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Rewarding threads with twenty words or less and a YouTube video

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posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:10 PM
I’m looking for some real feedback on this. I have an issue that may ultimately be my own, but wanted other member’s opinions. If the general consensus here is that threads of this nature are going to be accepted, rewarded, and as a byproduct encouraged, I have no choice but to alter the way that I contribute to this website.

It isn’t my intention to score points, but if nothing is needed to be said from the contributor and their thread still skyrockets to the front page, we are merely letting the article speak for itself. I’ve always felt that it was important and almost a responsibility to add my thoughts to any thread that I create, especially on a user driven website.

As a reader, it’s just boring to be presented with off-site information that I can find on my own. A thread being rewarded for barely existing or linking to the source without commentary is junk. Have people become so afraid to voice their opinions or do they simply have nothing to say? Is ATS becoming nothing more than a link repository that can sometimes draw a crowd?

I would suggest that if you are someone who has little to nothing to say, that you refrain from creating a thread unless the information is so compelling that nothing needs to be said. I can’t control what others do, but I do think that these shallow, short sighted and sometime politically motivated threads are getting way too much attention for the wrong reasons.

If it’s partisan based, who needs commentary? The supporting bias alone will dictate a threads success considering the backslapping that goes on here. No need for opinion, lets just star and flag the crap out of everything that we agree with. It’s pathetic if you ask me. We should learn to question those that we agree with the most in order to test the integrity of our ideals.

Rant over...

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: eisegesis
I’m looking for some real feedback on this. I have an issue that may ultimately be my own, but wanted other member’s opinions. If the general consensus here is that threads of this nature are going to be accepted, rewarded, and as a byproduct encouraged, I have no choice but to alter the way that I contribute to this website.

If it’s partisan based, who needs commentary? The supporting bias alone will dictate a threads success considering the backslapping that goes on here. No need for opinion, lets just star and flag the crap out of everything that we agree with. It’s pathetic if you ask me. We should learn to question those that we agree with the most in order to test the integrity of our ideals.
Rant over...

The partisan threads I looked at were/are often woeful, that did not stop the flurry of stars out of proportion to the number of posts in a certain..given...time frame. I consider that those stars came in part from a deal of the mods, regardless of the quality of the thread. I can't prove that of course, but it is my conviction, and in saying that I don't wish to be seen as anti-American as I am not.
On the other hand, I don't like to see controlled disinformation spread across a site whose motto is, "Deny Ignorance"

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:43 PM
There are a lot of lazy people out there. There are also a lot of videos out there about laziness.

edit on 13-12-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:50 PM
I do somewhat agree, I hate minimalist threads and feel that some sort of commentary should accompany anything you feel is worthy of a thread.

With that said sometimes with things like science or Archaeology based threads its not so much about discussion as it dissemination of interesting news or finds, even the occasional youtube video for whatever reason can be posted with little to no input.

For me this is also a place where I come to get the news/articles that other members have found online and feel is worth sharing, as you said you could find it on the net yourself but if you dont know where to look or dont even know its there to look for this site can be great.
An example is my love of ancient history, I frequent a few archaeology type sites but almost all the stuff I see on here in that category is new to me and to be honest the OP input is of little consequence, they are S&Fd for bringing the info to light.

For long time members there shouldnt be any excuses and your thoughts, an interesting angle not covered in the source or even just a question to start some sort of discussion should be included in the OP.
As you highlighted it can be daunting coming on here and posting, it took me quite awhile (well over a year) to be fully comfortable enough on this site to be completely free and speak my mind.
It really bothers me when more experienced members jump into some noobs thread and instead of focusing on the content they will have a go at the OP for not including enough of their own thoughts.

All in all I dont see too many minimalist threads and feel the mods do a pretty good job of keeping things legit.

I appreciate and understand your sentiment I just dont feel its as much as an issue or are bothered by it as much as you are

S&F all the same

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:53 PM
Usually the reason a member makes a thread like your describing is because they want other people to see the content and give their feedback. Courtesy dictates that you should at least talk about the video your posting and give your opinion on it, then people can choose to agree or disagree.

I don't think this applies as much to the joke or mud-pit forums. I mean there isn't much you can say about a joke without ruining it, and the mud-pit is exactly that, a place to sling mud.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

I think I've missed many a good thread by ignoring those that can't be bothered to even tell the reader what the video is about. Don't get me wrong if there's links to sites where I can read more and the OP has posted a brief description, I don't mind that. However, 2 sentences and a link to YouTube doesn't cut it for me. I believe, rightly or wrongly, those types of threads are to harvest views to someone's video that's it.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 05:17 PM
I litter my ops with words that most of the time hardly can be considered sentences, I bet most people would prefer 20 words that makes sence and a YouTube

Careful what you wish for

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 05:42 PM

(especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed:
"use short, succinct sentences"
synonyms: concise · 

I'm not from the Twitter Generation. I'm from the older generation that appreciates it when people get straight to the point, eliminating excess verbiage. I don't like spending a lot of time reading something that is better left out.

DIE, gasbags, DIE.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 07:20 PM
I share your frustration with minimalist threads. In fact, they are against T&C, though just where that line is drawn is a bit vague. But regardless of that, other peoples' reactions to a thread, including whether they award stars or flags or both, are their business alone. There's nothing you can do about it, and it's really none of your business. Whether they do this out of partisanship or not is merely a matter of your opinion. I don't imagine you would be against those peoples' awards if they agreed with your own views. Ranting about what other people do vis-a-vis a thread is really out of bounds. If a thread gains front row status that simply is a measure of how popular the thread is. How is that measured? By how many replies it receives. So what's the best way to devalue a minimalist thread you don't like? DON'T REPLY TO IT! If everyone agrees with you, it will sink without a trace.

And don't worry about stars & flags. They gain you nothing. The system is completely broken and has been for years. The owners have shown no inclination to fix it and it has lost any relevance it may have had in years past.
edit on 12/13/2016 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: Restricted

(especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed:
"use short, succinct sentences"
synonyms: concise · 

I'm not from the Twitter Generation. I'm from the older generation that appreciates it when people get straight to the point, eliminating excess verbiage. I don't like spending a lot of time reading something that is better left out.

DIE, gasbags, DIE.

Best post yet. I have been described as a "man of few words" all my life. I was given an interview by a Manager in another department for a very high level job. The Manager was later quoted as " he doesnt like to talk , does he ? Straight to the point . Hire him"

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 10:15 PM
I don't mind minimalist posts with a link to further information.

Sometimes while working on mindless, repetitive tasks I like to listen to documentaries on Youtube or whatever. I like them to be at least 40 minutes so I don't have to spend too much time fidgeting with my phone or tablet. I appreciate when fellow ATS members share information of interest. I'm usually more interested in the information than someone's opinion of it. After all, I'll only give you a penny for your thoughts, but if you want mine, it's two cents worth

As a matter of fact, I have a couple of Youtube vids I found to be pretty interesting I'd like to share. Problem is, they are 1-2 hrs. in length and they cover a lot of information. I hesitate to make a post about them because I feel like I would have to re-watch them and take notes so I could highlight certain points to avoid making a "minimalist post."

I think I just convinced myself. I will make a thread about an interesting documentary I watched today. If some people see the info and appreciate my bringing it to their attention, to me that will outweigh the disappointment of those that feel I should have elaborated more about the video before they watched it. If they watched it.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 10:42 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with you...the element of tabloid-caliber clickbait trash that has all but eliminated any remaining vestiges of intelligent dialogue in these forums(and continues to do so, although with slightly less intensity since admin clamped down on the rabid pizza idiocy of late), is only made more charming by a few vague, incoherent sentence fragments strung together, masquerading (badly) as an OP. And all this accomplishes is attracting more of the same, setting a pervasive tone of conflict and divisiveness that has sucked all of the soul right out of this place.

A lot of the purveyors of this garbage have multiple accounts too, which is extremely obvious if you see repeating patterns in their writing; odd little quirks that are so ingrained in their subconscious, they don't have any clue that they're slipping up and revealing themselves. One example is the repeated misspelling of just one specific word...there is a member here who has that particular unique "tell", and it shows up in almost every single post the person makes, over multiple accounts. I cannot fathom what compels people to be so duplicitous. Boredom? Cheap entertainment? Attention seeking? All of those things?

I don't know. But the mods cannot keep up in the way everyone wants them to...they'd all have to quit their paying jobs and babysit a rather sizeable bunch of squabbling, grownup babies pretty much around the clock. Who in their right mind wants to do that thankless job for free?

We have choices in the matter, however. We can choose to not respond to content that is undeserving of our time and attention. We can choose to stop feeding the garbage mill. Cut them off, and they'll quickly leave for a more promising audience is very basic human psychology. But that is the kind of concerted effort that requires the leaders to stand out among the followers...and the ratio of each group seems to have reached a critical imbalance here.

It becomes not a question of whether it can be done, but a question of how many people are willing to take a stand and actually do it. What is allowed is what will continue. That is an irrefutable truth...and is expressly applicable here. The mods are not allowing this. We are allowing it. These people and their rather considerable ilk thrive on reactionary drama. It is like oxygen to fire. Want the fire to die out? Stop oxygenating it, and it will suffocate.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Very well said!
The hit and run one video minimal opinion posts are very "twitteresque" and this is a forum. In my mind that's a huge difference and altho it's already against the T&C's I'd appreciate it being clamped down on more by the Mods. It's a pain in the behind, for sure, but it's about time as they say to "throw an elbow".

It's disappointing to continually click on what looks like a great thread title and find yet another video link and someone saying 'Watch this!"while the OP never again makes an appearance in their own thread. I know it's up to us to report such posts but that as well would be a full time job.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: eisegesis

The first two threads I clicked on today were exactly as you described. One didn't even have the YouTube video, just a link to it.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 10:26 AM
TL : DR and nothing fresh added to the conversation.

Irony, you bitch.
edit on 12/14/2016 by Restricted because: STUPID SMILEY CRAP DELETED.

posted on Dec, 14 2016 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Restricted

There is a massive difference between succinct and void though. If you can make three sentences into a world of creativity, and it is enormously possible, then fantastic. But I think OP's point is people post some link or video with some minimalist, "wow, this is insane, blah blah blah" and offer no commentary, opening remark, or dialogue, then what the heck was the point in the first place?

So yes...succinct is good, but I think OP is talking about void of material.

I think the one time when the OP should be allowed to post and run (temporarily) is when something massive happens and we are working on a live update thread, such as a mass shooting in progress. Post the live thread/feed link, leave a sentence that "this is happening" and then of course it will organically grow
Otherwise if there is nothing to say outside of wow look what I found, then it shouldn't be rewarded

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