of sick people with it. Dunno what we're doing right, but we are. And a flu vax ain't it.

Norovirus (which I imagine many may confuse for the flu) has whipped my ass a few times in my years, but not recently. I figure with it ripping through everywhere recently, it's probably due for a blitz through our house again. Reldra, look into the symptoms for this, it's possible you caught norovirus rather than a flu.

Regardless, if solids aren't appealing when sick, chicken broth always is. That's always made me feel better, and especially if i load it with cayenne or steep a habanero slice in it. The other surefire thing that helps me feel better no matter what kind if illness I've had is my heating pad, cranked on high and laid over my face. I can feel significantly better much faster if I devote time to doing that, my husband jokingly calls it my "sickie heat therapy". Except it's not really a joke, because it does work, lol.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

I do a shot of ginger, garlic, and lemon juice with cayenne mixed in every few days and take a decent amount of elderberry when I hear anyone near has the flu...same with the rest of my family and we tend to be the holdouts as well....though I can't say much for our breath...

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: rickymouse
Homemade chicken soup works great. It usually takes three meals to get rid of a virus.

Especially when you cook down some carcass....bone stock is the best for it. Throw in some ginger, garlic and turmeric, thicken the broth a bit, fill a couple large Mason jars and heat up and sip on it every few hours for a couple days....good stuff!

I use onion, garlic, celery, cabbage, de=chickened bones, carrots, celery, sage, salt and peppercorns, and ten drops of tabasco sauce in the first run before straining the juice to make the broth. The cartilage on the dark meat is the most important thing. Then I add new celery, cabbage, the chicken, carets, sage, salt and pepper, and tabasco sauce again and a little wine and soy sauce, a couple tablespoons, to help build antigens. Near the end of cooking this again, I add some frozen mixed veggies and some noodles.

It both tastes good and works. If I make chicken soup for just plain food, it is different than this. You can just drink the first run juice too, but it is nice to eat this, it is easy on the stomach.

I never tried ginger, that goes best in a hot totti with brandy and honey and lemon juice.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: reldra

Get well soon, but this has been a particularly rough year in some places for the flu. Some people are experiencing symptoms for going on 2 weeks. I did get the flu vaccine, but still managed to get sick for a few days. Fortunately it was a much shorter duration than what some are reporting. I am exposed in my line of work to a massive base of flu vectors. Strangely my temperature dipped to 94.8 rather than going up. Strange days. I may be a zombie now.

Bone broth, turmeric, garlic, and whatever makes you feel better. Herbal remedy is great, but the bottom line is you should just do whatever is comforting. It sucks and comfort helps.

Use the sanitizer and avoid the damned lotion. Big mistake I've seen in a number of places they should not be. After hand-washing or sanitizing there should be no additional crap added to the hands.

S&F since it seems nobody is giving those for support.

Everybody wash your damn hands frequently and use alcohol based hand-sanitizer often... it does help. When you are sick make sure to sanitize all your frequent hand-contact surfaces to stop the spread. First thing I do after I'm I'll is sanitize keyboards, my mouse, pens, pencils, and anything I touch frequently.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: reldra

I just hope I don't get sick. Being a teacher certainly doesn't help

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Norovirus is definitely rampant almost every year. Handwashing and sanitizing is still the best defense from all pathogens, the flu vaccine is only targeted to 3-4 strains a year while sanitizing and washing hands will protect against everything.

I blame it on children, those little pestilent demons infect everything.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 11:25 PM
I can confirm this from Central IL. I go years without being sick (Besides the veritable "Bottle Flu") and i have fallen victim to the off and on dripping nose for several days now, usually worsening later in the day. I never checked my temp but undoubtedly had a high temp along with it the other day. Nasty menacing bug this is. Drink plenty of pure water (I preach distilled) and keep those hands clean. Simple but priceless advice. Stay healthy everyone!

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 11:25 PM
Hope that you get better soon.

About 40 years ago I had a really bad case of the flu

So now, I get the flu shot and have not had another bad flu since.

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: reldra

Never go to that immediate care again! Seriously - if they told you you have the flu and yet gave you antibiotics, then not only could they not possibly have medical licenses, they've most likely never taking a college level health sciences class.

Worse, they are pepetuating one of the greatest crimes against humanity - overuse of antibiotics. A serious pet peeve of mine.

I hope you feel better quickly. I have the voice almost gone, burning/scratchy throat thing going on for a few days now. Feels like the worst is over though. Wish I could get more test!

Word of advice - in the future, if you're prescribed antibiotics, ask what bacterial infection you are suffering from. "Give 'em antibiotics and send 'em on their way' is the lazy doctor's method of churning patients.

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: reldra

Hope you get better reldra!
(That's chicken soup in the mug)

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 01:36 AM
I got three flu vaccinations this year. The people you contract to generally are hellbent to make sure you have been vaccinated, but then are really slow on the draw to send proof to the next guy because they don't want to reveal the secret that you got a flu shot there. Or something. So the next place gives you another.

I can tell you that your body gets pissy about number three. I immediately got a fever and started getting muscle cramps this time. So I supposed I seroconverted the HELL out of it on the third one. Sadly though, while it was off fighting off imaginary influenza it dropped the ball on the coronavirus that's going around the base here and I have been sick ever since. Going on two weeks now.

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 02:28 AM
I'm certain I had the flu TWICE last year. I first got hit with it right at the end of October. I woke up and my throat was scratchy. As the day progressed it started to become painful and I felt fatigued. I knew I was getting sick, but I had no idea how bad it was going to be. The next day I was completely down. I was so weak I couldn't get out of bed. I kept fluctuating between freezing and burning up. My nose was stopped to the point that I couldn't breathe. After a few days the throat stopped hurting (thankfully) and my nose went from being stopped up to pouring non-stop. I probably went through an entire roll of toilet paper and a lot of tissues in just a day or two. I didn't eat anything for two days and I didn't have the energy to stand up for more than half a minute until about 3-4 days later. I then developed a sinus infection so I was sick for a good two weeks. Then, I got hit with it again the day after Christmas. On Christmas eve two of my family members were complaining about some mild sickness. On the 26th I woke up after oversleeping by almost 3 hours with incredible fatigue and fever. My nose started pouring again and this time I developed a really bad cough. Once again I was virtually bedridden and couldn't eat anything. The only fortunate thing was that this time I never got the sore throat. I was still down for about 3-4 days though with fever and extreme fatigue and aches before I finally started getting strength and appetite back. The cough and extremely runny nose persisted for another week or so after I was "better". Both of these events were definitely the most sick I've been since I got the norovirus about 5 years ago.
edit on 26-1-2017 by Charizard because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-1-2017 by Charizard because: (no reason given)

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