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US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as NATO is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’

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posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

No. This is Obama following through on a decision that was made in July at the NATO summit. This has also been going on since November.

If the Baltic nations have nothing to fear why did Russia move Iskander Baltic missiles to Kaliningrad in March? Why has Russian propaganda been trying to destabilize the governments of these countries? Why did Russian TV air a segment showing how quickly the Russian military could tear through eastern Europe?

These countries are legitimately scared and I can't say I blame them. Even with the increase in defense spending in these countries they still have no hope of defending themselves if Russia did attack. So they turned to their allies. Do you have a problem with that?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
So were all you people freaking out over this, freaking out in 2014? How about 2015? Last year?

Let's just ignore the fact that this has become an annual training exercise, so we can completely freak out over it and bash Obama.

yup and i like how the OP picks and chooses what to quote from the article to make it seem like its verbatim what is being said.
you forgot to add these

The US and its Nato allies will send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring this year, reports the New York Times. Lithuania’s foreign minister Linas Linkevicius confirmed Russia’s military activity in Kaliningrad is terrifying the region. He said: “Iskander missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads have been deployed. There are S-400 missiles and modernised jets.”

and nobama didnt get voted out of office....

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

This has been going on for years. Troops have been in those same countries every year since at least 2014 working with local troops.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

I know that. But I assume this current article is specifically dealing with the decision reached in July at the NATO Summit to increase the alliance's presence in these countries.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:40 AM
Obama, 2012 Election debate:

The President also mocked his opponent for complaining that the US Navy had fewer ships than in 1916 – telling him: “We also have fewer horses and bayonets” - and for labelling Russia as America's number-one foe. “The 1980s called,” Mr Obama said. “They want their foreign policy back”. gn-policy.html

Time flies...

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

Guess you missed this part in your own source. You make it sound like Obama is a maniac acting off the cuff and without warrant.

Russia is reportedly deploying nuke-ready missiles in the province of Kaliningrad which borders Lithuania


“Iskander missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads have been deployed. There are S-400 missiles and modernised jets.”

And from the Fake News Site NYT

Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia, and to enhance the Americans’ ability to detect Moscow’s shadowy efforts to destabilize the former Soviet republics.

Nice spin ya got there in your OP, but what else is new.

edit on 4-1-2017 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

Sorry dude but Obama was NOT voted out.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 10:59 AM
Trump historically has taken chicken sh!t and made chicken salad out of it.

I would not be surprised to see President Trump invite the Russians into the exercises as equals and allies. That would be one of the largest military training exercises since World War 2.

And, it would be one of the biggest f u's to Obama, ever.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: svetlana84

In 2012 the US and Russia were on good terms. Russia was even part of NATO's Partnership for Peace program.

Since then Russia has taken a more aggressive stance towards their neighbors. This culminated with the annexation of Crimea and a Russian backed insurgency in Ukraine. These events are what caused US and Russian relations to sour. Since then Putin has adopted rhetoric and foreign policy more akin to that of the USSR.

Things have greatly changed since 2012 so it's no surprise that Obama has changed his stance.

Isn't funny how the people defending Russia now are the same people that called Obama a traitor when a hot mic picked up him telling Putin that he would have more room to deal after the election?

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: sad_eyed_lady

Everybody already knew what the response time was. Except for you guys who follow the leader style claimed she revealed something.

And the whole world laughed and laughed.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:07 AM
I remember the words of Glenn Beck from 8 years ago...something to the effect of "Let Obama become President. It will be the total destruction of the Democratic party."

The man needs to go into fortune-telling.

The election was not won by Trump; it was lost by Obama and Clinton. The country looked and saw scandal after scandal, hypocrisy unshackled, and failure galore. They rejected it.

Now we have Clinton coming under fire again, unproven allegations toward Russia (actually false IMO... they may have hacked the DNC, but since when is the DNC in charge of US elections or an integral part of the US government?), violent riots to protest a free election, ludicrous demands and allegations against the winner before he even takes office, threats to stall everything possible, regardless of what it might be (after spending 8 years complaining the other side was doing just that), and now military posturing against Russia.

We the people are watching. We're not listening, but we're watching. Actions speak louder than words.

The DNC is finished. They just committed suicide. Let's just hope they didn't take out the USA at the same time. I'm not exactly ecstatic about either party having all the power.


posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

Bush didn't lose either. His term like President Obama's was up. It's not a loss.
WTF people???

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: NightFlight

And it would be one of the biggest FUs to most of the US' allies as well. Not to mention it would make Trump the laughingstock of the world and prove that he has no business as President.

These exercises are being held at the request of the Baltic nations because they're afraid of Russia's increased aggression toward its neighbors.

Let's not forget that NATO was more than happy to continue working with Russia. Russia didn't get kicked out of the PfP program. They chose to leave it.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

You are wrong.

First, the so called current allies are our allies just for the money and armament we GIVE them. Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy and several more are increasingly bringing in Muslim refugees for the present and they are destroying their countries, just for the US, i.e. the current regime in the US.

Second, bringing in the Russians will DEFLATE the growing tensions started by Obama's regime and relieve any fears the so called allies have with Russia.

Third, I personally would rather have Russian Allies than the current ones. Whether we like it or not, China will become a large thorn in our side, in the years to come. I certainly want Russia on the US's side or at the very least neutral.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: crazyewok

Bush didn't lose either. His term like President Obama's was up. It's not a loss.
WTF people???

Win, lose or term out it doesn’t really matter in the end, personally I would have rather Trump definitively beat Obama in an election so we wouldn’t have to suffer anymore of Obama’s posturing. I would say that the American people won in 2008 by getting rid of G.W. Bush and his neo-con buddies by term limits same as Obama in 2016. We should be thankful that Bush’s war only impacted the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan…and most of NATO and their armies.

Unfortunately, in retrospect we replaced Bush with a Progressive/Socialist nightmare whose apparent goal was to destroy American culture through immigration, taxes and welfare. The fact that Trump beat Hillary, the anointed Progressive/Socialist NWO leader, is amazing.....I am getting a little old to be this optimistic....seems like America is running out of chances.

edit on 4-1-2017 by WilliamtheResolute because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:39 AM
I don't believe the troop movement is an issue. But I do believe the disgustingly childish behavior of obama is. True colors...

I honestly can't even imagine what his intentions are other than to cause problems for Trump. I can see nothing that resembles a benefit to him other than that. And in no way does it benefit this nation. Its so obvious that he doesn't want to let go of the power. He should just get out of the way and act like an adult, but no...

"And that's the only thing I need is *this*. Just this ashtray... And this paddle game. The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that's all I need... And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control, and the paddle ball... And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all I need. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. The paddle game and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! And this. That's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, and this magazine, and the chair. And I don't need one other thing, except my dog. (dog growls at him) I don't need my dog." [The Jerk]

Hey obama: "If you like your legacy - you can keep your legacy". HahahaHahahaHAhahahHahahahAhahaHaha
edit on 4-1-2017 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:41 AM
It must be a slow day news for The Sun.

Early October 2016,
"Russia has moved nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles into the Kaliningrad enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania, the Russian defence ministry said on Saturday, adding it was part of routine drills.

“These missile units have been deployed more than once (in the Kaliningrad region) … and will be deployed as part of military training of the Russian armed forces,” ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said."

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Haven't read the news on's just Flaming Sword 16, right? It's about the right time for it.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

I think it's going to be Spring Storm in Estonia, and Flaming Sword in Lithuania. Iron Sword just ended, and I think those are up next. I don't have my handy dandy schedule on my phone though.

posted on Jan, 4 2017 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

The tensions weren't started by Obama. It was started by Putin. Russia started a civil war in Ukraine and then took Crimea. A move that is only supported by nations like North Korea and Iran. This was then exacerbated by Russia withdrawing from their partnership with NATO. Since then Russia has been more and more aggressive towards their neighbors.

Despite Putin trying to play the victim the tensions fall squarely on his shoulders.

The threat of China is still a long way off. While they are becoming an economic powerhouse they are very much dependent on the West in maintaining that status. When it comes to military they don't pose a threat to anyone but their neighbors. They may have a huge standing army but it has no projection. The logistics, infrastructure, and equipment just isn't there.

Russia on the other hand poses a more immediate threat. While their equipment is outdated and a large bulk of their army is green they do have the means to launch a large scale offensive. Plus, between Putin's rhetoric and actions he's made out clear that he wants to return Russia to its former glory.

So let's say we abandon our NATO allies in favor of Russia. What's to stop Putin from achieving his goals. How many former Soviet states do we allow him to annex before stepping in? Plus, let's not forget that Putin has been fighting against the US his whole life. Do you really think he would stop at Europe if given the chance?

It really is funny how many people are standing up for Russia now that they pose a threat. But when Obama wanted to deal with them when we were on friendly terms he was a traitor.

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