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God is blameless

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posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 01:53 AM

How often do I see written that God is to blame? It is truly a laughable idea, it shows what great fools us Humans are. This is what many have done to conspire in Gods name, in doing so we seek to blame anybody but our own selves. Until we are able to see clearly how we with our own mind and imagination go forth and commit terrible acts, we are self condemned to suffer life without God. A healthy Human is one that is able to reflect, not one that just acts on whims and follows blindly.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: ancientthunder

Make no mistake Jesus said...everything is of God.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 02:04 AM
I have heard this and take that as everything comes from God. Pure potential for example!a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: ancientthunder

"This is what many have done to conspire in Gods name, in doing so we seek to blame anybody but our own selves."

Powerful. Revealing.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 02:54 AM
If a 4 year old child finds the family handgun and starts playing with it and accidentally shoots himself in the head, who is to blame? Is the child to blame for playing with the gun, or are the parents to blame for leaving it in an accessible location? Of course it's the parents' fault. The child didn't understand the ramifications of its actions, and the parents allowed the situation. Yet you say God isn't to blame when a human being who lived a good life is sent to an eternal Hell because of their lack of understanding.

If a child sticks something in an electrical socket out of curiosity and electrocutes itself to death, should that child be found deserving of the death it received, since its own actions caused it to die? Of course not, it was a terrible misunderstanding on the child's part. The child had no comprehension of electricity or death, and yet it's dead. That's not the child's fault. Yet, you would say it IS our fault if we die spiritually, condemned to an eternal Hell, because we so much as didn't believe that there even was a Hell.

If I'm walking a dog in a public place and I decide to let it off the leash, and then the dog proceeds to violently attack someone, who is to blame? The dog for making the choice to attack, or me for letting it off the leash and allowing the possibility of an attack to occur? It's my fault, of course, because I allowed a dangerous situation to transpire, knowing it very well could. And yet, you would say God isn't to blame for our sin despite creating us with an inherent sinful nature, knowing that we would and will sin.

According to the Christian perspective, sure, people choose to sin. But why wouldn't they? Are not all humans created with the inability to live without sinning? Does the bible not say that every person has sinned and will sin? Every human alive is incapable of being sinless... And yet we are supposedly condemned to an eternal torturous Hell for having the very nature we were created with.

If there is a God, our suffering is directly his fault. He created us with the ability to sin, knowing we would sin, knowing we would suffer, and then further condemning us to an eternal Hell for that which he forced us to have.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:00 AM

edit on 3-1-2017 by chadderson because: Mispost

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: trollz
If a 4 year old child finds the family handgun and starts playing with it and accidentally shoots himself in the head, who is to blame? Is the child to blame for playing with the gun, or are the parents to blame for leaving it in an accessible location? Of course it's the parents' fault. The child didn't understand the ramifications of its actions, and the parents allowed the situation. Yet you say God isn't to blame when a human being who lived a good life is sent to an eternal Hell because of their lack of understanding.

If a child sticks something in an electrical socket out of curiosity and electrocutes itself to death, should that child be found deserving of the death it received, since its own actions caused it to die? Of course not, it was a terrible misunderstanding on the child's part. The child had no comprehension of electricity or death, and yet it's dead. That's not the child's fault. Yet, you would say it IS our fault if we die spiritually, condemned to an eternal Hell, because we so much as didn't believe that there even was a Hell.

If I'm walking a dog in a public place and I decide to let it off the leash, and then the dog proceeds to violently attack someone, who is to blame? The dog for making the choice to attack, or me for letting it off the leash and allowing the possibility of an attack to occur? It's my fault, of course, because I allowed a dangerous situation to transpire, knowing it very well could. And yet, you would say God isn't to blame for our sin despite creating us with an inherent sinful nature, knowing that we would and will sin.

According to the Christian perspective, sure, people choose to sin. But why wouldn't they? Are not all humans created with the inability to live without sinning? Does the bible not say that every person has sinned and will sin? Every human alive is incapable of being sinless... And yet we are supposedly condemned to an eternal torturous Hell for having the very nature we were created with.

If there is a God, our suffering is directly his fault. He created us with the ability to sin, knowing we would sin, knowing we would suffer, and then further condemning us to an eternal Hell for that which he forced us to have.

..that's very negative Trollz...- He isn't that smallminded, at all...
the goal is inverse -- to get as many adamite souls into heaven as póssible
And only after solid refusal, one will make his own exile

a Royal Nature can forgive a lot...a lot..
and He knows very well how helpless we as souls are,
imprisoned in this apeframe saturn fabricated

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:15 AM
Hi yes I understand the concept that you so nicely have spent time on portraying so well. The thing is your very own thinking (at least as you are sharing it) reveals you are un/consciously wanting to blame God. A god which I assume you think doesn’t really exist. On your three examples I agree entirely with you, but... there are humans with their own creations and environments that they have created directly or indirectly as a race through the ages. Firstly try and understand that God may not be blaming and condemning either. He may just say you are free to live life in the world of cause and effect and I understand how hard that is. Meanwhile I wish you the best, all I gave inherently to each form of life is a limited amount of free will. Now what one does with that free will is not my affair, because is it was it would not be free will.
For example, a mother eventually has to allow their own child to have their own free will. This is know as to be truly loving, to not do so is very much frowned upon by many humans in this day and age. What all loving parents silently think and wish is that their children use that free will wisely! Now just to underline, humans can understand this but in many aspects are limited. Wisdom shows that God is blameless.a a reply to: trollz

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: loNeNLI
the goal is inverse -- to get as many adamite souls into heaven as póssible
And only after solid refusal, one will make his own exile

a Royal Nature can forgive a lot...a lot..
and He knows very well how helpless we as souls are,
imprisoned in this apeframe saturn fabricated

So God's goal is to get as many of us into heaven as possible? Then why is he sending people to Hell? Nobody is going to die and say "nah, I'd rather burn in Hell for the rest of eternity with no escape". I certainly wouldn't. If God can do anything, then God can allow every human into heaven. The way you're saying it, it sounds like God has a certain lack of power or authority here.

"If God can do anything, then he can choose not to send me to Hell."

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: ancientthunder
you are un/consciously wanting to blame God

If the Christian God is real, then yes, I would blame him for most of the woes of humanity.

originally posted by: ancientthunder
A god which I assume you think doesn’t really exist.

I believe there is probably a God of some sort. I've had encounters with spiritual activity (one of which I can only describe as demonic), so I believe fully in higher forms of consciousness. It would make sense that there is some sort of ultimate life force or creator, at least of the physical three-dimensional reality we currently inhabit. I just don't believe in the Christian God or Jesus.

originally posted by: ancientthunder
there are humans with their own creations and environments that they have created directly or indirectly as a race through the ages.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you using creation of man as evidence that creation of God can also be? I don't disagree that our universe may have been created by something.

originally posted by: ancientthunder
Firstly try and understand that God may not be blaming and condemning either. He may just say you are free to live life in the world of cause and effect and I understand how hard that is. Meanwhile I wish you the best, all I gave inherently to each form of life is a limited amount of free will. Now what one does with that free will is not my affair, because is it was it would not be free will.
For example, a mother eventually has to allow their own child to have their own free will. This is know as to be truly loving, to not do so is very much frowned upon by many humans in this day and age. What all loving parents silently think and wish is that their children use that free will wisely! Now just to underline, humans can understand this but in many aspects are limited. Wisdom shows that God is blameless.a a reply to: trollz

I understand what you're saying here. This is very similar to various near-death experience reports I've read, where "God" acts more so as a loving parent, rather than some kind of judgmental authoritarian. It seems that our purpose here is either to experience for the sake of spiritual growth, or merely entertainment.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:46 AM

I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you using creation of man as evidence that creation of God can also be? I don't disagree that our universe may have been created by something.
a reply to: trollz
I was not going in that direction with what I said, what I meant that we create as humans our own environments and suffer them or enjoy them accordingly. As to your direction with regards to something else creating an environment, I believe it to be possible in part. The first way to affect a human being is via their mind set, why someone or something wants to create pain is beyond me. But us Humans have a long history of it, if so why could not other forms of life want to inter-fear and at the same time believe themselves to be God? Here I am pointing to extra dimensional beings.

by the way all of your reflections are great in MHO

edit on 3-1-2017 by ancientthunder because: final line

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: trollz

originally posted by: loNeNLI
the goal is inverse -- to get as many adamite souls into heaven as póssible
And only after solid refusal, one will make his own exile

a Royal Nature can forgive a lot...a lot..
and He knows very well how helpless we as souls are,
imprisoned in this apeframe saturn fabricated

So God's goal is to get as many of us into heaven as possible? Then why is he sending people to Hell? Nobody is going to die and say "nah, I'd rather burn in Hell for the rest of eternity with no escape". I certainly wouldn't. If God can do anything, then God can allow every human into heaven. The way you're saying it, it sounds like God has a certain lack of power or authority here.

"If God can do anything, then he can choose not to send me to Hell."

appereantly it is a sad fact that a type soul chooses, willfully and consciously,
to refuse His realm.... - and you can think that "nobody is so stupid to say i rather burn in hell'---- but there IS a bloodline, the NON-adamite, who DOES say that. Egyptian pharaohs are the represent of that cain bloodline, [they TELL "our father Cain] , and they SAY that they 'refuse / eden's / dew '.

so yes He can do anything -
but certainly will not let souls in, who stubbornly REFUSE.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:49 AM
I think we should take responsibility for our actions when we were wrong. Sometimes though others ARE to blame. What it all has to do with God makes no sense.

Maybe I. misunderstood your point
edit on 3-1-2017 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 03:58 AM
My general point is how can we blame God for things that we are sure he has not done. a reply to: violet

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: trollz

...there is so much misunderstanding, Trollz...
the situation is, like an Isis terrorist holding a knife to the throat of a child --
the child being [adamite] soul, the parent of the child is God

can you imagine the hurt of the parent..?

it was NOT God who created this present body ,
ruled by a million vague desires, always wrong, always thinking Off ;
or why would He have DIED to saturn's apeframe on the cross ?

...the Spells are exilirated about this holding hostage the adamite soul :
with the most devious Glee they tell that,
- how our originals [sic!] , being held prison in the eastern sky,
are being burned and mutilated , H'ESEQ, saturn,
in many of their slaughterchambers, NEMMT and fire-altars, ÃKH,

then they split-off, divide, the adamite soul into 4 parts
and let it's essence - we - be born in this apeframe, on earth,
in the H'EBST-cloth [name for this body, saturn H'+ solarplane B] ,
...while THEY use the other stolen aspects

talking about 'conspiracy'.........

THIS is what He wants to Un-do
edit on 3-1-2017 by loNeNLI because: text

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: ancientthunder

If you want to believe in a Christian God then I totally disagree. In fact God even says it in the bible that everything starts and ends with him. That he is the creator of EVERYTHING. Which means he is ultimately responsible for everything too. Everything we do as well.

However he would also be responsible for every great thing ever and every beautiful and loving thing at the same time. All of it.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: ancientthunder
I have heard this and take that as everything comes from God. Pure potential for example!a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

God is One says that everything IS God!
There is not anything else!
God is Omni-, ALL inclusive.

God, being Omni = all blameable and all blameless!
As soon as you say something 'is' this, that implies that it is 'not' that (and vice versa). In Reality, it 'is' neither/both....
Perhaps all the 'pairing' of all opposites have something to do with the Perfection of the Balance of the Universe?

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: ancientthunder
I have heard this and take that as everything comes from God. Pure potential for example!a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

God is One says that everything IS God!
There is not anything else!
God is Omni-, ALL inclusive.

God, being Omni = all blameable and all blameless!
As soon as you say something 'is' this, that implies that it is 'not' that (and vice versa). In Reality, it 'is' neither/both....
Perhaps all the 'pairing' of all opposites have something to do with the Perfection of the Balance of the Universe?

"For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!" - First Law of Soul Dynamics *__-

edit on 3-1-2017 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: trollz

You are right trollz

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 04:22 AM

originally posted by: ancientthunder
My general point is how can we blame God for things that we are sure he has not done. a reply to: violet

Ok , I don't really go around blaming God for anything.

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