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How to recognize the spirit of God.

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posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:08 AM
The first letter of Apostle John (1 John) was written to warn Christians about false teachers who were misleading them (them being Christians). These false teachers were going around and saying that Jesus was NOT the Christ, son of God. They say that God did not become man.

Sound familiar?

If you have been here at ATS for awhile I bet you have seen a few ATS members say the same exact thing as above and probably you will see this in this thread but this thread is important because it will show you how to identify a non-believer versus a believer.

1 John chapter 4 - test the spirits to see whether they are from God because there are many false prophets in the world. So how do we test these spirits?

Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God . 1 John 4:2

And those who do NOT acknowledge these are not from God. 1 John 4:3

As the Apostle John so loving states: Dear children (talking to Christians and no one else) you are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak of the world and the world listens to them. We are from God and whoever knows God listens to us, but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. 1 John 4:4-6.

So he (God) that is inside us (Christians) is not inside everyone else....... not everyone on this planet is a child of God.

Are you a child of God and is his spirit inside you?
edit on 11-1-2017 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

Of course you dont buy are known to be a non believer on ATS.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

Of course you dont buy are known to be a non believer on ATS.

lol Afraid not bud...

I just don't believe in the stuff Christianity is selling...

Belief is less then knowledge... and i know God exists...

Just not your version of it

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:17 AM
So, I was "saved" at 10 and baptized by the Holy Spirit himself. So, I got that going for me; once saved always saved.

So, now as an educated adult, I am a member of the "I don't really know" group. Did I lose the spirit of God? Do I deserve hell?

So confusing-and no one knows any answers-if you say you do-you are just a liar. Add it to the burning bin in the backyard.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: Akragon

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

Of course you dont buy are known to be a non believer on ATS.

lol Afraid not bud...

I just don't believe in the stuff Christianity is selling...

Belief is less then knowledge... and i know God exists...

Just not your version of it

And now you have confirmed that you do not believe God's Apostle John and the bible.

The spirit has been tested...... see ....not hard to figure out who is who.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

Of course you dont buy are known to be a non believer on ATS.

lol Afraid not bud...

I just don't believe in the stuff Christianity is selling...

Belief is less then knowledge... and i know God exists...

Just not your version of it

And now you have confirmed that you do not believe God's Apostle John and the bible.

The spirit has been tested...... see ....not hard to figure out who is who.

no... i said i don't believe in Christianity... twice

Try reading instead of assuming

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Akragon

LOL! you 'ol heathen you....

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: Justso
So, I was "saved" at 10 and baptized by the Holy Spirit himself. So, I got that going for me; once saved always saved.

So, now as an educated adult, I am a member of the "I don't really know" group. Did I lose the spirit of God? Do I deserve hell?

So confusing-and no one knows any answers-if you say you do-you are just a liar. Add it to the burning bin in the backyard.

I don't think the Holy Spirit baptized you..... it was either a man or a woman..... so you belief isn't 100%. Clearly you have doubt which I understand BUT if you have to ask if you lost the spirit of God may I ask when did you realize that the spirit of God was inside you?

I am not being sarcastic....

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: Akragon

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

Of course you dont buy are known to be a non believer on ATS.

lol Afraid not bud...

I just don't believe in the stuff Christianity is selling...

Belief is less then knowledge... and i know God exists...

Just not your version of it

And now you have confirmed that you do not believe God's Apostle John and the bible.

The spirit has been tested...... see ....not hard to figure out who is who.

no... i said i don't believe in Christianity... twice

Try reading instead of assuming

We are saying the EXACT same are not a Christian. You do not believe in Christianity so why are you confused with my statement?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Who made you Judge, Jury, and God by the way?

you're really going to criticize everyone who contributes to your thread?

Where is this spirit of God within you that you speak of?

And people wonder why im not Christian...


We are saying the EXACT same are not a Christian. You do not believe in Christianity so why are you confused with my statement?

Im not at all...

Your statement is Fallacious... You imply that God only dwells in Christians...

and the evidence for that is... well, absent

edit on 11-1-2017 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:28 AM
Christians persecuting other Christians?

Such a thing can only happen in the end times.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

ok - so the cult says that anyone who contradicts the cult = " false teacher "

and people actually ask why i dont take them seriously ?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Who made you Judge, Jury, and God by the way?

you're really going to criticize everyone who contributes to your thread?

Where is this spirit of God within you that you speak of?

And people wonder why im not Christian...


We are saying the EXACT same are not a Christian. You do not believe in Christianity so why are you confused with my statement?

Im not at all...

Your statement is Fallacious... You imply that God only dwells in Christians...

and the evidence for that is... well, absent

If you have an issue with the thread than take that up with God for I only quoted the bible and a small message from one of God's apostle's. It seems to me your issue is with God and not me.

Your argument is as old as the bible and ineffective.

I am not judging ....... God is and so is his message from his apostle.....

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Christians persecuting other Christians?

Such a thing can only happen in the end times.

I do not see what you are talking about? What Christians are arguing? Akragon clear states he is NOT one? SO...... again who is arguing?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God . 1 John 4:2

And those who do NOT acknowledge these are not from God. 1 John 4:3

It's worth noting that there are two ways of making this denial.
The later gnostics found ingenious ways of denying that Christ was "in the flesh".
But anyone who accepts that Jesus was "in the flesh" but refuses to acknowledge that he "came from" anywhere else makes the same denial from a different angle.

Both forms of denial are "not from God" in terms of New Testament teaching.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: DeathSlayer

ok - so the cult says that anyone who contradicts the cult = " false teacher "

and people actually ask why i dont take them seriously ?

You say it is a cult.... so now I ask who is judging?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

If you have an issue with the thread than take that up with God for I only quoted the bible and a small message from one of God's apostle's. It seems to me your issue is with God and not me.

No issue with you at all...

And Christianity's version of God for the most part is false according to your own book... so ya i have an issue with something that doesn't exist according to the very texts you persecute others by

Your argument is as old as the bible and ineffective.

Well these days it is effective... because Christians can't kill me for denying Christian beliefs

I am not judging ....... God is and so is his message from his apostle.....

uh huh

edit on 11-1-2017 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God . 1 John 4:2

And those who do NOT acknowledge these are not from God. 1 John 4:3

It's worth noting that there are two ways of making this denial.
The later gnostics found ingenious ways of denying that Christ was "in the flesh".
But anyone who accepts that Jesus was "in the flesh" but refuses to acknowledge that he "came from" anywhere else makes the same denial from a different angle.

Both forms of denial are "not from God" in terms of New Testament teaching.

EDIT: Oops sorry..... I did not understand.....

Light bulb went on after the spirit showed me.


edit on 11-1-2017 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

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