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Anti-Semite Gang Operating In North London

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posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 01:51 PM
From ITV Teletext: London News

A gang of anti-semites has reportedly been carrying out vicious race attacks on members of the Jewish community of North London. London's Metropolitan Police say that the gang have carried out the racist attacks in the Stamford Hill area of the city. The violent attackers have been targeting the men of the local Jewish community, and the police now say that they have linked eight seperate incidents to the gang. The attacks began in December, and have continued since.

The police are looking for a group of Asian and Afro-Carribean men, who are believed to be behind the assaults.

If you live in London and have information on this group, please contact Crimestoppers. They shall pas your information on to the police.

Unfortunately, racist crime is still a problem in London, it would appear. A pity , though, because London is a great city, with a rich mixture of peoples and cultures.

It is perhaps interesting to note, that those who carried out these horrific attacks are a challenge to the traditional view of British racism; the infamous Skinhead.

Racism exists in communites, no matter their race. This gang is little better than the National Front, and we can only hope that the police find them before they can attack someone else.

[edit on 19-1-2005 by Daystar]

[edit on 29-3-2005 by Spectre]

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Daystar
The police are looking for a group of Asian and Afro-Carribean men, who are believed to be behind the assaults.

I was about to say are they BNP or NF members before i saw their ethnicity, is it know if they have any political or religious backing or is it just random violence against Jews?

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