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Identity Politics

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posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:34 PM
Identity politics doesn't work for me. I don't advocate for individuals, I advocate for ideas. I advocate for honesty and truth. I advocate for actions taken that lift all Americans.

Bernie, Hillary, Trump, Johnson, Stein.. Not a single one of these people are bullet proof, not one of these people are immune from the human condition, not a single one of them has a monopoly on good ideas. All of them are playing the identity politics game because in this country the ideas you present are far less important than the theatrics you use to present them(if they are even part of the show).

Americans don't want to hear that our debt is so large that your social security checks WILL eventually stop coming. Americans don't want to hear that we can't afford to keep our military overseas for the next century. Americans don't want to hear that socialized medicine is not a step in the right direction when you have a government that has been forcing inflation in the industry for 50 years. Americans don't want to hear that government can't do anything about rising tuition costs because its government that caused it to begin with. Americans, especially young Americans, don't want to hear that the society of leisure our parents enjoyed will not be passed down to us, we will work like our grand parents did or we won't eat.

Americans don't want to hear that our education system is nothing more than a political indoctrination institution, and that no value is placed on STEM, where "Gender Studies" and other feel good neo-liberal bull# degrees are expected to have an equal value outside of a university to the aforementioned STEM educated individual.

Years ago I said to anyone within earshot that America will not wake up from this until we are hungry and uncomfortable. It will take just ONE bad winter and a few missed meals. When the dust settles you know what the answer will still be? Get back to work, because no one is paying you to believe in the power of your stupid dreams. Not one of these candidates will tell you that. Not one of these candidates is prepared to address these glaring truths that everyone in the world EXCEPT for spoiled westerners have figured out.

No one owes you #. You aren't entitled to anything you didn't earn, and if you don't work, YOU DON'T EAT.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:41 PM
Thats the whole point, we are kept so busy paying bills and feeding our kids we don't have time to revolt.

Thin line there. They play it well.

Never in history has there been such a house of cards, Banks paying zero percent interest and trillions of debt overburden.

Wheres the corner stone?

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

No one owes you #. You aren't entitled to anything you didn't earn, and if you don't work, YOU DON'T EAT.

And Governments and corporations are'nt entitled to the planet but they took it anyway. Americans were'nt entitled to the land they stole, did'nt stop them stealing it and calling it an achievment. Work is'nt the problem, Jobs are. Its just modernised slavery with a system the overpays the rich and undercuts the poor. So in other words Backwards as #.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I'll be honest here:

I don't give a damned what the banks are doing anymore. I used to. I have So many posts on the crimes of banksters that I can't count them all.

I don't care anymore. Because sitting here complaining about what the banks have done, what the politicians have done, what society has allowed itself to become, doesn't help me or my family now, or in the future when things aren't as rosy as they are now.

I am fully prepared for a precipitous drop in the average standard of living. It's going to suck and may even lead to a civil war. All the more reason to stay away from it.

Problems with the cash? I buy silver by the pound and hold it regardless of its fluctuations.

Problems with crime? I buy guns and ammo and train regularly as well as formulate plans in case of emergencies for my family.

Problems with food? I know how to hunt, how to grow food, and how to defend it.

Self sufficiency is the currency of the future. Nothing less will suffice.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

And Governments and corporations are'nt entitled to the planet but they took it anyway. Americans were'nt entitled to the land they stole, did'nt stop them stealing it and calling it an achievment. Work is'nt the problem, Jobs are. Its just modernised slavery with a system the overpays the rich and undercuts the poor. So in other words Backwards as #.

Governments are a reflection of their people. I am always amazed(yet not surprised) just how many people would be dictators and war criminals if not for the constraints of having to suffer consequences.

They even cheer on oppression against the "other".

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

If government keeps you full, you don't have a worry.

If government keeps you hungry, then you do whatever the government tells you to do so you get fed.

If the government starves you, then you revolt.

Government will always keep you hungry.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Don't forget barter.

Otherwise, carry on...

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

society of leisure our parents enjoyed

With all do respect, my parents worked in cotton fields, walnut and almond orchards, debeaking chickens and other "leisure" jobs, just to keep us fed, sheltered and clothed. They both worked from sunrise to sunset, 6 days a week and only rested when they were reading the good book in church. Sunday afternoons were spent helping others who needed it. We mended broken fences, pitched hay, derooting septic tanks...nothing leisurely, I assure you.
As one of their children, I was born with a shovel in one hand, a pick-axe in the other.

My parents were born in 1928 and 1933. They are NOW peace.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Governments are a reflection of their people

Garbage in, Garbage out.

I agree with most of your OP I am just an strong believer in Jobs being nothing short of well planned and executed Oppression. I look at pictures of people, pictures of cattle, and see no difference.

They even cheer on oppression against the "other".

For example the way homeless people are treated. The American government pushed the dont help them agenda, and people jump on the train feeling proud about it. Dumbass's. Some of them are Ex-Vets but # them right?

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

They are NOW peace.

One day we will all be that lucky.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

Obviously wasn't directed at you was it.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

It was directed at ALL members of ATS, I happen to speak to it.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

Context is everything:

Americans, especially young Americans, don't want to hear that the society of leisure our parents enjoyed will not be passed down to us, we will work like our grand parents did or we won't eat.

I seriously doubt you're one of the young people I'm referring to if you have parents born before the depression.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

Jobs being nothing short of well planned and executed Oppression. I look at pictures of people, pictures of cattle, and see no difference.

A Coyote will come out of hiding at dusk and hunt until dawn.

Working for a living is true for all life on this Earth.

You don't get up and tend to the farm? People starve.

You don't work, you don't eat.

When the # hits the fan and the modern economy no longer has use for middle management and stock brokers because the whole system crashed, it doesn't mean working for a living will stop.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 06:40 AM
Our grandparents died about 30 years before we will. They worked til they couldn't anymore or died, usually in their children's home.
They worked so we, their children, would have a better life.
So you think we don't deserve a modern life with a longer, more comfortable life span?
I worked to provide the same for my children-a better life-more educated-more about our world and respect for the differences of others.
Each generation works, lives and prays for their next generation's betterment.
You make it sound like we are lazy as are our children.
I fervently disagree-you sound like you expect the apocalypse at any moment-how exhausting-and sad.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

But a coyote hunts for itself and for its own gain. Jobs force people to work for the gains of others and the tax man. All low paid jobs do is ensure you have a roof and some food so you can carry on working. Again the problem is'nt work, I said this above and you skated over it, the problem is jobs. Low paid, imprisioning, mindnumbing jobs that improve the lives of the rich not the poor. Whats there to be proud of? Doing all the work, paying all the taxes whilst the bankers and corporations run off with of the #ing money?

When the # hits the fan and the modern economy no longer has use for middle management and stock brokers because the whole system crashed, it doesn't mean working for a living will stop.

The work won't stop, never will, nor should it. What will stop is the constant oppression of people and the hording of wealth committed by the people.

We live in a society where the poor are scorned and kept down, the rich are above the law and pay to have a say in creating it. Being against jobs isnt even relatable to work. Two seperate concepts in my eyes.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

Wealth isn't finite.

There's no such thing as hoarding wealth to the detriment of other.

That isn't how economics works.

If wealth were finite economic development would have ceased centuries ago.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Wealth isn't finite.

Wealth is natural resources, so obviously it is finite. Money is a system of control and is as infinite or as finite as the banks decide.

There's no such thing as hoarding wealth to the detriment of other.

In a corporate society there is and thats what we live in. Keep the prices up and the wages down. That funnels more of the wealth to the big corporations, and leaves the poor struggling and the lower middle class wavering on the edge of being poor and the upper middle class having varying degrees of success depending on the markets they are in.

That isn't how economics works.

Modern Economics does'nt work.

If wealth were finite economic development would have ceased centuries ago.

Modern Economic developement and the direction its heading in is'nt anything to be proud of. It is the root of alot of our current issues.

How much more backwards can you get seriously....Not to the detriment of others wtf... Private money ownership has #ed this economy and will continue to do so.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

Except that economic development over the last 1000 years refutes absolutely everything you just posted.

I would recommend you search google for "is wealth finite". You'll be surprised at what you find.

Please educate yourself on these issues. Your oversimplification of our economics issues does not at all reflect reality.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 03:49 PM
Your anger is blinding you to the truth. You ain't gonna hear nothin' from the MSM. Turn of the computer. Turn off the TV. Go hear a candidate speak. Somebody has been saying this. You just have to get out there and find out who.

edit on 18-8-2016 by atrollstalker because: I was afraid of the gun in the avatar

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