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Ancient 5000 year old Cochno Stone star map?

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posted on Oct, 11 2016 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: SLAYER69

Hello Slayer69 and group,
First of all I am brand new here and only read things, never posted anything – until I saw this post!!! And I had to toss my 2 cents in... I think this is the coolest forum a lot of interesting discussions for sure.

THIS IS SAGITTARIUS! (at least I am proposing that as one possible interpretation of this Prehistoric Rock art). That constellation seemed to jump out to me immediately. I worked up the star placements based on the charts (I referred to the Natl Audubon Society Field Guide to the Night Sky to identify the greek names for each star.) It isn’t a perfect rendering for sure, however there is enough strong suggestion of the Sgr region of the night sky that I was able to match up a lot of the stars quite readily. This was just a quick look at this, there are probably other stars that should match up then perhaps. Anyway, thought I would share. (Or maybe this is already common knowledge?). I have been doing a lot of studies with random patterns and constellation identification and I can see these patterns sometimes stand out.

Here is a link to the work I did showing the star identities:
(I can’t seem to figure out how to post images on this yet, sorry.)

Here is a link to the actual constellation region as the charts show (on wiki)

Hope this is of some interest or use.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: spudzz

The overlay you did of Sagittarius certainly lines up, what would clinch it for me though is if the other marks correspond to other stars in the vicinity? If you could show that, well that would be immense! As it is, well I'm still a bit on the fence.

posted on Oct, 12 2016 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: surfer_soul

Yes I will look some more at this and see if anything seems suggested and post back with anything thanks for the reply. It is a fascinating relic - map or whatever it is!

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: surfer_soul

Okay surfer_soul and group, here is a Google drive link to some additional looking at this.

First of all, I think that is γ Sgr to the upper right there. At least that is closer to the actual constellation’s shape in that area. So... with that change I noticed that according to current charts, the Galactic Center is just off the rock to the direction noted in the dotted blue line extending from γ Sgr up at around 155° take-off from γ. And about as accurately as I can determine, that blue dot represents that point in the night sky (not something you would see with your eyes, just a fact of science). What I also noticed then is that this angled line as noted in red to the right, point up... that appears to be showing some actual shape of the rock and not something carved in, is that correct? Anyway. this is point up pretty close to that Galactic center coordinate which I find curious. And then also, the GC is aligned pretty close to the top edge of the rock shape in general. (I don’t know where this thing is, but wherever they it is – or wherever it used to be if they moved the thing – that could be pointing to buried treasure in that spot! haha... hey who knows, take a shovel and find out lol).

And then, Orion’s belt shows up in side of the Sagittarius constellation for some reason. This whole thing looks like a cosmic mash-up if you ask me. Seems to fall into the same category as crop circles if you ask me. Same intelligence behind those (extraterrestrial? fairies? unknown?) could be behind this Scotland rock carving. That is about all I get at the moment, I will puzzle over it once in a while and see if anything else seems suggested. It is probably one of those objects that you can find in it about what you want to find in it!)

posted on Oct, 13 2016 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: surfer_soul

Okay some more looking at this and I think that is showing Scorpius to the right! At least there is enough there to go on.

Here is my take on it thus far - Link

So this is really cool what they did (whoever made this) they scrunched up Sagittarius and Scorpio a lot closer together. Scorpio would be found in that general direction... so I think my original labels for Sgr were okay. The right side of Sgr has been compressed to bring Sco closer in (otherwise it would have been off the rock somewhere to the right. It is like they really wanted to show both Sgr and Sco on the rock, and yet to do that and still give some scale to each constellation, they would have to bend-compress space. So this carving thing is illustrating the compression or bending of space to bring distances closer as a possibility.

posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: spudzz

Thanks for the extra input and taking the time to convey your ideas

I'll come back to you when I have more time but for now I'd agree "it's one of those objects that you can find just about what you want in it" which is mysterious in itself in my mind, but I think it does convey meaning, just nobody's figured out just what that was yet..

It is like they really wanted to show both Sgr and Sco on the rock, and yet to do that and still give some scale to each constellation, they would have to bend-compress space. So this carving thing is illustrating the compression or bending of space to bring distances closer as a possibility.

I like your thinking, but I consider that proposal a bit of a stretch so to speak, or is it a shrink? I do like your ideas though and appreciate your thoughts so far on this.

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