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What a brilliant answer!

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posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:15 PM
So, nevermind The funny fact that this thread by coincidence is on the same topic as the last one created at Philosophy and Metaphysics, it requires a separate stomp.

I was just chilling out with the next documentary, and as the script was going the leading person of the show met a renowned Japanese bladesmith, asking him few questions. I stopped after the answer oh the first one was given, as it was filled with profound wisdom, which one part of me begged the other to share here on ATS. Please skip the video until 15:30 or 15:20 to get to the point. Amazing answer - just timeless...

"then your spirit will inhabit the blade and make it perfect"

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Argentbenign

wow that was so brilliant!! I've never seen this before but im glad i have now.

I would love if you could post more of these. I'm doing some research for class on ancient fighting gear. I want to show my instructor this.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Argentbenign

I've experienced this sort of thing when watching documentaries about other cultures too. e.g. In the documentary "I am big bird" a Chinese girl mentions something similarly profound, but to her it was just as a passing thought.

And not to take it out on you, but this kind of thing pisses me off: how spiritual truths are common knowledge to some cultures and profound revelations to others. I mean, westerners, amirite?

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Argentbenign

Yes, a very profound comment by the swordmaker.

I feel that all craftsmen (to include male and female of course) imbue their creation with their own essense.

For a swordmaker , being firm in belief and flexible in the way they encounter life is important. As you would expect , the sword needs to be very strong and yet flexible. If the craftman is true to that nature, then I can see how the sword will be perfect.

I could spend hours thinking of other crafts and what qualities would be required of the craftman in order for the creation to be perfect. Perhaps best to start with myself and a "craft" that I was particularly good at as a child. It was the making of kites. All my kites were made with bamboo , kite paper and boiled rice as glue. They always flew the highest. I was obsessed with airplanes at the time and I lived for the day I would be a pilot.

One of the best memories of flying kites is when another person was flying his kite not far from mine and both kites very high in the sky . Suddenly that other boy lost control of his kite as the string snapped. I did not notice anything until my cousin pointed out to me that both kites were moving exactly the same way in the sky. He quickly realised that I was in fact controlling both kites; the string of the other kite had somehow entangled itself around my string. It took me about half an hour to bring both kites back to the ground as I had to be careful not to lose the other kite. The other group of boys were so grateful and I felt like a hero.

Sorry for the long story but I thought it was fitting to recount it because I always put my heart into each kite I made and treated each with so much reverence; much like the swordmaker and his sword.

I never made it as a commercial pilot (went into finance instead) but should get my private pilot licence soon.

edit on 24-10-2016 by crowdedskies because: (no reason given)


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