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Pissed at 911

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posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 09:07 PM

I am a little pissed.

Today I was on my way to the gym to get some training done before an errand, and I was met with an autistic guy on the train that was acting out a bit.

He was grabbing at people, poking, getting in their face, running around and generally being unkept. Most thought nothing of it, since as I described he was VERY autistic.

Then it dawned on me, NO ONE was his care provider, NO ONE was there with him.

I decided to skip the gym and see where he got off, thinking that maybe someone was picking him up. I wanted to ask them to get it through to him that going in between train cars while in motion is dangerous.

We got to the last stop of the one train in the BX, and he jumps onto a south bound train. He was lost and jumping on trains at random.

So I follow and call the cops.

I explain the situation, that he has an autistic wrist band, a medical identifyer of sorts and that he is lost.

Half of manhattan later, no cops. I call again, tell them which car we are in, the stop we are at and our several stops later after going through MAJOR stations that have everything from swat to all types of STATIONED medical personel, NOTHING.

The guy jumps on another train heading towards brooklyn.

Now I am really worried. I follow and call again and update the information.

It was like talking to a wall....911 was absolutely useless and brain dead, all operators.

I manage to get a glimpse of his medical ID, so now I give them his name, and 2 contact phone numbers.

Then he jumps off that train and starts walking REALLY close to the edge of the platform with on coming trains, I follow and got too close, forgot to smile like before to reassure him I was his friend and as I wanted to avoid, I freaked him out. I at this point was with him for over an hour, keeping my distance but still he was aware that I was there for him.

So he ran from me.

I shadowed him as I was before, now trying to avoid his direct line of sight, but he must have felt my presence and ran even faster just as I positioned myself behind a pillar to continue watching him.

I lost him. Mission failed.

I am pissed, 911 had AMPLE time and opportunity to get this guy home. They dropped the ball.

I ended up calling those numbers on his ID, and eventually spoke to his dad after leaving a message... "yeah, oh, well, he will make it home, he has done this before"

Excuse me? Your autistic son is lost in NYC and you are playing damage control? Really?

So 911 FINALLY called you and you played it off probably so YOU dont get in trouble, and then make sure I will drop it. I know what he was doing, I am not an idiot.


911 Was eventually helpful, in taking down the information the LAST TIME I called after losing him, after I got mad and demanded they do something to help this lost autistic guy get home....Had to get mad before they linked the calls, made a case file and dispatched god knows who....after over an hour of updates , countless stations and hubs and knowing EXACTLY where he was. I cant even believe it. Asshats.

What a crap system. Lost faith today in people and ESPECIALLY in 911.

This guy would eventually get beat up by a drunk person or an asshole. I would get close when he grabbed at people and they seemed to react angrily. Made it aware he was handicapped and not to react any which way beyond a F-ing smile.... Kept him safe as much as I could.

I hope he makes it home. And also that the city takes him from his lousy parents. His dad called me about an hour ago, 9pm, and he wasnt home....this was hours later.

He must still be out there jumping on random trains, grabbing people and getting lucky that they just think he is crazy or something.

NYC subways get dangerous at night in certain areas. I have a knot in my stomach thinking about him getting beat up by some assholes looking for laughs or just being high or drunk.

Our society doesnt care about the mentally ill.
If I would have said "bomb", swat would have rolled in at the next stop. Too bad an autistic person in danger doesnt warrant using our resources.

/end rant.

edit on 8 15 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: tadaman


I am surprised that he didn't have some sort of support person with him.

Doesn't NY provide service to folks with developmental disabilities?

I didn't see in your OP if you mentioned his approximate age but unfortunately if the State takes him 'away' from his parents he may wind up in a group home or hospital type setting where the dangers may be just as real.

Terrible experience you had and, I agree, society doesn't seem to care much about our fellow humans. I believe you did all that you could have, at that moment, for what that's worth.

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 09:16 PM
Thanks for doing that man , I bet 1 percent of people would of done what you did. Possibly less than that. It's good to know that people like you are out there. Hope he made it home safe. Have a good night , you did all you could

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: TNMockingbird

I think he ran away, or got separated from his care giver.

There is no way he is allowed to take trains, or go home alone.

His dad sounded like a recent immigrant.

The guy was in his late 20s or early 30s. He would be better at a hospital or home.

His parents, or father, does not care. You would think he lost keys or a phone, not a person.

I cant even describe the attitude.

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Thenail

Thanks for that. I just hope it works out and he doesnt get hurt.

This sucks either way.

Have a good one.
hold it down.

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: tadaman

I am pissed, 911 had AMPLE time and opportunity to get this guy home. They dropped the ball.

911 is for rich people in trouble first, people on the subway, take a number.

If a bank calls 911 they are there in a heartbeat. You calling about some body 'awtissic' on the subway? Who cares...

If he attacked someone, had a gun, fell on the tracks, whatever they'd Dispatch transit cops to 'check it out'. As it was you both got a nice train ride.
edit on 15-8-2016 by intrptr because: coma

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Bless your sweet thoughtful heart. He really needed someone and you were there...did your best.

Update if you found what happened to the man.

Maybe in the scheme of things and the workload, this was minor. So very sad.

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
dispatched god knows who

I've been listening to police dispatch on radio scanner almost daily for a decade now. In 4 different major cities, so I can tell you with 100% certainty the way that went. They dispatched a single officer to the last area you reported him at, the officer looked around from his vehicle for no more then 5 minutes before marking the case "gone on arrival" then went back to his patrol route....

Sorry to tell you you're right. They don't give a # about you me or anyone but themselves,

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Well man that was a really decent thing to do. He may be autistic, but does the law still recognize him as an independent adult? That may explain the apathy from emergency services and the parents. If you frequent that, keep an eye out for him. He may enjoy someone to speak with him in conversation. Although obviously you cannot become too invested, you got your own to look out after as well. All you can do is what you did, and maybe keep him company for the short train ride. It would overwhelm you to involve yourself when his blood ignores him since he is already an adult.

Thats NYC for ya. We should really invest in mental health services as a health care initiative for our country. A LOT of these people would have a great and productive place in society with the proper support structures. We should deletes the TSA and redirect some of that budget back into mental health support services to get started.
Wish it were easier said than done.

posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: tadaman

S&F for being you and trying to help!

I understand the frustration and the problem is, if you look after the small problems when they are small, you don't have to deal with them when they become big problems.


posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:15 AM
Thank you for caring for a stranger. As for the operator(s), I would normally be taking up for them but it sounds like you got some that were burned out (very stressful job) and need to find a new line of work. Anyways . . . kudos to you!

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 04:12 AM
You done a very good deed and from your story the only one that helped him out.

He should have a person with him at all times when traveling to big cities.

Fantastic job well done your karma has risen :-)

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 08:12 AM
What you did was awesome. Dropping your plans to look after someone in need is a great act of service to a fellow human. This makes my heart happy! Thank you for doing what you did, and for sharing it! Karma (or whatever you call it) will smile on you for this!

Plus, I get to make a mental movie of some dude jumping behind corners and sneaking peeks at a stranger! Lol

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: tadaman

Coming from a father of a son with Asperger's, I wholeheartedly thank you for what you did. It sounds like he was pretty severe on the Autism scale, and I am saddened to think of the amount of anxiety that was probably coursing through his veins while being in such a crowded, noisy place with no one there with whom he was familiar.

You get the gold star for life, and like others said, you did about the best that you could, because trying to force him to do anything probably would have resulted in an even worse situation.

Had I been you and that father would have called me back, I would have asked for his address, and not so that I could go have a kindly chat.

Thank you for the amount of effort that you put into this. Luckily, my son is not as severely autistic as this person seemed to be, and I still feel bad for him when his anxiety takes control over him. That boy's father deserves to bite the curb, IMO...not because he lost his son, but because he showed an excessive amount of indifference to the situation.

edit on 16-8-2016 by SlapMonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: AmericanRealist
He may be autistic, but does the law still recognize him as an independent adult? That may explain the apathy from emergency services and the parents.

That shouldn't matter, especially considering that he was physically "assaulting" and bothering people, and that tadaman was concerned for the autistic person's safety.

But, sadly, "shouldn't matter" isn't the metric by which life is measured sometimes. Regardless, these 911 operators seem to have some culpability in not getting people to respond, not matter the age of the individual.

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 09:23 AM
You sound like a very nice and caring person.

(What are you doing here?????)

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: tadaman

You are one kind person to try to help him...Shame on 911!

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 11:06 AM
I feel bad for the poor guy. His own Father wasn't even concerned for his well being. You are a wonderful man for doing what you did!

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: tadaman

In Detroit a few years back, a 911 dispatcher kept hanging up on a little 5-6 year old boy more than 4 times whose mom was stricken and passed out on the floor.

She kept telling him to "quit playing on the phone"...and hung up. That little boy was taught that when you need help? You call 911. And he did.

The mom? She died.

Advanced Disaster Life Support

posted on Aug, 16 2016 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: tadaman

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