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Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

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posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: VinylTyrant

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: VinylTyrant

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: LumenImagoDei
What has Trump done? He's not the one putting this plan onto paper, his lawyers and legal team are and I guarantee you they're in the insurance companies' pockets just like Obama's people were.

Let's see what the plan says before we start calling it the greatest thing since sliced bread. For all we know it's not going to be any better than Obamacare, but then again it might be good. Let's not count our chickens before they hatch though, that usually just leads to disappointment.

The eggs I buy are not capable of making a chicken because they have been refrigerated. I count on buying chickens at the store.

Obamacare isn't working, the price is rising too fast. Socialized healthcare should be the way we go but it appears it will never happen. Too much money to be made off of sick people and too many brainwashed people who believe socialized medicine is inferior. I wonder how the Pharma and medical industries pulled that deception off, I know people who live in Canada and in Europe and they have good healthcare. Here you have to go to the doctors two or three times before they do anything.
in China they wait till right before the chick hatches to suck it out the shell. Not sure how you count that.

Trump was doing more as a candidate then some presidents did in a year. Plural, as in more than one.

He didn't DO anything. He talked a lot, he said a lot of words, made a lot of promises
yeah, I know, he sat in his tower and talked.
Get with it, please.

Please ,tell me what he did for the country more than the last three presidents? Examples

posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: VinylTyrant

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: VinylTyrant

originally posted by: Liquesence

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

That would actually be a wonderful thing. If it were true.

Here comes Santa Claus with free health insurance for everyone!

I hope it's true, but where's the plan, or is this, once again, a hollow promise that people blind supporters will swallow whole?

I can't really say much without hearing Trump's plan

Probably because there really isn't one.

yeah, he blindly made this statement without a plan. Are you serious? He's talking about healthcare for close to 400 MILLION people and you think it's on a whim? Where do we get you people from?

He's done everything as a whim, just like going on one talk show, the. Going on another and denying what he said not5 min before in another interview

Yes he does things on a whim. Have you seen his twitter?

Trump says whatever will get him the most votes/ attention
where do we get you people from?

Please do elaborate

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 10:57 PM
OK, so he's essentially re-branding Obamacare to Trumpcare. Which was already re-branded from Romneycare. Now that it's an R-branded '-care' again, people are head-over-heels in love with it.

This country's citizens are a special kind of stupid. I feel comfortable calling in one of my "Told Ya So!"s yet again. I'm all for everyone having healthcare, so it's not about that, it's about the disconnect between the ears and brain of others. What else out of his campaign promise bucket is he going to hit full reverse on and still have ample toe-suckers at hand?
edit on 1/15/2017 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: babybunnies
"insurance for everybody" sounds awfully like the requirement in Obamacare that Republicans were so upset about that required every one to buy it.

Obamacare penalizes you greatly if you don't buy their health insurance, even if you can't afford it, I don't think Trump or Republicans are even remotely considering a scam like that. But we'll have to wait and see what the actual plan is.

posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Insurance for everybody? Well, that's what Obamacare is trying to do so why get rid of it? Oh right, they don't like Obama because reasons so it has to go. Fun fact, Obamacare is very similar to health coverage former GOP'ers wanted to enact in the past so it's funny to see them now say how much they don't like it.

But at the end of the day, Trump has no plan and millions will be given the middle finger because of partisan politics.

I guess you probably are not impacted by it but for the millions that got health insurance under the ACA, there were millions that lost health care under the ACA, and the millions that lost also had to pay a tax penalty.

You know, people that work for a living and keep the government going by PAYING taxes.

Fun Fact, Obamacare is nothing like the GOP bill. At all. In fact, for fun, can you post HOW it is the same? You know, the one the Republicans have tried to enact but yet in the next paragraph you point out that there is no plan.

For the record, I love your name and what you post. It is perfect together. Yes, I raise pigs.

posted on Jan, 15 2017 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Insurance for everybody? Well, that's what Obamacare is trying to do so why get rid of it? Oh right, they don't like Obama because reasons so it has to go. Fun fact, Obamacare is very similar to health coverage former GOP'ers wanted to enact in the past so it's funny to see them now say how much they don't like it.

But at the end of the day, Trump has no plan and millions will be given the middle finger because of partisan politics.

Wow did you even read the article or did your brain automatically switch to retard mode from the mere mention of the name Trump?

I love the part were drup companies have to negotiate cost direclty to the government, this will stop alot of price gauging and Martin Shkreli type characters.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: VinylTyrant

You have said that twice without anything else. The poster you are responding to is actually a conservative if my memory serves me. Just obviously not a kool aid-drinking one. And he is right: Everything Trump has said has been on a whim. And very often he has changed his mind or denied what he said later.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 01:32 AM
Sounds like universal healthcare. Great! The all republican congress will slap him back to reality.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

Yeah, the first thing that crossed my mind was "Yeah right. As if the Republican controlled Congress will pass that". Personally, I'm not buying this at all. I think this is just more of the usual "distract them with something big while implementing our real plans in secret".

Though it is a bit comforting to see so many people arguing in favor of universal healthcare. I guess this will be one of those cases where people will love it as long as they call it something different. Trumpcare? Patriot Care? "Medicare for All"?

One thing that isn't being talked about is that there are many different ways to achieve universal healthcare. One way is to simply mandate that all citizens must purchase healthcare. Another way is to expand all existing forms of healthcare until they cover everyone. The ACA/Obamacare took a bit from both of those approaches and would've probably achieved universal healthcare if the individual States would've accepted its provisions to dramatically expand Medicaid (and if a public option would've been added to the ACA).

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

If the USA implements "insurance for everybody" and it's government-owned, it's important that the government set physician/hospital reimbursement (pay) rates the same as what private insurance pays. Otherwise, the best doctors and medical groups will not accept patients with "government" insurance.

We have that right now with Exchange/Marketplace plans, vs. Employer plans, here in the Chicago region. Approx 30% of area physicians, and several hospitals, stopped accepting "Obamacare" patients in 2016. It's growing worse, here in 2017. Employer-owned "group" health insurance is accepted by 95% of physicians/hospitals.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: bgrenual
I think he's for real. I think he's going to deliver.

Thats going to piss liberals off to no end. If people read obamacare they would notice it benefits insurance companies. Ending their state monopolies and allowing them all to compete nationwide would be beneficial and thats something Trump wants done.

Fix the parts that are broke and keep the parts that work.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 03:57 AM

Trump has a hard Job fixing health insurance, it's 4 steps.

1: Keep Obama Care

2: Take the financial and legal gun away from people's head forcing them to pay

3: Single Payer = Ok

4: Congratulations it's not a nightmare anymore.

edit on 16-1-2017 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: criticalhit
3: Single Payer = Ok

Now we're talking. Muahahaaha!

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 06:06 AM
All I want is less government, government to stay out of personal business, some roads and basic defense. But liberals and conservatives keep trying to butt their noses into everything. Liars one and all, they take turns increasing government and screwing us.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 06:06 AM
He is not saying there will be free healthcare for everyone. He is saying that they are creating multiple options, public and private. One of the main things that he wants to get rid of is the mandate. Most who are forced to pay that tax fee, do so because it is still cheaper than insurance and they don't have insurance because it is too expensive. He is not creating universal health care...he is creating personal individual health care options that Obamacare did not take into consideration.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

I have refused Obama care since it started and I have yet to pay a fine. When you do your taxes it asks if you could find affordable care in your area. If you say no they waive the fine.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 06:21 AM
Trump on facebook

"We are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post,” Trump wrote.

But he is doing an interview with them. Isn't the word that they can't be trusted to report on what he says. lol.

Welcome back to junior high school.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Insurance for everybody? Well, that's what Obamacare is trying to do so why get rid of it? Oh right, they don't like Obama because reasons so it has to go. Fun fact, Obamacare is very similar to health coverage former GOP'ers wanted to enact in the past so it's funny to see them now say how much they don't like it.

But at the end of the day, Trump has no plan and millions will be given the middle finger because of partisan politics.

Fun fact, it didn't' work.

Now Trump has gone all in with this, he either delivers, or will be rightfully slammed. If he delivers, I wonder what kinds of things we might hear from folks like you.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 07:05 AM
the politicians can say and do what ever they want. until they regulate the cost of healthcare there will never be any change.
by that i mean what hospitals,doctors and pharmaceutical companies can charge.
don't misunderstand me, i understand profit and loss, and that these groups are in it for profit. but so are the power, phone and other utilities companies, and yes so are insurance companies to a point. and they are regulated. so why can't the hospitals,doctors and pharmaceutical companies be regulated?

my father just passed away from cancer last month, there were other complications that arose, that placed him in the hospital for a month. on the day before he passed he was transferred from one hospital to another. then in less than twenty four hours, it was recommended that he be transferred to a hospice facility where he passed in less than 10 hours.

now this second hospital was much better as far as care and attention he was given. i mean the way the nurses and rest of the staff treated him, my mother, brothers and myself. but they only did one blood test and a preliminary meeting with my mother while i was away taking care of other stuff for her.

to make a long story short, the bill from the last hospital, was just shy of 10,000 dollars for less than 24 hours. she hasn't got the bill from the first hospital where they did all the tests and three surgeries that he had to have due to the complications. we can only imagine what the cost will be due to the fact that about three years ago she was in that same hospital and they charged 108,000 dollars for kidney stones. there's a long story about that to, but i won't go into that. lets just say that the billing department there tried to pull a fast one, and it didn't pan out for them.

now to be completely honest in disclosure my mother hasn't received the final bills of what her cost will be. but even with the insurance companies and medicare part A and B picking up 80% the cost is going to be high. and if your on a fixed income, hell even if your able to get a second job, that is going to hurt.

until these kind of cost are brought under control, no matter what kind of insurance plan the government comes up with healthcare will always remain high.

edit on 16-1-2017 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 07:07 AM
I seriously don't get the haters. Here we have a definitive statement. It's not ambiguous, not something you can try to change wording on, it's firm. Either he does it, or fails. And you all seem to be hoping he fails and even making the proclamation now.

I have a super idea, shut your pie hole for a few days, and see what he does to deliver. If it's garbage and doesn't work like Obama's "hope and change" then you and I can blast him all day long. But.....if he delivers, perhaps some of you can suck up those tears and realize you might not be on the Titanic after all.

This is pass or fail, no in between.

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