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Trump said he plans to immediately deport 2 to 3 million criminal undocumented immigrants.

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posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:38 AM
If he does this and isn't just making an empty promise, we have an actual POTUS on our hands. Not some political hack who does as ordered by the puppet masters. Like the last three.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: ipsedixit
There is a good article in The Independent, from the UK, discussing the deportation programs of President Obama and President-elect Trump. It turns out there is not much difference between them.

BS...The difference is that Trump will slap his name on and tell everyone to carry-on. It is his MO in business.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:10 PM
My thoughts on this subject: If they don't have paperwork they should apply for it from Mexico or Central America or Turkey or Iran or Yemen or Pakistan, then jump through all the hoops legally.

Most countries enforce these laws. My niece had to move to Ireland for a year to gain entry to Scotland even though she is married to a Scotsman and she had to have a certain amount of cash in her bank account to even apply, and show she had skills, and, and, and, etc, etc, etc.

Why don't these people prove up too? It's only fair, right? Y'all are living in fantasyland if you think it's okay to be here without at least paperwork from their home country that can be verified. A work program has been proposed many times which benefits everyone and should be revisited.

But if they don't have paperwork or haven't even applied for it they should be sent back. Get military planes to fly back a large group at a time to each country. Then they're free to reapply if that is their wish. Legally.

I'm sure a lot of "students" from overseas are shaking in their shoes too 'cause they overstayed their visas, many didn't even attend classes. Benefits and gravy train is over, they need to get on it and get their status in order.

Also, while I'm on my rant I want to say I am so sick of hearing of fatal crashes on I-35 involving drivers that have had several DUIs, are illegal, always released with no consequences in Austin (a sanctuary city). They are free to drive again. The City Council is whacko here. I won't even mention all the knifings that happen constantly. I'd love to give y'all the statistics here but Austin thinks it's racist to even keep those numbers. Austin is basically California now, all the refugees from LA have ruined it. I hope California secedes.

Rant over,


edit on 14-11-2016 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: seentoomuch
My thoughts on this subject: If they don't have paperwork they should apply for it from Mexico or Central America or Turkey or Iran or Yemen or Pakistan, then jump through all the hoops legally.

I see that you also deleted that your post was in reply to mine but still, in regards to my post, why would anyone even try if they are not going to be approved?

edit on 14-11-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Sorry, I edited out that.

If they don't apply they don't stay. The quotas can be raised temporarily.

edit on 14-11-2016 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:18 PM
The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 408,870 illegal aliens at the southern border in FY (fiscal year) 2016, a 23% increase over 2015. Senate Subcommittee testimony about Immigration said for every illegal person apprehended, another evades arrest. As a baseline that means ~408,870 illegal aliens "evaded detection" (got into the country illegally) in FY 2016. So about 817,740 border events for that one year. Agents in the field estimate OTMs ("other than Mexican" -- such as Haitian, Cuban, African -- all these terms refer to nationality not race) make up ~70-75 percent of all border crossings.

The statistics are allegedly confirmed by internal DHS numbers, but the Obama administration (OA) holds the official public records of aliens apprehended, recorded as not-apprehended (evades arrest), and released into the country. Except they aren't made public. For example the OA will not provide the numbers on how many aliens apprehended remain in the country from the 2016 period, and will not provide that info on the 331,333 from FY 2015 or 479,371 from FY 2014. Using the same 1-for-1 apprehended/evades stats, that means in three years there have been 1,219,574 people apprehended and about that many evaded, for a total 2,439,148 count. In addition to those numbers, the issue isn't always illegal entry, but illegal 'staying': millions of people come into the country on temporary visas, with an official 527,127 overstaying in FY 2015 alone.

The President of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) said, "[The] talk of amnesty... [created] pull factors and encouraged people from all over the world to cross Mexico and then cross our porous southern border to illegally enter the U.S. We are simply overwhelmed." An ICE officer in El Paso said, "The workload, the number of people we've had to deal with has by far surpassed any amount we've ever had to handle before." Currently and ongoing the ICE at any one time is detaining tens of thousands of people. Of the number officially apprehended and detained, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel report they are "releasing many of them [into the country] never to be seen again."

U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, which had the toughest anti-immigration law in the nation (which promptly failed at almost every level, and at this point none of its stated goals have been achieved) says the media "elects to ignore" the "crisis" of illegal immigration numbers. Similar but less extreme laws have been pursued in Arizona, Georgia, and South Carolina. Alabama's enforcement of their law (HB 56) started blowing up after two 'traffic stop' arrests over failure to prove documented right to be in the country. This required arrest and detainment until proof (no matter how long it took). One was of a German Mercedes-Benz executive and one of a Japanese Honda worker -- both companies with a great deal of jobs and tax revenue in the state. It's possible the officers would not have arrested them, given the number of German and Japanese illegal immigrants are probably relatively small, especially those in nice cars and business suits. But the law required they do so. And, it would have been 'racial profiling' if they had not, yet arrested others clearly less affluent and from south of the border.

The law had set many things to require legal evidence -- such as renting housing, putting children into public school, registering a car, arranging for utilities for a home, and more. It required police detain people without citizenship proof and gave the public the right to sue any law enforcement which did not do this. The police didn't want to jail people over a traffic stop, nor did they have the time (or jail resources) for the numbers that resulted, though they tried to comply. The utilities and many other sources expected to maintain new regulations appeared to have mass confusion about what they should, could or must do.

A proposal was made to the AL authorities at one point from outside (from Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach) that businesses could be sued for profiting off illegal labor, as jobs that hired immigrants en masse are part of what bring and keep non-citizens in a given area. That would turn the focus away from the individuals. The proposal was refused, as it was considered dangerous to hurt the tax base by pursuing local industry. Many of the elements in the law (such as requiring citizenship evidence before renting a house, registering a car, registering for school) had already been challenged in higher court for rights violations in response to the previous law in Arizona, SB 1070, and many struck down.

The OA has claimed for years that the border is "more secure than it has ever been," yet the issue gets worse every year. OA's Secretary of Homeland Security implied blame was on the refusal of Congress to pass a mass amnesty bill. Meanwhile the individual states most affected by illegal immigration are to a great degree effectively neutralized from doing much about it, even if what is done is mainly geared to encouraging illegally-present persons to leave the state on their own. To some degree the real problem is that the federal level interferes with the states' attempts to deal with the problem, but then does nothing to deal with the problem at the higher level either.


posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Vector99
a reply to: goou111

so...out of the 11+ million undocumented/illegal immigrants he's going to focus on the ones that have committed crimes?

That sounds pretty good ^_^

Wow...and 20% of them are filthy criminals. Amazing. I thought the left said they were just families with....Ahhhhh...the left said. Got it.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Kuroodo
He wants to specifically deport criminals.
Nothing bad with that!

But anyone here illegally IS a criminal. All 11 million out the door with a swift kick in the ass.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian

“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” Trump said in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes.” “But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally.”

So exactly what the Obama administration has already been doing? Remember when Trump said this at the Oct 19 debate?

"President Obama has moved millions of people out. Nobody knows about it. Nobody talks about it. But under Obama, millions of people have been moved out of this country. They've been deported,"

Under the Obama administration, millions of people have been deported. The focus has been on criminals. The Obama administration did expand both border patrol and ICE.

If he just said "we're going to keep doing what Obama has been doing" it wouldn't impress his base of course so it has to be stated in a way that sounds like it's radically different because the obvious insinuation is that this is something that will happen in days or even weeks. It doesn't just spin you up though — it makes people think of the "deportation force" going from house to house, ripping men, women and children from homes and dragging them off to a paddy wagon to be transported to overcrowded camps where people are living in horrible conditions and families are torn apart.

This is a misstep that is only going to fuel protests, particularly on the West Coast.

The truth of the matter is that when you deport people, there's a legal process and it takes time, it takes immigration agents, judges, courts, etc. Detaining people requires resources. All of this costs money. The more you do in parallel, the more money it will cost up front. The money will have to be allocated in the budget. etc etc.

Hopefully our President-elect starts to confine his rhetoric to the realities of civics sooner than later.

Yes...crime costs everyone money. That why building the wall is so important. It cuts down on the crime.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: goou111

Oh so you are saying the left just falls for SH!T with no effort at all

well done

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: daskakik

I just finished doing my wifes visa with a pardon.

The first step is a valuntary exit, file for a pardon if you have an illegal entry. Families have a good chance for approvals, with a higher percentage being granted from Mexico.

Then the Visa can be processed. You can apply for the visa before all that and schedual your consular interview and medicam exam.

If in the country already for over a decade, you apply here, with a pardon as well.

The whole process takes about 3 years. My family was separated for that time.

It sucks but its worth it. Citizenship is then possible.

The problem is NO ONE tries to do it the right way so the immigrant community knows more about illegal means that about forms and procedure.

Also they dont want to sacrifice even though people like myself, citizens, are forced to que in line while they have a faster wait time. Marriage to a citizen is actually slower if with an illegal entry though they find it more appealing even if by fraud and an illegal contractual agreement for thousands of dollars better spent on your immigration case.

Time to change that aspect of immigration here an attributed cultural tendency.

edit on 11 14 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: daskakik

I just finished doing my wifes visa with a pardon.

The first step is a valuntary exit, file for a pardon if you have an illegal entry. Families have a good chance for approvals, with a higher percentage being granted from Mexico.

Then the Visa can be processed. You can apply for the visa before all that and schedual your consular interview and medicam exam.

If in the country already for over a decade, you apply here, with a pardon as well.

The whole process takes about 3 years. My family was separated for that time.

It sucks but its worth it. Citizenship is then possible.

The problem is NO ONE tries to do it the right way so the immigrant community knows more about illegal means that about forms and procedure.

Also they dont want to sacrifice even though people like myself, citizens, are forced to que in line while they have a faster wait time. Marriage to a citizen is actually slower if with an illegal entry though they find it more appealing even if by fraud and an illegal contractual agreement for thousands of dollars better spent on your immigration case.

Time to change that aspect of immigration here an attributed cultural tendency.

Good luck. Sounds like your circumstances will be ok.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: Konduit

originally posted by: eisegesis
ICE already has a list of ILLEGALS WITH CRIMINAL RECORDS that certain states are protecting for whatever reason. They have attempted to do the job we pay them to do and have been illegally stonewalled by local governments that are hosting sanctuary cities.

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton has voiced support for the sanctuary effort in which state and local officials in mostly urban areas choose to harbor illegals with criminal records rather than comply with ICE requests to turn them over or even identify their immigration status. Donald Trump has called for an end to the practice.

Makes sense, since Sanctuary Cities are strategically located to take over the Electoral College.

That is exactly what i suspected.... thank you for the image.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Being married to a citizen is a situation that not everyone is in.

Everyone that I have known that has had that chance or the proverbial anchor baby follows through with the process. They are not the ones I was talking about.
edit on 14-11-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Vector99

That's what he had been saying all along. Every time he talked about illegal immigration he talked about the crime, and criminals being brought over from south of the border, but the left didn't want to listen to the truth and instead made their own claims even proclaiming that "he will ban all immigrants"...
edit on 14-11-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: daskakik

But the point I was making is that they become more familiar as how to have a sham wedding for papers or how to fly in with fake papers than which form is needed for what step or what format to send documents in with or even where they are sent.

There is more wealth of knowledge for defrauding the system than there is for following our immigration laws.

That is a cultural tendency that must be changed. Everything that is and is happening right now as far as immigration is about making our laws in this regard more than a suggestion.

It is the law. Thats all.

People with criminal records not including illegal entry or visa violations are the ones to be deported. Its a reset of sorts.

Everyone in typical immigration situations would not be affected.

A visa violation or illegal entry are not criminal offences until you do it more than once after being caught entering.

So there is a viable system that is not used enough nor is healthy enough to function properly.

We need immigration REFORM, not surrender unto the daunting task of first world immigration policy regulation.

Also, for YEARS there were easy methods of becoming legal and even a citizen. My 85 YO great grandmother passed her citizenship test in the past. People that have been here for a long time have abandoned trying and developed justifications for not using or learning about viable paths to legal immigration status and normalcy.

It is a scramble now, but that changes nothing.

edit on 11 14 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: tadaman

For a huge segment of the illegal population there really is no viable system. They don't circumvent the system because they want to. They don't have an option.

edit on 14-11-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Not true.

There was a legal limbo after Bush for ILLEGAL immigrants since the provisions allowing for a fine or what ever expired.

Since Obama and for 8 years now, and only after a few years without under Bushes second term, there has been a viable system

It is just hard and taxing, but well worth it.

There us still a valid path to new immigrants with no record called a VISA APPLICATION.

I have a family of immigrants down to my wife and kids.

I myself am a first generation American.

edit on 11 14 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: tadaman

That depends on the situation of the individual. Someone without a relative or employer to sponsor them or being able to apply for refugee status has no chance of gaining legal permanent residence status. That is the first step to citizenship.

You can try filling out any number of forms you like but if you don't have any of the above there is no viable system for you.

Have even a small spot on your record and even having one of the above can shut the doors to a viable system.
edit on 14-11-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Not true.

I work day in and day out with green card holders from normal families back home.

That is an outright lie.

I know and meet yearly people that have work visas for a LIMITED TIME...which can be yearly employment.

Hell, I worked with some today that were setting up a "Coach" clothing flagship store in NYC.

My sister in law visited for medical treatment and saw my daughters birth.

And on and on....

Dream on....

edit on 11 14 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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