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Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) And The Current US Election

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posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:07 PM
Might be stepping on some toes here.

I had always wondered way I came up with different search results from different search engines.

Then, I came across this.

The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) is the change in consumer preference from manipulations of search results by search engine providers. SEME is one of the largest behavioral effects ever discovered. This includes voting preferences. A 2015 study indicated that such manipulations could shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more and up to 80 percent in some demographics.[1][2] The study estimated that this could change the outcome of upwards of 25 percent of national elections worldwide. On the other hand, Google denies secretly re-ranking search results to manipulate user sentiment, or tweaking ranking specially for elections or political candidates.[3]

Also came across this article from Politico Magazine, which if my memory serves me right, Politico was mentioned many times in the released Dem emails.

erica’s next president could be eased into office not just by TV ads or speeches, but by Google’s secret decisions, and no one—except for me and perhaps a few other obscure researchers—would know how this was accomplished. Research I have been directing in recent years suggests that Google, Inc., has amassed far more power to control elections—indeed, to control a wide variety of opinions and beliefs—than any company in history has ever had. Google’s search algorithm can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more—up to 80 percent in some demographic groups—with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated, according to experiments I conducted recently with Ronald E. Robertson . Given that many elections are won by small margins, this gives Google the power, right now, to flip upwards of 25 percent of the national elections worldwide. In the United States, half of our presidential elections have been won by margins under 7.6 percent, and the 2012 election was won by a margin of only 3.9 percent—well within Google’s control. There are at least three very real scenarios whereby Google—perhaps even without its leaders’ knowledge—could shape or even decide the election next year. Whether or not Google executives see it this way, the employees who constantly adjust the search giant’s algorithms are manipulating people every minute of every day. The adjustments they make increasingly influence our thinking—including, it turns out, our voting preferences. What we call in our research the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) turns out to be one of the largest behavioral effects ever discovered. Our comprehensive new study, just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), includes the results of five experiments we conducted with more than 4,500 participants in two countries. Because SEME is virtually invisible as a form of social influence, because the effect is so large and because there are currently no specific regulations anywhere in the world that would prevent Google from using and abusing this technique, we believe SEME is a serious threat to the democratic system of government. According to Google Trends, at this writing Donald Trump is currently trouncing all other candidates in search activity in 47 of 50 states. Could this activity push him higher in search rankings, and could higher rankings in turn bring him more support? Most definitely—depending, that is, on how Google employees choose to adjust numeric weightings in the search algorithm. Google acknowledges adjusting the algorithm 600 times a year, but the process is secret, so what effect Mr. Trump’s success will have on how he shows up in Google searches is presumably out of his hands.

Thats article was from a year ago.

Any doubt that all this is rigged?

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:44 PM

Here goes some random scratchpad stuff I've been copy-pasting lately...

Google is a major player in pushing SJW social chaos madness...

Although that fund was from over 10 years ago, and it's unclear where all that and most of anything since went.
Google Earmarks $265 Million for Charity and Social Causes

“[Google] is directly engaged in Hillary Clinton’s campaign” warned WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange in June. “[They are] personally at the top aligned with Hillary Clinton’s election campaign and almost certainly once Hillary Clinton becomes president, those people in Google, like Jared Cohen, will be placed into positions around the new Clinton presidency”.

Google pumps $2.35 million into racial justice projects, including #BlackLivesMatter video app

Google Announce Support For #BlackLivesMatter: ‘We Need Racial Justice Now’

Google’s charitable chief: ‘I have a strong sense of social justice’
Jacquelline Fuller, 47, did not set out to work in philanthropy, let alone run one of the biggest corporate giving programmes. But as managing director of – the internet search engine’s charitable arm – she is in charge of spending $100m a year on charitable projects, a sum that dwarfs the average donation by UK-based FTSE 100 companies of £3m, according to the Charitable Aid Foundation.

Google Grant To Fund CofC Race and Social Justice Initiatives
The Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture at The College of Charleston has received a grant from Google it will use to jump start the Race and Social Justice Initiative.

The initiative will be led by Avery, the African American Studies Program, Addelestone Library and the Lowcountry Digital History Initiative.

Human rights actors increasingly rely on diverse and new information streams, yet they have no sector-specific toolsets or protocols to help them to manage their information, share knowledge, and protect the data they collect. Benetech was awarded $800,000 for the development of technology tools to advance human rights abuse research and action. With this support, Benetech is leading a human rights technology and data consortium and advisory committee to devise technical requirements for a comprehensive human rights information platform. Benetech will develop open source prototypes for testing in the field. A secure, open source platform for the collection, annotation, analysis, and preservation of multi-format evidence and testimonials by human rights actors will empower them to leverage that data to advance their goals. This project will serve social justice groups, civil society organizations, journalists, activists, and researchers.

Google Gives $3 Million in Grants to Fight for Social Justice and Reform
Last year, announced an effort to support organizations working for social justice reforms, giving grants to #BlackLivesMatter and other social justice groups. Today, announced an expansion of that effort. With $3 million in grants, is partnering with San Francisco’s My Brother and Sister’s Keeper (MBSK) program; Oakland’s Roses in Concrete Community School; the tech-enabled college success startup, Beyond12; and the national Equal Justice Initiative, headed up by Bryan Stevenson.

Black Googler Network fuels inclusion at Google
On February 1 we kicked off Black History Month with a Doodle recognizing the remarkable life of Frederick Douglass and a new collection of Black history archives on the Cultural Institute. Googlers around the world have joined in the celebrations, hosting film screenings, spoken word performances, speaker series, and participating in community service. These efforts have been driven by the Black Googler Network (BGN), one of Google’s largest employee resource groups with 12 branches worldwide. BGN focuses on empowering the Black community at Google and beyond. BGN Googlers work on many different teams, participating in BGN as volunteers or in their 20 percent time. They run service trips to communities in need, provide professional development and mentorship programs, convene dialogues on topics affecting the Black community, and help Googlers connect with each other and develop a sense of community. They’ve also driven social justice movements across the company, including solidarity for #BlackLivesMatter and $2.35 million in funding from for racial justice innovators.

Now that stuff doesn't inherently all sound bad, unless you're like me and know what their true agenda is all about (which isn't humans):
Welcome to the Unpossible Future... The AGI Manhattan Project
That's what to me is the obvious agenda behind this huge SJW social chaos DIVERSION that's running HOT now. Total diversion from the real STORY OF THE CENTURY, is all this SJW social divide really is!

edit on 27-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

op posted thread at 20:07 , you posted this response at 20:44

in 37 seconds, you had all this ready...

i think you may have your own agenda. or just make a new thread dont piggy back his thread with anti whatever you have there...


op: its not just google with SEME, twitter and FB are both guilty of this.
edit on 27-7-2016 by odzeandennz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Those are minutes not seconds. It did only take me a couple minutes to halfarse code those datas and reply. I have a knack for wielding data's in case you haven't gathered.

Yeah, I've noted some of the twitter & Facebook, many others in silicon valley too, on board with this agenda. And all of those sorts know all about the big AGI Manhattan Project Agenda; they are mostly likely fans if not direct collaborators. It is their GOD... to become gods:

edit on 27-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

op posted thread at 20:07 , you posted this response at 20:44

in 37 seconds, you had all this ready...

i think you may have your own agenda. or just make a new thread dont piggy back his thread with anti whatever you have there...


op: its not just google with SEME, twitter and FB are both guilty of this.

I am full aware of all social media included, not just google.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
i think you may have your own agenda. or just make a new thread dont piggy back his thread with anti whatever you have there...

Jeez. He posted some important concept, where our democracy and more is at stake, and Google/others have their fingers in it, and I brought forth the background so everyone has a reference to what these tech giant elitists are really after; to fully appreciate just how motivated these powers are as they are reaching for the ultimate power ever contemplated by mankind (and they almost have it...).

Exposing them has always been my agenda. Follow the link and you shall see. A big part of my beef with the SJW Social Chaos Machine is because it's such a profound diversion from the real big picture. There's more at stake here in this election, and the rest already mentioned, than just all the social groups hating each other even more in the future (which is what the SJW's, the tech giants, and the Ruling Establishment er the TRUE "Patriarchy" are pushing for). SJW's are just rabble rouser pawns that have no clue what the forces that socially engineered them have done it for. They (the pawns) have been so busy figuring out how to socially divide everyone that I doubt half of them have even gotten around to much catch on to the real breadth of the Transhumanism Movement (and how close the Technological Singularity is now), let alone the reality that they are the unwitting forebears of it (by keeping the masses entirely distracted from the fact the AGI Manhattan Project is running full speed ahead).
edit on 28-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 11:50 PM
I have a unique perspective into how Google was playing this game in the OP this election, and not even really because of my history with Google etc (as I posted above).

Until early this year I hadn't at all followed the election. I knew it was happening, that Trump and a mob of other guys were running "against" Rand Paul, figured Trump was just some celebrity chatter box to help ensure Rand Paul never gets any air time. Never watched a debate, never read an article, or seen a newscast. I do notice headlines and things. Knew Rand was going to get the shaft. Noticed when he as expected dropped out. Then paid even less attention, but had been noticing Trump was trouncing people... but I figured he was the GOP's / The Establishment's guy....

Then sometime around maybe March a good old friend, from my full time "IIB" days, on the phone went on insisting that the Media was doing the same thing to Trump (endless smear campaign by both GOP/DNC in media etc) as they did both times to Ron Paul. My metric for trusting a candidate is whether or not the Controlled Media supports or crushes them.

At this point I still had no clue this SJW stuff was going on, and all that.

So I started checking the results on the phone when googling "Trump". Lots of slider boxes: they do have his Twitter feed, as well as others about him; always 3 GNews slider boxes, and stuff like this.

I really started getting a sense that Google had a digital smear campaign against him, as I even called my friend and asked him 'is all the news about Trump ALWAYS bad'? Like every day the stuff in those sliders were all bad almost everything.


The thing that was odd to me about everything, right about now is when the riots and violence were breaking out at the Trump rallies. I had no context for the SJW phenomenon, so I figured at least in the California events his actual words about Mexicans were the sole cause of all of that violence, especially since essentially all of the news coverage about them I was getting fed by Google God was framing the incidents as if it was the Trump supporters causing it. I didn't really know what to make of all it, as I didn't have all the backstory stuff, hadn't followed the election, and I know full well the Media is always spinning everything off the hook. I was mostly casually observing still... still hadn't watched a speech/debate/newcast/etc; was just checking the Google News in the phone n the crapper once per day: mostly only even but scanning thru and making mental notes of the headlines themselves. Would actually open one or so a day sometimes. Still an outsider...

So then a couple months later I finally noticed by other means entirely this SJW noise, quickly started to piece it together what it was all about, its logic, and so on. It took me a little while but eventually I got around to getting a clear picture of the new face of progressive politics having warped into PC Culture moore or less across the board... which is an entirely different animal than the ones I used to stand side by side with fighting the Neocons all day everyday back in the day. I missed out on going thru the motions incrementally like everybody else, the past 6+ years).

Then I finally started working on the "TV Marathon" SJW assaulting people thread, and started noticing the videos of the Trump rally riots and such.

I hadn't really thought much about it that month while figuring out what all the SJW stuff is all about, but then as I went thru all the videos of the events it became clear to me: Google News had (in its usage of MSM stories) framed all the violence as being Trump & his supporters fault (they were the ones doing it for the most part was an impression I still had).

The Google News feed on the phone is just a picture and headlines, far less context than if doing it on the desktop OS browser. I figure most people probably just do a simple kind of scan liek I was doing, and then maybe catch the nightly news (who have been doing the same thing for eons now). So Google News feed on the phone is kind of like a new MSM channel. And they're running the progressive PC agenda thru it, while this is election year.

When I actually looked at the events, it was clear it was the progressives out there causing / committing most of all of it.

BLM wasn't even on my radar yet. Not until Dallas. They were out starting fights etc too, that is at Trump rallies and before Dallas. It wasn't just mostly the Mexicans out in San Jose doing it it turned out, and in San Jose it wasn't just Mexicans. SJW's/BLM literally shut down the event in Chicago (before San Jose). I think that happened just before I started actually checking the headlines everyday.

The fix is in folks, and all of the wrong power elites (all of them) are all doing everything to rig the game for Hillary Queen SJW to "beat" Trump. That's how you know who to vote for. Forget whether or not you'd like to have them over for baseball & BBQ's.

They need to be exposed like this OP. They need to be stopped.
edit on 27-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)


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