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Is a Muslim set to take over the Democratic National Committee?

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+24 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:09 AM

He's a Muslim from the heartland and he could be the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota is slowly raking up support from some key figures within the party, such as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New York Sen. Charles Schumer, who want him to be the next leader, following the party’s humbling presidential loss earlier this week.

Citing more than 250,000 signatures in support of Ellison on a petition posted to his website, Sanders said the congressman is the future of the party.

"The Democratic Party needs to look itself in the mirror and work tirelessly to become once again the party that working people know will work for their interests," Sanders, who amassed a youthful, liberal following during the Democratic primary, said in a statement. "Keith is one of the most progressive members of Congress, and he was an early supporter of our political revolution."

Is a Muslim set to take over the Democratic National Committee?

This is hysterical...

The democrats are the party of progressivism and liberalism...

And now they are looking to appoint a new head of their party whose religion is based upon a God whose primary earthly mouthpiece married a six-year-old, consummated said marriage two years later, and whose subsequent caliphates saw hadiths written specifically enumerating punishments to be levied for homosexuality....

I take a huge joy in watching the Democratic Party implode especially knowing that every single one of Obama's policies is about to be stricken down within the first six months of trumps presidency…

But I certainly don't want to have a competing political party in America ruled by a religion who believes a magic dude in the sky wants to exterminate at worst(criminalize at best) homosexuals seeing as how I have a gay sibling...

And I have a wife who I would prefer be allowed to drive and earn an income because I know her to be equal and not to be subjugated to my masculine rule as Islamism teaches...

Anyhow, let's all sit back and watch as the Democratic Party courts yet another mob to rule as they try emerging from the ashes of this most devastating defeat…

Statistically, Democrats haven't been this debilitated since Reconstruction...
You know, that period of time after the Republicans defeated them in war wherein we foisted the idea upon racist democrats that all men are created equal regardless of race…

It would seem Democrats need a reminder of this most obvious of human instincts that all men (and women) are created equal regardless of their sexual preference or gender...

Hats off to you Democrats and long live the new Caliphate of the Democratic Party, Keith Ellison!!!

edit on 12-11-2016 by Christosterone because: (no reason given)

+16 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:15 AM
You're obsessed with Islam.

Try harder.

+22 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408
You're obsessed with Islam.

Try harder.

Last time I checked the Republican Party wasn't appointing an Islamist to head our party…

So who is more obsessed?


+16 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

They do that and their Christian base will never forget them, America by all means is still Christian majority and they take very seriously political candidates that support Christianity.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:21 AM


+6 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

The Democratic party is even more of a mess than the Republicans. I actually think the Republicans will came out stronger this election, not only because they all the Presidency, House and Senate for the first time in 90 years, but they have been forced to take a long hard look in the mirror and re-evaluate themselves because of Trump. Trump has done more good than harm than people would lead us to believe.

The Democratic party on the other hand, just lost an election that they've went all out on every front. Their dirty tricks were exposed, their collusion with the MSM was exposed and lost any shred of credibility. Their leadership is in disarray, both heads of the DNC were exposed as frauds. They have no idea what direction they are going it and who will lead them. They have little to no message after Obama's legacy is negated by Trump. I hate to say, that this party is ripe for a radical takeover, one that is going so far to left that anyone that they'd better think twice.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: mkultra11

I'm going to wait and see on this one.

Democrats held this type of power after Obama came to office too, and look where they are now.

Trump can make or break Republicans. It really depends on what they do and how it all plays out.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

I cant seem to get a reading on what youre trying to say as it seems you are being contradictory all in the same single post. Long question short, do you have a problem with religious Islam, Political Islam, or Islam in general? Then, depending on your answer, why do you think it will implode...for left purists it would likely enhance it.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

Knock yourselves out by going more left...... it's a wrong move to do in the Trump Times we live in. Your party is in disarray, quite honestly ever since you moved away from Bill Clinton into the "Majority of the Minorities Coalition" That has been the mantra since. Sanders is right, the Democrats are no longer the party of the working man and women. They cater to the special interest groups at the expense of the American worker. Going further left isn't going to help you. American politics is going more Center, I know you don't believe that with Trump......just watch.

But what do I know......... I only spent this whole election trying to tell Democrats that Trump supporters were ordinary working men and women who wanted to be heard. The Democrats I told this to, said I was a Bigot and Xenophobe. So I have faith your side will make the wrong assumptions again.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:27 AM
What is hilarious is that they pride themselves on being secular and often atheist. White liberals are so out of touch with their base its comical. Its going to hurt support among christian hispanics and blacks. And any white christians who have been hanging on(mainly catholics).

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Christosterone

They do that and their Christian base will never forget them, America by all means is still Christian majority and they take very seriously political candidates that support Christianity.

And this exactly underscores one of the political anamolies of our time. Making decisions based upon what idol is representative of their humanity. It's ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: alphabetaone

Is call human condition, pandering to what the minorities need underestimate the power of the majority.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: jellyrev

And that's part of the problem. They don't take religion seriously, so they can't comprehend how others would. They treat it more like a demographic they can check that's superficial.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: alphabetaone

Is call human condition, pandering to what the minorities need underestimate the power of the majority.

I know precisely what it is. That doesn't make it any less problematic.

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408
You're obsessed with Islam.

Try harder.

On the contrary, Islam is obsessed with themselves.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

I think we need to remember how fractured the republicans (were/are) and the only thing hiding that fact is the recent control that has been gained. I assure you the issues still exist and we have a lot of work to do inside our own party long before we start poking at the others.

I am with you, but we have to try to get back to living and being the morally responsible party we once were.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:39 AM
Basically, they aren't doing this because of anything about Ellison other then two things: he is black and he is Muslim. And they think that in the current political climate, this will give them the strongest virtue signalling of all.

Can he do the job? Who knows? Did they even ask themselves that question? I doubt they care.

It's pretty sad, but he'll look sooooo good on TV.

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:43 AM
Come on man go back to your fema camp, so you can give your guns to emperor obama and die from ebola.

Durp durp

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

In a Predominantly Christian Country?

Are you kidding me?

posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

You give up way too fast lol.

Canadian 'chuckle'......

Trudeau would never do that eh?

Crap... they don't have fema camps in BC do they?
edit on 12-11-2016 by JesusXst because: (no reason given)

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