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So what will it take for us to over throw our government?

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posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: carewemust

So the "all for Donald" police wouldn't stop an uprising when trump loses? Is that what you're implying?
edit on 10252016 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: wantsome
Seriously what will it take?

Well, for starters, people would need to stop sitting around writing posts on ATS and actually go outside and do something to advance this particular cause.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Slickinfinity

We already ha e something to deal with that. It's called a vote.
Use it.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme


posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: minivan
if everyone would STOP making their house payments.

No! Their taxes!

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Let me get this straight.

The people pulling the strings own all the methods by which data is transmitted to the electorate. They own all the big media enterprises, the communications companies, the networks that information is delivered through, and the intelligence agencies who use these systems to spy on the people of the United States, and the rest of the world for that matter, illegally.

They own all the big candidates, they own all the public infrastructure, the drug companies, the technology in your phone, your cars engine and its electronic components, they own the arms manufacturing businesses, the arms dealing businesses which ply these weapons on the world wide market, they own the fuel you buy, they own the food you eat, they own the grain from which it was grown and on which it was fed. They benefit from your enslavement.

And you think that you can end that by voting? Not if you vote for Hilary Clinton, not if you vote for Donald "The Money" Trump, and not unless all the media corporations that the powerful move makers who own your nation control, fail in their task to make huge percentages of your people dumber every second, by filling their heads with lies and smoke and mirrors tricks, brainwashing your people into following the narrative they prefer, rather than the one which actually exists!

Voting to solve your problems, only works when everyone is aware that their problems have the same source, and aware of what to do about it. Most of the people in your country do not even know that your own nation is on the ownership committee for, and helped found IS and Osama Bin Ladens mob before them, and if you told them, they would call you a liar! That is not a nation in which voting makes a blind bit of difference, and you KNOW that! Why would you say otherwise!?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:19 AM
aahh yes....."good ole' election" time..."if I don't get what I think I deserve, we will revolt" time.....always a favorite on ATS

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: minivan

All those people risking foreosure for Trump?
Yeah sure.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Kromlech

What a good idea. Maybe we can get these guys interested.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: wantsome
If the processes to change government included overthrowing said government another government with similar behaviors will replace it?

As opposed to refining a government from intelligence gathered of advances made by it & past mistakes made by said governments and then rebuilding it as a structure that prevents failure of those it represents by no longer making the same mistakes and using its advances Learned (such as integration) to make more advancements...


posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: wantsome
I guess all things in their own time.

The anti-Christ and the Whore of Babylon have to have their time on stage.

Doesn't seem to matter which is which; between the two of them they have all the bases covered.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

The election is on the local district level. There is no central data base . The machines are not hooked up to the internet.
You mark a ballot. Put it through a scanner. The scanner tallys your vote and collects and keeps the ballot as back up.
The total of each machine is confirmed by both parties. The tally is then submitted to the state along with all the thousands of other districts all across America.
Trump has people convinced the system is broken but it's not.
He's losing and he's blaming like usual.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

The election is on the local district level. There is no central data base . The machines are not hooked up to the internet.
You mark a ballot. Put it through a scanner. The scanner tallys your vote and collects and keeps the ballot as back up.
The total of each machine is confirmed by both parties. The tally is then submitted to the state along with all the thousands of other districts all across America.
Trump has people convinced the system is broken but it's not.
He's losing and he's blaming like usual.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Are you listening to yourself?


And with respect, Trump is dirt and his concerns are nothing to do with it. He is just butthurt because this pantomime is not going his way, and he can stay butthurt, the disgusting troglodyte that he is.

If you have not accepted the fact that the major political parties are both enemies of the people of your country by now, after all the succession of Republican and Democrat governments which have totally failed to address the problems and needs of the people, while embuggering the entire world for profit, then frankly Silly, you have not read the fine print, or for that matter, the writing on the wall.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:37 AM
It will take guts, courage and sacrifice.

You need to willing to surrender to the notion that you in fact no longer have a government of, by and for the people.
You have to accept that in order to tear down this mastodont of corruption and destruction, you yourself have risk losing everything... in order to obtain nothing short of freedom in the sense that you used to believe in.

I wonder how long a police force or a military will stand by and mindlessly take orders to kill citizens that live by their side. I honestly think they will turn faster on their masters than you think.

Hillary is not and will never be you Commander In Chief, because she answers to people who only need common people as a workforce... as an expendable means that will have just as much comfort and succes as is needed to keep asleep.

You have to want things to be better. And yes, its easy to buy what the two candidates are selling, but really.... deep deep deep down, do you honestly believe they will do this for you? Look hard... me personally, I think it shines through completely that none of the two and perhaps Clinton most does not give a damn about you the people. Not one damn...

America has survived revolutions before, im pretty sure it can survive one more.
And if you all do grow balls and stand up for yourselves against this evil that is the entirity or american politics, please try to make it better next time around.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Voting to solve your problems, only works when everyone is aware that their problems have the same source, and aware of what to do about it. Most of the people in your country do not even know that your own nation is on the ownership committee for, and helped found IS and Osama Bin Ladens mob before them, and if you told them, they would call you a liar! That is not a nation in which voting makes a blind bit of difference, and you KNOW that! Why would you say otherwise!?

TB, I just watched a couple of the dumbing down of America videos. I kept saying to myself, that they have to be staged, there is no way so many, supposedly educated, people could be so uninformed. I left one important factor out of the equation; interest.

People are not going to research or obtain information about things that are of no interest to them. Interest is usually formed by exposure or need. When the people are being bombarded with information that titillates, infuriates, distracts, and infatuates, there is little to no room left for reality and truth.

Too many Americans are in a media fed coma. Too many are watching what little they have dwindling, terrified that there is no way to hold back the flood gates.

We are living in a very dangerous time. Not because of what is happening around the world, but because of what is happening behind our front doors. We won't be able to continue with the blind eye and the deaf ear, much longer. The time to take a stand is not after you have been backed into a corner, yet we are rapidly locking ourselves into one.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

The owners don't count the votes. That is totally irrelevant. They're not there and again your stating collusion on such a grand scale as to be impossible. There are over 100 districts in my state alone.
I'm sorry but you're wrong. I have many friends in government locally. They are not owned by anyone and they are very serious sober sensible real people.
It's not some internet conspiracy reality show out there.

There will not be any stolen election. Trump is lying and blaming his failure on a system that has worked for over two hundred years.
He's a b.s. artiste.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 11:37 AM
Gentlemen and Ladies, the Battle for Freedom and Liberty has been under way for a while now.
But few are aware of just what is taking place and how brutal many of the battles truly are.
So, I say this to you my fellow citizens, the outcome is in your hands, United We Stand, Divided we Fall.

If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 33, January 3, 1788


posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Why do you believe that my stance has anything to do with Trump?

Your entire nation has been under ownership of those other than the people since 1913!

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
TB, I just watched a couple of the dumbing down of America videos. I kept saying to myself, that they have to be staged, there is no way so many, supposedly educated, people could be so uninformed. I left one important factor out of the equation; interest.

But that is just precisely the point, is it not? I would say, that if one is living under threat of foreclosure, or in the aftermath of it as many Americans are, that it would be fundamental to their interests, to know precisely who was responsible, how it was that it came to be, and how to prevent its ever happening again, or else, what is the point in trying to get back on ones feet, if the rug is so easily and rapidly removed? I would say that anyone who has lost a friend, spouse, parent or child in a terror attack, or in a war zone, would want to know how these things really came about, who is responsible, and how to prevent these things from ever happening again to someone else. Ever been arrested for pot? Had money stolen from you under phoney asset forfeiture laws which violate the constitution? Ever been forced to live on the grid, when you have methods of living off it which would be better for your pocket and the environment? Anyone in any of these situations and a thousand others, needs to know this stuff, and must have an interest in it, because politics is about life, when boiled down. Understanding it makes you free, even in a tyranny!

People are not going to research or obtain information about things that are of no interest to them. Interest is usually formed by exposure or need. When the people are being bombarded with information that titillates, infuriates, distracts, and infatuates, there is little to no room left for reality and truth.

I routinely find myself cogitating upon matters well outside the parameters of my daily activities, normally while engaged directly in them. I cannot believe that America has so few people in it, who can both pat their head and rub their stomach, that these matters cannot be considered while they are about their lives, that masses of time must be devoted to these matters in exclusivity. These are what the ride to work is for, as one sits on the bus or train, as one rides the cab, or walks the dog, and even as one performs the task for which they are paid! No room? How small is the space we are talking about?!

Too many Americans are in a media fed coma. Too many are watching what little they have dwindling, terrified that there is no way to hold back the flood gates.

We are living in a very dangerous time. Not because of what is happening around the world, but because of what is happening behind our front doors. We won't be able to continue with the blind eye and the deaf ear, much longer. The time to take a stand is not after you have been backed into a corner, yet we are rapidly locking ourselves into one.

This is what I fail to understand. Americans have better access to information than nearly every other collection of people on the face of the planet. The information superhighway is everywhere, the cities are full of it, you cannot escape it, the wifi is strong with the United States of America. Where there is wifi, there is access to the entire world. There are no excuses, there are no reasons. Shaking off the programming is the only way to take the liberty that Americans claim to love, and many of the ones who claim to love it most, hide behind ignorance even as they are shown the truth. I do not understand that mentality at all, not in the least, because there is no truth so ugly, as to be less beautiful than a lie.

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