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"24 Hours" Fox Mini Series

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posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:02 PM
Hear a rumor that the Muslim community is complaining that this, made for TV program portrays Mulims in a negative manner. In response, Fox broadcasting will introduce a new cast member who is Muslim. By doing so they hope to tone down this critisim using this character actor as a protagonist for Muslim beliefs both religious and political.
If this rumor is true do you believe this is the correct approach or more of being political correct. I believe Fox had every thing correct in its portrayal of the Muslims.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:07 PM
I think we should stop "butt-kissing" muslims and tell them that this America and if you dont like it then get the "heck" out. Muslims should just stay in the Middle East, because I get the feeling that they will never "integrate" into modern society. One can just look at what's happening in France to see where I'm coming from.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:14 PM
I believe FOX, also had things right when they aired that cool X-Files episode which involved hijackers smashing jumbo jets into the world trade center. The episode aired something like 6 months before 9/11?

The NeoCon propaganda machine moves on through FOX. Soon enough, we'll see Muslim bad guys rejoicing at the end of tv episodes, accepting Christ as their saviour in life and in death!

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:19 PM
Muslins in the US are not only from the middle east, US has a big community of Muslin Americans, yes US americans that has embraced the muslin beliefs.

So everywhere in the world.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by DrRobertCamp
I think we should stop "butt-kissing" muslims and tell them that this America and if you dont like it then get the "heck" out. Muslims should just stay in the Middle East, because I get the feeling that they will never "integrate" into modern society. One can just look at what's happening in France to see where I'm coming from.

Congradulations, you have won MacKiller's ignorant quote of the day award!

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by DrRobertCamp
I think we should stop "butt-kissing" muslims and tell them that this America and if you dont like it then get the "heck" out. Muslims should just stay in the Middle East, because I get the feeling that they will never "integrate" into modern society. One can just look at what's happening in France to see where I'm coming from.

I live in a district of Paris where the majority of people in my street and in my neighborhood are Muslim. What are you talking about "just look at France"? Have YOU ever been over here? There's always a little tension, and the French traditionalists have done enough to stir the situation up with their laicité.

Take it from a person that lives there: Paris is an example of Muslims successfully integrating into society. Don't fabricate stories. Don't you think the American media is trying to paint France as anti-semetic?

And about Fox's 24 show... if they were ticking off the Muslim community, then it was probably better for business to apologize and create a Muslim character. Fox isn't likely to take up your arrogant, rascist, ultra-nationalistic cause--because it is in their interest to keep a truer view of what America is : blacks, muslims, hispanics, whites, jews, asians, and others.

Isn't political correctedness just adjusting to our bigger world and trying to unnessecarily tick people off?

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:26 PM

I think we should stop "butt-kissing" muslims and tell them that this America and if you dont like it then get the "heck" out. Muslims should just stay in the Middle East, because I get the feeling that they will never "integrate" into modern society. One can just look at what's happening in France to see where I'm coming from.

Congratulations on the most insipid, ignorant post I have seen in a long time.



posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by syntaxer
I believe FOX, also had things right when they aired that cool X-Files episode which involved hijackers smashing jumbo jets into the world trade center. The episode aired something like 6 months before 9/11?

It was an episode of the "Lone Gunmen" not the "X-Files" and the plane didn't hit the WTC. It was stoped before it did... The idea of planes crashing into buildings in movies and tv shows is not a new or an original concept. I think it was just a really bad coincidence.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:53 PM
IMO, the most annoying character in the series is the son of the Secretary of Defense. His stupid ideals make me want to stomp him. Next comes that conniving black chick who seems to be a double crosser.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 10:31 AM
Thank you PeaceBeWithYou

I was going to say something along that lines myself. I don't live in paris but I have friends who do and know what you are talking about.

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