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The DIfficulty In Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 06:30 PM
It is frustrating to read through this site but its understandable. People post things with few, if any facts. Unfortunately, I'm not a saint at posting enough facts to back up a theory.

Too often, I'm trying to beat the next person before they post the half ass article we've both found. And shame on me and the rest of us who pull this crap.

Folks, we're on the verge of something awful.....for the world i might add. We have to stop the self righteous BS and focus on moving forward as a WORLD.

We can avoid that fact, but it's coming for us all the same.


posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: solongandgoodnight
It is frustrating to read through this site but its understandable. People post things with few, if any facts. Unfortunately, I'm not a saint at posting enough facts to back up a theory.

Too often, I'm trying to beat the next person before they post the half ass article we've both found. And shame on me and the rest of us who pull this crap.

Folks, we're on the verge of something awful.....for the world i might add. We have to stop the self righteous BS and focus on moving forward as a WORLD.

We can avoid that fact, but it's coming for us all the same.


There is plenty of stuff going back years, 9/11, O'Hare airport UFO, AGW and more for instance still evolving, that make the 'official' stories redundant in their telling.

As for something awful oncoming, it would be nice to have a beginning, no matter how tentative.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: smurfy

I suspect the world economy will crash due to hyperinflation due to......drumroll.....central banks.

All we need is the best person for the job....oh wait, we don't have one.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight
Would that all that is coming were economic collapse. But it ain't.
The psychological shifts, the environmental blow backs, the scientific break-through s, the rapid twisting of powerful memes, the inter generational differences are dramatic. Unlike ever in history.

People who are so adamant about Trump, like he will make things better, he will make America great again and those who support Clinton because she promises to further the 'liberal agenda' all seem to me to be lost sheep. There is no straightening all this out, it's just to complex for most of us to understand, let alone to figure out how to fix it.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Yes...... hence some sort of breakdown.
And it will be big. And i suspect within a few years.

All empires fall.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

People who are so adamant about Trump, like he will make things better, he will make America great again

Or they are making a statement.
I am personally sick of the same gang of political liars.
Put a chimp in office. It shows our disgust.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

I'd rather be right than be first.

Facts are important. Whether we're talking about science, politics, or social issues if we don't have verifiable information then it is essentially an exercise in stirring crap around.

Much of what irritates me about conspiracy theorists is that facts only matter when they can be selectively used. Everything between those facts are assumption, inference, speculation and out right lies.

A hypothesis is an idea. Something for us to test. A Theory is a collection of tested hypotheses that form an overall understanding of the world around us.

Conspiracy theorists start with the theory and scramble to find a hypothesis that works before answering any basic questions. That isn't a method of investigation. It's propaganda and it doesn't help anyone find the truth. If anything it poses as the truth while misdirecting good people. In some cases it really does hurt people.

That said, there are real conspiracies out there. But in the polarized world it is always an uphill battle as people aren't so much concerned with ending corruption for the better of all, but about being first to throw a punch. Usually the first to throw a punch wins the fight. It has nothing to do with who was right in the first place.

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

Conspiracy sites are a conspiracy to make us all look insane. Discredited,

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

Am I correct in assuming this rant is supposed to be about poorly flushed-out conspiracy theory posts, coupled with an example of a poorly flushed out conspiracy post?

I have a few interesting things I want to post about eventually, but I've been holding back because I can't seem to dedicate the time and effort required to properly flush out the information, ideas and data involved. I feel like I'm wasting my time and that of anyone who would read it otherwise. I want to make it useful and valuable.

Maybe this winter I'll finally do it. To those of you out there who write really great OPs, Kudos to you for managing to do so, some of you more prolific than... I don't know, something prolific.


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