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Triggering an Earthquake

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posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:23 PM
Is it possible to trigger an earthquake using normal EM radiation? What would be the the prerequisites?

)Please note that I am NOT talking about so-called Scalar weapons or anything fantasized by Tom Bearden.
If you want to go down that path, please post in this thread, instead)

The piezoelectric effects of Earthquakes are well documented

but can these effects be used in reverse to trigger an earthquake?

What would be the operational requirements to implement this?

What kind of power requirements would be needed to create a measurable EM signal of the appropriate frequency and strength in a fault zone deep in the Earth?

Wouldn't you be just triggering an earthquake that was bound to happen sooner or later anyway?

Any thoughts on this?

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:28 PM
Resonant Harmonics. Nikola Tesla supposedly created small quakes by driving a metal pole a certain depth (I think it was 6ft.) into the ground and attached a motor equipped with a clapper set to a location specific rpm. This experiment was apparently successful and the local town people stormed to his lab and made him cut it off. It's the same principle that tuning forks use.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
Resonant Harmonics. Nikola Tesla supposedly created small quakes by driving a metal pole a certain depth (I think it was 6ft.) into the ground and attached a motor equipped with a clapper set to a location specific rpm. This experiment was apparently successful and the local town people stormed to his lab and made him cut it off. It's the same principle that tuning forks use.

OK, Twitchy, I'll accept your mention of Tesla in this context, although I consider that stroy somewhat suspect. If you want to post about Bearden go to the other thread. To me that story is more about this type of vibrations and not about a true earthquake.

I am not talking about a mechanical device, but I'll play along with you here. Harmonics, huh? What frequency? That is the $64 question. How can you know the frequency of an event that hasn't occurred yet?

Would you create your resonance by modulating your signal? How well would that signal penetrate through the rock to the active strain area? What sort of power requirements would be needed to produce a measurable effect?

How do you locate your transmitter? Remember in the real world, you have to deal with inverse square relationships.

[edit on 28-1-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 02:35 AM
This thread is utterly bunk. Why don't you just ask us all to make an earthquake using some tins cans and a copper string instead? It should be about free and open discussion of ideas, not censorship to protect a fragile mind.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by a3s73rg30ne
This thread is utterly bunk. Why don't you just ask us all to make an earthquake using some tins cans and a copper string instead? It should be about free and open discussion of ideas, not censorship to protect a fragile mind.

So are you claiming that it is impossible to trigger an earthquake using EM energy from say a radio transmitter? or a current loop?

Why is it bunk. Please explain and clarify.

Present some mathmatical proof if you can.

Link to some scientific journal articles that support your contentions.

C,mon, buddy, I prommise that I will be gentile with your "fragile mind."

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 12:59 AM
With RF, creating a resonant response in a material is as simple as amplitude modulations, in this case specifically within the Extreme Low Frequency Range. Discovering what frequency is needed is simply a matter 'listening' to the target material and detecting resonant response to a specific frequency. That is a bit of an oversimplification, but conveys the concept. The power requirements aren't as much of a factor as you might imagine would be needed, that is the nifty thing about resonant harmonics, the mere oscilations of a soprano can produce an immense amount of potential energy in a glass, eventually shattering it. The same principle is at work. It isn't like you just cut the switch on and have an instant earthquake, Tesla's idea (the 'suspect' story is a patented device by the way) was building potential energy in a given area until, like the shattered glass, the energy is released.
Today's word is "Tele-Geo-Dynamics" :-)
Some more on Tesla to dig around through...

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 01:57 AM
Tesla didn't listen, so far as I know.. all of the stuff I've read has noted that he simply adjusted his frequencies until he hit a match. He used a similar method to bounce electric waves from one side of the earth to the other, by intermittently shooting power waves (varying the frequency of the shots until he got it right.. he knew when sparks started shooting off of his lightening rod/tower).

I've read the same story about the earthquake but I never have read a detailed explanation of how he did it (if he did do it - note that people claim that he created a free energy receiver too which by my more in-depth research seems to be nothing more than a battery - his "magic box" was probably a DC/AC converter for his AC induction motor - I looked up the vacuum tube specs).

[edit on 2/1/2005 by shbaz]


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