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Reddit post apparently related to Clintons email coverup

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posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 02:33 PM
I didn't see it all but here is what I got out of that. ( I will break it into 3 posts)

1. Comey says that there was no evidence he could use to show gross negligence or intent on Hillary or her staffs part. This is because all of this evidence was destroyed.

So now the precedent has been set. Anyone can now store any state information on private servers. If this evidence gets subpoenaed, you just have some low level guy wipe it clean. The FBI can't be bothered to take time to get a grand jury to subpoena people, so they will grant immunity to all low level people. And Viola! You get off scott free as those low level people will say they did it on there own, even if they afre seen online asking for help saying they asked him to do it.

In other words, it is ok to destroy evidence that could prove your guilt.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 02:34 PM
2. The stonetear reddit thread. Comey admitted that they knew of the reddit thread, and that stonetear was combetta, he admitted that combetta was trying to delete these threads once Katica found them, and he admitted that the "they" that was referenced was most likely Cheryl Mills.

Comey is going with the argument that the reddit thread was only about replacing Hillary's official email address, and so he couldn't go after Mills for ordering the deleting of the emails. He also said Mills immunity was only for her computer, and if they found out she broke the laws in other ways she could be prosecuted. Here is my take on this:

A) Because this occurred after the House asks to see these documents, it is my understanding that altering these emails in any way would be considered tampering with evidence. So even if Mills only asked Combetta to change the hide the email address, she was still knowingly asking him to violate the law, hence she should be tried.

B) Comeys belief that Mills only asked Combetta to change the emial address and that when Combetta couldn't do that he decided on his own to bleach bit them is beyond absurd. There is no way Combetta would do this on his own. In fact, in the Reddit thread Combetta was told by another user that trying to change the email address would be potentially illegal. So Combetta knew full well that Mills asked him to do something illegal, but she didn't influence him to actually delete the emails.

C) Why didn't the FBI release that they knew Mills had asked Combetta to take Hillary's email address off of these emails until Katica found the Reddit thread? I am sorry, but I don't believe any of us would have ever heard anything about this until a private citizen uncovered it. Now we are supposed to believ Comey when he says "Sure we knew of this, but it is no big deal.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 02:34 PM
3. 5 people received immunity, including Cheryl Mills and Combetta. Comey said Mills immunity was given because it would have taken a while to get access to her computer because she is a lawyer. Mills was also allowed to set in on the investigation with Hillary even though she was a witness because she claimed to be Hillary's lawyer, and even though this had never been done before to Comeys knowledge, they didn't feel it was there place to tell Mills she couldn't be there. They also let Mills there because the investigation into her had been closed according to Comey.

Ok a lot to unpack here.

A) They gave five people immunity, only to supposedly find out that the only crimes that were committed were done by those 5 people. The reason for this was because they didn't want it to take too much time. This is amateur hour. Why doesn't the FBI just do this in every case then? Who needs to take time, just grant a bunch of people immunity and see what they know. Oh because those people will just say they were the only ones that did anything wrong, and no one will be punished. This looks so bad for the FBI

B) Allowing Mills to set in with HIllary is absurd. We are told by Comey that this case was done the same as any other case would be, and yet this is the only time he can remember a witness being allowed to sit in during an interview with the target. Could it be that Mills was able to let Hillary know how to answer questions bsed on the questions and immunity she received? What a joke.

C) The fact that they didn't feel it was there place to tell Mills she couldn't be there. When did our FBI get so weak? So if you are ever charged with a crime by the FBI, just tell them the others accused or the witnesses are your lawyers, and they will be allowed to sit in with you during your interview. Comey said that they didn't want to have there lawyer or political hats on. Then why are they doing things like releasing documents on Friday which is an extremely political move?

D) What does he mean that the investigation was closed on Mills? According to Comey, they were aware of the Reddit thread, and thought that the "they" was Mills. Yet they thought she was totally in the clear. Even if they would have gave her a pass for telling Combetta to replace Hillary's email (which I still believe is a crime) they just took her word for it? This is the FBI!!! All you have to do according to them is to say "No I didn't do anything illegal" and the FBI says good enough for us.

Lets keep in mind what Comey is admitting they thought.

The house asks to see all of these emails on July 23. On July 24th Combetta is on reddit asking how to take Hillary's email address off of the documents and replace it with something like her name. He was asked to do this by Mills. He is unsuccessful in getting help, and some time shortly in the future he decides without consulting with Mills again or anyone else to delete all of the emails with bleach bit.

Unbelievable. Why would Mills be worried that congress would see Hillary's actual email address? They would already know that anyways, so why was she be asking Combetta to get rid of it? And do we really think that when Combetta couldn't do that that she just said well fair enough, lets just hand all of the info over that they want. And then agianst her wishes Combetta decides to commit a felony for no benefit of his own and delete these emails.

No, I am sorry, it is just not believable, and there is no way the FBI would believe this story either.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 02:39 PM
In addition, Comey kept saying that when people say that other similar cases where prosecuted, he encouraged people to look up the facts of those cases because they were different.

So the one congressmen (can't remember which one) discusses a case where a marine left documents in his gym bag an took them home.

Comey says the difference was these were hard copies, not digital like the HIllary case.

My question is,, why the hell does that make a difference? So if me and another person both take home the same classified material, and mine is digital but the other person has a printed out copy, he gets prosecuted and I skate free? That makes no sense!

In what scenario could a physical paper do more damage than having the info on your personal phone or computer as digital. Couldn't you just print off the email if you wanted?

Its this type of mental gymnastics why people don't trust this investigation.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:10 PM
Can anyone tell me that I somehow just missed all this in the hearing???

However, at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, Comey said FBI agents concluded that all the computer aide was trying to do was replace Clinton's email address so it wouldn't be revealed to the public.

"Our team concluded that what he was trying to do was when they produced emails not have the actual address but have some name or placeholder instead of the actual dot-com address in the 'From:' line," Comey said.

Politico - Comey denies Clinton email 'Reddit' cover-up

Or did Politico just straight up LIE and make up a direct quote to 'deal' with reporting on this story FINALLY?

It's exactly as I said earlier. It's all coordinated...Politico would not report on this story until "it's all meaningless" would be able to be incorporated into it. How they accomplished it is far worse than I imagined though.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:17 PM
I have been hearing it on and off but I found one comment made by comey really interesting and telling on who first comes to mind.

He was asked if the FBI is doing more and investing more into hacking into peoples devices to get data.

Comey response back with:
I don't think companies like APPLE would like that .

Not that people would not like it , but rather that a corporation would not like it was the first thing that popped into his mind.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:18 PM
I watched it from the beginning. I thought the question regarding Stonetear/Reddit was briefly asked of Comey by one of the early questioners...could that be the response referenced?

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
I watched it from the beginning. I thought the question regarding Stonetear/Reddit was briefly asked of Comey by one of the early questioners...could that be the response referenced?

Ok, I did not see the beginning. Thank you for responding. I will check it out before I go through the roof anymore.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

I recall this potion:

"Our team concluded that what he was trying to do was when they produced emails not have the actual address but have some name or placeholder instead of the actual dot-com address in the 'From:' line," Comey said.

And I remember thinking of your post pointing out the fact that by this time, Hillary's email address was already known so that excuse would not hold up to scrutiny. We will have to wait until an official transcript of the hearing is posted in order to get a better idea of the context.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Let me explain my confusion on that. His later statement saying "he just didn't know sitting there" is so wildly inconsistent with confidently claiming "our team concluded..." I could not reconcile it.

Now I know, he was inconsistent.

Also, the quote indicates that the FBI completely investigated the Reddit post...he was inconsistent about that, too, in later questioning.

Still listening to the beginning again though.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

I can easily see your confusion by missing the first part. I am and have been at work and not been able to pay attention to the entire hearing, but the parts I was able to see do not give me much confidence that the FBI was operating as an independent agency nor do I have any confidence in the DoJ.

Which is why I think we need to push for a special prosecutor, otherwise the agency in charge of investigating itself will find no wrong doing.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

Whenever Combetta/Reddit came up...Comey seemed unprepared and he opted for ambiguity.
In one case, when the questioner was specifically asking about Combetta...Comey gave an answer that made no sense. When met with confusion and told they were speaking of Combetta and not others...Comey apologized and said he misunderstood which immunized witness was being discussed.

It seems clear the FBI knew nothing of Combetta's Reddit posts prior to them being uncovered...To admit that, however, would make them look pathetic and show a slipshod investigation...hence Comey's stated uncertainty about knowing about Combetta/Reddit at the time.
edit on 28-9-2016 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: JacKatMtn

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

I sense a new meme for Comey soon


originally posted by: MotherMayEye


I think that the weasels resent this remark.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Comey said it...

...of course there were two key words left out in the beginning of his statement...THIS is what he said:

"I THINK our team concluded that what he was trying to do was when they produced emails not have the actual address but have some name or placeholder instead of the actual dot-com address in the 'From:' line."

edit on 28-9-2016 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Comey said it...

...of course there were two key words left out in the beginning of his statement...THIS is what he said:

"I THINK our team concluded that what he was trying to do was when they produced emails not have the actual address but have some name or placeholder instead of the actual dot-com address in the 'From:' line," Comey said.

He also stated that the Combetta...acted independently.

IF they were truly previously aware of Combetta's Reddit posts...they would've ALSO been aware of Combetta writing about “Basically, they don’t want the VIP’s email address exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the email address in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out.”

edit on 28-9-2016 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2016 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: MotherMayEye

I recall this potion:

"Our team concluded that what he was trying to do was when they produced emails not have the actual address but have some name or placeholder instead of the actual dot-com address in the 'From:' line," Comey said.

And I remember thinking of your post pointing out the fact that by this time, Hillary's email address was already known so that excuse would not hold up to scrutiny. We will have to wait until an official transcript of the hearing is posted in order to get a better idea of the context.

My point is isn't just putting this placeholder in considered tampering with evidence? If congress asked me for records, I don't get to go in and decide to replace my email address or other such things for my convenience, even if I have no nefarious reason to do that.

Congress wanted the records totally as is. Seeing Hillary's email exactly as it was on these documents could have been important to their inquiry. For example, if they thought that these documents could have been hacked, they would want to know exactly what addresses the hackers got.

And again, keep in mind Comey fully admitted he thinks the they in the reddit post to Combetta is Mills. So why would Mills be telling Combetta the day after these records were requested by congress to put in a place holder for her email. Was she worried congress would see Clintons actual email. Why would this be the case?

This proves Mills wanted more than just a placeholder put in, she wanted Hillary off of the list altogether. When they couldn't accomplish this, they used bleach bit to delete them all.

So Comeys excuse makes no sense. They knew Mills asked Combetta to break the law, and they didn't pursue it.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: MotherMayEye

I recall this potion:

"Our team concluded that what he was trying to do was when they produced emails not have the actual address but have some name or placeholder instead of the actual dot-com address in the 'From:' line," Comey said.

And I remember thinking of your post pointing out the fact that by this time, Hillary's email address was already known so that excuse would not hold up to scrutiny. We will have to wait until an official transcript of the hearing is posted in order to get a better idea of the context.

My point is isn't just putting this placeholder in considered tampering with evidence?

Yes, it is still illegal. And I think I recall someone saying that.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I don't believe for a moment that the FBI knew about the Reddit posts before Katica discovered them.

It's like Comey said, more than once: "I don't believe anyone except my wife."

Well, I don't have a wife, but I will be sure to take his advice and consider him a liar because he is not my spouse.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 04:18 PM
Here was another thing from the hearing today that bothered me.

One of the people asked Comey about Combetta lying to them in their first meeting, and asked if the FBI thought lying to them was a big deal. Comey said of course it was, and sometimes you arrest those liars, or sometimes you give them immunity to get bigger fish, like they did with combetta.

Ok fine. So that would imply that if Hillary or anyone else lied to the FBI they will take is seriously, and either prosecute them or get them to roll over on a bigger fish.

Enter this story;

The release of FBI documents relating to the Clinton email investigation reveal that top Clinton aide Huma Abedin picked one username that Clinton would use on the server, despite claiming she had no knowledge of the server.

So in an interview with the FBI on April 5th, Huma tells the FBI she had no knowledge of Hillarys private server.

Yet then in a June 23rd interview with the FBI, another Clinton aide named Monica Handley told the FBI that after Blumenthal had been hacked, they had a conference call with Handley, Huma, Justin Cooper, and a redacted person. Huma was the one that chose a new email address for hillary.

So in other words, Huma lied on April 5th with the FBI when she told the FBI she did not know of the server. Yet she was never again interviewed by the FBI.

So apparently when Comey smugly claimed today that lying to the FBI was a big deal, and there would be consequences, he met for regular people like us, not Hillarys entourage.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: IAMTAT

I don't believe for a moment that the FBI knew about the Reddit posts before Katica discovered them.

It's like Comey said, more than once: "I don't believe anyone except my wife."

Is Comey secretly married to Cheryl Mills?

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