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Trump's Plan for Fighting Crime - Tougher Cops

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posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Wow you seem pretty triggered. LOL Calm down bro, it's not that serious.

As for "brainwashing". Don't Western govts specifically say we intend to "win the hearts & minds" of the people we invade and occupy? Isn't that literally brainwashing? In fact, there was a military strategy called "Hearts & Minds" which detailed the plan to completely pacify Vietnam like this. People from all cultures can be brainwashed. But that's why it's important to understand why the brainwashing works in order to prevent it from happening.

And once again, you're posting your uninformed opinions about me and Muslims as if they're facts. Ironically, in your own post you claimed you don't know a lot of African American Muslims. Then you go on to project your uninformed opinions of us. SMH

BTW, the American hip hop/rap scene has had a lot of African American Muslim rappers from the very beginning. And a lot of the non-Muslims still have a lot of knowledge and respect for Islam, particularly in East Coast rap/hip hop. I'll let you do a simple google search yourself to see what I mean. So I'm not sure what your point is there, either. (And yes, expensive watches are also "bling". Have you even seen the music video "Bling Bling", where the term came from? LOL)

Oh, and it's not like I'm a great or poor researcher. I just like to know what I'm talking about before I speak on something. You'd be surprised how much that can help avoid conversations like this.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
I would have thought he would leave others to the details- like Gulliani. Wasn't he quite successful at reducing crime in NY?

Geez, you people. Don't you spend 10 minutes vetting the people you seem to admire? Rudy Giuliani was REWARDED with the top Prosecutor position in the USA (Manhattan), because he squelched the prosecution of satanic ritual abuse and child trafficking going on in the Presidio Army Base and community. That's where Colonel Michael "I love evil" Aquino got caught with his MKULTRA shenangians, since not only was the the HEAD of the child care program at the Army there, he was also the HEAD Satanic Priest, AND a 'recongnized' army chaplain (of satanism!) in the army.

Here's is less than 50% of the article discussing what disgusting things Rudi Giuliani let slide:

"Seven years have passed since she was sexually abused at West Point’s child-care center. Yet today, the 10-year-old girl can’t go to the bathroom without her mother waiting by the door.
The girl – who was 3 when West Point child-care workers were accused of sexually abusing her and 10 other children in 1984 – also asks her mother about whether she will be able to bear children when she grows up.
“This happened seven years ago, and it’s not any better,” the girl’s mother said. “She’s constantly asking, `What if we’re out in the store, Mommy, and we see these people? Are they going to hurt me?’ . . . But this is constantly on her mind because she knows these people are not in jail for what they did.”
In the U.S. District Court files in Manhattan, the West Point sexual abuse case is resolved. The government failed in 1985 to indict any suspects in its criminal investigation. But last month, it settled a civil suit brought by the parents of the 11 victims. Nine of the victims will receive $2.7 million, with awards ranging from $25,000 to $625,000.
But even as the legal dust has settled, the case lingers as a legacy of pain for the families.
“These people stole our children,” the mother said. “(She’s) nothing like she used to be. She’s a very angry little girl. She doesn’t trust anyone. She’s nothing like she was before this happened.
“It’s never going to be over for them, or for us.”
The case began in 1984, when allegations surfaced of sexual and physical abuse of children at the West Point Child Development Center.
The incidents unfolded against a backdrop of satanic acts, animal sacrifices and cult-like behavior among the abusers, whose activities extended beyond the U.S. Military Academy borders to Orange County and a military base in San Francisco, parents charged.
The specter of satanism would later spur U.S. Military Academy officials to change the West Point child-care center’s building number from 666 to 673.
Despite 950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation, an investigation led by former U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani produced no federal grand jury indictments."

Here's the whole disgusting article:

So please. Stop with the I love Rudy Giuliani crap. The man is a freaking snake. Just add him to the list of criminal, corrupt ahole politicians that are involved in this country.

And just as an aside, the Libertarian candidate, Billy Weld, was ALSO a federal prosecutor, and was ALSO REWARDED, but this time for squelching the Mena Airport investigation associated with Iran Contra. Because it's one thing to sell arms to Iran, illegally. It's on another level when one knows the CIA (directed by Clinton and Bush, who are both obviously CIA agents) is involved in COCAINE TRAFFICKING, and the killing of innocent children.

Billy was 'rewarded' with pockets full of money and the Republican nomination for Governor in Massachusetts. THIS is really how this country works...

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

No, not really triggered at all.. just a normal calm response.

It's weird when you respond to a normal post like I just went on a lunatic rant, I do that too of course.. but this wasn't one of those times.

I think you could do better than that.

Why are you writing to me as if I'm some big apologist for the US government or Western interests? I've never been that and I haven't even hinted at anything even close to that. I criticise the mass immigration as a consequence of Western foreign policy, but more importantly I criticise the developments that led there as this is just two different sides of the same coin, the coin being the globalist agenda that is currently unfolding.

Maybe I should ask you, why aren't you being critical of mass immigration being used as a means to divide and conquer people? The US has been highly polarised for a long time now but until very recently Europe really hasn't. Look at the practical consequences of policy, in 20 years Europe went from a 'continent' of mostly homogeneous countries to one highly divided by one single issue.

So you are an African American Muslim after all? Then I might as well be right. You can't be a black American that have been exposed to African American culture their whole life and live in some kind of cultural vacuum. Black American Muslims and Middle Eastern ones are so different it's like comparing apples and oranges, they're nothing alike culturally. Whether you like it or not NOI, Nuwabian and 5% ideology has permeated black culture for around 40 years or something already? Not only that but it's been made even more popular by hip-hop.

I've heard it, I like Jedi Mind Tricks but the ideology is deeply racist. It's conspiracy theories with a black filter. Whites aren't the devils they are made out to be - and they are usually called just that, devils - that NOI and Yakub stuff is an excuse, pure disinformation. This is supposed to be some kind of modern mystery tradition but instead of talking about the idea of real archons it's all about blaming white people and narcissistically calling oneself a god. I'm more familiar with this subject than most people are.. Sure, there are normal "orthodox" Muslims too, but they weren't raised in a vacuum. They probably grew up listening to Wu-Tang and other NOI rappers.

I do find it a little bit ironic though, that American blacks have that kind of respect for Muslims. I mean, they were just as bad as whites with their slavery, only it lasted quite a bit longer. And don't tell anyone this ok? But they're still pretty damned racist against blacks.

And having an expensive Rolex is not really the same as having a gaudy clock completely covered in diamonds. You know, one is a little bit classier.. the other one really says: "I'm gonna show people how rich I am by all means necessary".

By the way.. we're both being very off-topic, we'll trigger mOjOm and he'll really lose his #. He's been on about being on topic this whole thread.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Like I said before---It doesn't matter if Obama martial law scenario takes place,Clinton Trump Kaine or Jim Johnson christian farmer from Belton Tx gets into office---We are fkd folks.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 11:36 PM
They need to step up the number of officers in black neighborhoods by 200% and law enforcement and Trump know this.

It's not an answer he wanted to answer factually before the election, because they'd say it's a racist stereotype action.

The reason why it would work quickly is because most of the thugs already have felony charges and a felon with a gun in Chigago would go away for a decade.

Truth hurts, but it has to be done.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: superluminal11
Like I said before---It doesn't matter if Obama martial law scenario takes place,Clinton Trump Kaine or Jim Johnson christian farmer from Belton Tx gets into office---We are fkd folks.

What Obama Martial Law scenario would that be exactly??? The one where he calls for a nation wide Martial Law and suspends the constitution and elections and stays the President indefinitely??

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod

By the way.. we're both being very off-topic, we'll trigger mOjOm and he'll really lose his #. He's been on about being on topic this whole thread.

What was that little comment all about???

I must have really gotten under your skin at some point.

I always enjoy it when I make such a lasting impression on someone that they just can't seem to get me out of their head.

What's really funny is that you keep talking about me being triggered but it's you who are obsessing so badly. I've hardly even been part of this discussion over the past few days. It's just been you throwing a fit and arguing with enlightenedservant. Who btw has more brains and class than you will ever have.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

A harmless comment at the end of my post is hardly obsessing about something.

And you were obsessing about being on topic, that's all you kept repeating, numerous times.

It's weird when someone accuses you of doing the very same thing that they themselves are guilty of. Don't be weird like that.. it's only a step or two from gaslighting.. It's weird ok? You're weirding me out. Stop it.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod

And you were obsessing about being on topic, that's all you kept repeating, numerous times.

It's weird when someone accuses you of doing the very same thing that they themselves are guilty of. Don't be weird like that.. it's only a step or two from gaslighting.. It's weird ok? You're weirding me out. Stop it.

Well forgive me for wanting to stay on topic. Somehow I thought that was a rule here as well as just an intelligent thing to do. After all, that's why we have different forum categories, titles and TOPICS rather than just having a big white board with topics and posts running wild everywhere. Why on earth would anyone want to stay on topic??? What a fool I've been.

I don't know what gaslighting is.

I think you're weirding yourself out. So you stop it.

They say you'll go blind if you do it too much anyway and your eyes are looking a little cloudy already.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Well don't accuse me of obsessing if you're doing it yourself and are ready to admit it. That's called hypocrisy.

And now you're being off-topic yourself by replying to me when I say you're gonna lose your # over me and that other guy being off-topic. You should be grateful, after all I was trying not to be off-topic because of what you said earlier.

This is just silly.. I'm gonna stop this now.

Have a good day sir. Oh, and I wish my eyes were cloudy, maybe then at least I'd be high instead of just bored.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: xstealth
They need to step up the number of officers in black neighborhoods by 200% and law enforcement and Trump know this.

It's not an answer he wanted to answer factually before the election, because they'd say it's a racist stereotype action.

The reason why it would work quickly is because most of the thugs already have felony charges and a felon with a gun in Chigago would go away for a decade.

Truth hurts, but it has to be done.

See, that isn't going to fix the problem at ALL. That is just working on squelching the SYMPTOMS. The PROBLEM is the rampant corruption of all the politicians and police executives in Chicago. THAT'S what needs to change. Because until you cut off the head, the body will regenerate. Anyone who has ever lived in Chicago KNOWS how corrupt the place is, and how corrupt the politicians are. You know, in places like NY there were also rampant corruption, things like the Teapot Dome Scandal and similar. They finally got people involved who investigated and prosecuted the heads of that crime cabal.

But in Chicago, they've never cleaned the place up! Not when the mob ran the city. Not when Daley was mayor and in charge of that city for decades. And not when his freaking SON was also elected mayor. So the same people have been running that city since the end of WWI.

And until you clean that place up, and prosecute and imprison the crooks running that place, you'll never change a freaking thing. People need to start using their noggin when analyzing things, and not parroting what the mainstream proposes as solutions, because the freaking mainstream is part of the PROBLEM. It's called critical thinking and not enough people are capable of it these days.

It's not a coincidence that so many people in prison in the state of Illinois as well as so many people on DEATH ROW in Illinois, were found to be innocent based on DNA results that were finally done by independent attorneys, that they were forced to END capital punishment in that state. Almost all of those poor schmucks who were railroaded into prison where put there because of the corrupt police and politicians in Chicago. The place is a freaking cesspool.

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