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Trump misspells unprecedented but Obama says Uh and Uhhh

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posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 04:33 PM

"Trump originally misspelled "unprecedented," but later deleted the tweet and reposted.  "

Hey unlike Hillary Clinton who has everything handed to her even having laughing scripted into her speech that she didn't write but Trump misspells one word and the media goes Grammar Nazi on him. I'd rather have him tweet/post his own stuff than have a staffer post it. Simple things like misspelling tell me he is Human.

And Obama during his last press conference Uh and Uh and Hillary wasn't treated fairly and uh electoral college system is outdated even though I won twice because of it and uh we have no hope and uh I told Russia to knock it off and uh........

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

Given this is a conspiracy site an' all... are these twitter gaffes an intentional method of distracting the media away from actual stories?

That tweet is an example, the language is fairly aggressive towards China and yet everyone is talking about the bad spelling.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 04:47 PM
He's an expert on triggering the baskets of triggerables.

He waited an hour and a half before "correcting".

The perfect play.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

LOL!!! I almost thought that was a continuous speech of Obama's because I am so used to hearing his "uhs" hahahahahahah

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: gmoneystunt
a reply to: Stevemagegod

Stupid leaders talk the airhead in many uh's that are not calculated because they have no freaking clue on the subject matter..

edit on 17-12-2016 by Skywatcher2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 04:59 PM

"If" - Stuttering Obama Remix featuring Trump

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

The pettiness on Both sides of the aisle is beginning to make me sick.

The alt left has plunged from the highdive into the bottom of the barrel.

The alt right does not want to stop the victory dance and can't stop "campaign mode"

Add in the fake news narrative and what do we get?

Anger,confusion, and vitriolic discourse.

I am not saying we should form a circle and all sing happy songs together.I am just asking for a cease fire on the nitpicking and insult slinging. The election is over..

~ meathead

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: Stevemagegod
I cannot speak without a good script in front of me. That's why I write.
So I would just like to point out that being able to issue an endless flow of sound out of the mouth, without even stopping to think, is not necessarily a virtue, and not being able to do it is not necessarily a vice.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 05:20 PM
Who cares if someone misspelt a word? This type of over-analysis has gone beyond silly, and entered childishness.

The standards of grammar and spelling on ATS is pretty crap, but that does not make me think that the people posting are dimwits.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 06:02 PM
I dont , uhh , know what ,uhh , to say, uhh , about this uhhh , topic.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: Stevemagegod

"Trump originally misspelled "unprecedented," but later deleted the tweet and reposted.  "

Hey unlike Hillary Clinton who has everything handed to her even having laughing scripted into her speech that she didn't write but Trump misspells one word and the media goes Grammar Nazi on him. I'd rather have him tweet/post his own stuff than have a staffer post it. Simple things like misspelling tell me he is Human.

And Obama during his last press conference Uh and Uh and Hillary wasn't treated fairly and uh electoral college system is outdated even though I won twice because of it and uh we have no hope and uh I told Russia to knock it off and uh........

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: Mike Stivic
a reply to: Stevemagegod

The pettiness on Both sides of the aisle is beginning to make me sick.

The alt left has plunged from the highdive into the bottom of the barrel.

The alt right does not want to stop the victory dance and can't stop "campaign mode"

Add in the fake news narrative and what do we get?

Anger,confusion, and vitriolic discourse.

I am not saying we should form a circle and all sing happy songs together.I am just asking for a cease fire on the nitpicking and insult slinging. The election is over..

~ meathead

May I second this and add a few bolded parts for emphasis? I respect you meathead, I sincerely do.

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 08:27 PM
He wrote "unpresidented"!!!

I think what he was trying to do was get a coded message out to his supporters that they are going to unpresident him at the electoral college and to prepare for civil war.
I dont use Twitter but I assume it has autocorrect like everything else these days so it would have stood out like dogs balls.

Now guys FFS this is meant to be a conspiracy site!!!
It took at least 15 posts into this thread before someone even touched on that batshyte crazy theory and instead you all push your Pro/Anti Trump nonsense or your messed up grammer nazi ideology!!!

Whats wrong with you all???

ATS youve changed

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 08:35 PM

Quality Journalism - Steakgate [Compilation]

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 09:02 PM
Reply to zosimov,

You sure can!

I just call them like I see them.

I am a trump supporter,to make it clear.but I am not a republican. If I had to pick a label,which I do not like doing, it would be a conservative libertarian.

I see the insults from both sides zipping around like flies on excrement and it makes me sad to be honest. At some point the zingers and oneupsmanship are not worth it.

Pointlessly typing,
edit on 17-12-2016 by Mike Stivic because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2016 by Mike Stivic because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2016 by Mike Stivic because: serious mobile phone melt down

posted on Dec, 17 2016 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: Mike Stivic
Reply to zosimov,

You sure can!

I just call them like I see them.

I am a trump supporter,to make it clear.but I am not a republican. If I had to pick a label,which I do not like doing, it would be a conservative libertarian.

I see the insults from both sides zipping around like flies on excrement and it makes me sad to be honest. At some point the zingers and oneupsmanship are not worth it.

Pointlessly typing,

I can't respond anymore to any of this "excrement flinging" so I will respond to your reasonable and tempered post. I don't care who you voted for- it's your right and you're alright by me.

I voted for a third party who seriously let me down post election. I think you could possibly guess who she was. But in my defense, none of the candidates appealed, as did none of the rhetoric leading up to the election, none of the news coverage that lasted over a year, and now we have this.

How long must we endure?

my fellow American,


posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

How is stuttering comparable to spelling a word incorrectly?

Conservatives have completely lost it

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: Udntknowjack

You've never mispelled or done a typo?

Hell, I do it all the time and aint afraid to say it despite being a heavy duty writer with a huge ego because of it.

Liberals have completely lost it (even far worse than the largely religious conservatives after 8 years of Bush ever did, and thats BAD)!

edit on 18-12-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Autocorrect exists and Trump didn't come nowhere close to spelling "unprecented"

Liberals and conservatives are the same

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