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A Possible Explanation for Crop Circles

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posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 08:57 AM
One of the main arguments against crop circles being man-made, particularly after the two British guys who made some simple but convincing ones by pushing down crops with a board attached to rope, has been the apparent inability of their method to reproduce such vast and geometrically near-perfect shapes exhibited.

Surfing through I came across this image and accompanying story:

From the article
Creating this monstrous maze would ordinarily have required the work of ten men hacking away at corn stalks for a full three weeks, a labor-intensive process Rose wanted to avoid. Instead, he came up with an ingenious solution: He had a special program created for his GPS device, entered his design into it, and, using a map displayed on his GPS screen as a guide, sculpted the maze on a riding mower with just one day's effort. The results are shown in the photograph above.
Full article

If the goverment (or other organization) wanted to fool us into believing the existence of UFOs, this method would be relatively easy. All you'd need is GPS equipment and modified farm equipment that pushes the stalks down. The "bending rather than breaking" could perhaps be done by heating the stalks with the machine before it pushes them down, spraying them with a chemical to make the stalks more flexible, or some other technology.

Any thoughts?

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 09:30 AM

What an innovative guy!

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 09:35 AM
I always thought the difference between 'real' crop circles and the man made ones was that they were always bent right at a node in the stalk, and that node was still alive and growing. The plant stalks were not broken or damaged, just 'converted' to now grow at a 90° angle.

At least thats what I seem to remember from when I used to study CC's about 6 years ago. I haven't kept up with recent events on these in awhile.


posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 09:38 AM
yes my thoughts....

one circle in particular, a very complex spiral appeared in time interval of 15 minutes near stonehedge acoording to a news helicopter pilot that flew over the area twice in 15 minutes. I think if its human made its only possible by some form of mycowave or laser beam from a satelite.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 09:42 AM
I don't understand why people would do this when:

1) it's trespassing
2) you're destroying someone's business by harming crops

..And I thought the same thing about the crops being bent, but not broken. They say that this can only happen when steam from a heat source makes the stems more pliable. Any other way supposedly breaks the stem.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 11:08 AM
The sure thing is that crop Circles are almost always associated with these strange white balls of light. And they're definitively not human made.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Musclor
The sure thing is that crop Circles are almost always associated with these strange white balls of light. And they're definitively not human made.

That's a pretty bold statement. I have to strongly disagree though, but would love some evidence provided to say that crop circles are "definitely not human made". Especially when there are dozens of documented video of man made circles out there. And hundreds of eyewitness reports that do not include strange balls of light.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 11:22 AM
Has anyone considered translating these geometric designs and patterns? I read a good book called the Flower of Life which deals with sacred geometry a long time ago. The author was convincing because you could actually apply all the math by yourself if you didn't take his word for it. I'd do it but I could hardly finish the first volume, it was so in depth.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 12:04 PM
The crop circles are maybe just sentences... like hieroglyph from Egyptians... maybe they send us a message..

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 12:22 PM

Posted by Linux
Has anyone considered translating these geometric designs and patterns?

Yeah, I've considered this as well. I haven't seen anything substantial on the Net, apart from one that was very new age-ish and lacking in any real techniques. They supposedly interpreted one crop design to mean "There IS good out there. Beware of givers of false gifts." which made a lot of sense to me at the time because I was reading up about William Cooper and the supposed different factions of aliens, some of which pretend to be benevolent but are not.
I also wondered whether or not the capitalization of "IS" was also in the message.

If anyone could point me to a site or book that has a decent study of the geometric patterns and any attempts to interpret them, I would be grateful. I noticed that someone had made a research project of this subject in the research forum, but it died from lack of support/response. I was really disappointed, since I don't have the time or resources where I am to do this myself.

Posted by nukunuku
one circle in particular, a very complex spiral appeared in time interval of 15 minutes near stonehedge acoording to a news helicopter pilot that flew over the area twice in 15 minutes. I think if its human made its only possible by some form of mycowave or laser beam from a satelite.

Yeah, one of the favorite theories is that they are created with beams from H.A.A.R.P. I think that this theory is plausible, but I can't back it up with any evidence of course.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Of course there are man made crop circles, but there are also "genuine" crop circles. And there are lots of particularities that you will never find on fake crops, like cell-modifications in nodes and magnetic effects (you can feel great inside it or run away with a big headache). Some genuine crop circles have been added some additional figures by people, and years after, the original crop circle was still here, but man made additions had disappeared.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 01:46 PM
I don't know....I've just seen too much pointing to these being manmade. The geometry argument is of course bogus. If you stick a pole in the ground, and then pull a piece of rope've got a perfect circle, similar to a grade school kid using a compass. The old loop of wire attached to a baseball cap survey scope is of course pretty well played out also.

Just takes a couple of guys a few hours of darkness to whip even the big ones out, with some good sized planks...

As for the communication angle, I'm sure that beings capable of traversing the galaxy could easily get their point across to us in MUCH simpler ways, if they WISHED to communicate with us....

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I don't know....I've just seen too much pointing to these being manmade. The geometry argument is of course bogus. If you stick a pole in the ground, and then pull a piece of rope've got a perfect circle, similar to a grade school kid using a compass. The old loop of wire attached to a baseball cap survey scope is of course pretty well played out also.

Thats what I initially thought however after seeing some crop circles not unlike the Metatron's Cube I started wondering. That of course doesn't rule out that a human creator could have been under the same impression, just copying a design from a book.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:44 AM
Supafly trespassing is okay if there putting e=mc2 on your property!
Imo some of the CC look similar to the symbols on the roswell ufo.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 12:24 PM
Anyone interested in crop cirlces will be interested in the work of Gerald Hawkings. Try the following site for a start:

Music and Harmonics

Gerald Hawkings and Crop Circles

[edit on 10-3-2005 by Agent Orange]

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 12:26 PM
The fact that some of these crop circles have levels of radiation found within them and the weird damage to the stolks of the plant make me think the some crop cirlces are man made, but some aren't.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 12:30 PM
That's true. Plus the fact that the stalks become 'sterile'! Obviously not the work of rope and plankers!

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 12:37 PM
I have not made cropcircles, but I could imagine, that if you dont want to break stolks, you put some water over them to soften them up first and squeeze them after that....

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 12:45 PM
Here's a link to a picture of a ball of light in a crop circle as mentioned by Musclor. It's at the very bottom of the page.

Dave Rosenfeld had never seen a crop circle before and, out of curiosity, he drove to the Logan site to see a crop circle for himself. Arriving at about 8 pm (just as it was getting dark) he and his girlfriend went into the field and were amazed to observe multiple "small white lights moving about the field" both over and near the formation.

posted on Mar, 10 2005 @ 01:01 PM
This intersts me greatly, but i have to admit to sitingt on the fence for this one. Gazrock makes a very clear and good point about communication methods and I am sure he has a good point.

My real concern is that someone somewhere one dark night, maybe decided to grab the nearest 6x2 (more than likely within arms reach - but i cannot prove it) put a piece of rope on it and then decide to confuse & annoy hell out of his local farmer, cos he wanted to do art with a crop field; then do it world wide.

There are strange people out there- maybe not all of them are from Zeta-Reticuli!



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